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11569974 No.11569974 [Reply] [Original]

What sort of primitive primate behavior causes cuckoldry? Why is it an evolutionary advantage to let other men fuck (and possible mate) with your woman?

>> No.11569979


>> No.11569983

Cuckoldry is the academic fetish. Face it, nerd were put into the world to observe it, study it, understand it. They should not be the participants in sex.

>> No.11569987

why are so many shitposters obsessed with cucks and trannys?
get a life

>> No.11569991

It has to do with the reversibility of the woman. The whole point why it turns some guys on is because you are taking a hospitable, amiable, delicate lifeform, and reversing them into a cruel, conniving, dominant lifeform. Always in fetishes it is this reversibility that is attractive, either by making a traditionally disgusting thing an object of worship (ass worship, armpit worship, foot worship, scat play, piss play, etc.), turning a small thing into a big thing (inflation fetishes), turning a man into a woman (trap garbage), turning a pure thing into an abused thing (sadism, rape, abuse porn). Etc.

>> No.11569999

high IQ post

>> No.11570009
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holy fuck based

>> No.11570011

What is the argument for hoarding or isolating a female for biological reproduction or sexual pleasure from others?

>> No.11570013

>destroying a delicate and pure lifeform and absuing it
>worshipping disgusting and repulsive stuff
You are describing Jewish desires and the Jewish mind.

>> No.11570026
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>ass worship, armpit worship, foot worship,
>inflation fetishes
>sadism, rape, abuse porn


>> No.11570059

Lots of other men jerking it to your girl isn't cuckoldry. It's having a girl who lots of other men jerk it to.

>> No.11570068

Hatred of Jewish intelligence is resentment which is itself a result of weakness and tiredness, mental and physical degeneration.

>> No.11570071


>> No.11570077

It's not evolutionary, it's a response to the excesses of our time. It's long been known that hedonism leads to self destruction. We just hadn't seen it followed through on a mass scale until modern degeneracy.

>> No.11570079

This doesn't sound as smart as you think it does.

>> No.11570102

I don't want to sound smart, I want to show you that your opinions sprout from weakness.

>> No.11570107

>It's long been known that hedonism leads to self destruction.
This is a misunderstanding. Hedonism doesn't lead to self-destruction, it is because you are self-destructing that you are hedonistic.

>> No.11570119

>Hedonism doesn't lead to self-destruction
This is wrong. But yes, they feed into each other.

>> No.11570125

Yeah but see how many nations they've been kicked out of?

>> No.11570128

Touched a nerve there? OP was kind enough to at least as the question in an academic sense. Perhaps he is simply interested in primate biology.

>> No.11570132

It's the meta debasement and humiliation.

>> No.11570136


The Cuckoo bird is the master of cucking. I't actually insane to me that this shit is allowed in the animal kingdom. Imagine coming home to a baby boy that has just murdered your own children.

>> No.11570162

Brown headed cowbirds are better at cuckoldry. Their species commonly practices gang rape, attacks birds which don't submit to raising their young, and can lay as many as 2-3x as the amount of eggs originally in the host bird's nest.

>> No.11570165

Cuckoldry in primates is a natural result of power structures (hierarchical behavior) expressed in extreme terms. It has been said that the highest expression of power is mercy - or simply, the power not to use power, the self-control of Kings and Emperors (and Messiahs) to not abuse their power. Cuckoldry, that is the desire to see your power taken from you and exercised, is a corruption of mercy and self-control - it is more thoroughly the desire of the powerful to see their power used as tyranny upon themselves and others instead of mercifully.

White Episcopalian IQ has beaten Jewish IQ, resentment is a canard.

>> No.11570177

I didn't say IQ, I said intelligence.

>> No.11570178

Is it better to live in a mansion, or live in a shack with a view of a mansion?

>> No.11570185

Nevertheless, whichever expression of Jewish intelligence you wish to point to, a canard.

>> No.11570187

>White Episcopalian IQ has beaten Jewish IQ
>In 1 study
>Using a meme test, ASVAB
>With Jews still having the highest population percentage of geniuses (>120 IQ)

>> No.11570195

>reversing them into a cruel, conniving, dominant lifeform.
Women are always cruel and conniving though, that's not a reversal

>> No.11570215

>1 study
Disingenuous assertion. Firstly, even if there were one study, science isn't validated by the amount of studies available. Second, it's not about the amount of studies available, but the amount of aggregate data from the tests taken.
>Using a meme test, ASVAB
Qualify the assertion of it being a meme test with data, not that I care about the format - contemporary IQ tests are problematic indicators of base IQ as well.
>With Jews still having the highest population percentage of geniuses (>120 IQ)
And by far the most intelligent human beings in history have not been Jewish. You can be proud of being Jewish, certainly - but to claim that anyone should be hateful or resentful of their intelligence is laughable.

>> No.11570225

You don't hate or resent their intelligence, you are too resentful to see them as in any way exceptionally intelligent. You hate them for what they got with their intelligence: much control over the economy and the media.

>> No.11570226

seething replies

>> No.11570233

people hate them for their child sacrifices and satanic domination plans.

>> No.11570242
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>> No.11570249

Fetishes are the result of strong insecurities or impactful experiences that imbalance the usual approach to sex.
It could be voyeurism consequent of a voyeuristic culture, or an insecurity generated by what began as an excessive aversion to being cheated on or to women being with other people. Often the former, I think. A lot fetishes are just issues that digs so deep that it warps into a positive compulsion. That's why abuse victims almost universally end up with weird fetishes.

In short... We have unnatural fetishes because we lead unnatural lives. It's naive to take everything humans do as programming on nature's part, most of our behavior is determined by imbalances wrought by the incredibly unnatural modern experience.

>> No.11570255

There's no denying that Jews are intelligent, no one would ever claim otherwise. Exceptionally intelligent? No. Scientific achievement in human history is not exceptionally, nor one could argue even proportionally, Jewish, given their IQ scores. Now you could argue that there are historical factors at play there preventing Jews from, so to speak, dominating the sciences over history - such as Roman and Christian persecution, and you would doubtless be correct. Just as there are historical factors that explain the "control" that the Jews express in certain areas - finance being one, as a result of usurious practices much enjoyed and employed by Christian kings where at the same time there was no competition from other groups on religious grounds. Nevertheless, again, any resentment against the Jews on the basis of their intelligence is unfounded and a canard - they are simply not exceptional.

>> No.11570275

Trauma is key, and I think the biggest breakthroughs in psychology will come when we focus on trauma and its role on addiction and paraphilia.

>> No.11570285

>Scientific achievement in human history is not exceptionally, nor one could argue even proportionally, Jewish, given their IQ scores.
The greatest philosopher (Spinoza), physicist (Einstein), psychologist (Freud), and religious icon (Jesus) were all Jewish.

>> No.11570297

>cruel, conniving, dominant lifeform
Cuckoldry doesn't come with those traits, a lot of couples just like to watch their other get fucked. I actually sort of dated a girl who liked her guys to fuck other girls but I didn't take that anywhere

>> No.11570301

checked dubs while you dabbing on a jewish supremacist.

Whats with you jewish supremascist always projecting on people. Scandinavian IQs have been shown to average 115. Israel IQ from just the jewish sections with no arabs accounted are 95 IQ.

>> No.11570304

>Scandinavian IQs have been shown to average 115. Israel IQ from just the jewish sections with no arabs accounted are 95 IQ.
Did I even mention IQ in my post? IQ isn't intelligence.

>> No.11570387
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>you are taking a hospitable, amiable, delicate lifeform,
>reversing them into a cruel, conniving, dominant lifeform
implying they aren't like that already

>> No.11570393

>israeli IQ averages under 100
Nice try, you inbred monster
inb4 muh arabs

>> No.11570425

>b-bbut muh jezuz wos arian akshualy

>> No.11570436

>With Jews still having the highest population percentage of geniuses (>120 IQ)
No. They do not. There is absolutely no evidence for this that you could present.
Israel's IQ suggest (if you calculate out the arab minorities) an average IQ of roughly 100, which puts them on par with many European nations.

There is a subgroup of Jews who have a relatively high IQ, but "a sub group has a high IQ" is obviously true for any group. Without a doubt you could select a subgroup of Somalis with IQs in the 110 to 120s, but that obviously is meaningless.

>> No.11570437
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The audience of opinion never actually matters or have their opinions resolve into a real-world result so I fail to see the value of analyzing and judging other people's choices at this or any other point in time.

>> No.11570443

>were all Jewish.
Einstein and Freud were both Germans and if you do not think they were, then what does that tell you about "racial integration"? If a group which has literally lived for a thousand year as a minority and shared a very significant part of their genes with the rest of the population, if THEY weren't "integrated" then how long do you think it will take Africans in America to Integrate? Ten thousand years? Twenty thousand years?

>> No.11570450

>Einstein and Freud were both Germans and if you do not think they were, then what does that tell you about "racial integration"?
I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or how this relates in the slightest to Einstein and Freud being Jewish.

>> No.11570494


It's the Ashkenazi's, i.e. those with European admixture, who have the higher IQ among Jews. Probably not the only contributing factor, but gotta be a bit smarter when Medieval Christians decided to get their Pogrom on every so often.

The problem with the GSS survey is that it seems to be comparing religious Jews against religious Episcopalians. But a large fraction of Jews are secular, Ashkenazis tend to be more secular, and secular people perform better on IQ tests than religious people.

>> No.11570511

>greatest philosopher

>> No.11570562

>this thread
Huh? Most cucks just have small dicks but get turned on by huge dicks since that's their standard from porn. No need to form this mysticism around it.

>> No.11570685

Not in the eyes of the cucked simp, which is why he is attracted to this.

>> No.11570767

>goes to africa
>comes back to europe to cuck some white birds
cant make this shit up

>> No.11570812

I can't describe it but he became a more menacing figure after this. He truly gives no fucks about other human beings

>> No.11570830

>hoarding or isolating a female
This is a socio-political construct

>biological reproduction or sexual pleasure
This is the natural/evolutionary construct

>> No.11571056

>White people

>> No.11572231

He's certainly one of the greatest, according to the philosophers you'd otherwise call the greatest

>> No.11572267

hoarding or isolating a woman is so that you know its your seed thats being passed on those who dont do this end up risk not procreating.

>> No.11572356

Oh if you looked at the ASVAB you'd know half of it is a meme-tier metric. Lets just assume that the test is good, other studies have indicated Jews actually have below-average spacial iq. So if we take away the weight of the test from spacial abilities (Who the fuck cares about spacial IQ?), then even more of the Jew population tested would have qualified as >120 geniuses based on verbal and mathematical alone.
>by far the most intelligent human beings in history have not been Jewish.
You're either very retarded or trolling.

>> No.11572658

Cuckoldry encourages the passing of fit genes at the expense of unfit genes, which is an evolutionary advantage to the species.

>> No.11572664

Twitter logic: i masturbated to your girlfriend. Now YOU are the cuck! ahahahaha!

>> No.11573038

Explain more of your theories on fetish. Are these your original ideas or are you regurgitating someone else?

>> No.11573073

See how many nations the British have been kicked out of?

>> No.11573080


>> No.11573081

Sounds reasonable.
In those terms, I like to get meta with my kink. Like reversing the power dynamic of some acts. Like where anal is normally dominant, and asslicking submissive, I like the idea of being tied up and having a girl ride my cock with her ass, or tying a girl up to eat her ass while she acts like she doesn't like it.

>> No.11573096

What would attract someone to obese men? Asking for myself

>> No.11573123

Instead of nosex you share your mate with other males. The other males get sex, the female enjoys protection from the cuckold and superior genes from the bull.

>> No.11573153

You have proven yourself to be of low intelligence as you can’t differentiate between high intelligence and organized psychopathy taking advantage of high trust people. You are in fact so fucking stupid it never occurred to you to ask why it took a thousand mile and thousand year journey out of two low trust areas, the Middle East and Russia, before they found a high trust host to latch onto. Nor did you ever consider the dominate narrative, pushed my the psychopaths themselves, might not only be false but more accurately, the complete opposite of true.

>> No.11573165

You could replace all those Jews with Germans or English and have a stronger argument that the Germans or English are the most intelligent. Nice bait tho

>> No.11573174

There is no evolutionary advantage. Cuckoldry is no different from schizophrenia or BPD, as in it is a mental disorder.

>> No.11574043

Wait, isn't that how it works?

>> No.11574053

Hedonism leads to self-destruction, have you ever tried to fullfill the desires of your body?

>> No.11574224 [DELETED] 

it’s amazing how you incels just repeat this stupid shit. educate yourself subhuman /pol/ shill

>> No.11574245

why does almost every thread on this site have posts like this >>11570013 where a low IQ subhuman tries to derail by shilling muh Joos? /pol/ creatures are worse than furries. imagine if your mentally ill obsession with them was channeled into something useful

>> No.11574400

Imagine if your follower instinct and need for social acceptance was so high you willfully turned off your pattern recognition and logical reasoning abilities and started hurting yourself.

>> No.11574406

There is no pattern recognition whatsoever involved in /pol/ bullshit. If anything it’s closer to pattern fabrication. The only pattern here is that you incels never stop lying. Ever.

>> No.11574417

pointing out that dem joos have been persecuted in 100+ countries by Christians and Muslims while ignoring that Christians and Muslims have themselves been persecuted in 100+ countries (thereby invalidating whatever conclusion you were hoping to draw) is the OPPOSITE of pattern recognition and logical reasoning. Every one of your beliefs follows a similar trend of selectively using information and ignoring contradictions, and that is a pattern we can use. The conclusion from this ACTUAL PATTERN is that /pol/ users are evil and sub-humanly stupid.

>> No.11574423

In which countries have Christians or Muslims (specially the former) been persecuted by other religions?

>> No.11574430


>> No.11574434


ow and Japan, check Scorsese's Silence movie.

>> No.11574435

>1 in 9 Christians experiences some form of persecution!

>> No.11574620


>> No.11574677

Based and kek

>> No.11574714

it is not adaptative at all

>> No.11575767

>not christerinos

>> No.11576995

>the biological answer
>the philosophical answer
The rest of the thread is stupid and bullshit

>> No.11577064

It is a crash o natural mechanisms with human intelligence i guess.

Some Fetishes are fairly common cuckoldry is one of them. The person allowing that probably experiences strong emotions associated with biological mechanism of protecting your mate. We are biologically programmed to feel some sense of ownership over our partners, this helps with passing your genes further, more partners means lesser chance that the offspring is actually yours, that's why people are upset when their mate is approached by other competing males/females. In such situation your body goes into high alert mode, and it gets ready for competing with the rival approaching your mate.

And here I think comes in human intelligence. We learned to use that spike of adrenaline and other chemicals that our brain provides to enhance sexual pleasure, instead of fighting with a competitor over our mate.

There are many cases of humans using natural mechanisms for pleasure/fun.

There are thrill seekers that risk health or even life for a thrill.

There are people who derive pleasure from pain because of the same reason.

And so on.

>> No.11577068

Also I would like to add that many if not all fetishes are using similar mechanism.

Rape is enhance pleasure because of adrenaline form fight and assault.

There are also many where Shame plays a role, although it's a bit more complicated because shame is not a simple reaction and it is hard to find in nature.

Incest uses our own repulsion, mating with relatives produces faulty offspring so we have mechanism in place that are making us repulsed to it. But intelligence allows us to tweak our reactions

>> No.11577463

kys cuckboi

>> No.11577527

Literally doesn't even come close

>> No.11577533
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>greatest philosopher (Spinoza), physicist (Einstein)

>> No.11577535

>Go on Twitter
>Search up "as a white person" or "we should go extinct"
>Take any username you see
>Use Twitter advanced search
>Put their username + "I'm jewish"
>Pattern found.

>> No.11577627
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so we had a dog, and our neighbor had a bitch, separated by a fence, so he couldn't put his penis inside her vagina. being the thirsty animal he was, with nothing better to do, he kinda enumerated all the possible options and the option that gave him the biggest sexual gratification was pissing on her through the chainlink fence

anyway, one time we took him to the woods for a walk, running unleashed, when this sexy poodle comes out. her owners see us start screaming, because she's in heat, and there's like a catastrophe brewing. but it's too late, our dog gets to her, with his red dick hanging ready, and we expect to see them fucking any moment. he pissed all over her instead

so, i think stuff like cuckoldry comes out of thirst and sexual deprivation, by what psychologists call transference

i miss my dog

>> No.11579252

women are submissive by nature, in caveman days they wouldcling to most aggressive because if there's intruder in the cave they can protect. thinking man understand this

>>Hedonism doesn't lead to self-destruction
>This is wrong. But yes, they feed into each other.
picture of dorian gray comes to mind.

>> No.11579267

In nature you'd just kill the resulting child. Anger is the primitive primate response.

>> No.11579281

how many results would you need for that to count as a pattern? I would say a bare minimum of thousand, easily tens of thousands before it would start reflecting some noticeable pattern in thought.

this is what I mean when I say /pol/ sub-humans don’t understand what patterns are. And as an aside, I would bet my life many of the twitter accounts with that phrasing are false flags made by neo-nazis.

>> No.11579289 [DELETED] 

this is why people who fail IQ tests shouldn’t be allowed on the internet. this isn’t a pattern.

>> No.11579312

>We learned to use that spike of adrenaline and other chemicals that our brain provides to enhance sexual pleasure
you're onto something mate. that... and marijuana good god. talk about a full body orgasm from ears to toes

>> No.11579320
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thinking men aren't killer's by nature.

>> No.11579323

>hedonism leads to self destruction
>revenge is like the sweetest joy next to getting pussy

>> No.11579329

this is why it's thinking man fetish.

>> No.11579336

not even close to a pattern for so many reasons. a toddler might be smart enough to understand how fallacious this is anon.

>> No.11579356

I've actually thought about this a lot, not specifically cuckoldry, but blacked porn and the whole BBC posting.

Like another anon said, it's getting pleasure from seeing something considered pure and innocent being tarnished or destroyed. I think it's a combination of misogyny and racism, a "pure" woman being destroyed by a black "animal". I think if you're into that you've probably went down a very dark path in life, which many on 4chan have.

I am strongly attracted to older women and have a momcest fetish even though I find the idea of sex with a family member disgusting. I think it's the idea of the taboo and it being wrong is what does it.

I had a horrible relationship with my own mother who was in a psychiatric ward for a lot of my wife so I guess maybe that shit fills the void in some disturbing fucked up way. I have thought about going to an older prostitute and just having her act maternal towards me, not even in a sexual way. Seeing mothers being affectionate with their young kids is the one thing that really affects me emotionally because I know I'll never have that.

>> No.11579364

right yea taboo is exciting. everything is meant to be broken. universe seeks balance. we are the universe

>> No.11579372

This is such a good story. I love you anon.

>> No.11580089

>a result of weakness and tiredness, mental and physical degeneration.
>t. Nietzsche

>> No.11581682

I think because it depersonalizes the woman into a sexual object, it fetishizes the sexual use of her body if another man uses her a sexual object (it's obviously not "love").

>> No.11582368
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>primitive primate behavior
Sweetie, cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish. :^)

>> No.11582395


>> No.11582473

English are pretty much retarded and have never produced a single philosopher or artist or conqueror of worth. They got Newton, I guess, but Leibniz was much more intelligent, at least making an attempt at a theory of everything with his monads.
For Germany, you could probably say Einstein (physics), Nietzsche (philosophy), Goethe (art), and Hitler (religious icon / conqueror), which isn't a bad list. I would still say the Jews have the Germans beat. The Germans certainly have the Jews beat in the realm of art, though, where they dominate musically (Mozart, Bach, Beethoven). They also dominate intellectually (Lichtenberg, Leibniz, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer) but so do Jews with Spinoza and Kant (yes, he was Jewish). The former dominated Germany philosophically (Spinoza influenced Goethe, who influenced Schopenhauer, who influenced Nietzsche), and so did the latter (influenced Lichtenberg and Schopenhauer). You could make the agument that Leibniz > Spinoza, but Leibniz was absolutely mystified by the continuum question, which you can see in both his philosophy and his mathematics.
The French could also be brought up, though they lack scientifically since they have always been a more social country and so aren't capable of the rigor necessary for that type of work. Rochefoucault (psychology), Montaigne and Baudrillard (philosophy), Offenbach (art), and Napoleon (religious icon / conqueror). Not a bad list. Nowhere near the Germans or Jews, though.

>> No.11582511

>What sort of primitive primate behavior causes circumcision ? Why is it an evolutionary advantage to let other men cut a part of your sons dick?

>> No.11582525

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

>> No.11582533
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ancient alien orgies

>> No.11582644

I'm pretty confident that cuckolding fetish has always existed in our culture, not as a evolutionary thing since we're talking about a psychological phenomena mixed with cultural bias (i.e monogamic relationships as the pillar of the family). Surely there must be a psychoanalysis book that goes deep into that crap, but I agree with >>11581682.

>> No.11582922

There is no evolutionary advantage to cuckolding its far too risky in every avenue of monogamous relationship. Its a bug in the human brain not a feature, with a strong connection too homosexuality and just a half step from gay sex. Its basically the leftist version of sex which is backwards and retarded ideas that harm healthy people.

As for why it seems prevalent right now. Thats what happens when you have jewish supremacist over abundant in media. Cuckolding has always been a jewish fetish because their religion tells them they are chosen "people" and having a non-jew muscular Blonde German Man fuck your jewish wife is the most humiliating thing to them, creating a ultimate taboo rush. So theres going to be a bleed over effect from porn addiction too as cuckolding as the ultimate taboo to a normie with jewish fetish porn everywhere.

>> No.11583003

Doesn't it provide a way to get rid of the weak unfuckable genes in an era where everyone gets to pass them on?

>> No.11583021

No there's a difference between the 2 of you doing alpha sex and realizing were never gonna contain each other anyway and enjoying watching your wife get fucked cause you wanna watch her get fucked and can't watch her 3rd person when you're 1st person and enjoying the feeling of weakness while letting her and someone else use you and abuse your patience

>> No.11583229
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K... and this achieves what? Are men just addicted to their own seal of approval or something? Is it so you can ensure that the men you send to war are your own children?

Someone explain this shit to me. Are men just addicted to being able to recognize their cum clones? As in what their semen eventuates into? Fuck enough women and you'd be drowning in an entire civilization that looks like you.

>> No.11583236

Test tube embryo and artificial insemination also removes those genes that require some sort of communal dominance.

>> No.11583245
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>other person tells me something is forbidden and imprint onto my neurons
>neurons get deprived of stimulation and actively encouraged to put energy into avoidance
>allow neurons to let loose every now and then because even those neurons need to feel inclusion sometimes for that whole brain feel


>every fetishist ever

>> No.11583273
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Sort of like a modem and router for a communal network? I getcha. At least mine get paid for it and I don't have to be a part of it at all.

>t.daddy findom

>> No.11583282

Western marriage rules cause cuckoldry

>> No.11583472

>shitpost on a Mongolian fishing website
>I did it i stopped the jews

>> No.11583489

Hypothesis: cuckolding is a way of weak men to obtain the protection of a strong man for his offspring, mate, and even himself. If he already has children with his mate and then allows a stronger male to mate with her, the stronger male will have an incentive to keep the male and their offspring safe. The cuckold's offspring end up protected as a side effect. This presumes that the strong male doesn't just kill the offspring of the cuckold. Some mammals do this, some do not. It doesn't seem to be common in humans but obviously has happened from time to time.

>> No.11583497
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Alternative theory: Strong men are so easily distracted by pussy that weak men combine their resources in order to keep strong men satisfied with whatever ignorant delusion they require so the communal men can actually enjoy a variety of different interests and pursuits instead of trying to maintain some sort of retarded hierarchy that takes up way too much time and really only serves the fantasy of a certain demographic that has diminishing returns.

>Oh no, a dead child, was it mine? I wouldn't know, uber-chad keeps getting hungry for them and we just pump them out like clockwork and breed our women on rotation and herd the uber-chad to keep the chad population low enough so we only have to satisfy an epsilon amount.

>> No.11583516

Nah. The alpha males typically just kill off the cuck's prior offspring.

>> No.11583528

He made a statement and you assumed hatred

>> No.11583536

>Scandinavian IQs have been shown to average 115

Top kek

>> No.11583538

Why do alpha's need to see the children of other's die? What sort of fetish are they catering to? That all penis in existence are their genetic relative? What pleasure or positive variation happens in that instance?

Our lookup tables must be very different.

>> No.11583560

Correct. You're describing current trends in the dating market after everyone's been hooked on
porn or Hollywood. Sex sells, but you don't have to be a prude to not be a coomer. All these seething kike sympathizers are either arguing in bad faith or are merchants buying their own product.

>> No.11583562
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>writes words
>other person reads words
>becomes words
>yfw we are all products of words

>> No.11583672 [DELETED] 

You're misinterpreting the causal direction of evolution. It's not that alpha males kill off the offspring *because* it'll better ensure their genetic legacy, but that the ones who happened to do this for one reason or another had offspring who were more likely to survive due to less competition, and those who didn't were more likely to die off. So the trait is now predominantly represented in the gene pool simply because it was better selected for.

>> No.11583678 [DELETED] 

You're misinterpreting the causal direction of evolution. It's not that alpha males kill off the offspring *because* it'll better ensure their genetic legacy, but that the ones who happened to do so for one reason or another had offspring who were more likely to survive due to less competition, and those who didn't were more likely to die off. So the trait is now predominantly represented in the gene pool simply because it was better selected for.

>> No.11583679

So smashing OTHER men's cum clones is beneficial for the guy that can identify the difference between that amalgamation of cum and the other one?

Or is there some instinctual and primal signal that an alpha just knows if something isn't the product of its cum?

>pumps another load in a boi pucci for good measure

>> No.11583687

You're misinterpreting the causal direction of evolution. It's not that alpha males kill off the offspring *because* it'll better ensure their genetic legacy, but that the ones who happened to do so (random mutation) had offspring who were more likely to survive due to less competition, and those who didn't were more likely to die off. So the trait is now predominantly represented in the gene pool simply because it was better selected for.

>> No.11583690

>Or is there some instinctual and primal signal that an alpha just knows if something isn't the product of its cum?
Likely also a trait selected for.

>> No.11583698
File: 7 KB, 275x183, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<noun> selects <adjective> for <spawn> as <process> is <arbitrary> per identity xor observer.

>female desire for my divine cum arbitrarily increases to pandemic levels.

>> No.11583831
File: 15 KB, 381x325, In Case of Monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it an evolutionary advantage