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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11598755 No.11598755 [Reply] [Original]

Too fast to live, too fast to die
Mom and daddy say
I'm dancing in the fire


>> No.11598761

imagine being treated by a doctor who posts frogs on 4chan. fuck this world

>> No.11598762
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You say you don't wanna starve
Or take the table crumbs that fall
You don't wanna beg or plead at all
You don't want no nine to five
Your fingers to the bone
You don't want the rock piles' bloody stones

Oh, you just got to be
Up high where the whole world's watchin me
Cause I, I got the guts to be somebody.....to cry out

>> No.11598766
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>imagine being treated by a doctor who draws frogs

>> No.11598982
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Sworn to avenge
Condemed to hell
Tempt not the blade
All fear the sentinel

>> No.11598990

>tfw no patients and just watchin Babby cup

>> No.11599076
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No patients here either, everyone scared of the flu.

>> No.11599079
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>> No.11599124
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>> No.11599254

>tfw nothing to do
>my back hurts
>two med students observing me
>they don’t even know what 4chan is
>they keep asking stupid questions

>> No.11599260
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Hypothetically, what would happen if you injected bleach?

>> No.11599292

Luckily there is literature on the matter

>An 18-year-old female was brought to the emergency room by her mother with black urine (Fig. 1, panel A) less than 2 h after self-injection of 100 mL of Clorox® Lemon Fresh Bleach (1–5 % NaOCl and 0.1–1 % sodium hydroxide) through a tunneled catheter intended for treatment of purported chronic Lyme disease. The patient felt that she had done it in a “Lyme fog” with no intention of self-harm and immediately called her mother for help. The mother witnessed an opened Clorox® container and a syringe smelling of bleach in the bathroom. The past medical history included depression, anxiety, a 3-year history of chronic Lyme disease, and occasional episodes of Lyme fog—a controversial condition, recognized by some practitioners and chronic Lyme disease advocacy groups—associated with intermittent cognitive dysfunction. The patient had been on intravenous ceftriaxone and a number of oral antibiotics, including trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, for over a year, as well as lithium.

>> No.11599296


>On admission, she was drowsy but arousable to voice and oriented, afebrile with a regular heart rate of 106/min, respiratory rate of 16/min, blood pressure of 124/92 mmHg, and oxygen saturation of 97 % on room air. The exam was only remarkable for the presence of a tunneled catheter with clean exit site in her left internal jugular vein. Two liters of normal saline was infused and the patient was transferred to the critical care unit. For the first 12 h after presentation, all blood chemistries performed on an automated analyzer were rejected due to hemolysis. The day before admission, at a routine visit to her doctor, the patient’s blood urea nitrogen was 10 (7–23) mg/dL (3.57 mmol/L), creatinine was 0.63 (0.5–1.2) mg/dL (55.7 μmol/L), and bilirubin was 0.2 (0.3–1.2) mg/dL (3.42 μmol/L). On the day of admission, they were 23 mg/dL (8.2 mmol/L), 2.99 mg/dL (264.3 μmol/L), and 2.3 mg/dL (39.3 μmol/L), respectively. Serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) was 1,984 (110–240) IU/L. Prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time were 28.5 (9.6–12.5) and 46 (22.3–34) s, respectively. Haptoglobin was 16 (36–195) mg/dL (0.16 g/L). Creatine phosphokinase was 87 (38–206) u/L and troponin was 1.88 (<0.03) ng/mL. These data indicated AKI, intravascular hemolysis, and mild myocardial injury; rhabdomyolysis was excluded. Hemoglobin and creatinine during recovery are trended in Fig. 1a.

>> No.11599300

rine toxicology was only positive for her prescription medications, such as trazadone, diphenhydramine, citalopram, diazepam, trimethoprim, as well as caffeine; serum salicylate and acetaminophen were undetectable, and the lithium level was in the normal range. Electrocardiography showed sinus tachycardia with normal intervals. Her urine was black in color (Fig. 1b) and was strongly positive for blood by dipstick. The urine sediment demonstrated several monomorphic red cells and cellular debris but no casts. The initial urinary output was 50 mL an hour. She became anuric over the next 3 h despite aggressive fluid resuscitation. Hemolysis resolved over the next 96 h with LDH trending down to 623 IU/L. The myocardial injury resolved with a troponin of 0.7 ng/mL at 72 h. However, the patient remained anuric, volume overloaded, and azotemic. Hemodialysis was initiated on the second day of hospitalization. A kidney biopsy was performed on the fourth day to assess the nature and extent of kidney injury and its prognosis (Fig. 1c). Light microscopy showed extensive loss of the proximal tubular epithelium with anucleate cellular debris compatible with hemolyzed erythrocytes. The interstitium contained focal acute inflammatory infiltrates surrounding the necrotic tubules. There were no significant chronic parenchymal changes or necrosis outside of the tubular compartment.

The patient received seven hemodialysis treatments before recovering sufficient renal function. The hemodialysis and tunneled catheters were removed. The patient was subsequently discharged to a psychiatric unit for further management.

>> No.11599305

>Read about someone getting injured or dying with some completely retarded home remedy
>"chronic lyme" is mentioned
I'm getting tired of this rerun

>> No.11599315

Wow, there are a lot of these.

>A 30-year-old previously physically healthy man was admitted to the emergency department (bodyweight, 75 kg). He attempted suicide by infusion of 500 mL normal saline serum containing 20 mL household bleach (sodium hypochlorite 5%) into right cubital vein with intravenous (IV) line, one and a half hours before admission. He had a history of schizophrenia since 10 years and this was his first suicide attempt.

>On arrival, the patient was hemodynamically stable. Oral temperature was 37.5°C (99.5°F), pulse rate 103 beats per minute with a normal rhythm, blood pressure 135/80 mm Hg, and his respiratory rate was 18 breaths/min with no abnormal breath sounds. The abdomen was soft and flat with normal bowel sounds.

>The initial oxygen saturation was 95% (in room air). He was alert, awake, and in no apparent distress. He complained of painful swelling in his right upper extremity. In clinical examination, the arm was painful and relatively swollen.

>> No.11599320

>A 12-lead electrocardiogram revealed sinus tachycardia at a rate of 105 bpm, a complete blood count was normal except for a mildly elevated white blood cell count of 11.6 × 103/μL (11.6 × 109/L), hemoglobin 15.3 g/dL, hematocrit 44.5% with 46% neutrophils, 52% lymphocytes, 1% monocytes, and 1% eosinophils. His serum blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, creatinine kinase, and liver function tests were normal (sodium = 141 mEq/L, potassium = 4.8 mEq/L, calcium (total) = 10 mg/dL, magnesium = 1.7 mg/dL). Coagulation studies, including a prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time, were normal. Serum glucose was 130 mg/dL. Urine analysis and arterial blood gases were in normal range. No positive toxicology screening results were detected. The color doppler sonography of right upper extremity showed thrombosis in superficial (antecubital and basilic) veins. We applied warm compresses to the affected arm and limb elevation while ibuprofen 400 mg orally every 6 hours prescribed.

>The patient was observed for 6 h and discharged after psychiatric consultation for outpatient follow-up. His symptoms improved after 3 days without further sequels.

>> No.11599329

They just keep coming:

>A 42 year old woman presented after injecting 12 ml of bleach (sodium hypochlorite) intravenously in her arms and legs during a suicide attempt. She also ingested one-half cup of bleach. She complained of painful swelling in her extremities at the sites of injection. She also noted nausea, diarrhea and abdominal fullness. She was admitted and given intravenous antibiotics for cellulitis. After two days she improved and was discharged. Three days later she returned with gradual onset of dyspnea, chest pain, fever, and cough with clear sputum production progressing to respiratory distress. Physical examination revealed an oxygen saturation of 73% on 50% O2 by facemask, and tachycardia at 110 bpm. The patient was in mild respiratory distress. Lung exam revealed bilateral inspiratory and expiratory crackles and abdominal tenderness in the right upper quadrant, without rebound, guarding or rigidity. Chest x-ray revealed diffuse bilateral opacities. Non-contrast Chest CT demonstrated diffuse interstitial “crazy paving” pattern with bilateral ground glass opacities . Laboratory data included white blood cell count 17.3 with 92% neutrophils, and hemoglobin of 13 g/dL. A full rheumatologic panel and extensive infectious disease workup were negative. Hemoglobin decreased to 9.6 g/dL over the next two days.

>> No.11599332

>The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) for respiratory failure requiring endotracheal intubation. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) yielded numerous pigment-laden macrophages in a background of blood with 90% macrophages, 5% PMNs, 5% lymphocytes. Repeat BAL with sequential aliquots yielded progressively bloody return. All cultures of lavage fluid were negative. The patient was given high dose intravenous steroids for DAH. Her oxygenation improved significantly in the next three days, allowing successful removal from mechanical ventilation. She continued to improve and was discharged on a steroid taper with complete resolution of symptoms. She remains asymptomatic with residual restriction on spirometry ten months after discharge.

>> No.11599338
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I feel ya

>> No.11599343

Big pharma shill detected. This is going on my spoonie zebra blog

>> No.11599351
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>> No.11599359

You don't want to know. Your life will be made worse and a little bit of your humanity will die.

>> No.11599369

What's with Americans and injecting bleach?

>Report: The patient was a 42 year-old male who was a paraplegic secondary to multiple gunshot wounds in the lumbar spine area. His past medical history also documented osteomyelitis. The patient had intravenous access via a port-a-cath. In a suicide attempt, 20ml of liquid household bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite) was self administered into the port-a-cath. After admission to the hospital, the patient complained of transient muscle pain. He also experienced vomiting. His urine was noted to have a “tea-like” appearance. The following lab values were noted to be exceptional; creatinine kinase 6,000 IU/L and urine myoglobin 120 mg/dl. Serum electrolytes, CBC, BUN, creatinine, ABG’s and chest radiograph revealed no abnormalities. During his stay, the patients condition was managed with IV fluids and pain medications as needed. The patient recovered fully with no permanent sequelae.
Conclusion: We report an intravenous injection of 20 ml sodium hypochlorite. The patient in this case experienced pain and transient rhabdomyolyis that resolved completely with supportive care.

>> No.11599385

Ehlers Danlos i pressume

>> No.11599424

If you had to choose between a doctor that posts frog on 4Chan or a doctor that posts twerking on TikTok, whic would you choose?

>> No.11599469

Best remedies for frequent nausea?

Zofran is pretty good, I can't smoke weed right now. Anything else you all would recommend?

>> No.11599487

Why do you have frequent nausea?

>> No.11599499

Not sure, have IBS but I don't know if thats related.

Also being treated for a urinary tract infection, was not formally tested but doctor just went off my symptoms: frequent urination, difficulty urinating, not totally emptying bladder when peeing, slight burning sensation

So i have been taking antibiotics for that for the past three days.

>> No.11599579

show them dank finnish memes


>> No.11599591

Hmm, usually you should just stick to probiotics in addition to the antibiotics.

Maybe something like metoclopramide, if Zofran works for you.

>> No.11599711

Thanks for that, I think that I'll get sued for sexual harassment.

>> No.11599724

Are you that fuckhead Iranian med student?

>> No.11599744
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No. I'm the OG Finnish frog doctor.

>> No.11599890
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Here's a few new frogs.

>> No.11599894
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>> No.11599900
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I call this one "The Resident"

>> No.11599905
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This is for all the Romanians.

>> No.11599921


>> No.11600564
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>avascular bone necrosis

>> No.11600670

can this thread be used to bitch about medical school admissions? how fucked am i boyos
>3.9 gpa, 518 mcat
>aboslutely no meaningful ECs or research
is it gap year time

>> No.11600673

i'd trust them with my life

>> No.11600763

Med-surg nurse here. Giving a kudos to the sole 3rd year emergency resident here who has to manage the entire, 550 bed hospital by himself after 22:00 to 7:00 the next morning. Poor guy has to tend to all floor admissions, non-ED emergencies, and dumb calls from nurses and PAs. Don't know why they thought a 1-resident per hospital idea was good. Whats going on with residents in your places?

>> No.11601231

I think you're fine without any research with your stats. I wouldn't apply without any "clinical" volunteering/shadowing though and it'll be hard to scrounge up any in the next few months. If you can afford to take a gap year it might be worth it to ensure you get in somewhere decent and not a DO school

>> No.11601668

I know at least one physician who shit posts here daily. It’s a smart persons website mostly. We only have so many outlets to be autistic.

>> No.11601742

>Wrong. It's a website of what appear to be sure people. People who are sure that they're right, even when their wrong. You'll get smart people and idiots alike with strong convictions.

It's hilarious that you said that when there is another thread near this one with anti-vaccers on it.

Remember that any website is full of people. People are people, and you would be naive to not be sceptical of everything that you read.

>> No.11601872

I know that feel.

>cut down on personnel
>nobody wants to run the hospital by themselves
>can't get anyone to work at the hospital
>close down hospital and merge it with a bigger one
>cut down on personnel
>the cycle continues

Fucking bean counters.

>> No.11601894
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>pathophysiology is unknown

>> No.11602001

Enjoy psychiatry.

>> No.11602147

>any website is full of people
Bold claims.

>> No.11602157

Is being proctologist or bariatric popular?
Don't get we wrong, but these specializations seem not to be very 'easy' compare for the example a dermatologist or an internist.

>> No.11602408

Give me one reason why I shouldn't buy a co2 canister and inflate a bag around my body for a co2 bath every day or two

Co2 is absorbed through the skin and improves your blood oxygenation, which is why it can heal things like diabetic foot ulcers

>> No.11602536

Hello /med/. I have been diagnosed with "partial epilepsy" (I guess in civilised countries that means I am prone to simple partial seizures) after a trip to the neurologist about a walking problem I've had since I was little. My weird gait was put down to hemiparesis after an EEG but I was told I'm epileptic. Now, nothing really happens to me and to this day I believe the epilepsy is a misdiagnosis which is why I don't take my meds, but I often have these really fucked up dreams wherein I act very weirdly (i.e convulse like in a grand mal) and I feel my entire body going numb. The dream usually ends with me losing consciousness or dying and then I wake up. Are those occurances manifestations of real-life seizures that I have while asleep, or just a coincidence?

>> No.11602828

What do you mean by easy?

>> No.11602830

You should buy a CO2-canister and inflate a bag around your head.

>> No.11602841

Sounds like you need a polysomnography. Do the dreams go away if you eat your meds?

>> No.11602852
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Good idea, it might help with hair loss.

>> No.11602901

I've never taken those meds so I wouldn't know, and they're not frequent dreams. just have them every now and again. Otherwise I hardly dream.

>> No.11603087
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Thoughts on beta thalassemia and coronavirus resistance? Also, what's with blood type O polling better in tests of infection rates by blood type?

t. software engineer with thalassemia

>> No.11603249

>it's a smart person's website

>> No.11603367

This 1-resident per hospital only started with the onset of covid, we used to have an ICU resident, ED resident, internal medicine resident, after-hours medicine resident, etc. Now it's just the sole ED resident at all times at only those certain hours. We don't even have fellows or medical students in house to consult anymore.

>> No.11603375

I'm allergic to every fish except sardines and tuna fish. Why?

>> No.11603622


maybe because they've less heavy metals

>> No.11603760

Can any of you explain to me why epidemiologists are so fucking useless ? You'd think they'd have some good models and risk assessment capabilites but considering the wildly different reactions of a lot of countries it seems like no one has any clue what they are doing.

>> No.11603979


that's because epidemiologists aren't in charge of countries, they can only guide but politicians in the end might or might not listen to them

>> No.11604013

Nigga, ain’t no one good at modelling complex events. Read your Taleb.

>> No.11604082

I think I have a pilonidal cyst and and some general ass inflammation but is visiting a doctor required to resolve this? I don't like people staring at my bum.

>> No.11605053

'ate psych
'ate radio
'ate patho
'ate derm
'ate physia
'ate ophtho
'ate IM
'ate peds

love ortho
love EM
love GS

simple as.

>> No.11605155

I'm imagining it and it is good.

>> No.11605158
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my man

>> No.11605183

You should go to the doctor.

>> No.11605206

Med student fag here in my obliterate Ed term.... stood round for 4 hours doing nothing in ed, just looked through all the Ed meds book they use.

>> No.11605208

fuck what happens if I ignore it instead?

>> No.11605455

It just gets more inflamed. There is also an increased risk of skin cancer.

>> No.11605809


>> No.11605907

fuckiny cringe either these people are larping asa doctor or just live in isolation

>> No.11605917
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>> No.11605927

Why are nurses so retarded? I'm not denying they are important, but they're always retarded mega normies.

>> No.11605960

reason is i sleep in the room my hosp gave me and im now there 24/7 with nowhere to go and just spent 8am to 3pm working on a pretty much empty stomach just amazed how these people are living as doctors

>> No.11606270

Anything tha'ts not acute is really quiet here atm. Even the ED is a bit quieter as there are much less injuries.

>> No.11606353

More women, lower wages.

>> No.11606445

How old do is too old to start a med uni??

>> No.11606488

If you can't graduate before you die.

>> No.11606568

is the family medicine and internal medicine specialties going to be antiquated in the future? Will it be all telehealth and urgent care settings with ARPN's and PA's taking all those jobs?

Is it bad to pursue a specialty where you'll be competing with non-physicians or is that not the right way to think about it?

>> No.11607002

Finnbro is best doc. Thank you for the new frogs.

>> No.11607005

>mechanism of action is unclear

>> No.11607010

why would that be too old?

>> No.11607033
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can your body take water from the bladder or once it's there it's no-go.
let's say i drink a lot of water at once and i feel the need to pee but don't pee, then i don't drink water for a while. would the body take the water from there?
i know this seems weird but the whole point is that wouldn't it be more practical to not piss at all than to piss and drink it in survival situations. i know none of this is practical but just ignore the kidney and look at it from only a avoiding dehydration perspective

>> No.11607238

>your triglycerides are to high faggot
>stop being a fat fucking burger and eat a carrot
>you need to lose 100 pounds or just kys immediately if you can't
>your chart says your a literal piece of shit

Medicine would be unironically so much better if people were spoken to in these ways.

>> No.11607249

It probably reabsorbs some water through diffusion, but urine would be concentrated af if you're that dehydrated plus the bladder has tight junctions to stop anything from leaking out.

>> No.11607263

MRI found a bunch of small lesions in my brain. Radiologist and neurologist said it wasn’t MS. Neurologist diagnosed it as migraine, but I pretty clearly don’t have migraine. The original reason I had the MRI done was because of a weird faint flickering/shimmering effect in my vision that’s on 24/7. There are no associated headaches and the shimmering isn’t episodic, which is why I think it’s not migraine. Opthalmologist looked at my retinas and said they seem fine.

Any of you medfags have any idea what might be wrong with me or what I should do next?

>> No.11607281

>imagine being treated by a trump fan who thinks that drinking clorox is ok as long as it is "his" man who said that

>> No.11607397

>Lemon fresh

>> No.11607430

>Chronic Lyme
>Ehlers Danlos
>Chronic fatigue syndrome
>Mast cell activation
>Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome

Every time.

>> No.11607539

so not pissing is better than drinking piss?

>> No.11607552

You would get more water, but It will just get more and more concentrated each time you do it and your reintroducing waste into your body.

>> No.11607692

fuck I guess I'll book an appoinment once the lockdown is over then

>> No.11607704
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Been having all kinds of unknown problems lately, difficulty breathing, chest pain, shortness of breath, etc, tested negative for COVID twice, doctors keep telling me it's not life threatening but nobody knows what it actually is.

Friday developed a weird bruise on my left arm. Started out blue-green. Saturday it grew slightly, and got darker. Today it's slightly bigger again, is yellow-black-green ish, and slightly sore to the touch (wasn't before). Have absolutely no memory of any physical trauma on this spot, and like I said it was never a 'red' bruise like I thought trauma bruises start as, it started off as blue-green.

What in the actual fuck? Like, I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow morning so it doesn't really matter, but, what? Stupid coincidence, or a possible indication as to what is going on with me?

>> No.11607724


>> No.11607920
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God I wish this was me

>> No.11607977

It only reabsorbs before reaching the bladder.

This is wrong, there is no re-absorption in the bladder. Are you even familiar with the nephron?
The absolute state of /med/. More and more I realise this whole site is the blind leading the blind.

>> No.11607996

I know what a nephron is, reread what I said

>> No.11608022

I've had this experience of losing the need to pee and I thought the same thing, but it seems to occur for other reasons, mainly some sort of parasympathetic cycle, same as with sleepyness and hunger.

Urine is not supposed to travel back from the bladder.

>> No.11608040

Dude this is a long shot, I had something similar in like 1997, in my left eye was like a whited out spot, really noticeable when I would read, it looked like when you rub your eyes and open them, that weird little static shimmer, but it was localized and always there. My mri also showed a weird spot on my brain. Long story short, they treated me for Lyme disease, but I don't think they were ever 100% sure what the hell it was, and i remember it just kind of went away after a while, but I was pretty young like 10, so my memory is not really great about it anymore.

>> No.11608041

>it only reabsorbs before reaching the bladder.
ok so there is no work around for dehydration (metabolic water is useless since you only get 110ml from 100g of fat).
kind of disappointing that our body is well adapted for survival but can't stay 3 days without water.

>> No.11608106

Can you elaborate what you mean? Are those diagnoses often associated with people doing stupid things?

>> No.11608113
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I pour hydrogen peroxide in my ears. Thoughts?

>> No.11608265

Do doctors talk shit about their patients, or do they see too many to care? I came in a number of times due to hypochondria and always assumed I became the "that guy" patient.

>> No.11608270

As long it is below 3% solution you should be ok.
But unless you have some condition you should probably stop doing it because it affects the skin.

>> No.11608299

>burning piss for the last week
>piss looks and smells normal
is it still likely infected?

>> No.11608329


We do talk shit, but there are so many patients everyone kinda forgets on the next day since the "next one" is already here.

>> No.11608330
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>chronic lyme disease
LMAO, the case study should've just stopped there, that's all the info you needed

>> No.11608344

It's a bullshit disease doctors made up to give a diagnosis for batshit crazy patients who won't stop bothering them.

>> No.11608392

What about for tonsil stones/stuff on your tongue?

>> No.11608408

Wtf? Definitely not. I had Lyme disease at the beginning of this year. And yes, doctors thought it was psychological, overworked etc. One did a test, finally got the diagnosis. Went on antibiotics for three weeks and everything was fine again.
Definitely real. Ever noticed Justin Bieber shunning the public? He has chronic Lyme. Also Avril Lavigne.

A buddy of mine has Morbus Crohn, also very definitely real.

Don't know about the others, but wtf?

>> No.11608425


They're associated with people who definitely, definitely need therapy for psychogenic illness

>> No.11608426
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I'm on effexor for OCD rn but my primary issue is concentration. I finished my homework at the last minute for the millionth time and would like a way out. I can only talk in tangents and think discursively which is why I went from being normal to living with my parents because it's annoying so I'm annoying. I feel like Pinocchio.

>> No.11608494

They're the go-to diagnoses of internet malingerers because they have non-specific symptoms and sound severe enough to the layman so they could get asspats and validation.

Holy fucking bitchtits, Justin Bieber is rumoured to have it so it's definitely a real fucking condition!
>Chronic Lyme disease in this context should not be confused with genuine Lyme disease, a known medical disorder caused by infection with Borrelia burgdorferi, or with post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, a set of lingering symptoms which may persist after successful treatment of infection with Lyme bacteria.

>> No.11608511
File: 201 KB, 1051x1478, MacrophageChan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to thank Macrophage chan for phagocyting trash and pathogens in your body. Without her Lymphocyte-kun wouldn't be able to do her job either.

Thank you Macrophage chan.

>> No.11608513

Thank you, Macro-chan!

>> No.11608523

Doctors will be for the upper and upper midle class, PA and NPs for the poor.
Telehealth is a big meme for anyone over 60, boomers can barely use their smartphone so doing teleconference?

>> No.11608559

do hospital jannnies get paid?

>> No.11608640


>> No.11608645

>not living in a country which doesn’t have mid-levels

>> No.11608649

You’re dead before you can become a doctor.

>> No.11608653

If you aint extraordinary in some manner, nobody remembers you.

>> No.11608764

Her (male)?

>> No.11608820

why are you assuming it's only worth it if you get to become a doctor?

>> No.11608846
File: 53 KB, 741x609, lääkeapustaja31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to med school to not become a doctor

whatever floats your boat buddy

>> No.11608892

Peroxide has hypertrophic effect on the oral mucosa.
You dont need peroxide for tonsils,you need to take them out.
Push with something near them and the gag reflex will pop them out.
If you have something on the tongue that cant be brushed away with a toothbrush or strongly adheres to the tissue you have disease that is not solvable by peroxide rinsing.

>> No.11608951
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>everyone keeps telling me pharma pays docs to prescribe medicine
>nobody pays me
>tfw your not in the cool secret pharma doctor club

>> No.11608958

>New treatments based on recently discovered mechanisms are being tested and are expected to SOON (tm) change the face of x-ology.

>> No.11608970

Ello medfags. I'd like your opinion on something: since last summer I had eyelid and mouth twitches, subtle and inoffensive, so I ignored them. Since the lockdown however, I've been having muscle twitches all over, one minute on the face and then the next on the foot, then in a couple minutes on the thigh, stomach, biceps, etc. Called up my doc and he said it's probably from stress and that I should take magnesium pills, so that's what I'm doing. Twitches have gotten a bit better HOWEVER now I feel vibrations on my soles as if a smartphone is vibrating under them.
If it helps, I'm taking nasal Fluconasone for what appears to be allergic rhinitis, I take a multivitamin and Mg pills now, and I drink a cup of coffee to help with my studies every morning, but not any more than what an average person would drink.
I've also had essential tremors of the fingers for as long as I can remember.

>> No.11608974

Fuck I forgot to write the question at all- so what do you think of it ? Is it really just a nothing burger, this sole vibration is really annoying me.

>> No.11609411

we're both geniuses bro

>> No.11609927

i have hard time understanding what general surgeons are and are not allowed to do aside from gastro, endocrine and related cancers what others can you do? i want to be able to do surgeries for everything as much as possible or at least help out other subspecs is general good way to go? or i won’t be allowed anywhere near thoracic surgery for example? what about emergency surgeries like gunshot wounds and etc who deals with that?

>> No.11610056

is there any science on drilling holes in human arses to re-route your rectum to a new human-created hole?

>> No.11610105

Holes in arses ? Nah, too little space. Holes in the abdominal wall ? Yes, it's called colostomy.

>> No.11610284

Breasts and thyroid here in addition to those you mentioned. This varies a lot between countries and even hospitals. Acute stuff depends a lot on the hospital: in some places everyone does nearly everything from the big specialties.

>> No.11610487
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>unpaid internship

>> No.11610566
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>> No.11610579

Since was crohns a bs disorder?

>> No.11610582


>> No.11610591

What can I do to be normal tho

>> No.11610625

extreme thirst when I wake up (eyes, nose and mouth dry as fuck, can't even talk because of how uncomfortable it is), thirst and fatigue throughout the day, sugar levels are fine (used a test strip)
any ideas? can't see a doctor now because of lockdown

>> No.11610629

Pee a lot during the night ?

>> No.11610635

It's not? It's just one of the disorders commonly added to the Munchie laundry list.

>> No.11610642

no, I don't pee at all at night, don't even wake up to drink water, but it's yellow at morning. during the day my urine is clear.

>> No.11610645

>Munchie laundry list
What does this mean ? Sorry, newfag

>> No.11610655


>> No.11610667

>If you have something on the tongue that cant be brushed away with a toothbrush or strongly adheres to the tissue you have disease that is not solvable by peroxide rinsing.
What if it's a bit white? Can peroxide loosen it up to be scraped away? Isn't that what's building up in the tonsils?

>> No.11610670

Munchhausens and crohns? What are you talking about?

>> No.11610671

My migga thats leukoplakia.

>> No.11610675

What he's probably trying to say is that a lot of people go to the doctors insisting they have Crohns or another disease from the list he posted, since Crohn's has (to the patient) very common and unspecific symptoms, a Munchausen's patient would find it easy to convince themselves that they have it.

>> No.11610681


>> No.11610684

give me the secret to remove warts i have had a wart on my finger. i went to the doctors twice consistently used medicine on it for more then month that acid shit. its been frozen multiple times. then used the medicine on for a couple months. then frozen after that. i actually am doing exactly like the medicine says AND MORE ie risking permanent scar from it destroying too much stuff. tell me the secret i am missing.

>> No.11610689

ive had it for about 3 years btw since i cant get rid of it

>> No.11610697

It's an idiots website with a small number of smart autistic people who are autistic enough to keep coming to a website full of idiots. See the daily .999... does not equal 1 threads for proof

>> No.11610700
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Is it? I just want my tongue to be pink so my mouth looks clean.

>> No.11610703

For like three weeks I woke up in the morning and felt like there was an electric current running through my body. I had an incredible urge to stretch my legs, ankles, shoulders, and wrists. It went away a few days ago but it was still weird. It even woke me up in the middle of the night a few times
Any ideas?

>> No.11610705

I would bet the average IQ of a 4chan poster is at least 1 standard deviation above the mean. Except /b/

>> No.11610786

and you would be wrong

>> No.11610893
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>have to do mandatory research so i can graduate
>systematic review, have to think up my own question
>think of some convoluted ethics bullshit, advisor says it's okay
>procrastinate, finally do research, turns out there's literally one relevant study
>too late to change topic

I already wasted a month, I have another month at most if I want to actually graduate on time. Fuck this retarded shit, fuck research, every paper I've read so far is some bum professor sucking his own dick. Goddamn dude.

>> No.11610914

my boomer dad has a heart condition and decided to go back to work but with an n95 mask. I have tried to explain to him that it will work only if he uses it properly and he should consult some medical worker on it.
Given that I cannot make him stay home (already tried, I have been delivering groceries for him for past 1.5 months and offering to pay for a living for him. He just cannot handle the isolation.), what would be your general tips for him? He already bought some so If he is going to use it I want him not to waste them. I am especially worried about effective home disinfection of the mask. Is there any way to do it or he would have to wear a new one every time? (hypothetically, I know it's really not we should be doing with them right now, give them to hospitals)

>> No.11610930

Nice thanks

>> No.11610978

>Carbon dioxide is critical in maintaining the anti-oxidant milieu. The tissue concentration of carbon dioxide in the tissue is closely maintained around 40mmHg; although, levels as high as 100 are reported during extreme exercise. Elevations in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the tissue have been shown to decrease the size of metastatic tumors, decrease inflammation, generate new blood vessels, and improve circulation in patients with peripheral vascular disease.

The lengths fatanons will go to avoid exercise... Also, just swallow seltzer water and repress the burps/farts

>> No.11611005

Probably poor vagal tone. Engage the parasympathetic by aerobic exercise, at least 15 minutes a day at elevated heart rate, and get up and walk around for 10 minutes every hour. Push ups to exhaustion as well. Consider some kind of recreational sports, bicycling, yoga classes, breathing exercises.

>> No.11611097

I already breathe in a bag, but having the bag breathe in me seems more effective

>> No.11611112

Doesn't one paper make your job easier lmao. Just stick to the question and go as in depth as you can on that one paper

>> No.11611681

Medfags pls help with understanding chest x-ray report

I'm a late 20s male, history of mod-severe asthma since early childhood, checked into ER in December suspecting I had pneumonia/asthma attack after waking up unable to breathe well. Apparently I was fine.

They sent me home with my charts and x-ray report

Besides the asthma I am in good health and shape, highly active, usually managed with Albuterol and symbicort. I also have a HbC mutation.

>heart is enlarged. The central pulmonary arteries appear mildly dilated.
>there is blunting of the left costophrenic angle likely due to travel effusion or thickening. No pneumothorax.
>There is a background of mild haziness and vascular prominence likely related to pulmonary venous congestion.
>Frank consolidation is not identified to suggest pneumonia.

Why do I have these findings in my report??

>> No.11611838

Before I go to the real Dr's, I'd kind of like to know what I'm in for.

So basically I've had on and off testicular pain for the last 3 months in the left testicle, seem to get worse during the evening, also pee a lot when it's sore, it is also obviously swollen.

Am I going to end up losing my nuts?

>> No.11612205

What’s the air moisture like? Is your nose congested? How long do you sleep?

>> No.11612262

no balls

>> No.11612306

I'm pretty sure I'm clinically depressed but don't have a formal diagnosis. I'm not sure I even want one because I don't think I deserve treatment. I don't know what to do

>> No.11612361

Docs, whenever I close my eyes at night I fall into a coma that lasts 8 hours, what do I do?

>> No.11612366


Visual snow maybe

>> No.11612369
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nigga if you have something building up on the tonsils you have a bigger issue
Have you used peroxide before like in your mouth?
It is known to produce white lesions on skin if its used in high concentrations.
My advice is to lay off the peroxide for a week and maintain oral hygiene daily with,a tootpaste and a brush.
If that doesn't help you really should visit oral pathologist.
It could be a number of diseases from fungal infection to whatever else.

>> No.11612373

nigga if you have something building up on the tonsils you have a bigger issue

*quoted the wrong person
Have you used peroxide before like in your mouth?
It is known to produce white lesions on skin if its used in high concentrations.
My advice is to lay off the peroxide for a week and maintain oral hygiene daily with,a toothpaste and a brush.(yes that includes brushing your tongue)
If that doesn't help you really should visit oral pathologist.
It could be a number of diseases from fungal infection to whatever else.

>> No.11612406

You have to understand the whole thing is overblown.
Watch these two videos it will give you the rundown on how and which ppe to wear.

>> No.11612578

Why is it that when I touch my right ear or around it I feel (hear?) a strange thing almost as if it were pulsing, but nothing happens on the left?

>> No.11612851


Just realized that Lyme Disease is apparently a meme, but this advice was real. Had similar symptoms to yours, the vision blockage, spots on the brain, no clear diagnoses, everything. I was treated for Lyme disease and it eventually went away. Wasn't a troll post.

>> No.11612864

>What’s the air moisture like?
It's fine, I live on the coast.
>Is your nose congested?
>How long do you sleep?
I can sleep up to 9h uninterruptedly, but the longer I sleep the drier my mouth, throat, nose and eyes are.

I did some research and it could be Sjogrens, I tested my blood sugar levels. But I feel no joint pain.

>> No.11613247
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bruh that makes it easy, go through the paper in-depth then include a call to action for further research on the topic at the end, propose some potential studies re the further research and you're done

>> No.11613282

Can grapefruit juice enhance nembutal? Serious answers only.

>> No.11613461
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Could there be long term negative health effects from chronically being bathed 24/7 in unnatural electric and magnetic fields?

>> No.11613498

but doesn't it look bad if there's only one study? "here's a systematic review of all the literature available, oops there's just one lol"

it's such a trivial topic too, i'm asking if discussing cases help develop moral competence in comparison to just lectures, but it's assumed to be obvious they do so every curriculum has implemented them, although the study i found shows it actually makes smart people perform worse on ethical dilemmas when they're forced to think inside predefined borders

>> No.11613642

pissin jimmy

>> No.11614184
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USMLE Step 1 is now pass/fail for this year's incoming medical students who will take it in 2022.

Was this an institutional power play to fuck over Caribbean and DO students from getting their hands on MD residency spots?

>> No.11614365

I love how literally nothing happens to this guy

>> No.11614380


Add functional neurological problems to that list

>> No.11614398

How much sleep do you get.
Do you spend a lot of time in front of a screen?
I would agree with your doctor, it doesn't sound like it has a serious physical cause.
Muscle twitches are normal, it could just be some transient electrolyte deficiency. Make sure to eat some bananas and keep hydrated.

>> No.11614404

Do you drink enough water during the day?
Do you sweat a lot at night?
Do you drink alcohol before bed?
Are you on any other medication?

>> No.11614415

If you have any other autoimmune disease, Sjogrens could be a possibility. Rheumatological things can present in a strange way. But I would speak to your doc first, there are more likely things it could be

>> No.11614423

I'm in the same position as you man. I've been asked to write a systematic review on a topic my supervisor clearly knows very little about, and I really cannot be assed trying to piece it together.

>> No.11614429

Imagine being treated by an affirmative action beneficiary

>> No.11614460

It's a social science
They're medical economists

>> No.11614480

What are the chances of getting in to med school with no medical experience, let's say grades and test scores are otherwise very good

>> No.11614490

Not sure how it works in the US, but I imagine would have to have a good understanding of Chem and Bio, and be able to demonstrate that. As well as passing whatever entrance test they have in the US. in the UK it's very similar to an IQ test

>> No.11614502

how do i get a pregabalin script?

>> No.11614520

Depends where you are.
It isn't really prescribed 1st line for many things.
Things I've seen it prescribed for are severe anxiety, headaches/migraines, and other psychiatric illnesses. However it is usually 2nd or 3rd line in these cases.

>> No.11614865

So it's another episode of "anon gets a test result back and the doctor doesn't call within a business day so time to google all the words" again.

>WBC 14.22 K/mcL
Sounds like an infection?

>Neutrophils Abs 11.27 K/mcL
>Lymphocytes Abs 1.77 K/mcL
Bacterial infection? Neutrophils are typically for killing bacteria, whereas Lymphocytes are typically for viral infections, right?

>Sedimentation Rate 17mm/hr
With some inflammation? Not hugely worse than average, but noted to be abnormal.

>C-Reactive Protein 3.3 mg/L
>Procalcitonin 0.06 ng/ml
But not actually a bacterial infection? Google tells me these are good indicators for bacterial infection, but they're both within normal ranges.

>Bicarbonate 21 mmol/L
>Anion Gap 20 mmol/L
>BUN 8 mg/dL
>BUN / Creatinine Ratio 10.5
These were exactly on the edge of the standard range listed, so not technically abnormal, but Google says they all point towards kidney issues possibly?

>> No.11614883

>/med/ - Medicine General
I have an anecdote about the profession of medicine and the science practiced by doctors. In late 2016, I got a bunch of little warts on the back of my hand. I went to the dermatologist and he froze them off by spraying me with liquid nitrogen or something. Each wart turned into a giant blister and eventually went away.

After I left the dermatologist's office that day, I noticed he had missed a few. I didn't want to pay for another doctor visit so I took some nail clippers and just snipped a little pit around each of the remaining warts. They all went away too.

Within three weeks, the nail clipper wounds were completely healed. For about one year after that, the places where the doctor sprayed me were giant dark purple scars. It's been more than 3 years now, and I still have scars on the back of my hand where the doctor used that nitrogen me. The pinkness from where I used the nail clippers had already totally faded by the end of three weeks.

>> No.11615688

These are all useless if we don't know the symptoms you're actually experiencing.

>> No.11615888

Yeah and? Discolored skin from skin abnormalities is super common, every single person has scars and muscolorations and marks from procedures, the skin tells many stories, you had warts frozen off on your hands, skin that is constantly being moved and stretched and rubbed, and now there is pink discoloration, literally everyone has marks and scars, would have been impossible to keep your hands still long enough to not stretch the skin and cause scarring, I don't understand your point.

>> No.11616276

What should I wear to an interview for a radiology assistant job? Would a business pants/shoes and a white short sleeve button up be enough considering it's very hot weather here?

>> No.11616282

no no no dont wear short sleves.

>> No.11616283

Does it not look good? I'm pretty clueless about this sort of thing. So white long sleeve button up, maybe with a tie?

>> No.11616312

Fair. My symptoms, in order of severity, are shortness of breath, chest pain, dry cough, fatigue, muscle pain, intermittent low fever, sore throat. Had a bout of hemoptysis at one point last week as well, although that hasn't recurred since thankfully. I've tested negative for COVID twice, so it's probably not COVID, and I'm on my third round of antibiotics since it started, and it doesn't seem to be responding again so it probably isn't bacterial.

>> No.11616360

Any other short illnesses within the last year/ more serious illnesses within the last 5 ?

>> No.11616363

By the way does your shortness of breath get worse when you lay down ?

>> No.11616458

>Any other short illnesses within the last year/ more serious illnesses within the last 5 ?
Nothing else within the past year, I did have an appendectomy 3 years ago though.

Substantially, yeah. I hear what sounds like popcorn popping all night long when I'm laying down, sometimes it's so loud I can feel the percussion in my chest.

I should also mention, I had two CT scans, one earlier this month and one just last week after the hemoptysis, and both came up clear; only mentioned finding on either report was minimal dependent atelectasis.

>> No.11616479

What was the order of appearance of your symptoms ? When did the sore throat develop ?
Also do you have joint pain ?

>> No.11616496
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I made pic related from memory (and therefore it's definitely incorrect, because memory plays tricks on people) two weeks ago. Up until recently, it had been pretty cyclical; two weeks on, one week off, with the first cycle starting in mid February. This fourth cycle seems to have broken the pattern, though, because it just doesn't seem to want to get better.

I do have mild muscle / joint pain. It's mostly just background noise, and I'm not entirely certain if it is joint pain or muscle pain or both.

>> No.11616544

See if any of the joints are swollen. Also what was the eosinophile count on your blood work ?

>> No.11616560

Eosinophils were at 0.11 K/mcL. Pretty much everything I didn't mention above was in the normal listed range.

I haven't noticed any joint swelling anywhere, no. I have noticed I've been bruising very easily, several blood draw sites have bruised up recently when normally that doesn't happen to me.

>> No.11616575

Yooo crazy I had almost the exact same thing, took 3 rounds of antibiotics and everything. I feel much better now, but it took a good 12 days and I still have a persistent cough. Tell me this because this shit happened to me : when my weighted chest began and my shallow breathing began, I got the weirdest fucking sensation in my lungs, like every 6-8 hours, there was a "bubbling" sensation that I could vividly feel like, feeling it in my lung, not just chest pain, and every cycle, it moved deeper into my lungs and my pain got worse and my breathing got worse.

Also weird shit that happened, it came like clockwork every 8 hours, I would feel fine literally before the 8 hour mark, but at 8 hours, my glands would swell, fever came, chest pain/tightness amplified, severe cotton mouth, and fuck me crazy confusion, and I would have to ride it out for 2 hours and then felt relatively fine after. Cotton mouth gone, fever gone, much easier to breathe, confusion gone. Are you having anything like the 2 things I described?

>> No.11616586

Well more like 18 days total. Was never tested for Corona, was told to isolate and my friends were getting my antibiotics filled for me and leaving them at the door. But it's also important to note I tested positive for influenza A visiting my family in America on Feb. 28th. These symptoms started the 20th of March, but I had zero complications with my flu, I was 90% after 3 days and 100% at 5

>> No.11616648

Bubbling is definitely a good word for it. And it definitely seems to come and go in spells, although I can't say I've noticed that it was as regular as every 8 hours. Cotton mouth and dizziness definitely did correspond with the shortness of breath, although I have not seen a correspondence between the fever and the shortness of breath; those seem disconnected for me.

I've got a pulse oximeter on order that should arrive today... I'm very interested to see if my O2 saturation actually corresponds with the shortness of breath. I know whenever I manage to see a health professional it's always at 98 (except one time when it was 95), but I've had the displeasure of always seeing them when my symptoms were not in the middle of a spell so I don't really know.

>> No.11616685

Sounds like myocarditis to me, although I'm fairly inexperienced. What puzzles me is that you aren't hospitalized with that degree of pulmonary oedema. Did you start using the Albuterol now or do you suffer a chronic asthmatic condition you haven't mentioned ? Also mention any other medicine that you might currently be using, apart from the antibiotics of course.

>> No.11616720

I was prescribed the Albuterol inhaler early on in the illness, I have no history of asthma. Other medications, early on I was given a prescription for a five day course of Medrol, which I finished some time ago, and more recently I was given a prescription for a 9 day course of Prednisone, which finished last week. I actually had the hemoptysis on the Prednisone, and I can't help but wonder if steroids make it worse; I've gone to the ER twice for this, and both times I was on a steroid treatment. And, both times I went in after the worst of the symptoms had passed, so I was breathing fine again and things came up clear on the scans so they sent me home.

Aside from that, I've had a prescription for codeine guaifen cough syrup that is a life saver, but I've spent most of the illness without this.

>pulmonary oedema
Well, like I said, both my CT scans came up clear for any consolidation... if I have fluid in there, it's a transient thing and not a constant thing. And the bubbling / popcorn sounds do come and go, so that lines up. I'm honestly not even 100% confident they're coming from my lungs, like it feels like they are but I can't say for sure. I don't ever recall my stomach being this talkative either, but maybe my assumption is incorrect?

>> No.11616736

Science is medical science right? What's your opinion on this anons?

>Tldr 2 socal drs debunk covid 19 and drop redpills about over reaction discuss virology etc

>> No.11616782

The coming and going of the crackling definitely makes it sound like a heart problem and not a lung problem. Do your symptoms go away as you take your antibiotics and then return when you stop ?

>> No.11616799

The antibiotics seem to be ineffective; the first two rounds of antibiotics did coincide with the symptoms going away, but the third cycle of this I took no antibiotics and the symptoms went away anyways, and the third round of antibiotics I'm taking right now I'm on the last day of them but I'm still testing a fever (have one right now, actually) which in the past has meant that I haven't yet peaked and it's still getting worse.

Heart issues could well be a part of it... every man on my father's side of the family has died to heart issues. It's only a matter of time til it comes for me. I'm still on the young side, but... early thirties is about when these sorts of things start to crop up, I understand.

>> No.11616806

It's good to ask advice but you're going to freak yourself out and your symptoms could get worse purely from reading things here, you should take your medicine and monitor your symptoms with plenty of rest and stress free life, but reading all this might make you feel sicker. I'm the other anon with the flu and bubbling. Just don't think too much and talk with your doctor.

>> No.11616816

Called it lmao

>> No.11617317
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>> No.11617506

Is there anything I can do to reduce the laxative effect of coffee?

>> No.11618142

Not really. Perhaps drinking stronger coffee with less liquid, or avoid drinking it on an empty stomach.

>> No.11618164
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1E05D888-1893-4B47-AF37-45D6FB1CB1F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help I just posted a thread about this. My gf is premed and graduating next year.

She can’t take the MCAT until January, but she has a 4.0 and has talked to DO schools telling her to apply without. Any that have said they’re taking later MCATs this year due to COVID?

>> No.11618260

No ties if you don't have a jacket

>> No.11618277

Does anyone here work with or know a physician associate? I'm just coming out of a biomedical science BSc and it seems like a decent job, only 2 years studying and decent starting salary (more than doctors even).
It seems like there's a catch, why would they give a pretend doctor more money than an actual doctor? Also, medicine is out of the question because I can't study or work hard.

>> No.11618404

Listen, I have no concrete evidence for this since your stuff is mainly nonspecific, but the chronicity of your condition and your symptoms make my mind scream brucellosis. Please write in the threads if it eventually turns out to be that.
GL with your condition, hope your doctor treats you well.

>> No.11618567

That's an interesting lead. I'll consider it, thanks. I had noticed that my sweat is absolutely rank as of late, I do not remember stinking this bad but recently it's quite a lot worse than I have any memory of. My doctor did think that my chest pain is largely musculoskeletal and not actually lung-based, which would line up with this, and it's the first thing I've seen mentioned that explicitly calls out an intermittent fever like I have.

I have no memory of eating raw meat or unpasteurized dairy products, but... I mean, it could always be the 0.01% that slipped through.

>> No.11618685
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>> No.11618702
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could you guys pass these questions from my year 3 nervous system exam?

>> No.11619109

Bumping pls

>> No.11619229

I'm premed and I could answer this.

>> No.11619237
File: 357 KB, 560x371, picture-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. microwaves and radiowaves are too weak to boil your brain
2. EM fields have little to no effect on the brain
3. a lot of studies were done on individuals with Electromagnetic hypersensitivity and all of them couldn't detect a strong hidden em field that was nearby
4. mixed conclusions about electromagnetic fields increasing free radicals but looking at it from a pure chemistry point shows that it doesn't make sense since electricity literally reduces oxidation

>> No.11619435


embolic from any take your pick risk factor, since it’s a “she” then: BC - recent surgery - arrhythmia - smoker for younger, and every chronic thing for older

>> No.11619561
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>coming home after being outside for hours causes fatigue that lasts for hours and headache. temporal/trigeminal region in particular
why is that? this shit has been haunting me for years. perhaps because of the region and height I live at so it's hypersensitivity to difference in pressure? or just public transport due to high concentration of CO2 and overall tiredness caused balancing on a bus rocking left and right? pls halp /med/, surely there ain't nothing wrong with my brain

>> No.11619820

yep, you're right.
they teach us that we should say an occlusion instead of an embolism in this instance since it could be a non-embolic obstruction, like a tumour pressing on the artery.

>> No.11619833
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Btw, do you mind if I ask, is that kind of damage to the brain irreversible? I know you can clear the embolism but would that solve the damage done to the brain?

Here's another question if you or anyone else is interested.

>> No.11619836

How long until med is good enough to totally replace a FUBAR lumbar vertebra and reshape a spine with too much lumbar curvature to restore height loss?

>> No.11619845

Brain ameoba. She went went swimming in a small body of still water in the summer.

>> No.11619851

I don't want to be treated by anyone else.

>> No.11620011
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Dage a shid :DDDD

>> No.11621053

Is talk therapy the best option for mental health issues?

>> No.11621054

time is brain

>> No.11621919

17 minutes.

>> No.11621922

What sort of mental health issues

>> No.11622232
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are you retarded how do you expect to get into med school if you dont fucking understand the purpose of it

>> No.11622241

possibly ik its harder for nearly all IMG geaduates to get into US system now. Just made it harder for any international doctors including UK,

>> No.11622247

depends on mental issue and severity

>> No.11622282

I passed premed at 25.

>> No.11622320

schizophrenia? no
my mommy never loved me syndrome? yes

>> No.11622527

Clinical depression

>> No.11622528
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Any derm bros want to help me solve this pimple on my chest? It's been there for months and I can't get rid of it. I've tried benzoyl peroxide, antiseptic cream and just leaving it alone but it does nothing. No pain from it or anything it's just an eyesore.

>> No.11622829

You sure it's a pimple? Cause it doesn't sound like a pimple
>t. not a doctor, just a guy with a lot of skin problems

>> No.11622868

i'm pretty sure it is one... or at least was one at one point.

>> No.11623121

I would trust him or her with my life

>> No.11623177

Imagine being in the presence of a "man" who thinks it's okay to strap an infant down and amputate parts of its genitals, simply because it's legally sanctioned and he's getting paid.

There are worse things roaming this Earth than frogposters.

>> No.11623186

>my mommy never loved me syndrome? yes
These are all dissociative disorders, which are rarely readily fixable.

>> No.11623229

I missed you <3

>> No.11623804

Hey, responding late.
The answer to this is hard to say and is dependent time to reperfusion, complications incurred during and after, and response to therapy.
The best case scenario is a full recovery. The circumstances that allow a full recovery is dependent on the above, most notably to the response to physical / Neuro / speech rehab. The most amount of return in function I believe generally occurs in the first 6 months? That said, if there is no return of function with rehab during 6 months post stroke, the likelihood of a modest recovery is not likely.

I don’t work neuro, and our ED actually has a hotline we call and dispo according to recommendations from neurologists at Mayo.

Preventative measures are best, and financial mitigation measures come second. I recommend Miller Trusts and having older family members consider transferring titles over to other family members if they are higher risk for stroke. These changes must be in place for 7 years prior a catastrophe, like stroke. People go bankrupt real quick paying $1500/day to stay in a rehab facility for months after the state liquidates all assets to qualify one for Medicaid.

>> No.11624767

So, this guy again. My symptoms seem to all be falling off, only have some mild chest pain and a mild cough lately, hopefully it stays gone but I don't have a huge amount of faith that it will.

I finally got a home pulse oximeter yesterday afternoon. I put it on a couple times throughout the night, and not really surprising I'm not having trouble breathing and it reads 98-99%. I try holding my breath intentionally, it tanks to ~85% before I breathe again, seems to respond to what it should.

I go to bed last night, and whatever I'm dealing with is always worse in bed, something about laying flat makes things worse, and if I just breathe normally in bed it drops to 93 to 96%. If I don't make myself breathe abnormally, and just glance at it every couple minutes, it's always in that range. I can make it go back to 98% by taking huge, deep breaths, but keeping it at that level takes a lot of effort while laying down. And if I sit upright again, it goes back to 98% immediately with no effort.

Is this normal? Are lungs just shit at being horizontal? Or is this potentially meaningful info? I do feel quite a bit better, I'm definitely in the recovering side of the cycle, so my symptoms are quite mild right now, but I don't know if this is an actual thing or if this is just what happens when you give hypochondriacs access to sophisticated home medical equipment on the cheap.

>> No.11624875

That looks like an insect bite.

>> No.11624909

im trying to go off venlefaxine
im not taking 37.5mg every second day
any tips?
im also taking amisulpiride btw- every day

>> No.11624924
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if this is wrong, i don’t want to be right...

>> No.11624960

>Go into surgery to fix hernia
>Still half-awake because the nurse anesthetist was busy twerking
>Overhear doctor say: "Nurse, pass me the scalpel"
>I die on the table

>> No.11624988

thanks boss

>> No.11625002
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>Go into surgery to fix hernia
>doctor gives me a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.11625184

>anesthesiologist gives me a lethal dose of morphine
fixed it for you

>> No.11625384

>general practitioner
responsible specialties actually get responsible people in them, general practitioners are unironically the biggest nutcases, I've had to work with one that only did chirotherapy and didn't believe in "school medicine" and one that believed the EU has created a virus to wipe out niggers and injected dexamethasone to cure a cold, which almost killed a patient

>> No.11625436

Thoughts on going PA vs MD? Currently floating both options.

>> No.11625441

the fuck is a PA i'm not maerican

>> No.11625602

Also on this train of thought, another odd thing I've noticed messing around with this is that it can measure the 'perfusion index', and that this seems to drastically change based on circumstances.

Google seems to say this value qualitatively measures blood flow to the extremities and is a largely personal value, there's no absolute numbers for what's good or bad, but rather each patient should establish a baseline PI% for the given test site and use that to gauge blood flow.

Okay, not very helpful, but neat. Yesterday, on my left pointer finger, it was coming up around 4% sitting up, and laying down it climbed to about 12%. Today it's around 1% sitting up, and my hands feel like icicles.

Relevant, or noise? I can find articles indicating low PI% as a useful indicator for condition with neonatal care, but not really much of anything about using it with adults...

>> No.11625613

pedophile assistant

>> No.11625654

is that some chiropractor shit man idunno

>> No.11625662

please don't slander the good name of pedophiles by trying to associate them with chiropractors

>> No.11625716

haha you're afucking funny cunt

>> No.11626547

Does depression disqualify you from being a good fit for work as a doctor?

>> No.11626562

I do vaguely remember them asking me if I was on any medications or had any psychiatric conditions.
I lied of course.
I don't think they'd stop you from becoming a doctor because of it, but you shouldn't give them any reason to hurt you.

>> No.11626895
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I've posted this MRI before but is the angle of my lumbar hazardous at all? To my untrained eye it looks like it goes way too far in towards the front. With exercise I've managed to largely mitigate any chronic pain but it'd be good to know whether this has the potential to get worse
Top blurred due to doxxing

>> No.11626918

Lumbar lordosis

>> No.11626925

Can it be corrected over time? Having proper spine positioning seems like it'd make the L1 anterior wedge fracture easier to deal with.
Plus if that was corrected I'd get some lost height back but that isn't as important

>> No.11627095

You're worth it, anon.

>> No.11627132
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>go into eye surgery, something against my Strabismus
>nurse hands me anasthetic, I swallow it
>go under peacefully
>wake up to my parents and doctors cheering that I woke up at all
>apparently I woke up just in time before they had to call in a specialist or something because I just wouldn't wake up
>tfw 120 pounds and 6'1

Wasn't that bad honestly, I was sleeping.

>> No.11627457

Thanks friend.

>> No.11627672

>entrance exam gone from 7 hour piece of shit designed to be longhaul and soul destroying to two 2 hour exams a week apart
>medical schools obviously hate the results and now changing criteria because they dont represent shit


>> No.11628102


>> No.11628125

you'll get there in time..

>> No.11628127

not a doctor but it seems u have to wear comfy undies and stop jerking off 3 times everyday

>> No.11628168

doot doot skelly

>> No.11628198

>Medical school still closed
>Could be for another year and my time will just be made up with shitty online lectures
REEEEEEEEEEEEEE why train me as a doctor to deal with COVID19 if you refuse to let me be on wards to learn about COVID19 and pandemics? I'm just gonna graduate not knowing enough aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.11628590

>The patient was subsequently discharged to a psychiatric unit for further management.

>> No.11628596

nurse here, dude destroyed his vein the product diffused locally.

>> No.11628618

I have never been unable to stop an incipient so-called "infection" by the mere act of drinking lots and lots of water and ejaculating frequently.

>> No.11628623


every time

>> No.11628632

You again, faggot? I told you to get the brace

>> No.11628652

Yeah, being horizontal does compress the lungs. Yawning is the physiological response as you relax into sleep mode but in general nothing to worry about. You've done nothing but proven you are normal.

Good luck with the rest of your career in medicine

>> No.11628654

99.9999% of "insect bites" aren't

>> No.11628657

>surgery to fix hernia
>>doctor gives me a lethal dose of morphine

A painless death is the most we can hope for, but I am curious if co-administration of LSD would elevate the experience

>> No.11628661

PulseOx meters are not super reliable, here, you are changing conditions of the test so none of it is surprising

>> No.11628746

>muh anti-vaccers
4chan is also a place that will question everything that is the status quo.

>> No.11628802

So my cousin's wife, who lives in commiefornia, got recommended by her doctor to stop breastfeeding and give her child formula instead. He argued, that she being 35, was too old for breastfeeding and she would not produce enough milk for her child. Now being an European med student, I have been told that you should breast feed your child no matter what and only use formula in the case that the mother is HIV positive or a druggie. So do companies like Nestle pay doctors to promote their formula?

>> No.11628838

It is just a bruise.

>> No.11628888

>heart is enlarged. The central pulmonary arteries appear mildly dilated.
This is most likely a response to your Asthma. There is increased resistance in your pulmonary circulation which is why you have developed an enlarged heart and dilated pulmonary arteries.
>there is blunting of the left costophrenic angle likely due to travel effusion or thickening. No pneumothorax.
completely normal, just some extra fluid in your thorax.
>There is a background of mild haziness and vascular prominence likely related to pulmonary venous congestion.
See the first point.

>> No.11628991
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same fucking here, was gonna finish med school sometime in june, now i don’t know when will i finish

>> No.11629014
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>> No.11629025

she should feed naturally and add formula if it is bot enough and do combo, why would you refuse breast milk entirely if you can produce at least some of it? my humble opinion is you add formula if breast milk is not enough for baby and feed it with both.

>> No.11630107


>> No.11631190

can alcohol end up in my eye fluid and burn my eyeballs?