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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11599094 No.11599094 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /sci/ so shitty?
90% of threads aren't even related to science and math. They are just overused memes, baits and crypto /pol/ shit. I want to fucking puke.

>> No.11599103

>Wow, /sci/ is so shit. I know! I'll create a new thread that's complaining about how shit /sci/ is.
>That's sure to improve board quality.

>> No.11599134

A perfectly good bait thread died for this shit. Hope your happy OP

>> No.11599151

>let me just type an unwitty response and pat myself on the back for doing absolutely nothing
>That's sure to improve board quality.

>> No.11599157

Haha! Jokes on you, I'm here to shitpost. Faggot.

>> No.11599225

Unfortunately this whole corona thing has gotten some people crazy and as a result users from /pol/ and /x/ flood those threads and make them, like, I said in the past we should put these threads to having just one or two, sadly nobody listened

>> No.11599241

Muahahaha! No! You are the one being joked! Because I too am here to shitpost!

>> No.11599265

Dabbed on me good their senpai.

>> No.11599295

I like the 0.999... threads and don't like the rocketshit and spaceshit threads

>> No.11599316

I used to browse /pol/ primarily for its off-topic content but I decided to give /lit/ a go and I find that they're off-topic content is pretty good, too. Plus, it's a SFW board.

I'm beginning to think the whole of 4Chan is like this, no matter what the board's purpose is supposed to be.

>> No.11600192
File: 26 KB, 287x431, hoesmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ /x/ cross poster here, seethe more cucks, there's always pleebit waiting for you

>> No.11600267

Don't tell them to embarrass themselves. The average person from Reddit has a order of magnitude larger IQ than most /sci/-posters.

>> No.11600272 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11600392

/pol/ is the reason most boards on this site are terrible now. Neonazis/Muslim fundies have an incredible combination of traits which make them insufferable cancer:
>sub-human intellect
>crave attention
>morally disgusting, arguably evil
>literally obsessed with Jews to the point where it should be a condition with its own unique name

>> No.11600397
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>doesn't believe /pol/

>> No.11600399 [DELETED] 
File: 514 KB, 960x540, 1527012127_tumblr_oj0btsxSJF1rldv4go1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ is the reason most boards on this site are terrible now
i'd wager a bet that it's stupid cunts whining about irrelevant shit that makes boards shitty

>> No.11600411

but /pol/ is literally r.eddit colony

>> No.11600426

Even total retards should be able to tell /pol/ is ruining the site by the sheer number of holocaust denial shill threads that appear daily on almost every board. Of course there are also subtler signs because their low intelligence manifests everywhere.

>> No.11600432 [DELETED] 
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shut the fuck up and talk about something else instead of being a whiny faggot

>> No.11600435

if neck and torso sizes did match

>> No.11600472

The problem with /pol/tards is much more simple.
It's that they can only think binary. For them everything is either good or evil. They never heard of the concepts of golden mean, shades of gray and such. Because of that they are easily manipulated and they take everything trolls write seriously. Later they litter every board with their stupidity and political biases.
There's a reason /pol/ is the board with the sticky reminding not to make logical fallacies. Sadly, it doesn't help very much.

>> No.11600488

Go look at archives from 2015 or prior, then go and look at archives from post-2015/2016. The cause will be very obvious to you then.

>> No.11600498

Newfag, the post-2015 origins of most contemporary /pol/tards after they were exiled from subreddits ike The Real Donald. So /pol/tards are unironically pledditards and un-4chan. You are the invaise species.

>> No.11600505

Maybe read what the thread topic is before posting, retard.

>> No.11600512 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 267x200, .........1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna know what's worse than retards from >>>/pol/? whining fucking crybabies

>> No.11600934

they do, you blind mug

>> No.11600960

go puke all the cum you gobbled this morning, engineer.

>> No.11601042

>NOOOO stop calling out the mods on doing a shitty job, make good threads instead that won't get any replies

>> No.11601527

Hang yourself immediately

>> No.11601535

Try doing your part by making high quality threads.
At least I'm trying.

>> No.11601911

This shithole become more shit when the medicine niggers start making threads, now we have fuckin linguistics threads of all things, eat shit humanities subhumans.

>> No.11601913

>Engineer joke
Now THIS is sci

>> No.11601920


> still not /b/

>> No.11602252

>calls someone new fag
>is literally a pleebit LARPer

Newfag the subreddit is called r/the_donald, not the real donald. Newfag that subreddit was created late in 2015 there weren't "refugees" to /pol/ from that subreddit until probably 2018ish. 4chan and /pol/ are synonymous the rest of the boards here are just fluff. You are a stone cold retard LARPing like you aren't a tourist and it is pretty hilarious how much a fail it was, you have to go back

>> No.11602256
File: 175 KB, 460x460, akshually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r/IamVerysmart, go back

>> No.11602269

What the fuck are you on about? /pol/ contributes nothing and never has.

>> No.11602293
File: 88 KB, 1214x403, kk4ac7zj16az.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smelly dumb retarded /pol/ack, go back.

>> No.11602295

if you mean they don't produce soi for you to consume, they have plenty of it at plebbit for you

hoe's mad nigga rent free

>> No.11602297

prove me wrong

>> No.11602300

>posts image showing 2016
>calls someone else dumb
You are a special kind of stupid arent you mate?

>> No.11602304

>if you mean they don't produce soi for you to consume, they have plenty of it at plebbit for you
see >>11600411

>> No.11602318

It directly contradicts your premise, dumbshit.
2016 election brought the /pol/eddit tourists.

>> No.11602332

>if you mean they don't produce soi for you to consume, they have plenty of it at plebbit for you
/pol/ actually produces nothing, /pol/ rhetoric hasn't evolved in years, it's just the same repeated infomemes ad nauseam, and should anyone so much as disagree, you faggots just flame the thread and call everyone a Jew or a shill, or both. You're a bunch of immature losers, even more so than the rest of us on 4chan, imagine that.

>> No.11602333

your graph says gamergate brought most of the reddit election tourists

>> No.11602339

Traffic doubled during GamerGate, and then doubled again during the 2016 election. Most of those people ended up on /pol/.

>> No.11602342

which boards have produced things?

>> No.11602344

Yes because /pol/ is the most fun board

>> No.11602347

A question to /pol/ posters:
Do you realize that a lot of schizos and other mentally unstable people could lost their lifes because of your "memes" ?
I mean, I don't question your morality nor I want to teach you what's wrong and right, I just want to know if you are aware of that?

>> No.11602350

/sci/ solved a 25 year old Math problem that had been puzzling experts. "Anonymous 4chan poster" is credited on the paper.

>> No.11602359

Does this logic apply to scientists and journalists as well?

>> No.11602361

He didn't solve it, he made a little progress on it.

>> No.11602366

1. Whoever posted I responded too first said 2015

2. Said they came from pleebit "the real donald"

3. Your graph says gamergate as anon pointed out

4. When it does go to 2016 your graph says "election" not pleebit or the "the real donald"

5. Who gives a fuck what your graph says anyway because you are literally pulling it out of your ass correlating "important" cultural events (in the incel/social outcast circles) with increases in traffic with zero methodology or scientific scrutiny while on a science board calling other people "dumb" ironically

6. /sci/ is the most pseud blue pilled soi board on all of 4chan that couldn't find the way out of a wet paper bag with a pair of scissors.

7. On /sci/ all the people is do is masturbate to undergrad level pop sci topics and none of you know wtf you are talking about while /pol/ people address real societal problems and actually do things that effect society in a positive way. Again the irony of saying "/pol/ adds nothing" while being a soi /sci/ poster is not lost on me.

8. You are a stone cold moron and need to stfu

>> No.11602373

Take /lit/, /sci/ and /g/, they've all compiled decent resources for actually bettering yourself, either in Wiki format, or reading list format. All that /pol/ does is cause you anxiety that decreases your life expectancy, or indoctrinates you into such a radical you lose friends and family over it.

>> No.11602374

I will answer your question if you answer mine

>> No.11602376

no "/sci/" didn't. A man did, a man that has nothing to do with you or any of the other pseud hacks on this board

>> No.11602387

Yes in world of lies telling the truth is a revolutionary act. So you want to actively run from the truth because you might "lose friends" over it? This is why you are a soi cuck, you can go down in flames with those called "friends" while real niggas storm the gates fighting against tyranny.

You are a /r9k/ type soi incel. It's ok, it is who you are. But don't act like you are better than people doing real shit to protect your soi guzzling ass because you are too much of a coward to do anything about it or too stupid to see your house is on fire.

>> No.11602390

I guess that discounts any of /pol/s "achievements" too then, nice. I'm glad you're shooting yourself in the foot, saves me a job.

>> No.11602397

/pol/ has the lowest IQ of any message board on the internet, as exemplified by your cringe meme-speak referring to your superiors as “soi.” You’re triggered that none of the intellectual boards or forums have neo-nazis on them, which is just one more layer onto the massive pile of evidence that neo-nazis have less than human intelligence.

>> No.11602399


Imagine being such an autist loser than your entire identity is tied to some imageboard. Imagine being this mad over your incel hugbox being attacked lmao.

You probably ARE one of those newfags that came here in 2016.

>> No.11602401

>Yes in world of lies telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
You aren't a revolutionary when you're spouting decades old memes that have just been rehased into infomeme format. Nor are you revolutionary when you fall for the proganda on the likes of the PNAC, whilst thinking you're some rebel.
>This is why you are a soi cuck, you can go down in flames with those called "friends" while real niggas storm the gates fighting against tyranny.
You're a delusional sheeple, so assured of yourself, that you call people who are actually sane "soi boy cucks", whilst unironically getting cucked by the "system" you pretend to "resist". Hilarious.
As for you rest of your post, it's just insults and buzzwords, because /pol/ is nothing but vapid filler.

>> No.11602402
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>literally reeeing nonsense to mount a cope response

>> No.11602403

No, I'm pointing how where and why your own logic backfires, but you're too stupid to even notice you just owned yourself. Sad.

>> No.11602405

My answer is yes. Yours?

>> No.11602407

/pol/ and all of its posters lie more often than anyone else on the planet. one hundred percent of the /pol/ infographs I’ve looked at were either partially or entirely bullshit. There hasn’t been a single one that told the truth. You all deserve to be dropped in acid, and your constant lying is just one of many reasons.

>> No.11602409
File: 332 KB, 450x450, joinUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these levels of projection
NPC gang, you faggots can't stop (you)ing and will continue seething long after I post my past response while sit here loling. Rent free soi cucks

>> No.11602412

This, just because you "cite" a study you didn't read doesn't make your infographic truthful.

>> No.11602414

>one man solving a math is the same as people doing coordinated political movements

We all know you are a moron at this point, stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.11602416

You can't be a revolutionary if your memes are over a decade old? There are no socialist revolutionaries?

>> No.11602418

You incels are walking stereotypes. Weird coincidence that people who are educated are always bluepilled, and the fat retarded sociopaths on places like /pol/ have the secret knowledge.

>> No.11602421

journalists lie more than /pol/ unironically

>> No.11602422

Yes yes you are a single poster getting (You)s from many reasonable people that will simply turn off their PCs and go on with their lives while you stay here "owning the libs".

One day you are going to look back on all these years and realize you've wasted your life.

>> No.11602423

This is what actual seething looks like, stay mad cucks

>> No.11602429

Ah look, it’s a /pol/ loser that throws words like projection around because he thinks it sounds more intellectual than “NO U R!!”

unfortunate reality check buddy: there’s a reason all you le epik redpilled virgins circle jerk on a hugbox where you’re protected from logic.

>> No.11602431

Come on, try and make an actual argument. Seriously, try it, for once, think for yourself without having to scroll through the /pol/tard playbook.

>coordinated political movements
Such as? Go on, tell me, I'm really interested.

You might want to look up the definition of "revolutionary", traditionalism is literally a historical political position, which is why it is tradition.
Come on, quote me some of that 60 year old Ayn Rand magic, you unoriginal partisan hack.

Stop samefagging and wait for people to reply, you moron.

>> No.11602432

>owning the lib-owners all day
second-order timewasting

>> No.11602434

>You might want to look up the definition of "revolutionary", traditionalism is literally a historical political position, which is why it is tradition.
>Come on, quote me some of that 60 year old Ayn Rand magic, you unoriginal partisan hack.
I'm confused, are you agreeing there are no socialist revolutionaries or disagreeing?

>> No.11602439

>Please argue semantics with me, because otherwise I have no argument, please, please. I really want to own the libs!
I'm not a liberal, but nor am I a /pol/tard.

>> No.11602440
File: 905 KB, 1000x1412, __remilia_scarlet_and_patchouli_knowledge_touhou_drawn_by_eichi_yuu__e1ab968d3968e2c097257d53cfdf0267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ meta thread
>turns into /pol/ this /pol/ that
Rent free.

>> No.11602442

Rent free? Just like the libs and the Jews in yours. Nice lack of self-awareness.

>> No.11602444

Okay so it is possible to be a revolutionary with a decades-old ideology, glad we agree the other anon is full of shit

>> No.11602445 [DELETED] 

You are so fucking delusional holy shit. Journalists are at least accountable to the public. When they lie they get called out, so they at least have to be creative to lie. /pol/ on the other hand is just a big circle jerk of subhumans with zero accountability, so every lie they tell just becomes fact theft immediately. There are so many fake “facts” on /pol/ that have ZERO supporting evidence like “the Rothschilds run the central banks.” Everyone there believes it with zero evidence. You can get away with any lie there as long as you play to the political biases. You can say basically anything about le juuz on that board and as long as it sounds bad, your claim will become a “fact.” There’s a ridiculous number of unambiguous falsehoods that are considered facts among nazis and Muslim extremists.

>> No.11602447

Right back at you?

>> No.11602450

Nice strawman, too bad that wasn't the topic. You ACT like you are REVOLUTIONARY (as in original), you aren't.

>> No.11602451

Why not?

>> No.11602452

No, because you've already done that here: >>11602440
I see you are just thirsty for human contact, incels normally are.

>> No.11602457
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>mfw when the soi cuck /sci/ NPC seethe for the rest of the day while projecting their pseud seething

>> No.11602458

You're quoting two different posters my dude

>> No.11602460

Because they are nothing but decade, or sometimes century old, platitudes.

>> No.11602462

So you replied for no reason? Got it, /pol/tards are THIS stupid, impressive.

>> No.11602463

>/pol/tard calling anyone an NPC
you people are seriously more predictable than a few lines of code. Anyone can predict your beliefs on any subject just by asking “how can this directly or indirectly relate to Jews?” The /pol/tard opinion on literally any subject will just be whatever enables them to cry and obsess over joos

>> No.11602464

Yes so is socialism but I think socialists can be revolutionaries

>> No.11602467

Are you seriously that dumb? This is what we call a "semantic argument", like I mentioned here: >>11602439
You morons really are very predictable.

>> No.11602471
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>concedes and then projects
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.11602472
File: 42 KB, 790x530, AJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u mad bro?

>> No.11602476

Also, at least their ideology evolves somewhat.

How is it projection when every /pol/tard post is about Jews, shills or libs? It's pretty evident.

>> No.11602478

Also, stop using the term "projection", you clearly don't understand it. How would Jews and libs live rent free in my head, if I am one of those things? It makes no sense, like all of your opinions.

>> No.11602479

>You're not smart
>Why not?
>Because you're black
>But Neil Degrasse Tyson is black and he's smart
>That's a semantic argument

>> No.11602485

>for no reason
Why do you reply to things? Do you think you're saving the world or something?

>> No.11602486

Go back and read the posts, that is not even in the slightest a comparison.

Why do you? Gotta own those libs, amirite?

>> No.11602489

Do /pol/tards really claim they aren’t obsessed with Judaism? I know they’re stupid but that is the self-awareness of a corpse..

>> No.11602491

>Why do you? Gotta own those libs, amirite?
Fun way to blow off steam. I'm actually a lib myself.

>> No.11602496

saying that it's not even in the slightest a comparison is a semantic argument boyo

>> No.11602501

this logic applies to everyone
I'm not sure why did you put scientists and journalists together. The second group often just wants to make a sensation without regards for consequences.

>> No.11602506

watch out! There's a jew under your bed.

>> No.11602507

It's a semantic argument because you're trying to conflate revolutionary (as in original) with revolutionary (a political struggle). Please, keep up, you fucking idiot.
Anyway, now that I have cleared that up, let's analyze your trite post, because I really want to nail home a couple of points.
>Yes in world of lies telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Okay, so first, your assumption is that the world is majority lies. What proof do you have of this?
Your second is assumption is that you are telling the truth. What proof do you have of this?
>So you want to actively run from the truth because you might "lose friends" over it?
Again, see above. Where is the proof of this so-called truth?
And the rest of your post, to reiterate, it just filler in the form of buzzwords and insults.
Come on, hurry up and own me.

>> No.11602511

>/pol/ people address real societal problems and actually do things that effect society in a positive way
did I really just read that

>> No.11602512

not my post lol

>> No.11602513

he's under your bed too, you are just too stupid to notice

>> No.11602514

lol, you're so cool

>> No.11602518

I bet you wish this place had usernames.

>> No.11602521

Guys, don't reply to obvious troll posts. No matter how strong your argument would be, they will just change topic or strawman it just to have the last word.

>> No.11602527

We really need to petition gookmoot to staple /pol/tards with a badge or something, to mark them out as untouchable. Sure, it isn't fool proof, but then again, /pol/ are lower in the intellectual hierarchy than fools.

No, I'm a fan of the anonymity. I just wish /pol/tards would stop shitting up this chan, and then when called out on their shit back down like the little pussies they are.
What I do miss is when /pol/ was a semi-decent containment for your stupidity.

>> No.11602532
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/pol/ to other boards is America to other countries with Internet. Take a stereotype then apply it universally as an identifier, then continually obsess over it.
Why do you instantly jump to false-dichotomy tribalism? You can point out obsession with /pol/ without implying favoritism for the board (which has objectively been a shithole since 2012).

>> No.11602535 [DELETED] 
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I don't fuck with straws libtard they are bad for the environment

>> No.11602534


>> No.11602537

The only correct strategy is to ignore the /pol/tards and only reply to posts you think are worth replying to.

>> No.11602542
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x643, DEC4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based DEK poster!!!!!!

>> No.11602543

this site is unusably bad because is /pol/. it’s like saying you’re “obsessed” with the splinter in your foot.

>> No.11602545
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>> No.11602551

/Sci/ was never the intellectual equivalent of the Vienna cafe and now normalfags have dropped the level of discussion even more

>> No.11602555

Because /pol/ has utterly ruined this chan, you thought /b/ was bad? /pol/ has infected every board, so much so, that you can't go anywhere without seeing the shill and Jew meme. Go look at pre-2015 archives of /sci/, and compare them, it's a fucking mess now, so few decent threads. So kindly, fuck off, /pol/ truly should be verbot on this place, fuck them. They make me hate freeze peach.

>> No.11602558

They are the political equivalent of Jehovah's Witnesses, except instead of just coming to the door, they boot the door down, shit on your bed and piss on your couch.

>> No.11602562
File: 502 KB, 714x450, comedian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what seething looks like

>> No.11602564

>this site is unusably bad
he said while using the site

>> No.11602567

I would fucking choke you out IRL, then shit on you, you shitstain piece of shit. Goddam, how I loath you and your KIND.

>> No.11602570
File: 460 KB, 200x237, bale dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this apex seethe

>> No.11602573

I suspect a big reason the /pol/-type rhetoric has grown on this site is the major clampdown that happened on most of the major social media sites, this has become one of the few places I can defend Trump or bitch about niggers without being screamed at or banned

>> No.11602576
File: 48 KB, 1200x675, Iwillchokeyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would fucking choke you out IRL, then shit on you

>> No.11602580

Drop your fucking coords then, faggot. I'll be the new Based Stick Man... Nightstick Man that is.

>> No.11602583

man, stop replying to baits

>> No.11602585
File: 1.65 MB, 500x208, collector.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the power of /pol/ derangement syndrome?

>> No.11602586

Then keep that shit to /pol/, where it belongs. Please, for goodness' sake, stop shitting up unrelated boards with your politics.

>> No.11602587

I don't see any coords.

>> No.11602594
File: 3.75 MB, 275x206, fade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see any coords.
I would drop you with one punch darkie

>> No.11602595

Drop your coords then, "big man".

>> No.11602605

I actually like seeing right-wing trolls, it's a refreshing change from the other sites I frequent. Your attitude of "everything should cater to me" reminds me of when I was an authoritarian conservative

>> No.11602609


>> No.11602623

The chan has rules, as do the individual boards, for a reason. I wish they were enforced, like they used to be.

>> No.11602631

Serious question: what are you getting out of 4chan that you can't get from reddit?

>> No.11602638

Catharsis, honestly. Reddit is so fucking uptight.

>> No.11602646

>Your attitude of "everything should cater to me" reminds me of when I was an authoritarian conservative
>>>/pol/, >>>/r/eddit

>> No.11602659

That's fair.
I genuinely appreciate that this is a board that has both science/math and edgy rightlord political opinions. Being in academia there is literally nowhere else I can get that itch scratched. If /pol/shit bothers you then the impetus is on you to stop reading threads that are obvious /pol/shit, not for everyone else to change their behavior.

>> No.11602670

That's true, it should be the mods that I'm mad at.

>> No.11602672

No, again, why do you want those threads removed in the first place? Why not just not look at them?

>> No.11602676


>> No.11602677

Because I yearn for the old days.

>> No.11602681

Also, it creeps in to unrelated threads. Most unwelcome.

>> No.11602691

That doesn't make sense as a reason why you can't just ignore threads
That actually does make sense, I can see how this would be annoying to people who get triggered by /pol/shit. But is there anywhere else on the internet I can get simultaneous science and /pol/shit?
The anon earlier said that Reddit is uptight, but it seems like you want to make this place more like Reddit

>> No.11602698

I want pre-2015 4chan, not Reddit. There were very different things. A pre-2015 4chan exists nowhere else.

>> No.11602699
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None of these answered my question about why that poster immediately jumped to a false dichotomy.
Can you not see you're exasperating the effects a board has here? It's like with reddit, I would've never heard about it if it weren't for people bitching about it incessantly; SomethingAwful goons legitimately had it out for 4channers (and the autism to back it up), but we didn't incessantly bitch about SA like posters now do about reddit (perhaps it's because a majority of newfags here are migrants from that shirhole?).
If something is blatantly obvious trolling, disregard it; stop increasing the influence of it while commiting fallacies out the ass in your self-deluded attempt to defend against a boogeyman partially of your own making.
If rules are violated, report and disregard.

>> No.11602711

Or I can join JIDF, and take the fight back to /pol/.

>> No.11602715

jews really live rent free in your head huh?

>> No.11602719

I am an ethnic Jew, at least according to matrilineal descent.

>> No.11602722

>y-you're the thing you say about me
You have the maturity of a child and the intellect of a negro on matter you seethe all day on 4chan projecting. Your dark skin is because of your sin it is your punishment

>> No.11602726

Nice, me too

>> No.11602727

no just those fucking special Jews, you know which ones

>> No.11602728

My mother is an Ashkenazi.

>> No.11602740

Hey mine is too

>> No.11602746


>> No.11602747

I've never had a bar mitzvah, or read the Torah and Talmud.

>> No.11602761

Then you're frankly no different from a goyim

>> No.11602765

Blood of the Chosen, my good gentile.

>> No.11602772

isn't that ethnic supremacy?

>> No.11602774

It sure is.

>> No.11602780

This entire website is shitty because there's nothing that determines what posts are good and what are bad. No quality filter. You can shitpost all day and it'll go unwarranted unless you're breaking the board rules (and even if you do it's rare that you get banned for it). This website needs to be nuked.

>> No.11602782


>> No.11602783

Is ethnic supremacy okay?

>> No.11602785

why are you here?

>> No.11602788

Only for Jews.

>> No.11602798

It sure seems that way. Why do we think that is?

>> No.11602809

Because we are, objectively, the most superior ethnic group upon this Pale Blue Dot.

>> No.11602812

This is true, however I've noticed that among the gentiles there are clear differences in ability between the races.Why do we pretend that ethnic supremacy is an evil yet indulge in it ourselves? I've been annoyed at the hypocrisy of our people on this issue for a while.

>> No.11602814
File: 15 KB, 384x390, 1586018521617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying you need AI filtering, moderation committee judgement, or positive reinforcement of a community to do your critical thinking for you?

>> No.11602818

>t. retarded capeshit poster

>> No.11602820

Because no gentile group comes close to the power of us, as such, none are worthy of any mobility up the intellectual hierarchy.

>> No.11602824

Yes, but why do we shame the gentiles who assert their correct superiority over others? Even among the lower animals there is a clear hierarchy

>> No.11602826

True, we should pay no attention to them. They are below us.

>> No.11602845


>> No.11602846

In all honesty, I have never read the Talmud either.

>> No.11602853

Seems like a dreck.

>> No.11602863

I don't know about dreck but certainly seems a mishegoss in parts

>> No.11602876

A gaystik schlep, oy.

>> No.11602891
File: 91 KB, 886x862, braids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because we are, objectively, the most superior ethnic group upon this Pale Blue Dot.

>> No.11602894

On the other hand I have read the torah, am not a total nishgutnik shvartze

>> No.11603151

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