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11618324 No.11618324 [Reply] [Original]

why are toilets designed in such a way that they make my legs fall asleep?

>> No.11618335
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you just take too fucking long because your diet consists exclusively of ENORMOUS quantities of semen

>> No.11618556

>be me
>reading a good book
>take it with me while I go to take a shit
>get comfy
>realize how long I've been on the toilet
>stand up
>take 2 steps before I realize I can't feel anything below my knees
>face plant into medicine cabinet
>bounce off and fall into the kitty litter box
I learned my lesson. Shit or get off the pot.

>> No.11618579
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Why are our legs designed in such a way that sitting on a toilet seat presses directly on the femoral artery or some large nerve?

>> No.11618581

Its because youre fat

>> No.11618597

I literally am not though
otherwise I wouldn't have asked

>> No.11618667


i'm on and off the toilet in three minutes, and at least half of that is wiping grease from my shit diet off. i can't fathom how bad your diet has to be as a grown adult to still spend tens of minutes on the toilet.

>> No.11618683

Are you tall? Get a "comfort height" toilet.

>> No.11618686

I want to read more than a single paragraph from my book

>> No.11618764

>Are you tall?
>Get a "comfort height" toilet.
how much higher are they and do they actually fix the issue? isn't the shape still the same so would the pressure area not be the same as well?

>> No.11620572

Shit and get off the pot. Stop camping on the damn thing.

>> No.11620578

Numb limbs are caused by compression of nerves, not blood vessels.

>> No.11620579

OP, your legs go in the front, not inside.

>> No.11621019

you're not supposed to sit longer than 5 minutes on a toilet

>> No.11621405
File: 1.24 MB, 4322x3242, squat-toilet-asia-5a89f123119fa800373b15b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The human form is designed to squat when we excrete, not sit.

That's why third worlders always have those squat toilets.

>> No.11621472

>That's why third worlders always have those squat toilets.
no, it's because they got raped by the french before they got raped by the brits

>> No.11621476


>> No.11621491 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 640x360, 120917090532-india-toilet-story-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeet are superior

>> No.11621924

Because toilets are designed for skinny people not fat people

>> No.11621947

I'm not fat, I'm tall.

>> No.11621950

Since you said you’re tall, try pushing your legs up on tippy toes, this seems to reduce the pressure on the bottom of the thighs for me. You can also get a small stool or purchase one of those overpriced “squatty potty” addons for your home toilet, you rest your feet on the stool instead of the floor so you’re in a semi squat position.

>> No.11621959

how heavy are you that the pressure cuts off your nerve signals

>> No.11622029

>femoral artery
Doubt. Rather a nerve. If it was that easy to press on artery, you would feel the pulse while shitting

>> No.11622043

for faggots that take a long time to fuck off the bathroom. My normal shit takes 30seconds. If you dont want to dont go shiting

>> No.11622731

I can feel my pulse at pretty much all times while i'm sitting still. It freaked me out for the first month or two after I noticed it but now it doesn't really bother me.

If it's quiet I can hear it too.

>> No.11624345

I've used those. Your legs become even more numb.

>> No.11624436

they literally can't become numb in that position

>> No.11624519

I'm always afraid I was going to shit down the back of my pants when using those.