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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11573273 No.11573273 [Reply] [Original]

>Get really excited to study econ
>Get to the computer (online lectures)
>Lose all motivation
What do I do...

>> No.11573287
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>> No.11573299

Go to business school lmao.

>> No.11573854

>/biz/ tells me to do economics
>/sci/ tells me to do business
What the goddamn fuck

>> No.11574474

I buy the long term stocks

>> No.11574481

This is probably caused by flicker rate manipulation. I've noticed a similar bizarre loss of motivation on getting near computer screens.

Try turning off the screen but remain near the computer. Or get an electric field attenuating covering.

>> No.11574761

You don't like econ you just wanna watch Milton Friedman's free to choose and agree with him.

>> No.11574929

Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says. How do you not know this yet.

>> No.11574935

Modern economics is a religion and functions only because it is a religion, bound by faith, which is a stronger glue than reason. Economics as such is nebulous at worst and contrived at best, it's an abstract construction which approximates an infinitely complex reality rather poorly, provides no explanatory or predictive utility, no testable theories, and possesses data so sparse as to render any relations derived as spurious under their unrealistic assumptions and complete buffoonery when the nature of reality (ubiquitous non-linearity, infinite complexity, etc.) is taken into account. It is a complete and utter waste of time, you will learn nothing except how foolish humans are as a species to have propagated a mass delusion for hundreds of years and allowed to it to permeate their institutions.