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11602258 No.11602258 [Reply] [Original]

Don't twin studies prove that environment doesn't matter for IQ?

>> No.11602268

Besides the fact that twins share the same prenatal environment, a polygenic trait like intelligence has more than one cause. Twin studies show that there is a genetic explain part of the variance in intelligence, there is also an environmental contribution. Moreover, the effect of genome and that of environment interact, and are not static throughout the life span (the relative contribution of one over the other changes the older you get)

>> No.11602272

>there is a genetic explain part of the variance in intelligence
genetics explain part of the variance in intelligence*

>> No.11602273

This, OP is a moron who doesn't understand phenotype.

>> No.11602292

Did you read the article? The twins got seprated

>> No.11602303

You should maybe google what prenatal means.

>> No.11602306

Imagine being this dumb.

>> No.11602314

>ignoring the other twin studies that go against this

>> No.11602315

Ok but who cares about whether they were both in the same stomach at the same time

>> No.11602319

Would you like to share them?

>> No.11602325

Do you even know how embryogenesis works?

>> No.11602327

No tell me

>> No.11602336

It means that they received the same nutrients, hormones, etc, and all these factors have an enormous impact on how a person develops later in life.

>> No.11602338

Oh thanks

>> No.11602343 [DELETED] 

>be me
>20lbs underweight for all of my formative years due to no food
>when I had food it was literally just ramen or candy
>drink and do drugs from age 12 to 24
>did not complete school beyond 8th grade
>IQ upwards of 150 confirmed by psychologist, who announced to me it was the highest score he had seen in over 20 years of his practice
>I was drunk and high for that IQ test

It's almost entirely genetic, my family has been clockmakers for over 1000 years. My parent's acute neglect of me is a separate subject.

>> No.11602346


>> No.11602352


>> No.11602353

>my family has been clockmakers for over 1000 years.
Are you from an area of Germany called the black forest?

>> No.11602357

>IQ upwards of 150
That's funny, because most IQ tests do not claim to accurately test above 130+. For instance, the WAIS-R, the most common adult IQ test, stops bothering to further classify past 130+ (very superior). You wouldn't be lying about your IQ on the Internet would you?

>> No.11602653


Environment has to do with how heritable it is with worse conditions impacting the person more

>> No.11602675

I'm not that anon but I was tested and they told me an exact number. (148)

>> No.11603077

Same number in in the 7th grade but I'm a fucking loser now

>> No.11603335

Yeah, IQ didn't save me either.

>> No.11603529

I scored 123 and now I have a PhD in neuroscience