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1159838 No.1159838 [Reply] [Original]

The Misconception: People who are losing at the game of life must have done something to deserve it.

The Truth: The beneficiaries of good fortune often do nothing to earn it, and bad people often get away with their actions without consequences.

A woman goes out to a club wearing stilettos and a miniskirt with no underwear.

She gets pretty drunk and stumbles home in the wrong direction.

She ends up lost in a bad neighborhood. She gets raped.

Is she to blame in some way? Was this her fault? Was she asking for it?

People often say yes to all three in studies asking similar questions after presenting similar scenarios.

>> No.1159847

Riveting tale, chap

>> No.1159845


>> No.1159850

>Is she to blame in some way?
>Was this her fault?
>Was she asking for it?

>> No.1159851

You better steer this into science fast as hell, otherwise we have /sci/ trying to do philosophy.

No one wants /sci/ trying to do philosophy.

No one.

>> No.1159853

>Was she asking for it?
Not if you use the standard definition of rape.

>> No.1159848

Awaiting your conclusion

>> No.1159855

>Part of your comment isn't allowed to be posted :(

I can't figure out which part of the next few paragraphs of the article arn't allowed, and find this message frustrating.


>> No.1159857

I'm clearing out the unicode and everything, and narrowing down the paragraphs but can't post the rest of the article. The only thing I can figure is the word fallacy is banned or something retarded like that.

>> No.1159859

>a miniskirt with no underwear.
>Was she asking for it?

Oh wow, any woman not in a kitchen is asking for it.

>> No.1159860

I got to the point where some lesbian pretended she was Milgram and ragequit. Did seem interesting though

>> No.1159862


Tbh I don't think rape today is that much big of a deal. Rape was a big deal back then when people had intercourse with only a very few select intimate people

Today most kids of less than 15 lose their virginity to some nigger. And have a tore vagina by the time they settle into a serious relationship.

>> No.1159863

It is common in fiction for the bad guys to lose and the good guys to win.

It's how your would like to see the world and fair.

In psychology, the tendency to believe this is how the real world acctually workds is called the Just-World Fallacy.

>> No.1159861
File: 12 KB, 251x189, wat dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a guy and I occasionally free ball, and I live in the asshole of the UK am I asking to get raped?

>> No.1159867

>I live in the asshole of the UK am I asking to get raped?

>> No.1159870
File: 10 KB, 240x250, ¬_¬.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite the fact that wearing no underwear is amazingly comfortable and I'm not giving anyone around me any attention?

>> No.1159872

Anyone who thin he even has the slightest blame here is batshit retarded, that's like saying that everyone who studies physics or math deserves a slap in the face, since they're nerds and could have chosen another less nerdy subject.

>> No.1159873
File: 42 KB, 447x600, 1273992571571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1159875

Yes, because you are a dog. Dogs do not wear underwear

>> No.1159880

"Just World Fallacy", it never occurred to me for a moment that the world was just lol./

>> No.1159877 [DELETED] 

remo ve y our il leg al clo ne moota rd www.anongalk.se except t instead of g in the mid dle be cause po olar bear is a psyc ho thi ef ed353d06f1b4b626e4f52dcc41afce29

>> No.1159883

Are there realy "bad guys and good guys"? or are they all just guys?

>> No.1159884

It is common in fiction for the bad guys to lose and the good guys to win.

It's how your would like to see the world and fair.

In psychology, the tendency to believe this is how the real world acctually workds is called the Just-World Fallacy.

In a 1966 study by Melvin Lerner and Carolyn Simmons, 72 woman watched a woman solve problems and get electric shocks when she messed up.

The woman was actually pretending, but the people watching didn't know this.

Lerner based these studies on the things he had seen working with the mentally ill. He noticed how he and other doctors, nurses and oerderlies would sometimes insult people who were suffering or come up with assumptions about what kind of people they were, or joke about their illness.

Lerner though this behavior might be an attempt to protect the psyche of people facing an abysmal, unrelenting about of misery and dispair.

>> No.1159885

>even the slightest blame

See I don't really blame her, but when you get so drunk that you can't even tell the general direction of home and then walk out into who knows where you drop your defenses. And while what may happen is a tragedy it is one that you could have prevented.

>> No.1159887

Apparently typing it out instead of copy and pasting it lets me post it. I have no idea what it is that is being blocked by 4chan.

>> No.1159889


there's good guys and bad guys.

>> No.1159890

No there's also chicks

>> No.1159902

Just guys with different methods.

Albeit some of the methods are really really shit.

>> No.1159905


There aren't morally and integrally infallible guys for one.

I guess you could either take an average of their good/bad deeds or see how they act in a given context.

A man can be a perfectly fine, lovable father and a MAFIA boss behind the scenes.

>> No.1159907
File: 43 KB, 315x500, rich-dad-poor-dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>People who are losing at the game of life must have done something to deserve it.

No, they just haven't read this book.

>> No.1159909

There are good and bad guys
But 99.999% of all guys fall in a space that is neither

>> No.1159942

If psychopaths can become CEO's is it because they are good leaders?

>> No.1159959

They take risks are ruthless and don't normally feel for their fellow humans.

So yes in a business sense they would be fantastic.

>> No.1159962

If a sociopath is a good leader,does that make him less of a person than another good leader?

>> No.1159967


No. The world isn't just remember. They can gain such a position through a number of ways including but no limited to being actually a good company leader (which has nothing to do with being a good, lovable individual btw).

A rather more interesting question is. Are psychopaths responsible of their actions as much as neurotically people are?

>> No.1159970

i think the rape thing is a different story than lol i am poor god hates me.

you can do things to reduce the risks of certain things.

>> No.1159984


You mean it was her fault she was ignorant and should have been more cautious?

But perhaps she was raised in that shitty manner and couldn't therefore be expected to be more cautious....etc

I mean the rape thing involves another human and complicates things a bit.

How about she was attacked by a stray dog?

In such a case was it all her fault?

Definitely no.

Point is sometimes it's entirely your fault; other times it's "bad luck".

>> No.1159989

>Is she to blame in some way?
Absolutely, she put herself into a high risk situation.
>Was this her fault?
To a degree.
>Was she asking for it?

Anyone who answers No/No/No is basically retarded and brainwashed into thinking nothing bad is ever the person's fault. Take some fucking responsibility. Of course, even if the answers were Yes/Yes/Yes that doesn't justify the committing of a crime.

>> No.1159991

>Point is sometimes it's entirely your fault; other times it's "bad luck".

Point is that most of the time it's neither

>> No.1160000

that depends. was she taunting the dog? was she doing something stupid like wearing meat tenderizer perfume? of course the last one is ridiculous, but i'm trying to illustrate the point that things you do have repercussions, and when you end up on the shitty end of the stick, sometimes it is your fault. if i gamble all my money away in Vegas, it is my fault when my house get's repossessed and my wife divorces.

>> No.1160006

In that case you can't really blame the dog for attacking her either, that's just what dogs do

>> No.1160017

i totally agree with you. this is exactly what i answered in my head when i first read OP.