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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11606111 No.11606111 [Reply] [Original]

Not a troll, just a briainlet. Does science/math support the following breakdown of existence?

>Big Bang

I mean, the universe and all of existence came from nothing and we were a side effect of that and we are here for a few years until we die and stop existing for eternity?

Is this the jist of it? There is no deeper meaning or explanation of existence? It's all just a random occurrence and death will be the end of us?

If I'm wrong, please correct me. No trolling. I'm trying to understand. And how can I better understand the origins of the universe and life? Can someone explain it to me in the simplest way possible?

>> No.11606142

>Big Bang


>> No.11606155

#1, go here:
#2, do not come back until you have read very single book.

>> No.11606342

I've been wondering this as well. They claim that there was nothing before the big bang. How and why do they assume that? They discovered the big bang with the knowledge that the galaxies are moving apart from each other and that by moving back in time they all came from a single source, but is there math that proves that there was nothing before and outside of that or is it just an assumption based on... nothing?

>> No.11606383

That's a memelist.

>> No.11606420


>> No.11606421
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>Big Bang
No. The idea of a Big Bang is just creationism. It's not science. The "science" behind a Big Bang has been debunked. See for example the following scientific papers:







>> No.11606423

They aren't, they are well maintained and pretty comprehensive reading lists.

>> No.11606444
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It's generally a valid concept, evolution to some degree happens, however you should take into consideration the Ebner Effect, see: https://files.catbox.moe/ga936v.webm

And also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i69p0lldbGY

And if you understand German (most of the info on the Ebner Effect is in German): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfOiW0_bZ0

Also consider: https://files.catbox.moe/t0u1rl.webm and https://files.catbox.moe/ckzru3.webm

>> No.11607219

How retarded do you have to be to actually believe this?

>> No.11607648
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>> No.11607654

Thank for for contnuing this crusade, based anon.
How retarded do you have to be to believe in mainstream accepted 'science' with more blind faith than even nearly any religious man?

>> No.11607657

Electric Universe is falsified

>> No.11607673

Let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say it is. So what? GRT and SRT are falsified too, and the Big Bang might as well be.

>> No.11607702
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