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11612782 No.11612782 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11612800

My sister got given antipsychotics and is now retarded. I'm going to shoot her psychiatrist if this thread slides without answer.

>> No.11612922

stop taking them and try to stimulate the parts of the brain that has been affected?

>> No.11612924

You literally can't
Good luck not getting caught OP, but it won't be easy after making this post
I do agree that all pyschs deserve a bullet though

>> No.11612941

the basic idea is that they will "calm down" brain activity in this way the person can live more or less a "normal life"

some people report good results for others is just a constant "numb" state of living...

>> No.11612943

You have to give us more information, rather than just talking in general terms. What drugs, what dosages, for what conditions, how old is she, what is her bodyweight, what are the "retardations" she's facing that she previously didn't have and finally, what has changed about her condition.

>> No.11613072

I took one by accident once. I did get permanently damaged from it once. It was risperidone. Just one can fuck your shit up. They shouldn't be prescribed. It's like chemical rape and destruction of neurons.
Nah mine was cool gave me Xanax, Valium, Adderall, Dex, meth (didn't get it because it was so rare) Ambien, and I didn't ask for more. Aside from the meth to replace the Dex it was all at the same time. I got the best stuff except the pain meds which I can't ask for. Eventually did electric therapy he did too and didn't need them but he was an awesome dude. I feel like need the polar opposite of OP.

>> No.11613082

How did you get damaged?

>> No.11613111

Glow harder.

>> No.11613150

My psychedelic visuals were much weaker permanently or non-existent. I developed aphantasia. Adderall didn't work as well on me. I feel more sluggish. It's been 7 years and something bad happened when I took it or so I attribute to it. I regret that event because nothing good came out of it. I was smart enough to ignore using antidepressants when a doctor gave them to me, but for most normies I can't believe they're just given out like candy. You shouldn't fuck up someone's neurons without consent and from which authority. They make you fat as fuck too. Seroquel fucked some of my friends up because they listened.

>> No.11613228

OK, so now that I have your attention, why don't you investigate them? It's the most blatant pseudoscience there is, no objective diagnosis, no known way how these drugs work, they are far worse than bleach peddlers and other bullshit by the amount of damage done, yet they are free to do that. Tell me, why?

>> No.11614053

it doesn't take a genius to realize that the cure to anti-psychotics is only psychosis

>> No.11614083

I was prescribed anti-psychotics for around a month when I was 16. Very horrible experience, it's has dropped my attention span significantly. But I kind of like it. It's like a chemical lobotomy, I'm always very care-free, less stressed and much happier.
I'm at university now studying engineering and it's only made things a little bit harder :)

>> No.11614258

it will wear off over time, but if you dont find proper help for her, she wont live for too long.

>> No.11614385

It's not permanent, but you should get your sister help otherwise. The psychotic live terrible lives.

>> No.11615305


It isn't wearing off. It seems to be permanent. It's been since the lockdowns started.

>> No.11615319

Time, exercise, and antioxidants. Have her eat half a large garlic and half of a large onion every day. NAC, vitamin C, selenium via brazil nuts eg, just overall high quality nutrition.

Cacao (raw)
Celastrus paniculatus
Gotu kola
So forth. These are all antioxidants and neuroprotective. Cacao aids mitochondrial health.

Even so, antipsychotics were originally called chemical lobotomy. Just focus on getting her well again. Hell, fater fasting may even help.

>> No.11615328

I took one nortriptyline once. Still wonder what it effect it may have had.

>> No.11615334

Shoot your sister instead. The meds are there to keep her from bothering society too much and if she’s bad enough to the point where a doctor wrote her meds she deserves to be shot anyway.

>> No.11615339

It should wear off years later you dumb fuck. Not in a few weeks or months.

>> No.11615342

Don't forget about Taurine
Aside from that good list no memes

>> No.11615366

I'm not interested in bullshit like that, I want a real antidote.
stop posting and just KYS

>> No.11615372

>I'm not interested in bullshit like that, I want a real antidote.
Fuck ya then. Too bad for your sister.

>> No.11615373

She's gonna be a zombie for the rest of her life with your expert help

>> No.11615382

There is no real antidote. She should exercise, eat well, and do brain stimulating activities like reading books. Also lots of therapy. Over time she will be ok. It’s like her brain reboots. My sister had the same thing happen to her.

>> No.11615384

My sister went from Berkeley to zombie to lawyer with a practice. Just hang in there. Many patients are human beings so they loathe and seethe and hate the meds or are jealous of smarter people, etc. you might need to switch her meds or reduce the dose but that’s something that’s usually done over time. The best thing you can do is find her the absolute best doctors you can find.

>> No.11615388

need help. I have mood shifts/anxiety. fyi my aunt has schizo and my mom has bipolar/anxiety.

worth taking anxiolytics and mood stabilizers? the negative effect of these emotions on my life is about 6-7/10. i'm afraid of fucking my brain up doe, my mom and aunt are really zoned out on meds.

>> No.11615391

She might struggle with reading at first. It might be slow and she might not make sense of it but she should just stick with it and it gets faster and easier over time.

>> No.11615394

Meds are the last ditch effort if you literally cannot function otherwise. I mean vivid hallucinations and delusions that cause you to put yourself or others in harms way. Otherwise do therapy and eat well.

>> No.11615397

I said I'm not interested in bullshit. KYS.

>> No.11615398

I'm going to give you the advice that almost no psychs give prior to recommending medication:
>Get exercise
>Eat healthier
>Find a hobby you enjoy

>> No.11615400

Fine. Just take her off meds and then jump off a bridge with her.

>> No.11615402

4chan is for 18+.

>> No.11615404

Take psychotics or antiantipsychotics

>> No.11615407

Can confirm that this will both get rid of her symptoms and end OP's retardation

>> No.11615416

maybe you could do what they're always doing on the pornhubs and try to orgasm your sister back to health?

>> No.11615417

Did you even read the thread? The effects are not wearing off.
also KYS

>> No.11615428

The effects are not designed to wear off. She is supposed to take them and they accumulate in her brain and blood over time. She will feel ok and think she doesn’t need them anymore and then stop taking them and then eventually it gets bad again. Every psych patient goes through this.

>> No.11615431

So there is a lag effect with the medication. If you take them for a month and then stop all of sudden, you will still feel the effects for a few weeks if not longer.

>> No.11615430

>The effects are not designed to wear off.
So you admit you are ruining people's brains on purpose?

>> No.11615434

Shutting down their over active psycho delusions and preventing them from killing themselves or harming others? Yes. I get that you’re some edgy faggot who doesn’t respect psychiatric medicine but it does work if you give it time.

>> No.11615435
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>NOOOOOO I don’t want a solution that requires WORK or EFFORT! Give me a magic pill NOOOOOWWW!

>> No.11615438

Shutting down their brain you mean. She never hallucinated.
Stop posting retard.

>> No.11615439

>Lobotomizing crazies works because it prevents them from killing themselves or harming others
I wouldn't mind you disgusting jews if you were just honest with your language in saying you want to medically euthanize the dregs of society, but you use coded language so get fucked and die in a ditch with your ancestors

>> No.11615441

Why did they give the medication to her and what meds was it? She might not have hallucinated per se but did she have delusions? Like thinking someone is controlling her or that the tv is giving her orders?

>> No.11615442 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11615446

The thing is that there are no alternatives and the medical lobotomy is not permanent; it works by reducing brain activity yes and the problem is that your sisters brain is probably dysfunctional. I hate to break it to you but we are not perfect specimens many of us have problems.

>> No.11615448

I have no idea, some injections. She went there for rehab and returned like that.

>> No.11615452

>The thing is that there are no alternatives
There are no alternatives because we perpetuate a religion that allows human experimentation
By advocating for them you are no different, so again die in a ditch you fucking faggot

>> No.11615455

Schizophrenia is caused by childhood trauma. Also, there are many reports of curing catatonic schizophrenia by simply ceasing to feed the patient. Fasting removes garbage and especially acids from the body.

>> No.11615456

Ok I can guess what she had. She will get better. I’ve seen it.

And has she done drugs in the past ?
There are no alternatives because idiots don’t like to fund medical research into psychiatric or neurological science. If you want to cure this all in a painless way then lobby the government to devote trillions to research instead of bombing Arabs.

>> No.11615459

People should be capable of coping with trauma.

>> No.11615468

>coping with trauma.
At what cost?

Your idea of trauma is "scary thing happened 2 me once :(". That's not what it is. For examples, look up double bind, trauma bonding, parentification, and attachment trauma.

>> No.11615469

Drug use is a major cause of psychiatric disease. It’s likely that your sisters drug use is the immediate cause of her psychosis; so good for you, she will get better as long as he avoids drugs and takes her meds.

>> No.11615470

>disgusting jews
I thought schizophrenia was invented by the Nazis?

>> No.11615472

It's an expression you fucking autist

>> No.11615475

I’m sorry. Were you a mkultra rape victim? No? A North Korea camp survivor ? No?

Then I think you should be able to cope. Just face it openly and analyze it using therapy and philosophy... like stoicism and existentialism.

>> No.11615476

Avoid the traumatic triggers. Like if you were abused by a parent, avoid that parent and move on with a new life. It not always so easy but there can be a plan to move forward.

>> No.11615478

Face what?

>> No.11615481

Whatever underlying trauma that causes you to seek drugs and causes psychological pain which you refuse to face and therefore develops into delusions or psychosis.

>> No.11615486

It could be sexual abuse, it could be physical abuse, it could be neglect, it could be a deep seated inferiority complex or something. There are a lot of options.

It could just be that you liked what speed felt like so you abused stimulants and messed up your serotonin and dopamine Receptors and so developed stimulant psychosis. It happens. It is what it is.

>> No.11615490

Ohhh I'm the same, as I was when I was 6 years old. And oh my god I feel so damn old, but do I really feel anything. On a plane I can see all the tiny lights below, and oh my god they look so alone, but do they really feel anything? Oh my god, I got to got to move on, but where do you move when what you're movin' from. Is yourself.
Is yourself.

>> No.11615494

Some people have no internal voice that tells them to be moderate so they abuse whatever they get their little paws on. That could be relatively benign things like coffee and chocolate or it could be heroin and meth. The latter two will cause psychosis if abused, and their use is intrinsically abusive.

>> No.11615499

Nothing about this thread is scientific.
We might as well be 35 year old cool wine aunts sitting around arguing about star signs.
Op your sister is nuts. There's very little you can do.

>> No.11615500

The brain does heal however, given enough time and nutrition and rest. The trouble is that you might panic in the short term and experience a psychotic episode which causes you to do irreparable harm to yourself.

>> No.11615502

Cops. There is a good evidence that therapy should complement psychiatric treatment. Only retard 1950s style doctors wouldn’t also put a patient on therapy. The psyche is a thing. The mind, whatever. Meditation can help you become more attuned to you motivations, or therapy can help too.

>> No.11615505

A huge percentage of psychotic patients have their first episodes following a experimentation with drugs, so these people can usually have a very good prognosis.

>> No.11615512

And to all you skeptics out there, go to a psych ward or something and see psychotic people yourself. It is real. It’s really odd the first time you see it but it is real. They are people and they deserve compassion and treatment. They do get better, especially these days, since we have better techniques and understanding than we used to have.

>> No.11615519

Op find a top university near you and get your sister a consult with a well regarded psychiatrist

>> No.11615523

How do you cope with the fact that one of the symptoms of anti-psychotics is psychosis and physical brain damage?

>> No.11615526

Permanent customer. I feel my bank account swelling, and I feel the power of being on top and in control.

>> No.11615528

They shouldn’t cause psychosis and any brain damage they cause is designed to reverse brain damage that already exists or occurred due to drug abuse... like if your sister had too many dopamine receptors the meds would reduce that somewhat, or if she had serotogenic axonal loss due to drug abuse the meds would balance out her brain’s re uptake inhibitors which are working to suck up serotonin which isn’t there but which should be there and therefore causing problems.

>> No.11615529

>theory theory theory
>no mention of non-specific effects

>> No.11615530

It’s like being angry that the orthopedist Mae your muscle weaker when he fixed your ripped labrum. It happens. It’s part of the treatment. You’re not he first person it’s happened to. It was probably exacerbated by your sisters drug use.

>> No.11615533

The bullshit you pseuds make up to justify chemically lobotomizing people will never cease to amaze me

>> No.11615539

That the orthopedist made*>>11615533
You said she was in rehab, cletus. So it’s likely her drug use did this to her and she had psychosis in rehab when she was weaned off and they had to inject her to calm her ass down. If you don’t psychosis then don’t become a drug addict.

>> No.11615542

>If you don’t psychosis then don’t become a drug addict.
>Just become addicted to this totally fine drug that makes you into a retarded zombie

>> No.11615543

If you don’t want psychosis, then don’t do drugs *

May I ask what was her drug of choice ?

>> No.11615544

Uhhhhh antipsychotic medicine has very low addiction potential because nobody likes to take it you dumb ass.

Avoid all drugs!

>> No.11615545

>antipsychotic medicine has very low addiction potential because nobody likes to take it you dumb ass.
You're right, it's the psychopaths administering it who are addicted to their own ego to the point where they can't comprehend a world in which they're harming their patients more than helping

>> No.11615547

There are people who do everything right and are responsible etc, and all of a sudden they get psychosis and have to go through grueling treatment. Then there are assholes who abuse drugs for years and then get weaned off and then go psychotic all the while blaming everyone but themselves.

Did she ever had psychosis before using drugs? What age did she start having psychosis ? What age did she begin abusing drugs?

If you want to smoke a little weed in your 30s fine but don’t be railing meth and heroin all through your teens and early 20s and expect a perfect brain,

>> No.11615551

Nigger; it’s all fun and games until you realize that your sister is a drug addict who probably did this to herself although she likely also had some genetic predisposition it was the drugs that pushed her over.

>> No.11615552

Nigger you can’t reason with psychosis that is why it’s called psychosis. There is no treatment for it except medication. I’m sorry but this is the state of the art. Go complain to Congress or something.

>> No.11615565

There's clamped and then.... there's this.
You are CLAMPED. You NEED to UNclamp.

>> No.11615579

And how many had it after getting dosed with PSYCHIATRIC drugs?
No drug use, no psychotics, only alcohol addiction.
Anyway this is getting out of hand, many of the anons above are not me.

>> No.11615584

>many of the anons above are not me.
tripfag if you don't wanna be anonymous retared

>> No.11615587

if you want to shoot someone you should probably steal her prescription bottle and help yourself hahahahahahaha

>> No.11615598

I got a glass splinter in my palm grabbing my phone and the pain didn't compare to my overall angst. feels like a mental prison. my prescription is 2 500mg tabs of depakote and im around 150 pounds

>> No.11616868
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>> No.11616876

Still pushing that nonsense, I see.

>> No.11616877

Still pushing that nonsense, I see.

>> No.11616912

>Still pushing that nonsense, I see.
Still pushing that nonsense, I see.

>> No.11616915

>>Still pushing that nonsense, I see.
>Still pushing that nonsense, I see.
Still pushing that nonsense, I see.

>> No.11616944

>>>Still pushing that nonsense, I see.
>>Still pushing that nonsense, I see.
>Still pushing that nonsense, I see
Still pushing that nonsense, I see

>> No.11616952


>> No.11618424

Years of living life again, because they dumpened your memories? With being retarded of course, which isn't always most happy life.

Antipsychotics are just way of psychiatrist to share their experience of atleast semi-retarded life to other people.

Eating antipsychotics is for kids of retarded parents who can't explain anything to their children that require... Well...

People on antipsychotics doesn't argue. Maybe there is the way to get somehow back...

Your opinions that are concluded from experience however may not jump back after and you have to have experience again,

>> No.11618431

No. Give her something that promotes neuronal growth, and have her have some experience again, it may be pain for her... Essential is for her to be good without them.

Also kill them, they are bunch of retards who wants to share experience.

>> No.11618893

have you tried being more psychotic?

>> No.11619491
