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11614120 No.11614120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically how do you explain trannies ? Why am I like this ?

>> No.11614151

vain neuroticism. if i dropped you in the jungle with a hunting rifle and some gear, and you had to struggle to survive, you wouldn't care about your gender anymore.

it's the result of a lifestyle disconnected from nature.

>> No.11614170


>> No.11614186

Isn't Thailand a jungle and they're well known for having trans people?

>> No.11614190


how many of them are outside the cities?

>> No.11614209

autogynephila (n): a man's paraphilic tendency to be aroused at the thought or image of himself as a woman

>> No.11614218

Xenoestrogens and the power of suggestion

>> No.11614227

Self-obsessively infantile desperation for attention and relevance.

>> No.11614240


>> No.11614242

There can be many different reasons one becomes a tranny
Trannyism can be a symptom or caused by autism. This is the case for Chris chan for example.
It can be a symptom of a hormonal non genetic imbalance in the womb, and a xx female can have characteristics of a man, causing emotional discomfort in being a woman
It can be a symptom of ovarian cyst syndrome, and otherwise go away once the cysts are removed
Trannyism can be caused out of fear of the functions of ones own body, or the curiosity of or oversexualization of the other genders body
And lastly but most commonly, trannyism in the modern age is mostly caused out of social acceptance or to cause controversy, or out of strive for less "bad privilege"

>> No.11614243


>"What do you get when you cross a mentally ill faggot with a Jewish press that feeds and encourages his delusions?"

>> No.11614265

Assuming you're XY, 45 out of 46 of your chromosomes have been in both males and females alternately for eons. Every man carries a mental genetic echo of women, but most of us don't consider it a big deal. How that usually happens so successfully is the real question.

>> No.11614279

City or not your argument that it's the cause of a comfy western lifestyle falls apart. Also it is the same dumb argument used by Africans to claim there are less gays in Africa.

>> No.11614292

When you have no connection to the past, and no hope for a future, and all you care about if the here and now and whatever will make YOU happy, then you'll get shit like that.

It is a product of modern society the reason why gay shit had become so common. It's been a thing for thousands of years but not at this level. For a reason.

>> No.11614313

You don't have a clue what you are talking about, gays are much less accepted today than they were in ancient times.

>> No.11614323

1% of them have a form of body dysmorphic disorder and need therapy and meds.
The other 99% are loser porn addicts with nothing going in their lives and they get sucked into an online cult that promises them that becoming a tranny is the magic bullet that will make them fulfilled.

>> No.11614327

That's a man

>> No.11614553

>City or not your argument that it's the cause of a comfy western lifestyle falls apart.

how so? filthy asian ladymen in the backalleys of bangkok don't at all contradict what i said. don't be a dumb nigger, nigger

>> No.11614586

Probably something genetic/birth thing brain scans show they have more similar brains to females then men. Seems like the best way to treat them is to have them transition. This lowers their suicide rate after considering other variables like severity of their dysphoria.

>> No.11614588
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It's God telling you that what matters is the inside of every person and that you were fortunately born with the heart of a 2D anime girl! You have to live your fullest anonette!

>> No.11614592
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Parasites that masquerade as humans.

>> No.11614594
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>> No.11614598

Lack of solid ego identity, narcissism, and castration anxiety. Men view being female as a disarmed and freed state, so to free themselves from the stress of competition and their own inadequacy, they seek to become female. As the Greeks pointed out, men tend to view that which is beautiful as that which is good and right. Therefore, what could feel more right than cutting out the middleman and simply becoming beautiful? Become the object of your desire? That way you can just split yourself into pieces, and have everything you need, all the time. In theory. In practice it's a delusional dissociative disorder, hence the phasic character and the eventual suicide. The autogynephilia as well.

I think there's a role for microwaves and vaccination as well. Brain damage basically.

>> No.11614697

In Thailand being a tranny is survival though, there's no jobs for gay men so they larp as women to trap tourists for money.

>> No.11614700

Some kinda of brain fuck up similar to how Shitzos think they need to gouge their eyes out
Fuck off Reiko

>> No.11614723

Exactly, it's a social phenomena arising in social conditions. Getting dropped into the jungle isn't a social environment, hence the need for social identity is lost.

>> No.11614741


no. it's the lack of a real imperative. so people make one up.

>> No.11614755

This doesn't make sense. If anything, being trans is playing life in ultra hard mode.

>> No.11614807

People don't always make sense overall. It's about an internal path of least resistance. Lessening dissonance.

Basically, I've come to suspect just about everything is actually about penetration. At least on some level. Unraveling other people's psychology it's become apparent that in their mind the man penetrates, the woman is penetrated, in all things. There is no null state. So if a man is not penetrating, or he has been penetrated, he is not a man, and therefore he is a woman. It is for the same reason that if a man were to for example be castrated, or lose his phallus, many would exclaim "he's been made a woman!". Or they "neuter" their cat, and despite the already delusional idea that an animal can occupy a neuter state, they might say it's been made trans or a woman. It is strictly because they do not have a null state, and the man penetrates, the woman is penetrated, in all things.

This culminates into a rigidity, and a sort of inescapability. He feels he is not a man, and is impotent or not desiring to be penetrated, so he shifts to the other binary extreme, his cardboard cut-out notion of feminine passivity.

Man is active element, woman is passive element. Man is current, woman is ground. Man is this, woman is that. Man penetrates, woman is penetrated. Therefore in such a conditioned and locked up mind, you get bizarre outlets.

The other aspect is again, dissociation (eg narcissism, a dissociative disorder) and a gradual lack of presence in one's environment. At which point, if you're not connecting to anything external, the rules and realities of your entire world are internal, and therefore they're open to distortion and the self becomes more of a concept. I think trans probably here too is a form of multiple personality. An alter takes over after the truer selves and core self have crumbled away.

>> No.11614819
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newfag can't crossboard

>> No.11614824

Trannies and other forms of deviance are a sign of godlessness and immorality

>> No.11614886
File: 412 KB, 176x119, shut the fuck up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice 2012 meme loser

>> No.11614897

I miss 2010.

>> No.11615043

Based and Kaczynskipilled

>> No.11615046 [DELETED] 


no, he was a tard

>> No.11615067

this but unironically

t. in the know

>> No.11615070

>Basically, I've come to suspect just about everything is actually about penetration.
Fuck off Freud, you retard.

>> No.11615074

>Isn't Thailand a jungle
Less so than America

>> No.11615106

woah never thought about it this way

>> No.11615133



>> No.11615137

>Why am I like this?
You watched too much porn, 2D or otherwise.

>> No.11615150

Shut the fuck up nigger. Whenever that is brought up the actual study is never brought up or posted, stop lying about it you fucking faggot.

>> No.11615151

How can you possibly say this? The Greeks and Romans were the USA of their time.

>> No.11615156

this anon's abrasive nature tickles me pink

>> No.11615161

i'll tickle your cock pink

>> No.11615170
File: 1.21 MB, 1647x2240, Sigmund_Freud,_by_Max_Halberstadt_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about your relationship with your mother.

>> No.11615171
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lol hell ya

>> No.11615175
File: 65 KB, 1200x1200, 256px-Sigmund_Freud_1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tickled your mother's pink. How does that make you feel?

>> No.11615185 [DELETED] 

That's easy. You enjoy shocking other people's longer-held perspectives and beliefs more than holding on to your own.

People become trannies to use as ammunition for their psychological/communication pleasures and fetishes.

>> No.11615322

/thread it's all been said

>> No.11615325

>still spamming this nonsense

>> No.11615409

>Why am I like this ?
First, the CIA shaman picks a young swell happy-go-lucky incel-type buck of a guy that is surely to cause plenty of anti-establishmentarian anti-corporate ruckus in the future who is then gangstalked. NSA bombards his home with signals displaying Japanese anime, electro-lobotomizing his prefrontal cortex, a region associated with growing your personality, turning him into a Luciferian soldier of sex and depravity.

>> No.11615412

Why am I laughing.
>electro-lobotomizing with anime

>> No.11615419

>Scientifically how do you explain trannies ?
Supply and demand
The supply of quality women has dropped so far to the point where it may be hitting negatives in our lifetime
Meanwhile you have men who want to be women more than women do, and men who want women who want to be women

>> No.11615464

https://whatweknow.inequality.cornell.edu/topics/lgbt-equality/what-does-the-scholarly-research-say-about-the-well-being-of-transgender-people/ Here is a meta analysis on 52 studies 51 show transitioning having positive effects for transgender people.

>> No.11615471
File: 1.24 MB, 290x189, 1456636894111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about
>Luciferian soldier of sex and depravity

>> No.11615479

>a 1% decrease in risk is significant when compared against the 41% average
Yeah I'm sure they weren't biased at all either

>> No.11615483

Where is the brain scan retard?

>> No.11615492
File: 34 KB, 198x242, 1453720286782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meta analysis

>> No.11615495

>heh look at my one study that shows the suicide rate meme

>> No.11615501


>> No.11615509

>When you realize you can immediately recognize Carl

>> No.11615516

This isn’t pseudo psychology bullshit. This is measuring if a treatment was successful or not. This is easily measurable.

>> No.11616138

Don't you have eels to sort?

>> No.11616160

This is speculative metaphysics and closer to improvisational bullshitting than science, but I tend to agree.

>> No.11616184

It made total sense to me. He even added that it's delusion