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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1157289 No.1157289 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, Kent Hovinds ministry "Creation Science Evangelicalism" has a facebook page, and here is a rage inducing debate going on for you amusement.


>> No.1157301

Fuck that shit

>> No.1157321


>> No.1157331

They have all been trolled, on both sides of the debate
You two as well

>> No.1157342

"There's no fucking carbon in it!" Love that video.

>> No.1157383

Sometimes I hate the internet. In this case, it provides a forum for these fucking ingrates to spew their bullshit. I only wish if they were so opposed to the shit science stands for they wouldn't be using shining examples of it! (ie a computer, modern medical technology, etc)

>> No.1157428


Gotta love the creationists bane against scientific naturalism when they very live is dependent upon it.

>> No.1157547

wow, jast about as stupid as act on campus


>> No.1157621

that facebook thread = /sci/ every day.

Why the fuck would I want to read that shit some place else?

>> No.1157999

Did anyone else notice that this guy is correct?
Disregarding his stance on global warming (which, as he said, doesn't affect his argument), he is correct that the candles produce more carbon emissions than electricity, and it does send the wrong message.

It teaches people that if they just make a couple 'sacrifices' that will solve the problem, but that really just allows them to feel better about it. Really, the only way to stop burning carbon fuels is to move to some other power source like nuclear, solar, or wind. But hey, lets just chip in for an hour, and then drive home in our SUVs having made a difference! Sure, its just about raising awareness, but we should be trying to raise awareness of the technological solutions, which is what that guy was saying.

>> No.1158021

"My problem with atheists is if we "evolved" WHy WOULD WE HAVE LOVE FOR 1 another???"

Checkmate atheists.

So much derp going on in there.

>> No.1158042

Since you claim we didn't, why DON'T you have love for one another?
In b4 crusades. Oh wait...

>> No.1158050


Your post made absolutely 0 sense to me.

>> No.1158052
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god damn, the host is a dumbass really thinking he has that kid bested...

unable to understand counter-argument ----> lawl about it

Like this lady vs. dawkins

>> No.1158071

oh lawdy.

>> No.1158089


Oh god.

Dawkins tore her a new asshole over and over again.

I almost felt bad for her. Almost. She's going to be super disappointed when she dies and her consciousness just disappears with no trace of God to be seen.

>> No.1158107


> No consciousness

You do realize that when you die, in the atheistic viewpoint which I assume you share with myself, you stop existing as a conscious entity. You don't think, you don't just "see black", you are not there.

>> No.1158122

lol jokes

>> No.1158134

I kno it's right but it's fucking impossible to imagine it

>> No.1158141


Ah I love messing with my Christian friends whenever they ask me what happens when I die:

" Imagine...Not existing."

Instant mindfuck.

>> No.1158148


of course it is most sensible to be atheist, but wtf does that mean for me? i know i am an expert at "not existing" because i was not alive before i was born but i cannot accept that shit. that is why transhumanism is muy appealingante.