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File: 38 KB, 512x445, stephen hawking, steven hawkings, motor neurone disease, hawking, steven hawkins,stephen hawking,hawking, stephen hawkins, stephen hawking ill, steven hawking, steven hawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1159585 No.1159585 [Reply] [Original]

Stephen Hawking on Religion: 'Science Will Win Because it Works'


>> No.1159598


You know what else works? Closing your eyes, covering your ears and silencing all dissenters.

>> No.1159605

godfag burthurt incoming

>> No.1159613
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be a good boy

>> No.1159618

Jesus > Hawkings

>> No.1159619


nasty hands

>> No.1159622

There's a reason he's in that chair. God hates the guy

>> No.1159623

cool story bro

>> No.1159635
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>> No.1159637


That is an insult to God. God is above such weakness.


Almost all the world. Jesus divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide. A philosophy on which our current societies are built.

Hawkings work is irrelevant to most of the world.

>> No.1159638

Sure, it's easy to stomp on the guy in the wheelchair. Your jesus must feel really good for himself now.

>> No.1159642

Exactly, why else would he have been given that condition if not to test him at the utmost length possible... evidently Stephen has all but failed in his faith

>> No.1159645

>Jesus divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.
>Hitler divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.

>> No.1159647

Stephen Hawking is a pimp.

>> No.1159648
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>> No.1159649

If that is true then I'll kill my children next time they curse me. And my neighbor is a homosexuell - I'll shot him brb.
(hey it's all in the bible - read ALL of it please)

>> No.1159651

And still the guy comes up with stuff your god couldn't imagine in a billion years.

Thumbs up for Professor Hawking!

>> No.1159652

Nah, Xtians have an excuse for that.
The old testament rules don't apply to Xtians anymore and only the newfag testament does.

>> No.1159653

>You are a fag.

Just because it's in greentext doesn't mean it's true. If people in general loved the NAZI so fucking much I do think WWII would have had quite a different outcome.

>> No.1159655

Millions of people loved Hitler and the Nazis.
Germany was and is the largest country in Western Europe and he had millions of followers in other countries as well.

>> No.1159656

Motherfu... Holy ghosting raisin pickers...

>> No.1159660

>Jesus divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.
>Mao Zedong divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.

>> No.1159661


Not true. Not even in the Old Testament Bible. You don't know how to read the Bible, period.

>> No.1159662

If Hitler had been jesus, the world would be a better place, the roman empire would still be going strong, palestinians would live in relative peace.
And so on and so forth.

>> No.1159663

Yeah, and Paul hated fags, so they hate on fags in the New Testament as well.

>> No.1159664

My God isn't in a wheelchair

>> No.1159665

when the government promises to fix the problems in your country, you generally go along with it.

>> No.1159667

Actually that's a fun game!

>Jesus divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.
>Anal-sex divine or not has a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.

>> No.1159669

>when the government promises to fix the problems in your country, you generally go along with it.
>when christianity promises to fix the problems in your life, you generally go along with it.

>> No.1159671

How do you know?

>> No.1159672

>And still the guy comes up with stuff your god couldn't imagine in a billion years.

Seven days motherfucker

>> No.1159674


But eventually MOST OF THE PEOPLE DIDN'T LIKE HIM. And I don't believe that propaganda either. The only once who "liked" him were the few who could actually gain something or the those who were brainwashed. The other didn't like him for shit.

It's not the same thing at all.

>> No.1159675

> Jesus divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.
> Facebook divine or not has a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.

>> No.1159676

Yeah, even with the use of both his legs and magical powers, he's still not as big as Hawking.

>> No.1159677

>implying government and christianity are the same thing

you're making awful comparisons just to rebel against your christian upbringing. fucking mallgoth atheists

>> No.1159680

Most of the people in the world don't give a shit about Jesus either.

>> No.1159684

>loved Hitler

Ha no. Fear/respect is nothing like love at all.

>> No.1159685

>implying that I was raised christian to begin with.

>> No.1159686

>Jesus divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.
>Coca Cola divine or not has a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.

>> No.1159687

In seven days he came up with an unstable system of a crystal bowl over a saucer in a big bucket of water. Stephen Hawking came up with a lot cooler objects than that.

Besides, Hawking keeps his cool while your god is a pissy little prick who goes on a rampage with his magical powers any time someone disagrees with him.

Temper, temper...

>> No.1159688

Pretty sure it's still one of the biggest religions of all time.

>> No.1159692

real christians always capitalize "Christianity", so minus point for not being a thorough troll, you naughty, naughty boy.

>> No.1159693

No in seven days he made the universe. The stupidity of your assumptions is growing greater and greater

>> No.1159697

Pretty sure it's still a minority worldwide.

>> No.1159698


They do follow his philosophy though. And no I believe they do give a shit about the most influential man in history.

>> No.1159700

Real people always capitalize the first word of their sentences. Nice try, reptilian

>> No.1159701

Well all the cults combined maybe. Isn't it funny how there are thousands of opinions in the "church" itself how the one and only truth exactly is meant to be?

>> No.1159702

The new testament has a lot of crazy shit outside of the Gospel like how it's okay to own slaves.

>> No.1159703

"God created the heaven and the earth"

Don't you go all heresy on me now.

>> No.1159706

No, that would be atheism

>> No.1159711

Yeah, there's a lot of different "capitalists" out there, doesn't mean you can just make arbitrary distinctions whenever you want

>> No.1159713

I'm sure the newfag testament is as fucked as the oldfag one, but the old testament rules aren't valid anymore according to xtians.
christ sealed the deal with his blood or some irrational shit like that.

>> No.1159714

master troll right here

>> No.1159715

>They do follow his philosophy though.
No, they don't.

>And no I believe they do give a shit about the most influential man in history.

>> No.1159717

Here's a hint, the civilization he influenced later went on to become that shithole Europe

>> No.1159718

no troll, just one millions who looked at christianity and went WTF, dude?

>> No.1159721

I am not making the distinctions. The Jesus fanboys themselves decided that they had different opinions about the eternal truth and split up. They don't even acknowledge each other as christians in some cases.

>> No.1159723

Adolf Hitler?

>> No.1159725

>just one millions

Come on, no need to throw grammar mistakes in. That's just stuff rookie trolls use

>> No.1159726

christianity is dildos.

>> No.1159727

They're different denominations of *Christianity*.

>> No.1159729

No remember, this was BEFORE Europe was shit (so a long, long time ago)

>> No.1159730

>Jesus divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.
>Homosex divine or not has a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.

>> No.1159735

dildos is christianity

it's all starting to make sense now, how it's become so popular

>> No.1159736

Europe, like /b/ and 4chan, has always been shit.

>> No.1159741


Yeah and that shithole vomit in the New Continent. You aren't better you know. However the way you enslave the majority of your population for the benefit of the elite few is unmatchable.

>> No.1159745

Hey, you can troll religion all you want. But when you start trolling converses you mess with MATH broski

>> No.1159746

Skwisgaar, we worships Jörmungandr the sea-serpents coiled around Midgard, not silly torture porns jews.
I swears, the bibles is like "hostel" in palestines.

>> No.1159749


Naw man give credit where credit is due. That thing you did to Africa may honestly be the greatest racial cleansing ever

>> No.1159751


Yeah but then it was pretty self evident who was the slave and who held the reigns but now most people live all their live without even know it.

>> No.1159755

Oh we know
Masters: us
Slaves: you

>> No.1159757


>> No.1159759

Hey, it's an old Depeche Mode song!

>> No.1159760


Cool as long as you "know" I fine with that!

>> No.1159762
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>> No.1159763

>I fine with that
Ugh, the way you guys butcher American, with your u's and lack of structure.

>> No.1159765


>> No.1159768



I'd rather cook my food myself, thanks.

>> No.1159769

>Jesus divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.
>Elton John divine or not has a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.

>> No.1159772


I'm from Canada actually.

>> No.1159773


>> No.1159775

Yet another European with some grammar abomination I'm expected to decipher.

Hello, do you speak American? Is there a brain in there?

>> No.1159779

>Yeah and that shithole vomit in the New Continent

So what, you're just self loathing?

>> No.1159781

>Jesus divine or not had a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.
>NIGGERS divine or not has a philosophy followed by millions of people worldwide.

>> No.1159784


>> No.1159788

The troll, the troll,
the troll, he is failing.

He won't get no replies

Let the thread 404.
404, motherfucker, 404.

>> No.1159789

What? Is your mother or father home so that I might speak with them?

>> No.1159790



>> No.1159791


Nah I don't think I enter the equation?!

>> No.1159792
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>> No.1159793

Derp? Is that some sort of ethnic word? It's not in the Oxford American dictionary.

>> No.1159794

You forgot your sage brah!

>> No.1159796

>Nah I don't think I enter the equation?!

Could you rephrase this, in a way that makes sense please

>> No.1159800
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1159802


Online Slang



>> No.1159804

0/10 is zero. I still don't get this durp thing though.

>> No.1159806


>Could you rephrase this, in a way that makes sense please.


>> No.1159808

Oh, so he's making an ignorant comment or action at me. Thanks

>> No.1159813



>> No.1159822
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>> No.1159832
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>> No.1159858
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>my face when only 23% of the swedish population believe in a god.

>> No.1159864
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>23% of the swedish population

>> No.1159871
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My face when 0% of the global population cares about the Swedish population

>> No.1159874
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>my face when religion thread on my /sci/

>> No.1159879

Muslim can science



>> No.1159882


> Implying the swedish population doesn't care about the swedish population


>> No.1159888

my face when godfag butthurt

>> No.1159893

haha, this faggot believes in love

>> No.1159896
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From Sweden with Hate

>> No.1159899
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>my face when this thread got 100 replies

>> No.1159901

>implying the Swedish population cares about the Swedish population.

Yeah, nice government you guys have been running over there, or should I say lack thereof

>> No.1159913
File: 17 KB, 595x300, rinkeby_brinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muslims in swed are clever - invented fire

>> No.1159916 [DELETED] 


remo ve y our il leg al clo ne moota rd www.anongalk.se except t instead of g in the mid dle be cause po olar bear is a psyc ho thi ef 5dff510814727fa0f30638f245d2e0d4

>> No.1159920
File: 27 KB, 470x418, obama_wideweb__470x418,0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lack thereof

aw, look who's talking

>> No.1159927

Who, the president of some other country? Why would he be talking about a country nobody cares about

>> No.1159940


> lack of goverment
> Sweden

I know you're trolling, but that's just fucking retarded.

>> No.1159944 [DELETED] 

remo ve y our il leg al clo ne moota rd www.anongalk.se except t instead of g in the mid dle be cause po olar bear is a psyc ho thi ef ab5ee1982112d9a6f897de80ff3a227e

>> No.1160003
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>> No.1160185


lol wut

>> No.1160195

muslim girls look like men

>> No.1160197

>>1160185 I think it´s ref to >>1159879

>> No.1160211

His troll face grin after he says science will win is awesome.

>> No.1160219



>> No.1160620


>> No.1160653



>> No.1160659

dont know if troll

>> No.1160680

fuck you

>> No.1160686


Fuck you too.

>> No.1160689


>> No.1160711

>hawking becomes prophet of big bang (he didnt make it up others did)
>hawking gets hit by a debilitating disease that twists his body painfully

See the connection

>> No.1160722
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>> No.1160723

he had the illness before becoming involved deeply in science, so no i don't really see the connection,

>> No.1160727

wrong post quoted

>> No.1160736

I'm on board with what Hawking says and does, but sort of on the fence about how he presents it. I think he goes a little overboard sometimes which is what causes so much conflict between modern science and religion, as a lot of arguments stem from... well, frankly, any opportunity used and exploited to take potshots at one another.

>> No.1160745

Says who, lol

>> No.1162412


>> No.1162578
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