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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11584969 No.11584969 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11584974

this will be interesting to see how many degenerate non platonists are on this board.

>> No.11585003

Math existed since before the beginning of everything.
As such, it was neither discovered nor invented.
It is an absolution.

No statement can be made without it.
No observation.

>> No.11585224


>> No.11585234

mathematics is ultimately an invention created to model the real world. we created the idea of 1 plus 1 equals 2 to model the idea that if you have one of a thing and another one of that thing, then you have two of that thing using our invented counting system.

>> No.11585267

for axioms must be formed in order for it to work.
numbers were discovered, though.

>> No.11585276

if numbers were discovered, then 1+1=2 is also a discovered fact, not invented. the truth is that numbers are a human invention as well. we didn't even have 0 until it was invented by some poo in the loo centuries after the natural numbers had been invented.

>> No.11585334

You get much more out of math than you put in. Nobody "invented" the mandelbrot set or the properties of complex numbers, these are things that just exist

>> No.11585351
File: 1.15 MB, 1370x2558, subitizing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: people arguing over semantics just like philosoniggers.

>> No.11585381


>> No.11585403

Neither. Math is yet to be invented.

>> No.11585413

None of the above

>> No.11585432

even a tiny spider brain can build a web of symmetrical shape. math is over rated.

>> No.11585527

Brainlet. Fucking obviously the symbols were created, the question is not about that. And most morons that say invented commit the same mistake as you

>> No.11585531

Depends on your school of thought. Formalist, logicist, constructivism >>11585003
>before we found out about exponentiation it wasn’t real hurrdur

>> No.11585537
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>> No.11585646

>>before we found out about exponentiation it wasn’t real hurrdur
yes. nature doesn't exponentiate anything. nature just is. exponentiation is our mathematical model of behavior.
>t. actual brainlet
nature does not count. nature just is. humans invented groupings and counting of the number of objects in the group.

>> No.11585701

>model of behavior
You have no clue what you’re talking about and most philosophers would give you the time of the day

>> No.11585706


>> No.11585717

math is a way for humans to understand and make sense of reality. its a model. also whether math is invented or discovered is still an open question, so stop pretending that all philosophers agree with you, dumb pseud.

>> No.11585790

Brainlet here, what if math is only invention, because reality is incomprehensible for humans.
Maybe our knowledge is good enough to build things, but those things in reality work on different set on rules that we will never know.

>> No.11585796

Maths is a language used to express abstract logic, and like all languages it's invented

>> No.11585811
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> geographical breakdown

>> No.11586741


>> No.11586752

There is no such thing as "invented" in any case so it must be discovered because everything is discovered.

>> No.11586757

Without semantics there is only syntax.
The sentiment "that's just semantics!" as a dismissal of a conversation is a telltale sign that you are a stupid fucking idiot.

>> No.11586875

A theorem is only considered true by mathematicians when there is an accepted proof for it. Truth is relative.

>> No.11586909

>Math existed since before the beginning of everything.
But then there would be a thing before the beginning of everything, which means it wouldn't be before the beginning of everything since their would be a thing before the beginning of things, therefore refuting itself.
If you say mathematics is a relation between things, I will reply no things existed before the beginning of everything and therefore the framework of their relation also wouldn't exist, since any framework also necessitates content, and vice versa. Content without a framework is structureless and therefore empty of content, and framework without content is empty of relations and therefore structureless.
Funny when physicists and such attempt to speak on philosophical matters.

>> No.11586912

>Nobody "invented" the mandelbrot set

>> No.11586920

This is necessarily true, since the universe is all that exists and therefore has nothing else to change into, meaning nothing can be created or destroyed.

>> No.11586927

4chan seems overwhelmingly Western when you look at this graph, also when you look at the flags of int. Is it because English is not widespread in the East?

>> No.11586931


>> No.11587787

If there are this many people who ubironically think math is invented it explains the shit quality of this board lately.

>> No.11587854
File: 50 KB, 768x768, Venus_of_Arles-IMG_9387-gradient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You start with a block of marble and carve a beautiful statue of Venus from it.
Given you added no material, simple subtracted material from the block, is it fair to say that the statue of Venus existed before you carved away the material surrounding it?
And if so, did you invent the depiction of Venus, or did you merely discover it inside the block?

>> No.11587855
File: 125 KB, 511x326, 1+1=2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually both. Axioms are invented, but the results we discover from those are discovered. Also most likely the first math was "discovered" as people just dealt with quantities of real world objects.

>> No.11587866

If the axioms had not yet been invented, how was it that the ancient Sumarians could do arithmetic?

>> No.11587878

>4chan, an english language website, is overwhelmingly used by people in the anglosphere
shocker, I know

>> No.11587924

Axioms and definitions are most definitely invented, theorems and lemmas are discovered.

>> No.11588715

Mathematics is the language of the universe. The things it describes were discovered, the notation was invented.

>> No.11588819

hecking thiserino

>> No.11589371
File: 123 KB, 511x671, p18v2knqd1c21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was