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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1161244 No.1161244 [Reply] [Original]

So what are the chance that if aliens come here that they will exterminate us. Personally I think its highly unlikely. I think they will be friendly and peaceful. What do you think /sci/?

>> No.1161256

I just think they'll be curious. Then after 200 years of knowing each other we will probably try to enslave them/exterminate them or vise versa.

It's just who we are. Even if they are completely peaceful, we will try to kill them.

>> No.1161261

I think you have to think about what sort of civilisation would produce a spaceship capable of travelling that kind of distance. Maybe one built of slavery and oppression? Or maybe an enlightened intellectual eutopia.

>> No.1161275

Very likely.

Consider this: we are the most advanced and successful species on our planet, and we are (mostly) carnivores, by diet. In the animal kingdom, the more advanced species are carnivores, and are highly aggressive, just as we are.
If evolution followed at least similar paths on any given planet, chances are the most advanced species will be aggressive carnivores.

Also, there are a myriad of other reasons not to come in peace: resources, preemptive extermination to avoid competition, a blue and green morality, biology, social and cultural differences, or anything you can think of.

>> No.1161279

I don't think we will be able to. If we had a war with them it wouldn't be bullets vs lasers. It would be more like sponges vs A-Bombs, us being the sponges. Think about how advanced they would have to be just to travel across the universe to get here.

>> No.1161284

If they come from many light years, perhaps thousands or millions away, they better have a good fucking reason cuz that is a hell of a feat. Aside from buttraping us all, thats a good reason.

>> No.1161286

We omnivores now.

>> No.1161303

By dentition, yes. But most of our meals contain meat, that's why I said carnivores. And it illustrated my point better.
Also, culture-dependent. For example, Hungarians generally eat more meat than vegetables.

>> No.1161304

first we'll have an epic war with them, but then a another race will show up to fuck shit up and we'll wise up and form a galactic terran whatever alliance and shit will be so cash

>> No.1161307

in the natural world top species are aggressive carnivores but the more advanced and sophisticated a culture is the more civilized and peaceful they become. You get a lot more accomplished in a peaceful environment then in a war torn one. Plus they aren't going to eat us. If they can travel billions of light years, they can most definitely synthesize their own food.

>> No.1161318


dunno about that. Who's to say they don't have bio-organic ships capable of supporting small ecosystems that float in space until they land on a planet. Maybe they've been floating for 8 bagillion years and just happened to land on earf, just saying.

>> No.1161319

or they wont even know we're here and think of us in the same way we think of ants (cute insignificant colonies).

>> No.1161324

Stephen Hawking, and thus I, believe that if we ever saw aliens they would exterminate us immediately.

>> No.1161325

I prefer real beef to imitation beef, thank you... :)

>> No.1161333

>But most of our meals contain meat, that's why I said carnivores.
uh huh

>> No.1161334

You can't claim something like "most of our meals contain meat" and then appeal to cultural differences. That's hypocritical.

>> No.1161339

Any species that advanced will hopefully realize the intelligence of other primitive but sentient species. We have art and music and can manipulate our environment on a molecular level using tools. Ants have none of the above.

>> No.1161348

Well Stephen hawking is a vegetable, and retired. I think its time we think for ourselfs. I think aliens have no reason at all to visit us, but if they do stumble apon us, I'd think rejoicement that they're not the only living fucking thing is in order, dont you think?

>> No.1161354

They may not need a good reason. Do you need a good reason to go for a Sunday drive. Might be the same for them and we're not even considering that they may be capable of inter dimensional travel.

>> No.1161355

I'm fairly certain that the majority of dishes we have, globally, are meat-based.

The cultural difference, IMHO, is in how "meat-heavy" the culture is, but I admit that I don't have much basis to go by, being familiar only with central European cuisine, which is fairly "meat-heavy", meaning that there are practically no meat-free dishes, excepting deserts.

>> No.1161363

Regardless, I don't see why you need to call us carnivores where it isn't true. Why should that make your point stronger?

>> No.1161364

>>implying there will be distinctions such as "plant" and "animal"

>> No.1161379

I was trying to emphasize what I perceive as the role of aggression in evolutionary success, as a predatory lifestyle is inherently more aggressive than a herbivorous.

My point about distinctions in biology. They may be alien enough that we would not even be considered alive as far as they're concerned.

>> No.1161387

you would be very, very, very wrong. Maybe if you said "included some sort of meat" then you may be right, but still probably are wrong.

>> No.1161394

That's an interesting point. Never considered that. Like if they were made of pure energy or something.

>> No.1161406

I think they would have to realize we're alive though. They would have to have a way to distinguish between a barren planet like mercury (assuming its barren) and a living planet like earth.

>> No.1161417

remo ve y our il leg al clo ne moota rd www.anonjalk.se except t instead of j in the mid dle be cause po olar bear is a psyc ho thi ef 3bf93f2f9d58f5692b84a0b9d4c3abfb

>> No.1161425

I could bring examples, the problem is, being from Hungary, I'm not sure you'd recognize them. I'll try to list some more well-known and international ones: goulash soup is chock full of beef, pork cutlet, steak tartar, cottage cheese dumplings are generally served here with cooked ham sprinkled on top. These are the Hungarian ones that pop into my mind right now.

As for foreign cuisine: Japanese sukiyaki is prepared full of meat (but also contains lots of noodles, tofu and vegetables and mushrooms, so might not count for much), the Indian chicken tikka massala, General Tso's chicken from China.

>> No.1161455

Not necessarily. Let's consider a silicon-based life form: from their point of view, Earth may be considered uninhabitable due to low temperatures and excess water, while Mercury may be their idea of Paradise. Therefore, they might just strip mine the planet without even scanning for life.

A good example would be the Doctor Who episode "42", which features a living SUN. After a spaceship uses a magnetic scoop to siphon off matter to fuel the drives, it gets pissed off. Nobody thought of scanning for life, as they didn't think a STAR could be alive.

>> No.1161492

An advanced specie who's able to travel in space would have other problems than "finding meat".

First you have to ask yourself "why would they come to earth?".

They would never come to earth for enlightening us because a hippie enlightening specie will never exist and would never waste resources and thousands of years traveling aimlessly in the universe.

They would come to earth for natural resources. Now, unless they need water, there are really more interesting planets or satellites resource wise in our solar system.

Now, if they actually decided to come to earth to pump our ocean, they would probably don't even bother to make contact with us or trying to eliminate us unless we would try to attack them. Because, does a deer try to attack humans when we're cutting trees?

Not really.

>> No.1161496
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> he still thinks silicon based life is possible

>> No.1161516



>> No.1161543

It is possible, since silicon can create molecules that are sufficiently large to carry biological information. Granted, it's highly unlikely in the face of carbon-based life, as silicon forms double and triple bonds harder than carbon, and silanes are reactive with water. But given the size of the Universe, I wouldn't be too surprised.

But let's give you an extreme example: Sir Fred Hoyle's The Black Cloud, which scientists found actually plausible (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Cloud#Plausibility).). In a nutshell: under certain conditions, charged inorganic particles may form into DNA-like helices, which behave very much like organic life.

>> No.1161554

I doubt an advanced race would need anything this planet has. Oil? Gold? Water?

We pose no threat and we can not get off our own planet very well. The only things aliens would be doing is just watching and doing study. Why do we fly into the middle of the amazon or congo to look at stupid shit.. curiousity

>> No.1161558

Silicon based molecules are way too stiff

>> No.1161559

(A side note: does anyone know how URLs can be parsed as links here, just to avoid others having to copy-paste?)

>> No.1161566
File: 28 KB, 418x396, 1272114747157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Silicon based lifeform
>>He copy past a sentence from wikipedia's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothetical_types_of_biochemistry page
>>He copy paste a wikipedia link on another theory as a source.

You should be studying for your A level kiddo.

>> No.1161568


>> No.1161573

Unlikely. Not impossible.

Also, there are a ton of other possible biochemistries: nitrogen, sulfur, arsenic, ammonia, chlorine, etc. They each have drawbacks compared to carbon-based life, but are more viable in certain conditions, which are bound to occur somewhere in the universe, simply due to its size.

>> No.1161584

What does white man do whenever he discovers a new culture?
He cons it, enslaves it, and if necessary exterminates it, all while hiding behind a legal system that is bribed to wholeheartedly accept it.
Expect aliens to be NO different.

>> No.1161601


Protip: stop reading wikipedia.

Pay attention in class.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.1161612

> implying the universe is a reasonable distribution of random environments suitable to satisfy your sci-fi cravings.

>> No.1161616

Implying dimensions work like in sci-fi

>> No.1161623

So what? I could have copied the citations for the study on The Black Cloud, but since it's a rather obscure novel, I assumed people who check out the link might be interested in reading the synopsis too. You know, open mind. Something you can't have, apparently lacking a mind...

Also, You're talking to a university student, who can comprehend string theory and advanced physics. So don't try trolling me. Kiddo.

>> No.1161629

>Implying you haven't already been trolled

>> No.1161630

Now you have a point! The anthropic principle hasn't been confirmed OR refuted yet, but personally, I lean towards refuting it.

>> No.1161631
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>Also, You're talking to a university student, who can comprehend string theory and advanced physics. So don't try trolling me. Kiddo.

>> No.1161647


>Implying without the ">"

>> No.1161652

>Implying you are the first to notice that

>> No.1161655
File: 72 KB, 590x510, implying6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1161657

>Implying anyone gives a shit about your fucking "implying's"

>> No.1161659


You're fucking retarded, I've checked the original publication quoted as a source in wikishit for your "plausibility" appendix.

The guy who wrote the "plausbility" thing has obvioulsy NO FUCKING KNOWLEDGE about what's he's blabbering about, and quoted a random physic publication as a source to impress kids like you.

ALL the "different based lifeform" theories comes from sci-fi books or TV series. No exception. There are objective conditions to the apparition of life. While you might not "need" o2 (that's still HIGHLY debatable) in different environments, carbon (which is a fucking ATOM not a MOLECULE) is necessary for dozens of reasons. As much as H.

I've checked the wiki discussion page of the "hypothetical theories of different lifeforms": kids reading Scifi books and having no knowledge about what they're blabbering about.
TL;DR /lit/ is this way ->

>> No.1161664

Your comments implying low IQ, I declare you stupid, and GTFO! The grown-ups are talking here.

>> No.1161669

>Implying you didn't just imply

>> No.1161678

>Implying you have the authority or intelligence to declare anyone stupid

>> No.1161683

>Implying I didn't do that on purpose

>> No.1161696

Compared to you, I'll safely assume yes. At the very least, the intelligence, if not the authority.

>> No.1161700
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>>Thinks he's grown up and knows about /sci/ence

>> No.1161705

ITT: implications

>> No.1161712

>Implying you can safely assume anything based on a few messages on an imageboard

>> No.1161718

If we are cutting the only fucking tree that its got and its sat on it then it would attack.

>> No.1161721
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1276018478583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Thinks solving first degree equations in 8th grade means he's intelligent.

>> No.1161730

>calls someone kiddo
>has anime picture
>is probably 17

>> No.1161731

Why would they exterminate us when we are a fully functioning and well equipped workforce?

I mean, if they're traveling all that distance, chances are they packed light for the journey with the intention of rebuilding their tools upon arrival.

They would likely see us as a pre-existing workforce.

>> No.1161749
File: 28 KB, 447x395, 1273144991699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Implying I'm not a 31 years old weeaboo.

>> No.1161752


It'll probably be something a lot like the Elder Things from Mountains of Madness. They won't need to come here for resources or food or anything if they have the technology to get here at all, so good signs right there. But with how incomprehensible they would be they are best kept at a distance from human society for a time, until we are more used to and they are more used to us. We definitely want a common language we can both speak first.

>> No.1161754

>is scum

>> No.1161755

>Implying you should show off about that fact and not be horribly ashamed and an hero.

>> No.1161772

Get the fuck out you weeboo faggot everyone hates you

>> No.1161781
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>>Implying I shouldn't be proud about fucking 16 years old weeaboo girls in my Naruto cosplay at conventions.

>> No.1161782

Let us hope.
Or they have all their tools automated, and will just decide to scrub the surface clean from orbit before starting.

>> No.1161789

>Implying you should you stupid fuck. I bet you look ridiculous in your shitty costume.

>> No.1161791
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>> No.1161807

>implying the janitorial outfit is a cosplay costume

>> No.1161808

If we went to another planet with comparatively wild animals that got in the way of what we were trying to do, wouldn't we kill them? Or at least re-locate them.

A species capable of deep space flight wouldn't be bothered to talk to us or anything. Humans can't even be bothered to communicate with animals on our own planet. What makes you think they'd spend the time and resources to hang out and share their knowledge?

>> No.1161811

>never happened

>> No.1161827
File: 140 KB, 270x255, 1257616907911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Implying I haven't trolled the shit out of this thread.

>> No.1161839

>Implying you didn't just realise you are a waste of space and should go and hang yourself immediately

>> No.1161842

>implying you're straight

>> No.1161847

Lol everyone hates you

>> No.1161855

>Implying he didn't give us a very good reason to

>> No.1161856


>> No.1161861

As long as the aliens aren't Muslims, we should be good :)

>> No.1161864
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>> No.1161867

I'm afraid i have some bad news...

>> No.1161868


>> No.1161871


This is why humanity will never amount to anything. The fucking one small ray of hope amidst the pile of shit that is 4chan, one tiny place where we can all attempt to transcend ignorance and all you fucks do is argue.

This is why we will die out as a species. We will never make it off Earth. Our tiny primape intelligence will never be enough to overcome our evolutionary baggage. We will perish.

>> No.1161872

And oxygen. Think of the carbon footprint this idiot leaves behind by breathing, and contributing nothing...

>> No.1161873
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>> No.1161878

Personally, I'm thinking the only reason we could possibly get a visit is scientific curiosity on their part. There just isn't anything else our planet can offer that something else they have access too wouldn't do much better.

Now, whether this scientific curiosity results in first contact and other star-trek cliches or as them abducting and dissecting half of us is a different question entirey.

>> No.1161885

>Implying we will die out any time soon

>> No.1161888
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>> No.1161891

Given that their moralities will likely be significantly different from ours, there's a rather good chance of the second scenario happening too...

>> No.1161898

This anonymous agrees with you and thinks you are indeed wasting oxygen and contributing nothing

>> No.1161903

Really, If another alien species have come so far in evolution and development, I have a hard time believing that their sole purpose to come to earth is to extermenate us, and possibly, take our resources which we have no proof of, should be useful to them.

>> No.1161908

Well im afraid to say sir, but, well... We have reason to believe that the aliens are actually muslim extremists. They made first contact 9 years ago when they captured 4 of our flying machines and declared war on our species. We must retalliate with deadly force now before it is too late!

>> No.1161926

Oh No. They have invaded this thread and killed it too! Get out while you can!!!

>> No.1161938

There is insufficient data for a meaningful answer, everything about aliens is speculation at this point.

This thread is bad and you should all feel bad, especially you greentexting faggots.

>> No.1161954

>Implying your sage does anything, Green Text LOL

>> No.1161958


>> No.1161970

>Implying your sage didn't bump the thread three times.

>> No.1161979

This thread is dicks.

>> No.1161989

>Implying dicks everywhere

>> No.1162005

>implying dicks not everywhere

>> No.1162011

>Implying the opposite to implications

>> No.1162076

Im not sure about peaceful, but it kind of depends why they were looking for other planets to begin with. If it was for explorations sake,then sure, they might be friendly, but if their planet has become too populated or has run out of resources, they will most likely take over earth, in which case were pretty much fucked seeing as how we cant even get out of our solar system yet.

>> No.1162095

history has taught us that the people with the most advanced technology, power, and wealth are violent who try to take control and build an empire. Examples include Alexander the Great of Greece, Julius Ceasar of Rome, King Henry the VIII of Great Britain, Adolph Hitler of Nazi Germany, and America today. If aliens are advanced enough to build ships that can take them to earth, chances are they are advanced and unfriendly.

>> No.1162105

This here's an implying thread.

>> No.1162175

>Implying aliens act in the same way as humans.
>Implying history teaches us anything about what an alien would do.

>> No.1162185
File: 103 KB, 252x252, Benny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been here for a few weeks, looks like summer has hit /sci/ just as hard as any other board!

>> No.1162224


But your considering a primitive race from a human perspective. We are still very uncivilized. As we advance we become more civilized look at Europe now compared to 1800. Odd are they will be much more civilized and peaceful then we are.

>> No.1162270


If they are advanced enough to get here, they probably will not need any of our resources. They will most likely be capable of manipulating matter to create whatever materials they want, such as turning hydrogen atoms into any other atoms they wish by combining the subatomic particles in any ration they wish.