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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11615675 No.11615675 [Reply] [Original]

More Universities? More Research Centers? Higher budget on Universities and Research Centers?

>> No.11615690 [DELETED] 

Completely remove the influence of Jewry from society.

>> No.11615693
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>> No.11615700

*Without teachers, the university closes"

>> No.11615704
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The theories of the Jew Einstein, and all theories based on his theories, are Jewish quackery. They were put in place and are promoted to prevent real science and real physics from progressing. The purpose of the Jewish quackery passed off as science today -- such as relativity, black holes, dark matter, strange matter, spooky action, spacetime, quantum theories, the idea that the gravitational force is the dominant force in the universe and not the electric force, etc -- is also to keep the goyim away from a true understanding of the universe. Jews can only thrive in a climate of ignorance where their enemies hold false beliefs and are disconnected from reality. That's why they're in love with lies and constantly promote frauds and deceptions of every kind.

>> No.11615705

Huge grants to talented private citizens as to free up their time.

>> No.11615709
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Einstein himself admitted that theory of Relativity applies only in the physical world and not the subatomic world. Also, the Nazis discarded Einstein and his "Jew Science" while Americans accepted his theories. Result? Pic related

>> No.11615725
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"Nazis" are a Hollywood fantasy and exists only in Hollywood films and in fiction-based documentaries and fiction-based websites like Wikipedia.

The word "Nazi" is a political epithet invented by the Jew Konrad Heiden during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism as a whole. The Jew Konrad Heiden was a journalist and member of the Jewish Social Democratic Party of Germany. His mother was ethnically Jewish.

The Jew Konrad Heiden coined the word "Nazi" for its negative sound and connection, as the word "Sozi" was used to refer to Marxists in Germany, particularly those of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. It was also a political pun because it sounded similar to an Austro-Bavarian word for "simpleton". It was then popularized amongst the Jewish media groups in Germany and abroad by various Jewish individuals. The Jew Konrad Heiden later fled the country after the NSDAP succeed in their election.

>> No.11615730

Nazi cope.

>> No.11615732
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"Nazis" are a Hollywood fantasy and exists only in Hollywood films and in fiction-based documentaries and fiction-based websites like Wikipedia.

The word "Nazi" is a political epithet invented by the Jew Konrad Heiden during the 1920s as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism as a whole. The Jew Konrad Heiden was a journalist and member of the Jewish Social Democratic Party of Germany. His mother was ethnically Jewish.

The Jew Konrad Heiden coined the word "Nazi" for its negative sound and connection, as the word "Sozi" was used to refer to Marxists in Germany, particularly those of the Social Democratic Party of Germany. It was also a political pun because it sounded similar to an Austro-Bavarian word for "simpleton". It was then popularized amongst the Jewish media groups in Germany and abroad by various Jewish individuals. The Jew Konrad Heiden later fled the country after the NSDAP succeed in their election.

>> No.11615738

won't that mean they'll just get lazy?

>> No.11615739

You do know it being a neologism doesn't invalidate the concept it maps to, right?

>> No.11615741

Not if they enjoy their field, you don't give it to the untalented.

>> No.11615744
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Daaayum brotha, those evul Japanazis sure gots their behinds kicked! We sure blasted 'em! Without brotha Einstein's help we'd all be speaking Japanazi now!

>> No.11615747

Once you remove jewry, negritude becomes a thing of the past

>> No.11615752
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>> No.11615754
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This. The negroids (and arabs) are being used as WMD against Western countries.

>> No.11615756

It's a real thing.
>Négritudeis a framework of critique and literary theory, developed mainly byfrancophoneintellectuals, writers, and politicians of theAfrican diasporaduring the 1930s, aimed at raising and cultivating "Black consciousness" across Africa and its diaspora.

>> No.11615760

>brothers and sisters
White Anericans aren't exclusively German, tard.

>> No.11615761
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And that's just one of many harmful things which would become a thing of the past.

>> No.11615764

Germans in 1944 were Native to Europe. They were Native Europeans. Americans in 1944, the vast majority of them, except for the Africans living in the USA, were Native Europeans. Just like the Germans at that time.

Nowadays though: https://files.catbox.moe/3rbs1x.webm

>> No.11615772 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 850x846, Principal-Component-Analysis-PCA-on-all-present-day-west-Eurasians-with-ancient-samples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Native Europeans" aren't a homogenous group, certainly not cohesive enough for filial terms.
Picture related.

>> No.11615779 [DELETED] 

Wrong term, fraternal fits better than filial.

>> No.11615803 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 850x846, Principal-Component-Analysis-PCA-on-all-present-day-west-Eurasians-with-ancient-samples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Native Europeans" aren't a homogenous group, certainly not cohesive enough for filial terms.
Picture related.

>> No.11615806
File: 130 KB, 850x846, Principal-Component-Analysis-PCA-on-all-present-day-west-Eurasians-with-ancient-samples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Native Europeans" aren't a homogenous group, certainly not cohesive enough for fraternal terms.
Picture related.

>> No.11615816

We unironically need a cut throat culture.

>> No.11615827


>> No.11615893

It looks like all modern Europeans cluster closer together than the different groups of Bedouin Arabs do.
While Europeans aren't a single homogenous group they do look like a group of related overlapping clusters and there's almost a clean break in continuity between the Middle-Eastern clusters and European clusters it seems.
All European peoples do trace the vast majority of their heritage to the EFF, WHG and WSH and they have cohabited in Europe which means they likely drifted in in similar fashions.
White Americans and Germans would fall almost completely within the French/English/Norwegian light blue cluster.

>> No.11616074

Native Europeans are Europeans. People not Native to Europe are not Europeans.

>> No.11616534

Start another world war.

>> No.11616538

Ironically? Build more pylons.

>> No.11616546

Higher budget on education/research all across the scale.

>> No.11616548

Low cost educational servers connected to high speed educational pylons.

>> No.11616549

Op asks a good question, thread is immediately bombed by psyop fags from different countries mixed with independent trolls.

>> No.11616551


>> No.11616552

Oh and the answer to your question is largely economic prosperity and hegemony.

>> No.11616556

What exactly would they do?

>> No.11616654

Dedicated servers that host education programs and collegiate courses/livestreams.

>> No.11618415

Stop subsidizing the reproduction by people who are burdens on society and whose children will be even bigger burdens on society. Genocide is stupid but eugenics is a good idea. Doesn't even need to be mandatory. Give societal burdens a nice comfortable simple life but their genetic line ends with them. Those who don't agree to this and reproduce out of control are banished to Madagascar.

>> No.11620027

Government should NOT accelerate scientific progress because when it does it is never for the good of mankind.
It is people who should accelerate it.

>> No.11620360

I'm guessing you're talking about benefits/welfare?

>> No.11620440 [DELETED] 
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If the past is any indicator?
Start a war.

>> No.11620449

WAR sadly

>> No.11620684
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That's at the individual national level. At the international level is there tons of money spent on the barely human keeping them from suffering the consequences of their low intelligence.

>> No.11620697

Depends on the type of war. The Central African Republic getting into a war with Chad doesn't push technology forward very much. The US, China, and Russia getting into a space based war with kinetic energy weapons sure would. The pandemic, intentional or not, likely will also push new technology.

>> No.11621129
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"universities" are good for technological/medical/engineering development, but they haven't produced a scientific development in 40 years. We need to bring back religion in order to have scientific breakthroughs again.

So the answer is state-mandated religion.

>> No.11621415

Dumb myth. Killing loads of scientists and potential scientists and annihilating lots of economies is not beneficial to science.

>> No.11621426

Should also be directed at these retarded posters

>> No.11621459

>Some anti-semite channeled all his rage and spent hours making that pic
>All the evidence so far overwhelmingly supports GR
Everyday I thank God that I'm not an ignorant /pol/tard

>> No.11621469

>only in the physical world and not the subatomic world
kek you almost got me

>> No.11621479

This unironically. It’s also the compassionate thing to do.

>> No.11621503

Build even bigger hardon collider

>> No.11622052

History disagrees. War is destructive in many ways and isn't something to desire but none of that changes the fact that conflict pushes forward science.

>> No.11622064
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Yes, more taxes, goyim! Excellent idea! *rubs hands*

>> No.11622525

This, kikes need to be enslaved to build our new pyramids

>> No.11622558

No useful technology was developed during the world wars right retard?

>> No.11622563
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I'm really split on this. There's a great deal of Zionist and general Jewish narcissistic evil, however, the Goyim actually are pretty braindead. They have a certain mindlessness and self destructive character.

When it comes down to it, it seems to me that Jews, long ago, were given the mission of preventing this planet from reaching certain levels of technological advancement. Much like the UN prevents Africa from broadly industrializing, to control their numbers and use them as slaves. It's a lot like Brave New World, yet again, like everything we're living. The World Government kept highly advanced tech out of sight despite it existing, because social stability was predicated on economic activity, a saturation of production and consumption. Hence systematic capturing and corruption of the sciences with bullshit. Hence why you see all these popsci guys from big name institutions with Epstein. They're all in on it.

You have to go back to the Sumerians and ancient Celtic cultures, and then try to go back further. The Annunaki, who became in the Torah and Bible the "Elohim" and "Nephillim", may remain to this day as immortal golems managing the activity of us, the even lower, mortal, golem. In the Americas they had the same stories as in Sumer. The Mayans even said that the monkeys in the jungle were the God's tests while working on humans. This is reflected by their genetics modern day, new world primates have a stop codon inserted into their CMAH. Old world primates do not.

People have been rendered so stupid, so needy, so small minded, so cult-like, they are unwilling to even think in this way briefly, if not to fight it.

>> No.11623518
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Society needs incentives to adopt superior advances faster. Notice how VR is slow to adopt? Because it's a chicken and egg problem. There's little demand for VR headsets because there's little software for it, and there's little software for it because there's little demand for headsets. The government could subsidize both ends (reduce headset costs and provide funding for VR startups) which would help spread VR faster. We do the same thing for electric cars and spaceflight. Now you see Teslas and Volts everywhere along with re-usable rockets, Starlink, and a Moonbase soon.

>> No.11623526

All research done with government funding should be freely available (both publications and data) and not behind Elsevier paywalls.

>> No.11623529

This, this a thousand times this.

>> No.11623534

It's not like einstein himself came up with the idea of a nuke. Other countries were using theory to try to build the atom bomb as well. USA happened to have most of the brainpower of the world couples with resources and was able to use that to advance research fast enough to use it in 1945.

>> No.11623562

White ethnostate

>> No.11623571

In the case of the United States, I'd like to see the education system trend more towards a mastery based approach where kids that understand the material sooner are then asked to turn around and aid in teaching their fellow classmates both to reinforce that learning and to create trust and unity among larger and larger groups. Would likely teach some humility as well when kids who excel in most areas struggle with something and someone from their trusted group has it come easily to them.

This approach is to encourage trust among larger and larger groups of people with nearer and nearer levels of increasing and similar ability and knowledge.

Instead of college/university as paper certificate mills, I'd like to instead see some kind of 3/4 year "jobs gauntlet" of contributing to the workforce for 2-3 months for a wide range of jobs and careers. Which could be possibly narrowed down based on this survey the government does based on personality profile and job satisfaction.

This would be to encourage those that actually enjoy the pursuit of scientific progress to end up in those fields, higher education could then be encouraged as additional specialized knowledge in those niche areas.

>> No.11623582

stop other nations from using zersetzung tactics on your intelligent population.

>> No.11623966

All research done with governement funding should be freely available and
all the software used and produced should be under GPL copyleft licenses,
all the commercial activity resulting from government funded science and patents should 100%
be owned by the governement and not a 0.1 cent result in privatized profits.

All researchers at a university even if they didnt contribute, the entire university staff and cleaning ladies receive 10% of the government revenue resulting from commercial activity of the patents, for ever, and ever.

This makes sure researchers have incentive to research, getting dirty rich, richer than Bezos, and not get screwed over and over.
The society progresses when the capital is accumulated to people who invent instead of people who scheme and lie.
The university progresses when people want to research instead of getting-rich-by-stealing-the-autists work.

All science papers using software must use reproducable builds (again only possible with freedom software copyleft licenses).

If a researcher publishes something based on proprietary software / closed source, its not reproducable its not science, in the trash it goes.

Close down anything not fulfilling the above the same day this message is written.

If you dont like it, make your own private labs with your own money.

>> No.11624328

I thought you were leaving and never coming back a few months cuck

>> No.11624811
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>> No.11625150

nice, so every researcher thats worth a damn will be making a killing in private companies, goverment research will be 100% retarded humanities made by people who literally CANNOT get money any other way.

way to fix science you shit

>> No.11625175

Not even that. If they just allocated resources properly (i.e. defunded all the useless people) and then put that money into increasing the living standard of scientists you'd have an entirely new world.

The reason I say this is that as someone who graduated STEM but then went into finance, there are a lot of people here (especially in certain departments like IB and prop. trading) that just absolutely hate their jobs but they do them amazingly (including insane overtime) just because of how much it pays. And that is not even the point. To get to even do those jobs there is now a whole structure of universities, recruiters and hiring that is insanely competitive and draining but dozens of thousands of young people sign up for this hell just because the perceived wealth of the people who succeed in finance is just so far above the average.

If you implemented this into a science, a system where science was more competitive but everyone knew that those made it immediately get 100k bonuses on top of 50k signing bonuses on top of 200k base pay then you would have the most efficient and productive century in scientific history.

But that would just make too much sense for it to be implemented ever.

>> No.11625326

Increase funding (obvious, really)
Delete gender studies and other thrash "research" and pseudo science
Eject scientists caught in fraud. There is just too much of that. Retraction Watch is full of stories, mostly in life sciences but all indication is that the problem is rife throughout science and academia
Better schools. Bad teachers must be ejected, pretty immediately
Segment schools. Not everyone wants to do academic careers, let them go elsewhere. And don't hold bright pupils down as too often is the case
Separate schools for pupils with Asperger's, and separate ones for those with ADHD. Just don't "integrate" everyone.

>> No.11625363 [DELETED] 

So let's look at what happened then.
For all the anti semitic raiders here, a lot of leading pre war scientists were Jews, and with the rise of Nazism they left Europe and went to the US. Only a few returned to Europe, one of them was one of my professors in the UK.
Immediately after the war the US ran Operation paperclip and skilled the cream of European scientists that worked for the Germans and brought them to the US. They were crucial for winning the space race and also in other tech fields such as radio engineering. The Soviet arrived late and just got the remains, mainly low level technicians.
So for the US it was a major gain. For Europe it was a total loss. A new war is not likely to repeat this story.

>> No.11625522

So, von Braun was a Jew? Or are you playing slight of hand?

>> No.11625801

>So, von Braun was a Jew?
No. I never claimed that. I was just explaining how the US was able to get the skilled people over from Europe. I am not aware of any Jews brought over in Operation Paperclip. As for sleight of hand I thought it would be pretty obvious Jews were not working for the Germans during the war in any leading role. Slave labour in concentration camps was not what I had in mind.

>> No.11625837

Teach the population about critical thinking.

>> No.11625859

Somehow make humanity interested in accelerating scientific progress.
The only reason we had huge advancements in the world wars is because we wanted to be more advanced than our enemies. Same principle for the space race.
Humanity doesn't currently give a shit about science, they want to be fed with new shitty gadgets and pointless entertainement forever.
If the majority of the population strongly desired to have a human presence on Mars, we would have a Mars base in a matter of years.

>> No.11625999
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This is the correct answer /sci/ is too much of a pussy to admit

>> No.11626020

Useful tech would've been invented in that time period regardless. If you wanna make a fair assessment you must also think about what wasn't invented because of the war. Sure we might've gained 5/10 years on jet engines, but how much did we lose from all the lost time and dead researchers of pure math/biology/cosmology/geoscience/literally any non-war related subfield of all scientific disciplines?
A few headline discoveries vital to the war effort draws all the attention and people act like it was some massive leap forward for all science.

>> No.11626024

Define useless people

>> No.11626027

>Somehow make humanity interested in accelerating scientific progress.
While I don't like Bill Nye, there is a disheartening clip of him on the Daily Show arguing with the black clique about the importance of science. The black clique wasn't having any of it, claiming science doesn't matter in their daily lives. Nye was incredulous. It was fun to see him have to face the reality of the shortcomings of his chosen allies but still a bit sad to see people who don't understand the difference between science and magic dismiss science as worthless.

>> No.11626039

Your narrative does not match that of most science historians. Of course that doesn't mean you're wrong and they're all correct but you need some proof that these items would have been invented anyway. Unfortunately that's an impossible burden to meet without a time machine.

>> No.11626042

>Judging all black people on a few people on TV in a way that matches your prejudice
Based and redpilled
I'm off to watch the Kardashians so I can form a well educated view on Armenians free from bias

>> No.11626047

get rid of itself. removing ethics from science will accelerate progress immensely.

>> No.11626068


>> No.11626072

>most science historians
Post some

>you need some proof
Any idea involving an alternate history will always suffer from 'I guess we'll never know'. The fact that proof is impossible doesn't prove you right in anyway, and focusing on an argument like this would just make any status quo claim about history automatically right and make all 'what if' discussion meaningless

>> No.11626087

Fucking this but unironically

>> No.11626096

>Psycho 'scientists' start abusing children, raping men and women, torturing whoever under the guise of science while they sastisfy their personal demands
>Oops another null result!
Congrats man, you've just stripped science of all credibility and power

>> No.11626098

Setting the truth free by rounding up & gassing all the jews

>> No.11626132

Ahh finally, an elected representative to speak on behalf of all black people everywhere. Thank you for your helpful post leading me to these great leaders, I shall now make a fair assessment on everyone with dark skin.

As a thanks, have this video of leading Russian thinkers so you can make an unbiased judgement on Russians:

>> No.11626138
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>Psycho 'scientists' start abusing children, raping men and women, torturing whoever under the guise of science while they sastisfy their personal demands
Perfect. This is the civilisation I desire.

>> No.11626152

Scientific progress needs to take a back seat. It's progressed far too fast.
We need to advance humanities.

Before you instinctively hate on that statement with your typical knee jerk reaction, just hold up, and hear me out.

Imagine for a minute that the government does has secret technology that can give infinite energy, faster than light travel/communication, complete control of genetic structure. If that technology was released to the public, what do you think would happen? It'd be the end of civilization. You might ask, what if you try to carefully control or litigate it, so only "officials" have access? You'd just create a new cold war between nations, and create a target for corrupt politicians who know how to abuse the system to acquire more power.
You may think "what about benign technology that can only help people?" To that I'd say no technology is so benign that it can't be abused. The internet as a good example. The internet was suppose to be a tool to share information, knowledge, and bring people across the globe together in understanding. Now it's a tool to spread propaganda, confusion, and hatred at light speed across the entire planet and it touches more people than ever in the history of the human race.

Our society has become toxic. Humanity hates itself because it hates itself. Not just western society but the geopolitical climate of the whole of planet Earth. Given enough power, we WILL destroy ourselves. I don't think we could stop it. I wouldn't trust ourselves with new advanced technology. We need to fix what's wrong with society before we can trust society with more tools.
If you do that, I'm sure the scientists will be able to focus on how to help humanity, instead of focusing on hiding their work for fear it might be twisted and abused to hurt humanity.

>> No.11626156

>Somehow make humanity interested in accelerating scientific progress.
There is already what should have been enough: the need to develop new medicine to cure the illnesses we have today.

>> No.11626158


>> No.11626199

>Some anti-semite

found the jew. Nobody uses that word seriously except jews. Just use the word racist if you don't like it. Nobody thinks the jews deserve a special word other than the jews.
It's the same with "blood libel" and "anti semitic canard". You guys think that because you control the media you can make up and write new words to protect you, but nobody else buys it.

>> No.11626236

>Shitposter desires to live in world where he is forced to consume his own shit and piss for science
>A unique genetic mutation is discovered that allows Shitposter to recycle water and nutrients from shit and piss extremely efficiently
>Kept alive on life support Shitposter is slowly sliced and diced until his genetic code can be replicated and inserted into the genetic code of all humans
>Astronauts from the Yellow Planet easily colonise the galaxy with their shit eating astronauts surviving on minimal food and literally astronomical amounts of shit and piss and shit
>Ethical planetary aliens across the universe are subjugated under the tide of the Brown Dwarf Technocracy
>Seething alien autists rage on their S̶̡̰̙̙͑͘̕ͅh̸̰̩͎̽͗͠͝ͅị̶̬̫̜̩͂͂̋̈́t̷̰̥͊͜͜p̵̧̧͖̦͉̄́͗o̶̺̣̩̱̹̓́̇̄̔͠s̵̥̣͗̏͒̆̽t̶̬͔̟̂̒͠ȃ̵͎̓̈́͜͝͝n̸̮̘̈́̒͘d̷͎̓̋͝ŗ̵͈̰̱̖̉ĩ̷̻̯͉̞͍͜à̷̧̡̖͇̿͗ͅn message board about how a new statue of Shitposter's magic shit is being built over their war memorial again
Most people have grown out this fantasy by the time they're 18 you know

>> No.11626240

The point is that you jews only invent completely new words to serve your own political purposes. Words don't seem very legitimate when you look at the etymology(of "anti-semitism") and it says "made by some jew to label anyone critical of jews". Kind of like how the explicitly jewish Anti Defamation League's only function is to defame social critics of jews.
(It's actually laughable that the jews would create a series of awards for being a brave and valiant defender against "anti-semitism", and then give the award to another jew. https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-to-honor-comedian-sacha-baron-cohen-at-never-is-now-summit-on-anti-semitism))

My point is, the jig is up.

>The German word antisemitisch was first used in 1860 by the Austrian Jewish scholar Moritz Steinschneider

>> No.11626245

Gender studies people. Telephone sanitisers. Media spokespersons.
It is not as if it is hard to find examples.

>> No.11626258

>This, this a thousand times this.
Go castrate yourself

>> No.11626267

Does it ever cross the minds of the sniveling, shit for brains scum sucking morons ITT that the reason scientific discoveries are slowing down is because the problems are simply objectively more complex and difficult to solve than they were before, and it's not a matter of lack of funding or interest or resources?

>> No.11626275

Why do American racists pretend that black people are not as quintessentially American as white people? The history and culture is so totally interlocked if you insist on creating a unifying American identity you'd be forced to include both black and white people

>> No.11626381 [DELETED] 

>all the anti semitic raiders here

oy vey the anti semites!

Shut up.

>> No.11626393

Shut up fag, are you really that much of a little fag and a pussy that you want to just be "safe"? I don't give a fuck if we suffer the consequences, I'd rather risk it for the godly life than "play it safe" for a shitty 80 year lifespan only to die brittle and meaninglessly. We have one shot at this "ego".

>> No.11626403

Great idea. 100% of the population can pay taxes for something that less than 10% of the population will ever buy. Would we reallocate money from the existing tax revenue or would we create a new tax to fund video games?

You're saying that we should subsidize supply for a non-existent demand.

I never thought that I would see such a stupid take on /sci/.

>> No.11626406

He already did with all of the onions that he's been drinking.

>> No.11626422
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>> No.11626429

>well educated view on Armenians free from bias
The armenians kind of suck lmao

They have a tendency toward crime, including white collar crime. It's actually kind of surprising, that for such a moneyed and relatively successful immigrant group in the US, that they can't help but be ghetto and commit crime. For example, you'll find hardcore armenian legit murderous gang members, but then even the armenians who become lawyers are still involved in fraud and bribery and other white collar crime.
It's weird how they rub shoulders with beaners in the hood in the san fernando valley in SoCal, but at the same time they have their own private schools out there.

>> No.11626436

I bet you're one of the stupid cucks on this board that unironically calls people /pol/ stfu faggot. If white nation's stopped babysitting and taki g care of the rest of the retarded races on this world with our resources whites would be multidimensional godheads already

>> No.11626438

>and hatred
Are you joking? Fuckoff, jew. Imagine being a gentile with a pair of balls between your legs and being at all worried about "hatred" on the internet.

>> No.11626452

>you insist on creating a unifying American identity
No, that's you and your jewish idea of a "nation of immigrants" and diversity and equality. An American identity doesn't need to be created, but it is currently being destroyed.

>> No.11626463

> If white nation's stopped babysitting and taki g care of the rest of the retarded races on this world with our resources whites would be multidimensional godheads already

Then we are we in disagreement about then? Stop babysitting and go full throttle on science.

>> No.11626479

based and rune magic pilled

>> No.11626511

It can stay out of the fucking way.

>> No.11626517

We need more entrepreneurs who can take advantage of the science we already know to get to the limits of our science.

>> No.11626533

not an argument

>> No.11626550

ugh cringe retard

>> No.11626572

wtf are you talking about? >>>/x/

>> No.11626583

oof negatory IQ range achieved you can stfu up now you reached rock bottom

>> No.11626594
File: 141 KB, 998x499, 1553638558826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the government can do nothing but advance the cause of capital so long as it is controlled by capitalists
it is up to the people to advance science

>> No.11626606

>He doesn't know the federal reserve is a socialist system
There are no capitalist systems left there are only degrees of socialism wet brain.

>> No.11626626
File: 138 KB, 1170x724, fem#.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. Inventing a feminist programming language is more difficult than just inventing COBOL. They're both the ideas of women, but one was possible, the other is moronic cargo cult dancing. So yes, the contemporary problems such as getting a computer to understand feminism or teaching children about male women and female men is a bit more difficult than earlier problems like inventing a steam engine.

>> No.11626645

This is the most retarded shit I have ever read. Imagine thinking injecting ideology into science is not nigger tier retardation. These people need to all be burned with fire

>> No.11626667
File: 34 KB, 700x360, monopoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism means there is shared ownership of the means of production.
What you see before you are advanced stages of capitalism where the 'winners' of earlier stages use the government to protect their interests and prevent competition.

>> No.11626698
File: 84 KB, 498x277, HitlerOnSocialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was only ever one real socialist state fren and we won't likely see another one any time soon. Otherwise based response my dude

>> No.11626821

fundamental shift in cultural values

>> No.11627154

Convince scientists with real skills not to go into quantitative finance and assorted fields.

>> No.11627163
File: 94 KB, 621x800, 1579135211112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I goofed. I'm very susceptible to imageboard brain. It's almost a form of gambling addiction, though I would never gamble with tangible resources I throw away time quite readily.

Pretty ashamed, tb-qh.

>> No.11627164

I bet she is Jewish.

>> No.11627177

If you strip away all the "feminist" and buzzword bullshit, it;s an interesting idea. I would like to see what kind of programming language a female mind would organically put together, in the way other languages evolved from each other and demands of the time.

>> No.11627180

Science is like a skilled dialogue.

Like two carpenters arguing about what thype of joint to use.

It seems to me that scientific progress is about
capturing smaller and smaller moments of time, and generating increasly massive amounts of energy.

Increase competency, accessability.
make scientific research "altruistic‘ without business interest.mainly to adress setbacks of corruption of science.

Put more stress on longitudinal studies.
That being said there are some science like astronomy where they time is a big limiting factor.

>> No.11627215
File: 137 KB, 500x500, troll-line-everyone-above-it-were-trolled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe how well this guy trolled this thread.

Like seriously, this entire thread has been commandeered by just 1 troll post. It's actually quite an impressive feat.

>> No.11627292
File: 175 KB, 676x1024, 27A3F59C-0591-4C25-AD1C-093250CD186B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern society is an inhospitable place for intelligent children and adolescents. By 18 many of them are depressed, or have failed to develop completely as a person. Pornography, lack of traditional values, all these things cut the smart or sensitive youth deeply. We must build a culture of knowledge and truth as to properly develop them. The internet is a perfect tool for this, imagine how different our generation would be if us autists had a positive community encouraging us to learn from a young age.

All the posts mentioning free software and free research are correct, that would help information flow. Yet emotionally balanced intellectually curious people are needed to use the software.

As for the Jewish question, I am not confident that divisive solutions will work. Science needs collaboration with ethnic Jews to thrive, this is made obvious by Witten, Grothendieck, Bohr etc. Plus racism is not palatable for the majority, some Jews may be the cause but attention must first be brought to the symptoms. You are a zealot and that is why you will fail. If we are saved it will be by wise, patient men.

>> No.11627318
File: 87 KB, 768x1024, 1574115122805m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is correct though.

>> No.11627322

Good post.

>> No.11627366

No. Gas the kikes, race war now

>> No.11627395
File: 553 KB, 266x200, melting nazi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off nazi

>> No.11627484

fucking based

>> No.11627509

Remove non-whites except NE asians and preferably only the qt ones.

>> No.11627540

Don't forget that hot Latinas are also honoraryans.

Hang yourself, inbred Jew.

>> No.11628098

Why the fuck do mods and jannies allow this shit allowed on /sci/? It's not just clear racism (not allowed outside /b/ although we all know that's not actually enforced), it's a massive off topic troll with zero actual interest in maths or science. Stop forcing your agenda down our throats you propagandist

>> No.11628250

>Jews invented science, anything that disagrees is illegal!
If a group, any group, including Jewish people, are going to be given credit for advancements in science, the credibility of those advancements and that groups part in them is fair game. Jewish people aren't special and above examination. BTW, have you taken your vaccine yet from Israel? They've already announced about half a dozen of them. Surely you'll just inject whatever is coming out of a lab there today. To question the safety or effectiveness would be anti-Semitic.

>> No.11628279

>what is an automobile
Top fucking kek

>> No.11628291

shut the fuck up. Nobody wants to hear your retarded opinions.

>> No.11628404

Kek no worries mate shepherding the NPC is full time job for Brahmin. Just hope the creator rewards us for our diligence and sacrifice of trying to teach the blind to see

>> No.11628407

stfu bitch go to pleebit if you want to with lied to with bitch boy soi science

>> No.11628464

No more money to corporations like USA done today

>> No.11628498

Don't confuse the best scientists with the ones that are effective at politicking or getting funding. We need fewer competent researchers wasting the vast majority of their time fighting for scraps in the form of grant applications and more of them actually continuing to do research rather than just cracking the whip on PhD students. Academia is filled with half-completed projects because the bulk of research is filler with no continuity that exists for the sole purpose of getting people degrees.

>> No.11628602

Do you actually think that this post is a valid response to the post youre replying to? Are you genuinely a fucking moron?

>> No.11628615 [DELETED] 

>Shut up.

>> No.11628620
File: 436 KB, 220x150, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you genuinely a fucking moron?

>> No.11629158 [DELETED] 

well, everyone knows at this point that you're a jew', sooo....

>> No.11629234

>what can a government do
Not exist. Read Rothbard

>> No.11629248

Genetics is a broken system indeed..

>> No.11629263


>> No.11629287

Good post

>> No.11629327


>> No.11629349

Actively work to bring about the extinction of the religion scam. The religion business model depends on a credulous, clueless and scientifically illiterate population and history shows that they have been working towards this end for centuries and continue to to so.

>> No.11629352

*Do so

>> No.11629372
File: 877 KB, 1421x682, 897092345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have enlightened leaders who know that putting psychopaths in charge of world ending weaponry is never a good idea and it always leads to disaster.

>> No.11629471


>> No.11629518

Raise average IQ by genetic engineering.

>> No.11629606 [DELETED] 

>everyone knows
In that case everyone would be wrong. The real problem with those conspiracy theories that that they distract from the real problem and just provides cheap excuses for everything being someone else's problem.
Just look at Arab countries, most are failed countries and under developed, where every failing and shortcoming is blamed on Americans, Jews or American Jews. The sorry truth is that the error is with themselves.

>> No.11629649 [DELETED] 

What conspiracy?

>> No.11629657 [DELETED] 

All the generic conspiracies that illuminati/freemasons/Jews/aliens try to destroy the world so that they somehow can own it. As if anyone wants to be king of the garbage tip.

>> No.11629672

Well, the jews actually exist. And "generic conspiracy" isn't very specific, so unless you can address what you are referring to that you had a problem with in the thread, I won't know what you're talking about.
I don't think that anyone here said that anyone is trying to destroy the world to own it.

It sounds like you're strawmanning desu.

>> No.11629705 [DELETED] 

>And "generic conspiracy" isn't very specific
We have some examples here: >>11622563 and >>11625999
For instance that marriage leads to high divorce rates seem bizarre.

>> No.11629735 [DELETED] 

Ok. I don't really care, man. I didn't make those posts. I know you're a jew. That's why you try to discredit every post in this thread that is critical of jews.

I'm not at all interested in having an argument with you. This isn't my thread and I don't want to get off topic. The prompt was "what can a government do to accelerate scientific progress?", and a lot of people mentioned the jews. Make of that what you will.

>> No.11629774 [DELETED] 

>Ok. I don't really care, man.
And yet you are here.
>I didn't make those posts. I know you're a jew.
Wrong is still wrong.
>That's why you try to discredit every post in this thread that is critical of jews.
Still wrong. I am just tired of the bat crazy people blaming Jews for everything wrong in the world. And there certainly are problems, but blaming it on Jews is just counter productive.
>I'm not at all interested in having an argument with you.
Repeating your point does not make it true.
>This isn't my thread and I don't want to get off topic.
Yet here you are, second round. I have already responded to what OP asked.
>The prompt was "what can a government do to accelerate scientific progress?",
>and a lot of people mentioned the jews. Make of that what you will.
Trolls from /pol/ or people who will believe anything, it is hard to know what it is.

>> No.11629795


>> No.11629907
File: 89 KB, 640x400, 1496673599964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the lie? Law of parsimony is you are just retarded and not smart enough to under stand what "conspiracy theorists" know

>> No.11629964

Still no.

>> No.11630003

You're just proving my point. You're derailing the whole thread. Don't blame me when you get banned.

>> No.11630004

There's no reason innovation would ever happen. To think it'll keep happening because it always has happened is a faulty induction. Some day, people will say "ya i don't fucking know how to make it better"

>> No.11630310

Raise average IQ to about 120

>> No.11630314

You'd need to change the definition of IQ for that to be possible.

>> No.11630586

You're basically saying all the low hanging fruit has been picked, right? Despite the fact that some of those fruits were used to create better fruit picking tools, ladders, manpower and funding for a larger more efficient fruit picking operation?

There are more people alive right now than the entire past history of mankind combined, and the amount of knowledge a human consumed in a year in the 1700s is now consumed in the NY Times Sunday edition.
We are pumping this shit out, and there's zero reason to slow down considering most of it benefits us. But there is a severe underinterest in magnets and electronics and coding and DIY projects that one can make out of old trashed equipment, because this stuff is readily available and doable, but not being done by 99.99% of people with access.
Fuck off with your self loathing, you're holding us back.

>sniveling, shit for brains scum sucking morons ITT
Why are you angry that people want to achieve more scientific breakthroughs? Why do you hate tangeable progress? Are you angry that every mind that opts to study the stars is one less mind working on your tranny surgeries or something?

>> No.11630590

what kind of scientific breakthroughs do you have in mind? be as specific as possible

>> No.11630591

But IQs have been getting better over the years and we were doing fantastic over 100 years ago

>> No.11630603

frequency ray that will blow out my neighbors speakers when pointed one way, but not my speakers behind it

>> No.11630702
File: 701 KB, 336x252, ConsciousForthrightIbadanmalimbe-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A- >>>/his/
B- We've had peaceful societies and warring societies, both dumb and tech savvy. We already have the ability to kill ourselves 100x over, permanently, yet we're still here, past the cold war era. You can even make this shit in your garage, but some entrepreneuring people made water powered cars instead. The tech is out there, with plenty of angry groups, and yet we're still here. We can solve world hunger with tech, not humanities. We can get off this single rock with tech, not humanities. Transgender bathrooms are so close to the bottom of the list of human needs right now. Take your head out of your ass and look what other people live like in Mumbai or Ulaan Baatar. Tell them we'd love to clear up the smog and plastic waste and afford clean cheap energy and plastics eating bacteria, but first we need to talk about your feminism.
You are arguing for such a boring future too btw.
What are you even proposing anyway? And who do you want to lead the way? China? Holy shit no. The USA? Everyone hates us. It's been said the middle east would have women's rights already if it wasn't for the USA nagging them about it. Leave the USA with it's DARPA and tech industry and let the Dalai Llama or the Pope figure it out. But then again they're already part of the club you preached against, aren't they? What makes you think the same club of power abusers won't infiltrate these humanities efforts?
C- you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

>> No.11630710
File: 1.33 MB, 800x628, 1574878456468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11630731

Ban liberal arts and only allow STEM to be taught and University be free. Actively promote creativity in science and technology.

>> No.11630747

You don't think declaring an unnecessary war on Syria and bombing their cities to shit so Israel can build it's pipeline to Europe before Iran does is a problem?

You don't think Epstein holding blackmail on the world's most powerful people and forcing them to benefit a select few instead of the many is a problem?

You don't think the CIA studying mind control and employing people in major news networks is a problem?

You don't think China and Russia buying up your real estate and slowly squeezing out the middle class of their savings is a problem?

You think because this shit happens in the dark and that they were once labeled "conspiracy theories" that they don't need to be addressed and fixed? The fuck is wrong with you?
The $trllions lost because of these "conspiracy theories" is enough to fix the rest of these real world problems plaguing us.

>> No.11630753

Unironically stop with the safety culture and start promoting DIY. Fucking Christ Tesla and Edison would've been shut down day 1 in today's culture.

>> No.11630774 [DELETED] 

godamn that's some fresh retarded shit. There's 2 things that drive technology more than anything else: sex and war. That's a hard fact.
You know what the propose of the space race was? Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Look at em, all penisy shaped.. But you'd need a palatable reason to find and study that kind of tech.

>> No.11630776

Send all Jews to Madagascar.

>> No.11630810

godamn that's some fresh retarded shit. There's 2 things that drive technology more than anything else: sex and war.

Idk, do you plan on stopping social media for these adolescents? It's ruining their self esteem and distracting them beyond measure. All the crap they see they feel they need to outdo it or give up, and it's never scientific stuff they see.
The internet is useless as a tool unless you address this

Funny, we probably won't see you in the next tranny thread..

>> No.11631872

Isn't the Flynn effect in recession these days?

>> No.11631882

stop making people take lifelong loans just to study what they're interested in
start paying people more so they don't have to enslave themselves to corporations for 10x the pay they'd get doing science

>> No.11631907

Pretty much this. People are so used to having access to cheap hardware, and replacing it a the first problem. Planned obsolescence is the market's way of keeping up with retards that can't fix shit.

>> No.11631910

>what can the govt do to accelerate scientific progress?
stop suppressing it

>> No.11632210

All of it is true, if you don't like truth go to pleebit and don't come back. You will love it there

>> No.11633104 [DELETED] 
File: 965 KB, 1584x5567, JustTheFluBro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the dust has settled, it was literally "just the flu bro" wasn't it?


>> No.11633812

No. That place is vile. For all the pol raiders in 4ch, this place is still better.

>> No.11634220
File: 41 KB, 492x450, HitlerYouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11634534
File: 73 KB, 640x352, highlander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based levels 9000

>> No.11635321

How does this relate to OP's question?

>> No.11635986

They can get off the shoulders from people who can do it. i.e. let there be more billionaires like Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, etc.

When the investor in research is a private entity who values the return of his investment and suffers actual loss if the investment fails, they tend to make better decisions about it. Governments don't have skin in the game.

>> No.11636430

Research now is largely application driven research that only ever results in incremental advancement (or none at all). Curiosity-driven research is discouraged and people working in fields without obvious applications are sidelined. It's been noted by many critics that Einstein pursued avenues of inquiry that had no obvious application, but ended up transforming our understanding of nature and provided the basis for basically every advance in modern physics.

If we want to return to making large advancements we need to end the academic culture which promotes short-term application driven research and instead encourages people to investigate their interests and whims in their own time. A government provided income for independent maths and physics researchers to work (I'm thinking you'd be required to have a maths or physics PhD to prevent schizos from claiming the money for their free energy research).

>> No.11636432

sure thing, now stop asking for government gibs you fucking "private researcher" aka disgusting leech a parasite

see my suggestion works because even on 4chan the parasites how up scared

>> No.11636440

>They can get off the shoulders from people who can do it. i.e. let there be more billionaires like Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, etc.
Those people are idiots. Elon Musk in particularly must have an IQ in the negative triple digits. You named businessmen, not smart guys like Perlman and Mochizuki.

>> No.11636774

business men provide funds
smart people are too busy doing smart things to sell the world on their ideas
that said, a world where research is solely application driven is going to have massive gaps in knowledge

>> No.11636979

>hardon collider
sounds gay

>> No.11637046
File: 509 KB, 2048x1372, C7SHKtLXQAEebf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end the circlejerk of circularly referenced research with no novelty whatsoever

>> No.11637129

Because most Americans are ignorant and just assume every black or minority is a thug/sports star/etc. It also doesn't help that the majority of poor in the country are black/brown. Even in this topic of inventions, several are ignorant minorities contributed modern technologies like VoIP and fiber optics.