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11588142 No.11588142 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a cure that the FDA just wont let us know about? I got HSV2 from some bitch.

>> No.11588146

kek, idiot. Have fun with the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.11588206

post pic

>> No.11588369

I got hsv2 in my fucking mouth for being dumb and exposing my one major museums membrane to pussy

>> No.11588389


>> No.11588456

The genitalia was evolved to come into contact with other genitalia, but the mouth mostly wasn’t. It’s not really problematic for the female to go down on the male, but the other was around is problematic. There is a lots of stuff down there and insane innate immun system activity with really huge IgA levels building up very fast. But it’s a big hole so it has to be that way. I guess next to everybody has the ordinary herpes (1). Only maybe 1 percent doesn’t get it or is immune. Some very low single digit likely get rid of it. And most humans are “eilte controllers“, to borrow this HIV Terminus technicus, meaning they never really have symptoms and very low virus levels. For the other Herpes viruses it’s rather complicated, basically boosting your immune system and hope your body builds enough IgA is mostly what can be done. There is no commercial vaccine. And the virostatic agents do have side effects. You should also consider the girl could have given you another infection and this is the reason the immune system failed to control the herpes (and no I‘m not talking about HIV).

>> No.11588472
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>eating pussy

>> No.11588491

Yeah it was maybe the biggest mistake of my life

>> No.11588504

Yeah, I had bleeding gums, chills, was shivering, could barely swallow, had canker sores in mouth and throat. Teeth felt like they would fall out of my head. I think I did get something else too. Luckily it wasn’t HIV. I’m HSV2 positive now.

>> No.11588519 [DELETED] 

>next to everybody has the ordinary herpes (1). Only maybe 1 percent doesn’t get it or is immune.
Those have "Asperger's syndrome" because they are not brain damaged like everyone else.

>> No.11588547

I got molluscum contagiousum, been about 2 months...dreadful because I can't even jack off.

>> No.11588558
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These bitches are whores. It was my FIRST TIME HAVING SEX at age 29.

>> No.11588593

I'm sorry it had to be this way, brother. Please dont spread this unwillingly to other people.

>> No.11588778

I’M SO FUCKING ANGRY. And who knows when we’ll have a vaccine which is effective prophylactically, and gene editing is far away...

>> No.11588878

Why isn't that a crime?
IMHO one should have to pay monthly compensation to each person infected for doing shit like that.

>> No.11588959

Because bitches make you, the man, make the first move for this very reason.

>> No.11589070

does that shit resolve itself or?

>> No.11589079

this is why i dont eat pussy. i only eat ass and cunny

>> No.11589238

That's part of the reason I would never stick my dick into something that I'm not sure is clean.

>> No.11589260

Yeah, it goes away on its own. Could be weeks...could be months...could be years.

>> No.11589279

Well bitches also lie

>> No.11589302

Yeah but medical tests don't, and if a girl isn't willing to get tested for STD's she's trash. She may not necessarily be hiding something but if they get offended over something like that they've got trust issues.

>> No.11589317

Those don't all sound like something you get from herp. Anyhow, more water and less sugar.

>> No.11589373

Yeah, I feel like I got oral thrush too or something. And, I just made the mistake of believing her, and she showed me a test result sheet that was old. I was just a moron. Problem is that being like your should get tested first even tho ur right here alone with me’ kills the mood. Again though, not worth it.

>> No.11589375

False positives and negatives are also possible and not even highly uncommon with herps blood tests.

>> No.11589381

It's still better than someone dodging the question entirely. At least if you end up getting it even after you're both tested you can blame the test for being faulty.

>> No.11589392

Just schedule an appt with a dermatologist and get it frozen off.

>> No.11589411

who /immune/

>> No.11589418

Pretty sure you can’t be immune to herpes sorry

>> No.11589427
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>> No.11589429

Yeah that’s the shitty thing. Vaccines and gene therapy could help... SOMEDAY.

>> No.11589437

enjoy your alzheimer's

>> No.11589440

That was found out to totally not be a thing, pretty sure.

>> No.11589451

whatever helps you sleep at night :)

>> No.11589474


How come /pol/ were literally more helpful than you fags?

>> No.11589868

Ah shit

I don't know much about the disease which is why i asked. And one of the things i wasn't sure of was if freezing off the bumps gets rid of the virus or not

>> No.11590813

The first time I ever had sex I caught syphilis.

>> No.11590920

Don't read about the Epstein-Barr virus if you ever got mononucleosis.
We'll never win against all those little bastards.

>> No.11591929

Why did you fuck your mom?

>> No.11593932


incel bros win yet again

>> No.11594100

Because my mother is very attractive

>> No.11594210
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Herpesvirus is some tough shit. If you want to prevent transmission take antivirals and try not to trigger it with any behaviors that lead to breakouts. That's still only about 50% effective though. The viral shedding diminishes with time so you'll be less infectious a few years from now than you are today.
A cure isn't in the foreseeable future, a vaccine is still years away after decades of research. Decent progress has been made in treatments but still need optimized which will take years. Nobody is dying directly of Hsv, so it's kinda on the back burner.
If it makes you feel any better, 80% of infected people aren't even aware that they're infected. Every woman I've slept with when I mentioned I get cold sores either didn't care or they got them too and had no intention of even mentioning it until I brought it up. I'd advise to keep getting your dick wet but let any love interests know upfront. Don't expect much from any dating sites for hsv+ people. I've met several very decent girls that got fucked over by some guy and gotten hsv and now they're too shy about dating.

>> No.11595095

Thanks for the good response. Really appreciate it. Anything besides antivirals, daily, that you might recommend for treatment?

>> No.11595134

While we're all in quarantine anyways, why don't we use this opportunity to try and cure herpes?
Won't mutate if it doesn't spread

>> No.11596179

Yeah that would be nice obviously

>> No.11597317


>> No.11597327

This, basically. Stick dick in chick, get sick quick, slick.

>> No.11597752

Same here OP. Shit sucks. What is your index?

>> No.11598320

Idk, would have to get tested again.

>> No.11599161

What's index?

>> No.11599234

The numerical score with blood tests.

< 0.9 is negative
0.9 to 1.1 is equicoval
> 1.1 is positive

Or did you get a swab test?

>> No.11599258

Not him sorry. Was just curious what index was
What does the 0.9 - 1.1 range represent if not positive nor negative?

>> No.11599281

It’s one of those things— like regrowing foreskin— that are possible to do but nobody with the time or power to devote resources to it want to do it or care about it. Any virogolists in here? Do what the pancreas cancer fellows did in the early 00s, find a billionaire with the disease and tell them you can cure it if you get funding. That’s what happened with pancreatic cancer and Michael Milken.

>> No.11599286

Ah sorry I meant: prostate cancer.

>> No.11599304

If there was enough effort to find a herpes vaccine it would be found and cured. However it’s not bad enough for most people that it makes them into obnoxious activists and it’s also got a stigma associated with it (le you slept around so you deserve it moralism) like the HIV faggots have, so it gets no serious funding or attention.

>> No.11599311
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Viral LOAD

>> No.11599527

So why isn't everything positive unless its zero?

>> No.11599578

You can be exposed to various viral contagions throughout the day in small enough doses or through membranes that know how to limit further exposure so it doesn’t constitute infection or disease level exposure. However if you eat literal herpes off genitals or mouth or get some virus into your blood stream somehow it multiplies much faster and your immune system begins combating it much too late so that it basically settles in.

>> No.11599583

Once it settles in, it can make itself secret homes in odd cell locations and lie dormant until the immune system is compromised somehow maybe months later and then it makes a resurgence to take advantage of the fact that the guard is off duty or furloughed.

>> No.11599632

Oh gotcha
I just figured if its non zero, and its been a while, it would be considered positive since all of that might've reached an equilibrium state where it was still in the blood.
I guess if its not enough to cause infection / disease then its considered negative?
Didn't know that though thanks anon

>> No.11600183

Could ultraviolet lasers or some shot be focused on the nerve ganglia thus killing the virumz? https://seekingalpha.com/amp/article/4339281-aytu-biosciences-aytu-ceo-josh-disbrow-on-covidminus-19-initiatives-update-call

>> No.11601255

>That’s what happened with pancreatic cancer and Michael Milken.
Capitalism is a mistake

>> No.11602247

Think we’ll get more cures / gene editing out of China soon?