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11596566 No.11596566 [Reply] [Original]

are they linked? every smart person i've met irl had saucer pupils like they were on drugs

look at von neumann in every photo

>> No.11596777

It's called Adderall, many high end mathematicians and scientists use it, see Erdos for an example

>> No.11596802

Can confirm. Adderall dilated my pupils. Anything remotely dopaminergic does, actually. Including GABA sedatives like tulsi and chamomile.

>> No.11596808

Could you imagine if that was his secret? Just shitloads of stimulants.

>> No.11596811

This. But use of Adderall (or similar drugs) is smart, and therefore linked to intelligence. So in a roundabout fashion the answer is yes!

>> No.11596814

Von Numale wasn't intelligent at all. In fact, go watch his interviews on YouTube... He talks like a retard

>> No.11596825

>Von Numale wasn't intelligent at all.
Prove it.

>> No.11596843

He has no accomplishments. Everything listed on his Wikipedia page existed previously and has been rebranded to make it seem like he was responsible.

>> No.11596849

That isn't proof, that's an opinion.

>> No.11597808

Okay then retard, prove he was intelligent

>> No.11597926


>> No.11598196

nice copypasta retard

>> No.11598199

take your meds schizo

>> No.11598242

Okay then retard prove he was retarded.
Oh that's right, you can't prove shit, you reduced the argument to nothing, now nobody can win.

>> No.11598442

Antidepressants also dilate pupils

>> No.11598456

tons of medications do actually, but i doubt these people are taking any.. they don't seem to have issues

>> No.11598485

shut up faggoli you're wrong

OP you are correct it's a solid result

>Across three studies we consistently found that baseline pupil size is, in fact, related to cognitive ability. We showed that this relationship could not be explained by differences in mental effort, and that the effect of working memory capacity and fluid intelligence on pupil size persisted even after 23 sessions and taking into account the effect of novelty or familiarity with the environment. We also accounted for potential confounding variables such as; age, ethnicity, and drug substances.


>> No.11598508

>tfw pinpoint pupils
it's over, isn't it? i was destined to be a midwit

>> No.11598518

close, it's called meth

>> No.11598526

what's your diet like? do you feel stressed alot?

>> No.11598532

The Von Neumann-Wigner interpretation is correct

>> No.11598535

that's pretty fascinating actually

>> No.11598539

I have a pretty good diet, I eat little sugar and avoid processed, junk foods. Also eat fish a couple times a week

I drink tons of coffee though, like 6 cups a day, and yes, I do feel stressed easily and often

>> No.11599381

The brain is actually a lightbulb which consumes 30-100 watts of power depending on intelligence. The light produced leaks out the eyes causing dillated pupils when high brainpower is being used. This is the same light that circulates in the nerves of the brain.
t. Neil Tyson, Physicist

>> No.11599465
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>this guy again

>> No.11600057

i was just curious. pinpoint pupils are usually an effect of opiates. certain foods like wheat, especially glutenrich i believe, and cheese work on the opiod system. high dynorphin levels for example upregulates serotonin transporters creating a disbalance between dynorphine and serotonine. since you drink a lot of coffee you seem to try to compensate. did you try/think switching coffee to green tea? if dynorphins are co responsible for your stress reaction it maybe could help a bit feeling more relaxed. also it binds on the glycine site if your glycine levels are low. you could try combining glycine rich food or take glycine supplement with the green tea. it's low risk, cheap and could possible give you a way for stress reduction. if this makes no sense with your diet nvm.

>> No.11600064
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