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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11617041 No.11617041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Saw a psychiatrist recently and it seems like she wants to prescribe SSRIs (lexapro specifically), so I wanted to hear /sci/'s opinions and experiences with them. I've been anxious and melancholic for most of my life (can't exactly say whether its inherent or "traumatic"), if that makes a difference. I just don't want to become too dependent of the drug and then have my whole personality warped because of it.

>> No.11617055

Give me a drug and I'll take it, watching you sharpen knives.
Give me hell but I'll make it, I've still got one good eye.
Blind as a fool, I can fake it. Telling the truth with lies.
Won't be long till I break it.

>> No.11617065

Im on a low dose of prozac. Its been very helpful and i have pretty much zero side effects. However i dont know how to get off it if i ever wanted to and not every doctor understands why i would want to stop taking it. I will probably be on SSRIs for my whole life, but im glad im on them since they are extremely helpful for my anxiety

>> No.11617068
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>> No.11617071

cured my depression and also helped with anxiety somewhat

>> No.11617103

Broke my dick for a week and I didn't feel like keeping on them to see if it started working again so I stopped. I am much less depressed now, I think because I realized how precious my erections are to me.

>> No.11617218

Your post brightened my day.

>> No.11617223

>I just don't want to become too dependent of the drug and then have my whole personality warped because of it.

The most likely outcome unfortunately is that the drug won't do anything positive for you. If it actually works well enough that you want to keep taking it, that's a win and you should stick with it.

>> No.11617418













About SSRI drugs 01: https://files.catbox.moe/kpb2n2.mp3

About SSRI drugs 02: https://files.catbox.moe/8m8pbk.mp3

About SSRI drugs 03: https://files.catbox.moe/vdmjym.mp3

About SSRI drugs 04: https://files.catbox.moe/ddto2f.mp3

About SSRI drugs 05: https://files.catbox.moe/kak1pq.mp3

About SSRI drugs 06: https://files.catbox.moe/c42tmy.mp3

About SSRI drugs 07: https://files.catbox.moe/ma0v43.mp3

About SSRI drugs 08: https://files.catbox.moe/nm4ifq.mp3

About SSRI drugs 09: https://files.catbox.moe/u8zobq.mp3

About SSRI drugs 10: https://files.catbox.moe/14ldse.mp3

About SSRI drugs 11: https://files.catbox.moe/hgnzor.mp3

>> No.11617423


> Creating Your Own Mental Disorder

> First, let’s choose some common human experience that most people find unpleasant. How about boredom? Most people experience boredom as...

> unpleasant

> So — let’s get started and substitute the word “pathological” for /unpleasant/

> Doesn’t that simple switch start to give it that ‘disease feel’ already? Pathological boredom!

> The next step is to name our disease. How about “interest deficit disorder” or “motivation deficit disorder”? Better yet, let’s find a medical-sounding word from Latin to substitute for boredom. How about “Dysmoveria”? /Movere/ is Latin for motivation. By naming our disease, we are practically all the way to creating it. When you open a door to a new mental disorder millions of people will rush headlong right in and embrace it, as if they’d been waiting their whole life for just this opportunity. Suddenly they aren’t sad or anxious or bored—they’re afflicted with something.

> We have our disease named: dysmoveria. It sounds a little strange now but it won’t when tens of millions of people start using it and chatting about their disorder. “I’m taking Moveritol for my dysmoveria and it’s working wonders!”

> Next we need a symptom picture. What does it look like and feel like when you’re bored? Well, a bored person would probably experience some or all of the following:

> 1. A lack of interest in usual pursuits
> 2. Apathy about life
> 3. A pessimistic attitude
> 4. Feelings of “emotional instability”
> 5. Difficulty concentrating on ordinary tasks
> 6. A lack of energy
> 7. Chronic fatigue
> 8. Sleeping too much or too little
> 9. Feelings of boredom

>> No.11617426


> How many of these must be present in order for us to “diagnose the mental disorder” of dysmoveria? Since obviously we want more rather than fewer people to fit the diagnostic criteria so that we can create plenty of patients and plenty of drug buyers for Moveritol, let’s make sure that only a few symptoms are needed in order to qualify—let’s say, five. Let’s continue pulling numbers out of thin air and say that these five symptoms must have been present for at least two weeks. Five symptoms, two weeks—sounds good.

> Let’s also make this negotiable. If only four symptoms are present and if they’ve only been present for twelve days, we’re not going to quibble. Heck, if the “primary” symptom is present—feelings of boredom—that’s really enough! We’ll call that looseness “professional discretion.”

> Officially you will need to display five symptoms and have displayed them for two weeks. We offer no rationale for these numbers, as no rationale is needed when creating a new mental disorder. Nor could any rationale conceivably be provided. Unofficially, all you need to do is announce that you’re bored—that’s all we really need to hear!

> Next, if we were doing this “for real,” we would gather a panel of clinicians—some psychiatrists, psychologists, family therapists, and clinical social workers—and we’d ask them, “Do your clients or patients ever report this symptom picture?” “Yes!” they’d cry in unison. “We see this all time!” “Great!” we’d reply. “We have ourselves a genuine disorder!”

>> No.11617435


> Next we’d work on “differential diagnosis criteria,” that is, on distinguishing dysmoveria from, say, clinical depression, which it quite resembles in its symptom picture. How would we know which was which? Naturally enough, we would know according to the self-reports of patients. The primary differential diagnostic criterion would be that if you reported feeling sad we’d go with depression and if you reported feeling bored we’d go with dysmoveria. Simple enough!

> Next, how shall we treat dysmoveria? Well, with some “combination” of treatments—this allows everyone with a clinical practice to have patients. Whatever your license says you are allowed to do, we will say “works.” Those clinicians like psychologists, family therapists and clinical social workers who can’t prescribe medication will be permitted to “talk it away.” Those clinicians like psychiatrists who can prescribe medication will be permitted to prescribe. We need not provide any rationale as to why a mental disorder should be treatable just by talking about it. Talking is a completely customary way to treat mental disorders and needs no rationale.

> Of course we’d get drug researchers right on it to create a drug that can reduce or eliminate the symptoms of dysmoveria. This is much simpler than it sounds, since there is no actual underlying disease to be treated. If you had a malignant tumor, you’d need to treat the tumor and not just the symptoms of its presence. Here we are just treating symptoms, since there is nothing present “underneath” except boredom. So our drug research can be up and running instantly, since our goal is the relatively simple one of eliminating or masking certain symptoms.

>> No.11617440


> An additional option, if we happen to have a few neuroscientists among our friends, would be to have them do a little brain scanning. You know what? They would discover that a brain looks different according to whether you do or don’t have dysmoveria! Wow. When you’re bored fewer parts of your brain light up than when you’re excited. This kind of observation thrills people and sounds very scientific. It is completely meaningless in and of itself—of course your brain will light up in different ways depending on whether you’re watching the shopping channel or doing calculus—but people take it to mean something. This is muddy cause-and-effect in action. So it’s quite a useful add-on!

> Naturally it helps in this process of creating mental disorders to be in a position of authority. Being a psychiatrist or having some association with a drug company wouldn’t hurt. But, really, anyone can pull off the feat. Just write a book that makes the case for your new mental disorder, hire a publicist, and let’s see how long it takes before patients line up! Wouldn’t millions of people suddenly discover that they were suffering from “internet distraction disorder” or “post-retirement dysthmia” as soon as they heard about it? You bet they would!

>> No.11617442

It should make you question wether your anxiety is severe enough to be treated by SSRI-s or not.

>> No.11617450


> Any unwanted human experience can be turned into a mental disorder by following the simple steps I’ve just outlined. Try it yourself with envy (invidia), rage (furorism), loneliness (infrequentia), or doubt (dubitarism). You can turn any normal human experience into a mental disorder following these steps. Sleeping more than usual? Going through the motions? Not interested in what’s going on around you? Apathetic? Bored? That exactly describes a teenager on a two-week summer vacation with her parents! But now we have a better name for it: dysmoveria. Isn’t it nice that soon there will be a drug to give your daughter so that she will be more pleasant and pliable when she accompanies you on your annual vacation to Nebraska?

> I think you can see the basic ruse. What is the phrase “mental disorder” supposed to connote? As it is currently used, it means precisely the following: anything not wanted. All you need to do is give the unwanted experience a medical-sounding name and describe its look and you’ve created a disorder. That look is called a “symptom picture” but that’s just a fancy phrase meant to sound more impressive than “look.” Give a human experience a fancy name and describe its look—that’s all that’s needed. The unwanted, troubling experience is surely real, but calling it a mental disorder is just a profitable naming game.

>> No.11617462

I've always wanted to put together a mega document of everything which is false and evil, so far as an objective metric. You seem to have a similar mindset.

Your posts are appreciated.

>> No.11617468

Jesus fucking christ...

You sure need some sort of pill, without a doubt. Adjust to society, you weird fuck.

>> No.11617482 [DELETED] 

He is based.
You are clamped.


>> No.11617496
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>pscilocybin therapy
>ketamine treatment centers (now approved by the FDA and available in the nearest city to you)
>ibogaine therapy(harder to come by, but very effective, you might have to travel out of the country for this one)
Both very effective treatments for depression. You'll experience actual changes in your well being as well, none of that psychiatry bullshit that fucks your serotonin over the course of several years while providing no benefits.

SSRI's are perhaps the worst thing you could take to help with your depression or mental state.

>> No.11617508

I have been on 2 SSRIs.
First one made me way worse, hourly suicidal thoughts. I noticed and when I told my psych he took me off them straight away.
Second one felt more like a mood stabilizer, I wasn't suicidal but existance was mediocre at best.
After that I went on an Adrenaline reuptake inhibitor and that was the best by far, I felt like me again but after a few months I noticed my sex drive was basically gone.
I'm currently on nothing and it's going okish, I will be trying something new when this covid shit is over.

>> No.11617510

Unplug the internet for a second as you reply to this post.

What do you think is the most healthy for the mind, being based on 4chan(nel), or being adjusted to society?

>> No.11617520


>> No.11617550

Never go SSRI if you don’t have any other support system to work through changes in your behaviour at the same time. If you can, try a therapist, even Jordan Memerson self-help content god excluded

>> No.11617553

Interesting. Since we have a very crude understanding of the brain, we are left to base our mental disorders primarily on behavior. We are sitting in platos cave watching the shadows cast on the wall. However there is an added detail. We can cast shadows back. Everybody is sitting in a cave watching the shadows of everybody else. Even assuming that true communication is impossible, this doesn't change the fact that the sources of the shadows are real phenomena. He talks about mental illness as if it is fiction. This is similar to saying that the sources of the shadows do not exist.

However, I fully agree with him on the use of these diagnoses in western society. That they are used to control people. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but clearly it can be.

>> No.11617554

Highly depends on individual capacity, and is therefore unreliable/insecure advice to give. Very few are robust enough to handle themselves, from a mental perspective.

>> No.11617556

psychiatry exists to keep you a normie. to pay taxes. to conform. to consume. no diagnosis is based in objective truth.

>> No.11617565

if you think your mind is sick, then how can your sick mind make a correct analysis about being sick?
or you cede to a businessman to make an analysis that benefits him making you a customer?

>> No.11617569

This. Psychiatry is literally a racket that only exists for profit and for the convenience of the State to commit (and therefore de-legitimize) anyone that stands against the status quo.

>> No.11617572

>they are used to control people
I have experiance with this, much of my depression is driven by my feelings that my government needs to be overthrown.
>they spy on everyone at all times without a warrent or probable cause
>if they see something they don't like you can be held indefinatly without trial
>if they really don't like what they see you can be transported to a nation where torture is legal
I see this as a government that needs to be overthrown, those around me think I'm crazy.

What is your take on this /sci/?

>> No.11617582

It's the age old question of the basis, and genesis, of behavior. What separates golem from not, and is there truly a distinction. Marbles and sculptor, cybernetics and the role of environment in man's feedback and internal control circuit. On and on.

I view everything that isn't me as potentially dangerous in its delusion, and its need. Its ability to discern internal objects and fabrications from external objects. Perception from basis. These are ancient considerations. Not a conversation worth having. We all have different criteria that need to be met, and the manner of organization and control which will follow to modulate the environment into that desired range, depends.

Humans are a failed concept. Which is why we can never scale, and remain cyclic.

>> No.11617597

Thanks for the (You) but what the fuck does that have to do with my post?

>> No.11617602

That's the topic. That's what you're actually talking about. Human organization, and power.

>> No.11617619
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>hey look, clamp schizo's posting about clamps again!

>> No.11617622

The only cure for depression is death. Depression is reality and non depressed people are delusional. Once you acknowledge that one day you will die, accept your existence is meaningless, and devote your life to being intellectually superior to everyone else, you will feel relieved.

>> No.11617648

I'm starting to categorize you in the same place as OP. But thinking about it that's probably on me for being here, so you're not to blame.

>The only cure for depression is death.
False. The only cure to life is death. Everything else you're able to live with.

>> No.11617654

Why does female empowerment mean girls make themselves as revolting as possible

>> No.11617660 [DELETED] 

>What is your take on this /sci/?
Well, since you are using my post as a segue into some murky territory I want to add that one of the uses of these diagnoses is to make people eligible for further specialized help from the health care system. Society may want to help people get better so they can contribute. If you are suffering from mental illness and your treatment is successful I guess that is a win-win. I can however see problems arising if you are labelled with a disorder when you feel completely fine. That is closer to the case I was thinking about.

>> No.11617663

I'm weird and had trouble fitting in with anybody, have social anxiety, and utlimately became the outcast in high school. I started to hate life like a typical teen and fell for the (((medication))) meme. being on meds was the worst time in my life. Never had I felt constantly like such shit before. The "doctors" are idiots that I wouldn't trust with my brain chemistry and were quick to give you meds or up your dose if you just asked and then "strongly recommend" an expensive and useless therapist. stopped taking meds and never went back to the doctor. felt like shit for a while while coming off but I'm much better now. There are real mental illnesses and chemical imbalances out there that benefit from meds but most "chronic" depression, anxiety, lethargy, boredom, etc. isn't a real mental illness. for me my "illness" coincided with ruining my sleep schedule, masturbating to gratiuitious amounts of porn, not excercising and ruining my posture and breathing (which ruined my sleep more), and becoming a jaded hedonistic fuck who slept or sat in bed browsing 4chin/youtube for 11+ hours a night/morning, on top of losing friends. I will never make lots of friends, but I can and have been fixing the rest and have been feeling much better.

>> No.11617676

Just obey your shrink, and tell her everything you're feeling so she can fine tune your prescription.

Btw. At first you feel like being drunk without the dizziness.Thenyou start sleeping more.
But after you get used to it. it makes you emotially dumb, but in a good way. In situations when you used to feel anxious or melancholic, your brain can get in that state too quickly and you actually can think about the situation instead of going directly into the hole.
Most likely your brain works differently, and it will help into feeling better. If you're afraid of getting slow or blocked, remember it's not an antipsychotic. You will stay intelligent

>> No.11617679

Not trying to drag you into anything anon, just frustrated that you can't even tell which western nation I'm in based on that information yet everyone in all of them seem to think this is fine.

>> No.11617683
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>(((Jesus fucking christ)))...
You're suffering from Christinsanity. The only cure is for you to kys.

>> No.11617694

to continue this into a reply to OP
I don't know if my advice to not take meds applies to you. you calim to have been "anxious and melancholic" for "most" of your life. that absolutely was not me. I used to naturally wake up early, naturally fall asleep fast, never procrastinated, and always was working on a lot of hobby shit before I discovered internet forums and ended up in 4chan jerking off every day and hating life

If you've never experienced better than anxious and melancholic then I can't really give you any advice on what to do or whether or not to take meds, because unlike me you can't just identify things that changed between feeling good and feeling like shit and fix those things. You might actually have a problem that needs meds, or you might just need something like better sleep.

>> No.11617712

Sorry to hear, anon. I am not sure what to say. I know nothing about your situation, and I sorry that I sorta undermined your post. That's why I deleted it. Sorry again.

>> No.11617713

>I'm starting to categorize you in the same place as OP. But thinking about it that's probably on me for being here, so you're not to blame.
You already know what I'm going to say anon. Hint, it includes the word "clam" and "lamp".

>> No.11617774

I've been on Lexapro 10 mg for a year now and it dragged me out of severe depression and anxiety that I had my entire life. It made me carefree and apathetic and dulled out my emotions, but there was an improvement in my quality of life.

>> No.11617803

Honestly pretty fucking good but I’m gonna get off em this summer so I can take E and not worry about serotonin syndrome

>> No.11617915

They did nothing to me

>> No.11618523
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books to understand >>11617582 ?

>> No.11618547

based. psychologists BTFO

>> No.11619021
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Its all so tiring
I will probably grow up to be a waste of space and potential, being alienated by fucking everything and everyone around me at this rate
fuck this world

>> No.11619319

>I've been anxious and melancholic for most of my life
I'm anxious and partially depressed all day and I feel one day my mind will collapse, the level of anxiety are so high that they're ruining my body too.

>Saw a psychiatrist recently and it seems like she wants to prescribe SSRIs
I went to two psychiatrists:
With the first one I took Escitalopram and Paroxetine, they made me feel really sick with serious intestine problems so I dropped them and then the psychiatrist
With the second one I took Sertraline (after wake up) and Mirtazapine (before falling asleep) in the same treatment, they did very well for some months but I had to drop them too because at some point they started to worsen the situation.

This is Escitalopram, if you have any problem with it do not wait too much before contacting your psychiatrist

>> No.11619331

All the schizos from /x/ are flooding this board.

>> No.11619339

Being depressed is stupid. Just man up.

>> No.11619451

plus you can't take psychedelics or cum when you're on SSRIs
nothing fixes my depression like taking pyschedelics and cumming

>> No.11619529
File: 2.57 MB, 1570x6466, oxytocin cultural marxism nwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The human body, in its natural state, is disease free. The problem with prescriptions is that they temporarily treat symptoms instead of curing the disease, leading to dependency and repeat business. Depression is a form of disease, the physical aspect of which modern science is slowly waking up to. Investigate, distill and apply the following, and your depression will lessen, if not disappear entirely.

>Cyclical fasting. Minimum interval 8 hours
>Proper Mastication
>Fermented Foods. Gut flora linked to depression
>Fat, protein, raw fruit and vegetables for plant minerals and nutrients
>Fiber is indigestible plant structure
>Vitamin D, sunlight
>Conscious Meditation: viking-z.org/zen/v22.htm
>Porn acts on the brain identically to heroin. See also: Autogynephilia
>Semen contains precious vitamins and nutrients, like fucking selenium
>Man is nature's greatest runner. See Born to Run. Always land on your toes
>Oxcytocin, pic related

To Boost Self-Worth:

>> No.11619566

Also, the optimum time to sleep begins at 9pm, as between 9 and 2am the majority of bodily healing processes do their work, and the most human growth hormone is released.

As >>11617496 hints at, psychedelics are powerful developmental tools for the mind. As in most things, the majority of people use them in frivolous pursuits for little to no gain, but the more aware few can experience deeper comprehension.

>> No.11619568

Unclamp, retard. lamo lamo


>> No.11619591

It's working pretty well for me so far. I've been on them for close to a year, and the side effects stopped after the first month. The side effects included: nausea in the first week, decreased libido and unpleasant orgasms in the first month. Everything is back to normal now, and I haven't noticed any changes to my personality other than less to almost no suicidal ideation, less substance abuse and less self harm.
All in all, bretty gud for me.

>> No.11620026

I am on snris which deal with two chemicals instead of the ssris one. I dont feel depressed and am starting to fix my life , only down side so far is it makes it harder to cum.

>> No.11620476

sure i'm going to listen to a bunch of mp3s from catbox.moe

>> No.11620480

>>ketamine treatment centers (now approved by the FDA and available in the nearest city to you)
this shit is retarded, the patient is required to take traditional antidepressants and demonstrate their failure for a year, and then has to keep taking an antidepressant that doesn't itself work along with the ketamine.
fuck all of that

>> No.11620548

Fucking hell.

The problem with /sci/ is the lack of self control, these threads could die within hours if wannabe smart faggots would stop arguing with schizos.
There is no chance of landing logical arguments on them, for they are sure the world has conspired against them and medication is brainwashing.

Let them live their dreams, they will end up on the streets begging for money as soon as their parents are dead.

>> No.11620557

They clamp, I mean seriously, who is surprised?

You, are clamped.
NEED, to un, clamp.

>> No.11620568

I got prescribed them too but never took them. Apparently you gotta keep at it and then taper off. Any drug like that that makes you dependent somehow I'm not touching.

Something happened to me and idk what. I used to be real confident and chill. I would take risks and do new things no problem. Worked in sales and could confidently talk to anyone. Now I'm a mess. Airplanes make me sick to my stomach and talking to people I get real jittery/nervous/nauseous. I think it's related to hormones. This change happened from around 18-26 slowly getting worse and worse.

>> No.11620574

Microwaves. Though right now you have no real cause to ever listen,

Any digestive problems? Thyroid? Low blood pressure?

>> No.11620588

it wont get better without meds, you might aswell kill yourself now to save suffering.

>> No.11620592

Blood pressure is usually normal but does go a bit higher sometimes when I check. 130/85-90. Never had thyroid checked. I have a lot of digestive issues which doctors just boiled down to "ibs"

>> No.11620606

I'm really tired, however in short. Eat a lot of garlic and onion with an oil. NAC. Vitamin C flushes. Water fasting. For "IBS" worst case scenario marshmallow root, slippery elm, or aloe. Make sure your posture is good, look up forward head carriage. Get away from microwaves, don't eat garbage.

>> No.11620669

I'll give it a shot. I do take vit c, fish oil, and 5000iu D. Fasting I just gotta figure out if I should do 5/2, 12 hour fast, 16 hour fast, etc. So many different methods. I think I actually accidentally fasted as a kid. Woke up, didn't eat breakfast and ate most of my meals between 1-9pm. Even slightly younger on weekends I'd get real into something and forget to eat. Nowadays I can't get into things for more than 20-30 minutes.

I'mma try to change diet up before I take ssri pills tho

>> No.11620680

I'm not if I'm a bit too uncaring so far as potential risk, but I water fasted for 7 days quite easily. I was taking vitamin C, NAC, and minerals as well though. It's usually 3 days that's recommended.

Look up glutathione and metallothioneins. That's the gist of the theory. Onion and garlic both contain chelating DMSO-like compounds as well.

Microwaves cause microwave sickness, among other things.

>> No.11620723

SSRIs will warp your personality. Take some for a year or so and slowly wean off of it. You must absolutely not take it more than that. During the SSRI change, learn to enjoy the world, and keep at it slowly. Go on hike/run-jog every few days in the morning/evening. Hang out with good friends. Once you stop SSRI, continue those routines (you'll falter a bit, but keep at it every now/then) to restore your mood. Depression can be reduced by healthy dose of physical stress (run/jog/hike) and fresh air.

>> No.11620811

99% of humans are better off with fitness, diet, and avoiding-stupidity.
If you can do these three things well, for a year-and-a-day, and still suffer mental issues, -or if you have some genetic mutation that is affecting your serotonin, - then you are good candidate for a trial run on SSRIs.

>> No.11620959

>Drinking a delicious cup of coffee
>Thinking to myself "God I love Caffeine. It doesn't actually metabolize extra energy, it just blocks the receptors that make you tired and lethargic. I wish they made something like caffeine for depression."
>"Right, anti-depressants lol"

>> No.11621279


>> No.11621349

>Lexapro was effective, but made me gain weight
>Zoloft Effed me up
It's different for everyone

>> No.11621958

You don't always land on your toes when running, you land on the front half of your foot, an instant before the rest of your foot touches down. You need flat thin soles. And this is at cruising speed. Even up or down hills, you should aim to do this, and spread the force evenly throughout your foot ankle knees hips. Running on your toes is for higher speeds, the faster you go, the more you land on your toes, and only at a sprint would your heel not contact the ground.

I made all of this up after running daily for 5 years but I'm pretty sure it's true.

>> No.11622367

take your meds

>> No.11622389


>> No.11622771

They objectively work but will likely reduce libido

Use them as long as you need only, don't keep using once you feel you can stop

>> No.11622886

Their action is actually through autoinhibitory 5HT receptor. The increase in 5HT causes ovecactivation of autoinhibitory receptors leading to their internalization that increases your sensitivity to 5HT by decreasing feedback inhibition.

What that means is they take like 2wk to a month of chronic use to kick in. But patients feel like shit before they do which decreases compliance. I haven't tried them myself cause I self medicate through weed and masturbation though. Heard they kill labido though

>> No.11622889

Drugs are a tool and never forget that. It is not the cure for all your problems, it is not some evil thing, it is not some good thing. It is a tool that if used correctly can help you with some stuff. Keep track of yourself as you take it and ensure it is a useful tool and discard it if it is not.

>> No.11624130

just take the meds

>> No.11624152


Sums up everything.

>> No.11624167

>High pitched, quick speaking, white american male voice with little drawings to illustrate his context.

gay cringe.

>> No.11624499
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>opinions and experiences with SSRIs

Both SSRIs and benzodiazepines are COMPLETELY OVERRATED.
SSRI and Benzodiazepines disturb thinking and cause laziness, while pregabalin gives pure mind and euphoria, So euphoria, I was not wrong. In addition, it is relatively safe and has much less side effects than SSRI and benzodiazepines. Works from the first pill, like benzodiazepines. It not only eliminates anxiety, but also gives you specific euphoria and motivation for months.

I also received advice from a psychiatrist not to combine it with alcohol, because alcohol destroys the anti-anxiety effect completely.

>> No.11624510

I've taken them off and on my entire life, but I wouldn't recommend anyone just take them unless you can't function and need to function in society. For me they don't really work and I suffer from a lot of side effects so I just don't take the shit. I got more benefit from unfucking how I think about things.

>> No.11624822

Can I ask my doctor about these? I've been prescribed SSRIs for depression and anxiety but I didn't like them because they made me zoombie