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11604786 No.11604786 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/tards will often use something called the 'Lewontin's Fallacy' to discredit "race is a social construct" and the 'continuation variation' thing (where there's more genetic variation within a group socially designated as a race than not). The thing is, i only ever hear about Lewontin's Fallacy by """race realists""", and the fact that our common knowledge of race (which i layed out earlier) is still scientific consensus, i want to know what's up with this study. Does this study actually BTFO our smartest academics (doubt)? Break it down for me.

>> No.11604789

Jesus Christ, can you actually describe what you're asking with words and not retarded discord screeching?

>> No.11604793

Everything evolves, right?
So Kenyans can be faster than pygmies, right? Kenyans can be faster than southeast asians?

So tell me: why does evolution stop at the neck in your worldview - does the process of selection magically not select or affect mental abilities? You can't even wrap your head around it. Then again - you weren't evolved to.

>> No.11604810 [DELETED] 

Scientific consensus doesn't support the fact that we 'evolved' in the same way you think we did. Sorry if facts hurt your feelings and the way you perceive the world. Actually bring scientific sources to the table.

>> No.11604848 [DELETED] 

I'm using academic terms that the average /pol/tard can't understand. This thread wasn't directed to you. You need to go back.

>> No.11604915

The question that matters isn't whether different races have been selected for different cognitive abilities (they obviously have), its the magnitude of those differences. Most right wingers have a tendency to automatically jump from "differences exist' to "differences matter" without a second thought.

>> No.11604935

incoherent post
>this study
which one
>our smartest academics?
no modern academics from either side accept lewontin's argument desu
>common knowledge of race
depends on what ur talking about for what's consensus.