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11579631 No.11579631[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How is that a pseudoscience?

>> No.11579647 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11579666

No conclusive proof towards the claim that phenotype and intellect/personality are related has ever been found.

>> No.11579684

Is it just me or do Abos have the largest brains?

>> No.11579711

>How is that a pseudoscience?
Phrenologists do not use the scientific method.

>> No.11579738

It's just that it's extremely doliocephalic so it gives off the illusion that it's the biggest when comparing them from the sides.
Not that it's small. Probably slightly bigger than the European one.

>> No.11579763

Is what pseudoscience, that people have different skulls?

>> No.11579800
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>> No.11579812
File: 6 KB, 300x229, dn9989-1_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Monkeys were in space and had civilisation. It's just speciesism that keep them on trees now.

>> No.11579816

Brain size is only predictive of spacial intelligence.

>> No.11579817

Because skull size only shows the total volume of the brain, but not the volume of the individual segments of the brain.

>> No.11579823

I don't think so.
"The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century. It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation. It involves formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such observations; experimental and measurement-based testing of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental findings. These are principles of the scientific method, as distinguished from a definitive series of steps applicable to all scientific enterprises."

>> No.11579827
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>> No.11579832
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>> No.11579837
File: 25 KB, 1357x800, iq_by_country.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to all - "we are all the same" fags.

>> No.11579840 [DELETED] 

Their brains are huge compared to their cerebellums, kind of like neanderthal brains did. In the last tens of thousands of years, it seems we have xame through process where first our brains grew, then they shrank, but our cerebellums kept growing. And it kind of appears that the aboriginals never went through this process. So they are kind of good at learning things, and probably could learn most things at pre phd level, but it would be an arduous process where somebody would have to teach them everything including most thing we take for granted that children figure out on their own, since they really can't figure out much on their own with such tiny cerebellums.

>> No.11579844

I thought cerebellums controlled movement.

>> No.11579845

Their brains are huge compared to their cerebellums, kind of like neanderthal brains were. In the last tens of thousands of years, it seems we have came through a process where first our brains first grew, then they shrank, but our cerebellums kept growing. And it kind of appears that the aboriginals never went through this process. So they are kind of good at learning things, and probably could learn most things at the pre phd level, but it would be an arduous process where somebody would have to teach them everything including most thing we take for granted that children figure out on their own, since they really can't figure out much on their own with such tiny cerebellums.

>> No.11579848 [DELETED] 

That's an outdated view. They do conyrol movement to a large degree, they control everything that is done on the spot and figured out, while the cerebral cortex does things that are known and memorized. So with damaged cerebellums stagger a lot, because a lot of movement needs to be adapted to the exact circumstances, but the same applies to thinking as well.

>> No.11579850

That's an outdated view. They do control movement to a large degree, they control everything that is done on the spot and figured out, while the cerebral cortex does things that are known and memorized. So people with damaged cerebellums stagger a lot, because a lot of movement needs to be adapted to the exact circumstances, but the same applies to thinking as well.

>> No.11579878

Yes, unless it's applied to ancient hominins. (Or whatever made up word is currently popular)

>> No.11579882

Explain please.

>> No.11579883

If the mean IQ isn't 100, it's not an IQ.

>> No.11579915

the spectrum on the bottom is just a color label not a scale

>> No.11579921

I think it dropped since the first measures was made in some prototype country.

>> No.11579955

Go study it and tell you us.
How 'bout that?

>> No.11579973
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>and tell you us

>> No.11579991

AI will find that various things correlate highly with intelligence, personality, etc. and some of it will appear to verify phrenology, though the phrenologists were almost certainly wrong about every actual conclusion they drew or they were using other data (cheating).

>> No.11579996

Pretty sure it's called craniology now.

>> No.11580021
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>> No.11580028
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Shame on you.

>> No.11580053
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>> No.11580087

How to measure "waking up"? Hard to say happening it or not. "Waking up" is a new political class.

>> No.11580097

I'm not a fan of Hitler by the way. He was arrogant. It's just a joke.

>> No.11580111

But socialism (or some sort of wealth redistribution) with right wing social policy is a good thing for a start. Them it must become monarchy. Unless you will get sociopaths in higher positions.

>> No.11580127

nice fake map using CHINAS REPORT as the highest IQ lmao. In reality Scandanavia countries having the highest IQ averages at 115.

>> No.11580133

>Scandanavia countries having the highest IQ averages at 115

>> No.11580296
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Keep coping lol.

>> No.11580320

Did the Neandethals escape to Australia or something? Yeah sure that's pretty large brain but is it really that complex and sophisticated?

>> No.11580346

That's the thing. Abos and Papuans have the highest Neanderthal/Denisovan ancestry and therefore large but useless brains. Some people won't admit this because they're well entrenched in the "muh neanderthal admixture = high iq" cope.

>> No.11580372

You think this picture is an argument, retard?

>> No.11580378

Yeah it looks subhuman but it proves my point.

>> No.11580401
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>> No.11580426

Equal in what measure? This is an important distinction. I think an important factor people often forget in these discussions is exactly what they are trying to compare.

It's pretty easy to notice the statistical discrepancy between certain populations of people and height, but the comparison between other things like intelligence are much more complicated than a single measurement. I'm not trying to say there aren't statistical differences between populations, but I think it is also important to remember the utility in certain elements of intelligence and acuity that are often left out of these types of arguments.

>> No.11580430

Not him but from the study itself:
>Volumes of ponsmedulla oblongata unit (21 +/- 3 ml for Aborigines and 22 +/- 3 ml for Caucasians) and visual cortex (14.9 ml +/- 2.6 ml and 14.6 +/- 2.2 ml, respectively) did not differ significantly. The striate cortex extended further onto the lateral surface of the occipital lobe in Aboriginal brains.
This might explain why it looks so big even thought it is not. The back of the skull is very elongated and gives the illusion that it's big.
Overall they seem to have superior visouspatial abilities, but fucked up everything-else, judging from this study.

>> No.11580437

Whats the point? Doesn't the brain folds matter more than size? I've noticed that penis size seems negatively correlated to intelligence at the fat tail distributions of the countries.

>> No.11580505
File: 29 KB, 452x678, images (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because according to those dumbasses, this Ethiopian man is Caucasian.

>> No.11580527

They are mixed.
"A study of Ethiopians belonging to Semitic and Cushitic ethnic groups mostly from the north of the country (the Oromo, Amhara, Tigray, and Gurage) estimated approximately 40% of their autosomal ancestry to be of Eurasian ("Caucasian") origin, with about 60% being of native Sub-Saharan African origin."

>> No.11580556

>1987 Feb
>sample size of 8 abos and 11 whites. total size 19
Jesus christ.

>> No.11580569


>> No.11580590

Visuospatial abilities are the most important part of intelligence for STEM.

>> No.11580591

If you actually do a deep dive into white supremacist ideology you'll find that the measure of 'equal' they use actually changes depending on who they are trying to make look bad, sometimes its intelligence, sometimes its empathy, sometimes its purely biological.
It is never "equally entitled to human rights"

>> No.11580685

To be fair, the universal declaration of human rights is pretty much just a way for powerful countries to have moral justification for their immoral foreign policy.

>> No.11580701

Okay, so you can assume that unimportant countries like China and the US have faked numbers here to make the chinks look good and the mutts look bad.
Still more accurate than countries that are scared of even suggesting that no majority black country ever succeeded in doing anything of note in the past 100 or so years.

>> No.11580728

Yes, governments do tend to abuse every system they can for their own gain, but that does not invalidate the concept of human rights itself

>> No.11580737

It isn't, its implications are hostile to jewish interests. The same reason IQ tests are invalid, until it is convenient for them to be valid. Convenient cases include; celebrating jews, demonizing poor whites, excusing jewish over representation with respect to merit, stigmatizing illiberal positions

>> No.11580748

>He was arrogant
All vegetarians are

>> No.11580762

>believing in absolute morality

>> No.11580772

>doesn’t post source
>makes it up as he goes
You have to be at least 18 years old to post here

>> No.11580840

>believing in relative morality

>> No.11580895

>selective skepticism
You think Ethiopians aren't mixed?

>> No.11581106

No, he/she/it thinks you made up that quote and is requesting its source, something you should have provided with the original quote in the first place.

>> No.11581110
File: 82 KB, 400x550, tallest-and-shortest-dogs-portrait_tcm25-398402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not science. biology says all humans are from the same subspecies.
>but muh 1%-10%> differences. whatabout dogs and wolves
some domestic dogs are 10 times larger than other domestic dogs but still all domestic dogs are from the same subspecies

>> No.11581138

Yet scandis are stupid naive cunts with no wit or humor.
Intelligence =/= culture / mannors / knowledge, at least in Europe.
An illiterate greek/balk/italian farmer would outsmart an illiterate nord/germ farmer 100% of the time.

>> No.11581160

Sorry, it is me anon again. I mistyped 100% but I meant 1%.

>> No.11581303 [DELETED] 

kys faggot, we jews have the highest neanderthal admixture that's why we are smarter than anyone else
also this >>11580296 isn't a neanderthal skull

>> No.11581306

kermit drinking apple tea and injecting meth dot jpeg

>> No.11581309
File: 91 KB, 338x423, Israel_Zangwill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys faggot, we jews have the highest neanderthal admixture that's why we are smarter than anyone else
also this >>11580296 isn't a neanderthal skull

>> No.11581397 [DELETED] 

You are such faggots your god had to ban buttfucking.

>> No.11581462

That is another anon, retard.
>something you should have provided
I owe you nothing.
>you can find everything by copy pasting it with "" to search engine
Retard indeed.

>> No.11581478
File: 248 KB, 2048x1152, vjq8v9kl59z21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's why we are smarter than anyone else
You are not, cunt.
How is that happened that in Israel askenazi have 103 average but in US this number. Answer is tricks. The Big test book by Lemann.

>> No.11581485

What is your point?

>> No.11582678
File: 182 KB, 1014x355, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

israel is only 15% jewish
keep seething subhumnan

>> No.11582771

>israel is only 15% jewish
What are you talking about, dumb parasite?

>> No.11582959

no source he made that up

>> No.11583014


Yeah I was hoping he would be more specific too.

>> No.11583024

>Not understanding evolution


Post your favourite Phrenology science paper

>> No.11583050

Why are Jew so fucking ugly?
Is that why they assimilate us? So they can dilute their abhorrent features ? They hate Whites and all non jew( I lived among Jews for a long time I know this to be true) But they brag how they are part Italian or German or Russian etc... Is like LOOK AT ME I HAVE SOME OF THE CUTE GENES FROM THE ONES WE HATE SO MUCHTHAT'S WHY I DON'T LOOK LIKE COUNT VON COUNT COMPLETELY!!!….. But when Jews are Alone they are the most racist hateful conniving beings you can imagine .

>> No.11583059

i like how judaism is supposed to be a ethnicity now even though jews came to europe in the middle ages

>> No.11584490

Final proof of the escape from Atlantis??

>> No.11584497

How many times does this map have to be shot down? The anomalies are too big to be credible.

>> No.11584534

>asks about phrenology
>posts picture from physical antropology
Not even remotely the same thing.

>> No.11584828

>we jews have the highest neanderthal admixture that's why we are smarter
Cite? I have heard this before but I cannot find any reliable sources.

What did anon mean by this?