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11572377 No.11572377 [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, how can you tell if you're becoming mentally insane?

>> No.11572386

When everyone says you're mentally ill but you don't believe it because the CIA is spreading lies about you.

>> No.11572388

If you don't follow social norms

>> No.11572423

Posting on ((((this website))))

>> No.11572442

Visit a doctor

>> No.11572455

If you start writing about Hodge Theaters it’s already too late.

>> No.11572461

If you laugh out loud at anything on this shit website

>> No.11572462

Who would you tell it?

>> No.11572477

What if one follows social norms, but still hear voices and sees things? What if I don't follow social norms because I don't have to? I'm a super-star, bitch.

>> No.11572485
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i hate when low IQs come here for answers to stupid questions

>> No.11572577

See, op, here, when something insignificant pisses you off, then you literally get MÆD

>> No.11572580

You cannot, you are just changing....

Many changes in life can be attributed to insanity.

If you don't want to kill people or inflict harm on others, you are usually allright. If you want to feel comfort, not feel displeasure, feeling the good things.

If you want to feel good and you can achieve it without controlling somebody by some form of mental macochism you're probably all right.

If you want other people to feel good too, you are probably all right.

If you jerk off too much, you may be strange, but that's quite normal.

Don't forget, psychiatrist never informs you about your mistakes, they just cure them without your perception which is sureal.

Just do some common free will acceptance checking.

Free will is that you try to respect others, but don't want to get hurt by them if they are agressive.

>> No.11572586

i can assure you my "anger" for this thread lasted 5 seconds. you can call that significant if ur a stupid bich with a fucking poop in his brain

>> No.11572599

You think 0.9999....=1.

>> No.11572608

You "believe" spacetime is discrete and when someone thinks otherwise you create 5 threads trying to troll people into comforting your massively hurt butthole.

>> No.11572663

see, op, even 5 seconds fit can do much of trouble, like when everything is in blood an shit and you have no idea how it happened.

>> No.11572683
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actually I remember one actual symptom of being insane:
Insane people are intolerant to criticism of their "overvalued ideas" - some revolutionary ideas may seem crazy, but a sane person doesn't mind those ideas being constructively criticized. A crazy person would not allow others to touch his "overvalued ideas" by their dirty minds. This symptom exposes many much-esteemed people as crazies, but that's just what they are.

>> No.11573680

Hmm, I've worked with a Jewish person in a startup before. She started smoking joints at some point "for medical reasons". That's when we were sure she started developing psychosis as she saw conspiracies everywhere. Ex-colleagues, ex-employers, secret service, even her family. In the end, even her co-founders were conspiring. Shit was fucked.

>> No.11573699

What if I have no friends and nobody wants to be around me since childhood because I'm awkward and very shy?
Does that mean I have a mental illness?

>> No.11573745
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Everybody does.

>> No.11573867

Mental health can only be judged against a generally agreed upon model of mental wellness, of which there is none at the moment, which means everyone is insane and everything is diverging. Just relax and let your craziness take you where it will, who knows, you might even be right.

>> No.11573873

Also in addition ad addendum p.s. something else: This is why the science of psychology and especially the practice of psychotherapy have gone nowhere definitively productive, because there is nothing to really know and no state of mental affairs preferable to any other.

>> No.11574132
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> the science of psychology and especially the practice of psychotherapy have gone nowhere definitively productive
They made fantastic success with lsd. But then it was prohibited (because some asshole who killed his mother told, that he was on lsd. He then confessed, that he lied thinking he would get pardon for that detail, nobody cares anyway)