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11567473 No.11567473 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone help me make sense of these Type A, B and C coronaviruses?



>> No.11567698

A .999 thread died for this.

>> No.11567743
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A Taiwanese doctor apparently looked into genotypes for the new virus months ago, and based on how he talked about it, it's basically an "ancestral lineage" for viruses. in his apparent finding there were Types A,B, C, D, and E. Type A is the original, or one of the earlier, strains of the virus. It then mutates into Type B, which then turns into Type C, so on and so forth. What's interesting about this is according to his findings, he also came to a supposed finding, similar to the cambridge article that you posted, that the type A (earlier) strain was not prevalent in China, or anywhere from East Asia, for that matter. China mainly had Type C, which spread to the rest of the geographical area surrounding it. Europe apparently mostly had Type B.

>> No.11568106


The virus appeared in November and they only used samples from late December to March to do the study.

I still say it leaked from a biolab in Wuhan, China.

>> No.11568172

>The virus appeared in November
Even if that was true, that doesn't explain how the predominant strain isn't the A strain. Almost no people in China have Strain A according to these studies.

>> No.11568339



Turns out that China probably knew about the coronavirus in November and they didn't alert the world about it back then. The Communist Chinese authorities thought that the coronavirus originated form a wet market back in December. However, some of the early infected in November had not been to the Huanan Seafood market where the virus was thought to have emerged.

"A 55-year-old individual from Hubei province in China may have been the first person to have contracted COVID-19… That case dates back to Nov. 17, 2019, according to the South Morning China Post.
"That's more than a month earlier than doctors noted cases in Wuhan... at the end of December 2019. At the time, authorities suspected the virus stemmed from something sold at a wet market in the city. However, it's now clear that early in what is now a pandemic, some infected people had no connection to the market. That included one of the earliest cases from Dec. 1, 2019 in an individual who had no link to that seafood market, researchers reported Jan. 20 in the journal The Lancet.
"They found that following the Nov. 17 case, about one to five new cases were reported every day and by Dec. 15, the total infections reached 27. Daily cases seem to have increased after that...
"On Dec. 27, Dr. Zhang Jixian, head of the respiratory department at Hubei Provincial Hospital, reported to health officials in China that a novel coronavirus was causing the disease; by that day, it had infected more than 180 individuals. (Doctors may not have been aware of all of those cases at the time, but only identified those cases after going back over the records, the Morning Post reported.)"

>> No.11568360




And this is new, dogs may have been the missing animal that the coronavirus jump from to the humans. Dogs ate bats(I don't know how that's possible but an anon said that a dog may have eaten bat scraps), and then the dogs may have spread it to humans, either through humans eating them or keeping this as pets.

But I still say that the virus leaked from a biolab in Wuhan. Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep.

>> No.11568467

>>person was infected in mid November and got sick in December because of the two week incubation period
So how would this not count? Officially they were diagnosed in December, so it seems fair to assume that people like this would have counted in regards to viral samples for genotype assays. It isn't like they got sick in November and recovered before December. Also China knew about the virus in November in the sense that they knew that there was some virus going around, but they didn't know how severe it was going to be, nor did they know what the virus was. It wasn't until December that they learned that it was a corona-virus. This, of course, is all assuming that you're willing to believe the sources that specifically some from China (but since you posted a source which specifically cites a Chinese news outlet I assume this won't be an issue).


>> No.11568481
File: 1.49 MB, 2406x1896, Plague Pneumonia in China November and December.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, there's this. Anyway, those early patients may have already died and were probably cremated.

>> No.11568488
File: 264 KB, 694x684, Zeng, tweet on China's coverup of pneumonia and biolab research.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11568496
File: 334 KB, 693x964, Radio Free China reported on the SARS - like Coron Virus December 31,2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More copypasta:

However, people keep saying that the virus originated from a wet market in Wuhan where animals are kept in horrendous conditions, then slaughtered for meat. If that's true, this could all have been avoided if China spent a few million dollars training and hiring health inspectors to make sure wet markets are up to code on health safety rules. But what do you expect when factory explosions are common in China.

And what was the point of having a bunch of biolabs near the wet market if it wasn't to detect new viruses and alert the world about the new diseases as soon as possible? Were the Communist Chinese hoping that people from Wuhan would go to the U.S. and spread the disease over there while they were covering it up in Wuhan? So that they can blame the U.S. for a disease that really began in China?

Radio Free China knew about the coronavirus on December 31, 2019 and they probably got their information from journalists and doctors who tried to alert the populace in China but were arrested and the information suppressed.

"When Dr. Li posted his chat room warning on Dec. 30, the new coronavirus had not yet been identified. He said it resembled Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, an earlier coronavirus that ravaged China nearly two decades ago."


>> No.11568511

>january 2nd
>There are 2 problems with this claim. Firstly, China already informed the WHO of the virus 4 days prior, on 31 December. There is no reason China would inform the WHO voluntarily if they were going to try and cover it up.
and in regards to destroying samples,
>Secondly, they intentionally left out the reasoning behind the NHC’s actions, which is that commercial gene sequencing companies are not allowed to process highly contagious viruses. “China’s NHC published an announcement classifying the coronavirus as a highly pathogenic micro-organism (type 2), and requested all samples to be handed to provincial or higher level health authorities. All other organizations or person with the virus sample should either destroy or transfer them” http://china.caixin.com/2020-02-26/101520972.html

>"When Dr. Li posted his chat room warning on Dec. 30, the new coronavirus had not yet been identified. He said it resembled Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS, an earlier coronavirus that ravaged China nearly two decades ago."

But a different doctor came out earlier than that and specifically started talking about the virus before Dr. Li. on the 27th.

>On December 30, Li Wenliang sent some messages to a private Wechat group with a few of his friends, claiming that he saw patient scans and that “There has been 7 confirmed cases of SARS”
>Li Wenliang was an opthalmologist who claimed that the virus outbreak was confirmed to be SARS. This was objectively false information spread by a doctor in an unrelated field, obviously he would get censured for spreading rumours. Also, contrary to popular belief, he was not arrested at all, only told by the police to stop spreading rumours and sign a notice. He was reportedly at the police station for only an hour, hardly as serious as Western media have made it sound.
source is in >>11568467

I don't really know what this has to do with timing on genotype viral samples, though.

>> No.11569746


>> No.11569883



"Only one lab in China can safely handle the new coronavirus"

It was researchers at that one lab, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, who were told not to share any information about the coronavirus.

As for the doctor, he thought it was SARS and the disease is very similar to SARS, difference being that it is very contagious even before symptoms appear. So he made a mistake, but that's because he didn't know enough about the new virus and that new virus is very similar to the original SARS. It may have been best if the authorities wasn't intimidating him or trying to silence him.

I also found this >https://archive.vn/FKOvS and I'm not done reading the article, however it says that the Communist regime had begun censoring social media about the new disease being spread back in late December, early January. Why do that when they were going to work with the WHO on containing the disease.

According to the article: "As the doctors tried to raise the alarm about the rapid spread of the disease, information on the epidemic was being censored on Chinese social media. On December 31, 2019, when the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission issued its first public notice on the disease, we found that keywords like “武汉不明肺炎” (Unknown Wuhan Pneumonia) and “武汉海鲜市场” (Wuhan Seafood Market) began to be censored on YY, a Chinese live-streaming platform."

>> No.11569902



"Censored Contagion How Information on the Coronavirus is Managed on Chinese Social Media "

Later in the article, they said that "Public information shows that there were 104 cases of COVID-19 infections as of December 31, 2019. Yet, the full scope of the outbreak, including the ability of the virus to transmit person-to-person, was not disclosed to the public in China until around January 20, 2020. Our results show that at least one Chinese social media platform began blocking COVID-19 content three weeks before this official announcement, which strongly suggests that social media companies came under government pressure to censor information at early stages of the outbreak."

So the Communist regime was censoring information about the virus, many of which could have been helpful. There may have been people on those social media platforms, doctors included, who could have figured out that the virus was spreading from person to person based on information shared. But information about the new disease couldn't be shared because the Communist regime was censoring people. Even punishing some of those people with fines or maybe even prison.

>> No.11569938
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>President Xi Jinping warned the public on the seventh day, Jan. 20. But by that time, more than 3,000 people had been infected during almost a week of public silence, according to internal documents obtained by The Associated Press and expert estimates based on retrospective infection data.

>Six days.

>That delay from Jan. 14 to Jan. 20 was neither the first mistake made by Chinese officials at all levels in confronting the outbreak, nor the longest lag, as governments around the world have dragged their feet for weeks and even months in addressing the virus.

>> No.11570238

How is this related to anything about the thread topic?

>> No.11570251

fair pt, fren. just responding to other poster. pls carry on with actual virology.

>> No.11570268
File: 23 KB, 437x152, Two Yous on sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm responding to what he said in >>11568511.

>> No.11570269 [DELETED] 

just 1 issue here. because we can be certain china has not been reporting true figures we cannot know for certain what is the predominant sars-cov2 type there.
In the case of China, it is estimated that more than 700.000 cases of COVID-19 actually occurred instead of the confirmed 80,932 cases as of 3/13/2020.

>> No.11570271

just 1 issue here. because we can be certain china has not been reporting true figures we cannot know for certain what is the predominant sars-cov2 type there.
>In the case of China, it is estimated that more than 700.000 cases of COVID-19 actually occurred instead of the confirmed 80,932 cases as of 3/13/2020.

>> No.11570592

China isn't reporting this, this is a study from Europe. There was also one from Taiwan. >>11567743

>> No.11570594

Note that this has absolutely nothing to do with cases but we're specifically talking about viral genotyping.

>> No.11570608

>this is a study from Europe
yeah, the study is from europe but their dataset for wuhan is from chinese scientists, ie it is sampled by ccp approved sources.

>Materials and Methods
>The Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data (GISAID) was founded in 2006, and, since 2010, has been hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. GISAID has also become a coronavirus repository since December 2019. As of 4 March 2020
>Scientists participating in the GISAID consortium would agree to share their sequence data, to analyse the findings jointly and to publish the results collaboratively.
it's not european scientists getting these samples.

>> No.11570667

And of course another person thinks the CCP magically just changed all the viral genotyping in their favor like they have magical ching chong powers out of a cartoon. Talking about anything science related here is impossible because you people just inject your dumb politics into it all the time. All until it suits you, then you will gladly post Chinese cited sources and believe them.

>> No.11570680 [DELETED] 

>And of course another person thinks the CCP magically just changed all the viral genotyping in their favor like they have magical ching chong powers out of a cartoon.
they can control how much of which sample is provided easily. it's not magic, brainlet.
> Talking about anything science related here is impossible because you people just inject your dumb politics into it all the time.
also politics are an unfortunate reality in science, you would know if you had ever participated in any real research. i wish it wasn't this way but unfortunately we have autocratic regimes like the ccp that have to inject their bs into everything.
>All until it suits you, then you will gladly post Chinese cited sources and believe them.
lmao, this is a health does of skepticism. fucking pottery. you eat up whatever research suits your narrative.

>> No.11570684 [DELETED] 

>And of course another person thinks the CCP magically just changed all the viral genotyping in their favor like they have magical ching chong powers out of a cartoon.
they can control how much of which sample is provided easily. it's not magic, brainlet.
> Talking about anything science related here is impossible because you people just inject your dumb politics into it all the time.
politics are an unfortunate reality in science, you would know if you had ever participated in any real research. i wish it wasn't this way but unfortunately we have autocratic regimes like the ccp that have to inject their bs into everything.
>All until it suits you, then you will gladly post Chinese cited sources and believe them.
lmao, this is a healthy dose of skepticism. so fucking pottery. you eat up whatever research suits your midwit face value narrative. you don't even know how consortiums work. gtfo of here.

>> No.11570686 [DELETED] 

>And of course another person thinks the CCP magically just changed all the viral genotyping in their favor like they have magical ching chong powers out of a cartoon.
they can control how much of which sequences samples are provided easily. scicne like everything esle in china is strongly under the supervision of the ccp. it's not magic, brainlet.
> Talking about anything science related here is impossible because you people just inject your dumb politics into it all the time.
politics are an unfortunate reality in science, you would know if you had ever participated in any real research. i wish it wasn't this way but unfortunately we have autocratic regimes like the ccp that have to inject their bs into everything.
>All until it suits you, then you will gladly post Chinese cited sources and believe them.
lmao, this is a healthy dose of skepticism. so fucking pottery. you eat up whatever research suits your midwit face value narrative. you don't even know how consortiums work. gtfo of here.

>> No.11570692

>And of course another person thinks the CCP magically just changed all the viral genotyping in their favor like they have magical ching chong powers out of a cartoon.
they can control how much of which sequence samples are provided easily. science like everything else in china is strongly under the supervision of the ccp. it's not magic, brainlet.
> Talking about anything science related here is impossible because you people just inject your dumb politics into it all the time.
politics are an unfortunate reality in science, you would know if you had ever participated in any real research. i wish it wasn't this way but unfortunately we have autocratic regimes like the ccp that have to inject their bs into everything.
>All until it suits you, then you will gladly post Chinese cited sources and believe them.
lmao, this is a healthy dose of skepticism. so fucking pottery. you eat up whatever research suits your midwit face value narrative. you don't even know how consortiums work. gtfo of here.

>> No.11570695

>stopping the same retards that made things similar to the super hiv papers is now bad
>but obviously they're only letting us see the viral samples they want us to see, despite the fact that they've shown that people there have have the type a strain, just that it isn't the predominant strain
>well who cares, they're obviously lying, they're chinese right?
>now let me go into another thread and cite a doomsday article about how bad the virus is. The source? A chinese article of course. How did you guess?

You may as well not even bother talking aboug anything related to this event because you're just going to assume that everyone is lying about everything. Fuck the science, just come up with your own headcanon and run with it because it suits you
>durr no ur doing that
No, i'm talking about the possibilities of it since there have been multiple studies like this already done by foreigners and they all someone allude to similar things by having somewhat similar findings. I'm keeping an open mind about this despite knowing it could easily not be true. You're just screeching about how it's obviously fake because le chink gubment.

What the fuck are you doing, retard?

>> No.11570711

>>despite the fact that they've shown that people there have have the type a strain, just that it isn't the predominant strain
>>well who cares, they're obviously lying, they're chinese right?
you do know china has a disinformation campaign to blame america for the spread of the virus right?
>>now let me go into another thread and cite a doomsday article about how
>You may as well not even bother talking aboug anything related to this event because you're just going to assume that everyone is lying about everything. Fuck the science, just come up with your own headcanon and run with it because it suits you
bad the virus is. The source? A chinese article of course. How did you guess?
just keep on strawmanning. really gets at core of what i'm saying. oh wait it doesn't.

>No, i'm talking about the possibilities of it since there have been multiple studies like this already done by foreigners and they all someone allude to similar things by having somewhat similar findings.
you still don't understand how sequence database consortiums work. let me explain since i actually work for one. we take in sequences from researchers all around the world in good faith and store them in a database. those multiple studies all get their shit from a consortium like the one i work at. so if the sequences are bogus or the proportion is skewed from the reality we don't get the true picture.

> I'm keeping an open mind about this despite knowing it could easily not be true.
oh are you now? so then what's the issue with this point here: >>11570271
pls kindly fuck off with you gullibility naivety. it's dipshits like you who got us into this mess.

>You're just screeching about how it's obviously fake because le chink gubment.
with supporting evidence. you're just a gullible brainlet.

>What the fuck are you doing
your dumb face.

>> No.11570718

>>despite the fact that they've shown that people there have have the type a strain, just that it isn't the predominant strain
>>well who cares, they're obviously lying, they're chinese right?
you do know china has a disinformation campaign to blame america for the spread of the virus right?
>>now let me go into another thread and cite a doomsday article about how
>You may as well not even bother talking aboug anything related to this event because you're just going to assume that everyone is lying about everything. Fuck the science, just come up with your own headcanon and run with it because it suits you
>bad the virus is. The source? A chinese article of course. How did you guess?
just keep on strawmanning. really gets at core of what i'm saying. oh wait it doesn't.

>No, i'm talking about the possibilities of it since there have been multiple studies like this already done by foreigners and they all someone allude to similar things by having somewhat similar findings.
you still don't understand how sequence database consortiums work. let me explain since i actually work for one. we take in sequences from researchers all around the world in good faith and store them in a database. those multiple studies all get their shit from a consortium like the one i work at. so if the sequences are bogus or the proportion is skewed from the reality we don't get the true picture.

> I'm keeping an open mind about this despite knowing it could easily not be true.
oh are you now? so then what's the issue with this point here: >>11570271 (You)
pls kindly fuck off with you gullibility and naivety. it's dipshits like you who got us into this mess.

>You're just screeching about how it's obviously fake because le chink gubment.
with supporting evidence. you're just a gullible brainlet.

>What the fuck are you doing
your dumb face.

>> No.11570741

>oh are you now? so then what's the issue with this point here: >>11570271
Nothing in reality, because obviously cases are going to be under reported because more people will have the virus than testing is capable of being able to take count of. The issue with your post in particular is you're obviously jumping on the ship that the CCP is hiding figures intentionally to make themselves look better (has nothing to really gain from this when you really think about it) instead of having under-reported cases due to incompetency/just not being able to feasibly test every single person int he country to get an accurate statistic on solidified case numbers. For some reason you think it's impossible for Wuhan to have curbed its infection spread even after the CCP put an entire city on a military mandated lockdown and encircled the city so on one could enter or leave.

>you do know china has a disinformation campaign to blame america for the spread of the virus right?
You know that there is a historical basis to believe that it's possible that the virus might have no started in Wuhan, right? It isn't uncommon for an outbreak to start somewhere or be observed there first, only for people to later find that it wasn't the origin source (Bubonic Plague, MERS, H1N1, Spanish Flu) Jumping to conclusions is why retards like you make it impossible to talk about science without politics. The pandemic is only into its 4th month.

tl;dr kill yourself immediately.

>> No.11570760

> tl;dr kill yourself immediately.
a lot of people on this board should think about this advice

>> No.11570773

>Nothing in reality, because obviously cases are going to be under reported because more people will have the virus than testing is capable of being able to take count of.
that's a convenient excuse, given the fact they have so many test kits there and are of by about 10x.
>The issue with your post in particular is you're obviously jumping on the ship that the CCP is hiding figures intentionally to make themselves look better (has nothing to really gain from this when you really think about it)
clearly you didn't think about it or have limited intellectual capacity which is more likely. they want to reopen their economy and look like they defeated the virus. they had ceremonies exalting how great the ccp is over it and made the very doctor they silenced a martyr for their party.
> instead of having under-reported cases due to incompetency/just not being able to feasibly test every single person int he country to get an accurate statistic on solidified case numbers.
hanlon's razor is a faulty assumption, it would be equally likely that incompetence is to blame as malice except that we know they have been and still are hiding something.
>For some reason you think it's impossible for Wuhan to have curbed its infection spread even after the CCP put an entire city on a military mandated lockdown and encircled the city so on one could enter or leave.
lol, so now they have everything under control. which is it they are incompetent or have it under control? can't even keep your stupid story starlight dumbfuck.

>> No.11570779

>You know that there is a historical basis to believe that it's possible that the virus might have no started in Wuhan, right?
except for places with the global surveillance networks they have now. bubonic plague most of world was illiterate. spanish flu was during a world war. mers, african bats so literacy not high let alone surveillance network like in china.

>Jumping to conclusions is why retards like you make it impossible to talk about science without politics.
lol the pottery. you say that as the ccp is literally restricting research into the viral origin. yeah i'm to blame for injecting politics by exposing them. fuck off, brainlet.

>tl;dr kill yourself immediately.
this is great advice for the likes of you. now neck yourself, you are too gullible to survive long anyway.

>> No.11570815

>that's a convenient excuse, given the fact they have so many test kits there and are of by about 10x.
You're surprised that a country with 1 billion people in it has a ton of test kits?
>clearly you didn't think about it or have limited intellectual capacity which is more likely. they want to reopen their economy and look like they defeated the virus.
They wouldn't need to lie about their figures to do this, moron.
>ade the very doctor they silenced a martyr for their party.
Dr. Li? He was never arrested or "silenced", you're obviously getting your news about this stuff from retarded articles. There was no source about him ever getting arrested or silenced by the CCP.
Like fucking clockwork. This guy was not the whistleblower, A doctor by the name of Zhang Jixian beat Li to the punch by 72 hours, and Li incorrectly labelled the virus in question.
>lol, so now they have everything under control.
No, I said it isn't impossible for wuhan to largely have curbed its rate of infection specifically because of how the city's quarantine was handled before being lifted. I never said the entire country was now 100% fine as if nothing happened and that it was all just a big hoax. Maybe you should actually fucking read things properly for once.

nothing in your first part changes anything you shit grammar retard, all those viruses were thought to have started in one region of the globe but began somewhere else entirely.
>bring sup a lack of literacy to try and argue against H1N1 and MERS viral origins
And you call me a retard? MERS began in Jordan (middle east) and Jordan doesn't have a low literacy rate. I fail to see how this changes the fact that people originally thought is started in Korea when it really began in Jordan.

Your dogshit grammar and spelling is getting in the way of even being able to read your posts properly, so if you want me to actually respond to them anymore try fixing that shit.

>> No.11570850

>You're surprised that a country with 1 billion people in it has a ton of test kits?
no, not at all. what a stupid remark.
>They wouldn't need to lie about their figures to do this, moron.
"hey guys we got the virus under control. ccp celebration time"
'but there are still thousands infected'
>Dr. Li? He was never arrested or "silenced"
On 3 January 2020, police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau investigated the case and interrogated Li, giving him a warning notice and censuring him for "making false comments on the Internet".[17] He was made to sign a letter of admonition promising not to do it again.[2] The police warned him that if he failed to learn from the admonition and continued to violate the law he would be prosecuted.[18]
>Li incorrectly labelled the virus in question.
Li warned his colleagues in December 2019 about a possible outbreak of an illness that resembled severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), later acknowledged as COVID-19.
>incorrectly labeled
god you are dumb
>Maybe you should actually fucking read things properly for once.
fucking pottery.

>nothing in your first part changes anything you shit grammar retard
you're just too dumb to see it and why i don't care to give you my worst grammar. you deserve nothing more than shit.

>MERS began in Jordan (middle east) and Jordan doesn't have a low literacy rate.
keep up with age old literature before running your dumb mouth, retard.

> I fail to see how this changes the fact that people originally thought is started in Korea when it really began in Jordan.
lol jordan, truly a first world nation with tip top healthcare unlike korea.

>Your dogshit grammar and spelling is getting in the way of even being able to read your posts properly, so if you want me to actually respond to them anymore try fixing that shit.
dbyb f23fu23 fi fhbf uf43ufgbe guqgu g3ogdjknseh gregierknrvr oa kys

>> No.11570868

>its a brain damaged samefag argues with himself episode

>> No.11570876

>Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus (Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, or MERS‐CoV) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012.

>Health officials first reported the disease in Saudi Arabia in September 2012. Through retrospective (backward-looking) investigations, they later identified that the first known cases of MERS occurred in Jordan in April 2012.

>> No.11570889

>On 3 January 2020, police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau investigated the case and interrogated Li, giving him a warning notice and censuring him for "making false comments on the Internet".[17] He was made to sign a letter of admonition promising not to do it again.[2] The police warned him that if he failed to learn from the admonition and continued to violate the law he would be prosecuted.[18]
Because he was spreading actual misinfo, dumb ass. People acted like he was kidnapped and held in a prison. That never happened.

>keep up with age old literature before running your dumb mouth, retard.
See >>11570876
The MERS outbreak started in Jordan.

>lol jordan, truly a first world nation with tip top healthcare unlike korea.
Is this supposed to be an argument?

>dbyb f23fu23 fi fhbf uf43ufgbe guqgu g3ogdjknseh gregierknrvr oa kys
You are mentally ill. Keep seething for me.

>> No.11570897

>Because he was spreading actual misinfo, dumb ass. People acted like he was kidnapped and held in a prison. That never happened.
source: ccp

>The MERS outbreak started in Jordan.
>the fact that people originally thought is started in Korea when it really began in Jordan.

>Is this supposed to be an argument?
just mocking you over:
>the fact that people originally thought is started in Korea when it really began in Jordan.

>You are mentally ill. Keep seething for me.
ok ccp.

>> No.11570924

>source: ccp
Your western media wikipedia sources are any better? The fact that people think he got kidnapped yet he had his fucking phone and was taking selfies and talking to people on some fucking chat service. This still doesn't change the fact that a different doctor beat him to the punch three days in advance and nothing happened to that guy.

>the fact that people originally thought is started in Korea when it really began in Jordan.
Yes, the outbreak in 2015 was first originally observed in Korea. People thought the outbreak started there, it didn't. It was later found to have actually originated from the middle east. Koreans had nothing to do with the outbreak.

Yeah, no argument. Typical.

>> No.11570943
File: 434 KB, 676x592, ccp troll army.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your western media wikipedia sources are any better?
ok ccp. this is why i didn't bother to give you any effort. you don't deserve it. you are so obviously a ccp 50 cent army fag it's not even funny.

>> No.11570996
File: 27 KB, 415x436, 1545600129273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the fuck is going on in this thread?

>> No.11571944

Not only wrong, but also not an argument. Nice one. Fuck off, retard.

>> No.11572022

People wanted to talk about science but some butt blasted /pol/nigger came into the thread. Again.

>> No.11572036

>t. buttblasted /pol/nigger tier ccp 50 center

>> No.11572040

>Your western media wikipedia sources are any better?
>not a an obvious freudian slip
lmao as you have any arguments responding worth responding to. seriously gtfo and go back to sucking xi the pooh's dick elsewhere for a living.

>> No.11572067

>pointing out potential sources of error in databases is not science
ngmi in stem confirmed

>> No.11572072

>>not a an obvious freudian slip
>pointing out how a non east asian information repository maintained by users is not a valid source of information
Good lord, fuck off already.

>> No.11572091

/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.11572148
File: 439 KB, 1495x1080, Screenshot_20200207_043535a6cd1d4fd76cb627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pointing out how a non east asian information repository maintained by users is not a valid source of information
you really don't understand how these databases work, do you? how many times do i need to explain it to get it through you diminutive thick skull?

the database while maintained by europeans does not mean that all the data is gathered by europeans. they get sequence data from scientists all over the world and the data is stored in the database in good faith that there are no sampling biases or bs sequences. in most cases there shouldn't be much but honest error. however, in this case the data for china is sent by chinese researchers who are under the thumb of the ccp. given that the ccp has been dishonest and restrictive of free and open inquiry from every step of the way regarding data pertaining to the ccpvirus, anything from china should be considered suspect and likely misleading. to burrow your head in the sand and act like science is beyond politics just illustrates how little experience you have in the field. yes, it would be great for science to be immune to political nonsense but sadly it is operated by humans. so it is necessary to do expose it where ever possible, that is the only way to minimize its effects on the method.

>everyone who smacks the shit out of my 50 cent smoothbrainery is /pol/
also i never called you a racial slur, so you can fuck off with that cheap distraction. now piss off, you dumb as shit brainlet. >>>/out/

>> No.11572297

>you really don't understand how these databases work, do you? how many times do i need to explain it to get it through you diminutive thick skull?
You know that I was specifically talking about you posting a retarded wikipedia article, right? holy shit you are so fucking dumb. Go back to whatever ESL shithole you came from.

>> No.11572309

god i love watching you screech and seethe.

>> No.11572381

>has shit reading comprehension
>gets told about it
Oh, I see. Not even just /pol/, but a retard /v/ shit as well.
>posts an image about dr li being told to stop spreading misinfo (inadvertently admitting that he was never arrested and held by the CCP)
>still ignores Zhang Jixian, the actual "whistleblower" who didn't get in trouble

>> No.11572500

what misinfo? that there are cases of cornoavirus? how is that misinfo? also what kind of insane draconian measures are in place to muzzle a doctor. like that? how can you possibly trust a govt that does that?

>china daily
lmao, what was that about wiki being an unrelaible source when you post this shit? lol china daily

>China Daily is an English-language daily newspaper owned by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and published in the People's Republic of China.

>> No.11572532

>is now trying to argue that the woman doesn't exist and that she didn't beat li, because he doesn't like the name of the youtube channel
>tries to discredit zhang but credits li despite both of them being chinese and since they're both chinese they must both not be trustworthy
>yet he keeps trying to defend li as a whistleblower when he wasn't one (he's chinese so you must think he's obviously lying right?)
>doesn't actually disprove the worldaffairs blogpost which just takes information and actually cites it properly unlike wikipedia

>what misinfo? that there are cases of cornoavirus?
No, that it was actually SARS you fucking moron. The guy wasn't even a virologist in the first place. I'm done responding to your dumb asshole.

>> No.11572556

lol so mad.
>is now trying to argue that the woman doesn't exist and that she didn't beat li, because he doesn't like the name of the youtube channel
the publisher is literally a ccp mouthpiece and you expect me to gobble it up like the gullible tard you are? lmao.

>No, that it was actually SARS you fucking moron.
sarscov1 and sarscov2, yeah those are severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviruses. so he was right. you magically expect him to label it covid19 before that designation was a thing? mang, you ccp kids are terrible at timelines. i guess it make sense given how frequently the party rewrites the history books to suit their agenda. always at war with eastasia, huh? ;p

>The guy wasn't even a virologist in the first place.
as if an ophthalmologist isn't trained to know about viruses.

>I'm done responding to your dumb asshole.
seethe more. now go get your 50 cents from xi and don't bother coming back.