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11606996 No.11606996 [Reply] [Original]

Why are men attracted to younger women?
I mean obviously they're more fertile but the DEGREE is extraordinary. Do males value fertility in their partners more than women do? What's the reason for this?

>> No.11607008

>Do males value fertility in their partners more than women do?
Yes, because that’s the entire point of getting with a woman is to reproduce

>> No.11607015

Male fertility just means at least one of his sperms works and has few/no mutations. Female fertility involves building a complete human organism within her body. A malfunctioning woman can fuck up the man's offspring much more than a malfunctioning man can fuck up the woman's offspring.
Disclaimer, this is my armchair guess.

>> No.11607023

It's always the point for women being attracted to men but women seem to make less of a deal about it. The men to which women are attracted extend over a broader range and peak later in their lives

>> No.11607732

The younger the woman the less likely they are to have children already. Meaning that your child will be the first and therefore the main focus for some time.

>> No.11607746

Is it valid to think that every unconscious sexual decision must go towards reproduction and passing good genes? How much weight does our culture (inb4 meme word) have in this? I like shortstacks, but being short should not be a good trait to pass on to the next generation.

>> No.11607750

>Older women look old. You can tell the difference between someone that's in their 20's and someone that's in their 30's.
>We most likely evolved to associate youth with fertility

>> No.11607760

Your "built in" tells you to fuck.
Life tells you what to fuck.

>> No.11607765

Because nobody wants retarded kids.

>> No.11607859

not every unconscious sexual decision
but the impetus towards youth seems extremely universal and likely to be hardwired

>> No.11607877
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>> No.11607905
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>MOST 12 year olds are sexually attractive
Oh my... so this is the power of the jailbait... I see...

>> No.11607965

Fertility, Aesthetics, More submissive and longevity of being fuckable

>> No.11607993

If I'm going to put my dick inside of a cavity, it better be the freshest cavity I can get inside

>> No.11608364

Because they are faggots.
I am attracted to anything from teens to milfs.

>> No.11608379

Do you not understand how evolution works?

>> No.11610240

Why don't women value these things?

>> No.11610756

innocence is the ultimate aphrodisiac aka we're all secretly pedos

>> No.11610778

speak for yourself im a milf man

>> No.11610828

>Do males value fertility in their partners more than women do?
A 45 old woman is infertile and at 33 it's already medically dubious (higher risk of defects, etc.)

Men can make babies til 60+, even if men also make healthier babies when young.

>> No.11611203

>be you
>Get old lady pregnant
>baby comes out retarded
>dies in it's sleep on the third day
>doesn't get to pass it's old woman fucking genes

>> No.11611257

>A malfunctioning woman can fuck up the man's offspring much more than a malfunctioning man can fuck up the woman's offspring.
Source: Your damaged fat incel ass.

>> No.11611269

who hurt you?

>> No.11611474

The "source" is applying some basic reasoning. Spending months growing a baby in a womb is a process that can go wrong in many ways, while a man only needs to produce a single sperm that can make it to an egg. Please calm down.

>> No.11611482

older women have been using makeup and plastic surgery and tricks to look like young girls....
men realized they can skip older women and just go for young girls.

>> No.11611549

Because our culture is one ran by pedophiles

>> No.11611552

So many pedos

>> No.11611891

I'd fuck an old lady if she was as fun as a 20 year old and in good shape. Biggest turn off for me is just how women start taking shit so seriously and not wanting to fuck anyone.

>> No.11612079

>I mean obviously they're more fertile but the DEGREE is extraordinary.
If you're making a general sweeping statement about all men, then by definition the degree to which all men prefer younger partners cannot be "extraordinary".

>> No.11612420
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>Why are men attracted to younger women?
The roastie you posted is way too old and is because young=healthy
Pretty simple

>> No.11612444
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I'm not. There are limits of course but if a woman takes care of herself she could be nearly 40 and much more attractive than the typical fat manjaw 18 year old.

The problem is tits, older women simply do not have gravity defying tits like teenage girls and it tends to decline fast unless they have small tits.

>> No.11612448

>artificial slag
my dick could not be more soft

>> No.11612521

shes attractive af, you have to be pretty queer to not get aroused purely because of 'personality'. thats called being dysgenic

>> No.11612570

>I am attracted to anything from teens to milfs.


>> No.11612581

only teenage boys and incels think you should want to fuck everything they see, that's simply not true even for "playas"

>> No.11612597

>my dick could not
Keep working on it anon. Maybe someday, but do not set your expectations too high.

>> No.11612600

fuck everything you see: no
fuck every hot girl you see: yes
if your sexuality is based on personality and not aesthetic appeal youre either a woman or gay. or a gay woman

>> No.11612601

name the one that has damaged thee so