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11565497 No.11565497 [Reply] [Original]

I am beginning to relate more and more to this meme about those who supposedly have "burned" their dopamine receptors and can't feel genuine happiness anymore and don't have motivation to do work.
I know a lot of peeps claim that this is pseudoscientific bullshit, but isn't it weird how those we would consider "normies" today were obsessed with reading romantic novels, and that that in the 1800s was frowned upon among the upper class like watching netflix today, even though those romance novels are way harder for normies today to read? Everyone remembers the novel feeling of playing a video game when they were young, probably only had like 7 games and was only allowed 2-3 hours every day if they behaved nicely, but now that we have grown up and bemassed a huge collection of steam games we feel no desire at all to play.
Is there a reason that so many religions in every corner of the world have "monks" who practice what we now call "dopamine detox"; no fun allowed, to find real untainted joy?
If I were to "detox" myself for a month, and from there on be as minimalistic as possible with dopamine rushes, would that make me feel like a child again?

>> No.11565508

Dopamine does not produce happiness. Burning out your dopamine receptors gives you schizophrenia, not anhedonia.

>> No.11565587

we don't know what causes schizophrenia, faggot. it happens at random

>> No.11565610

We have some ideas, but you're right, we don't know much. However, the very fact that certain medications often help (e.g. Lithium,
dopamine antagonists, etc.) treat the systems tells us that whatever functional role these pathways play in human cognition, it must interact with whatever neurological or cognitive processes are responsible for the symptoms of schizophrenia.

>> No.11565612

*treat the symptoms

>> No.11565618
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>Burning out your dopamine receptors gives you schizophrenia

>> No.11565727

There’s so much you’re not understanding about this it’s not actually easy to explain it from where you’re at. Sorry.

>> No.11565789

idk what is it but nofap works for me. i'm on easy mode tho (jacking it on saturdays, just so my balls don't go crazy, no porn)
i do feel as you say, "like a child". the feel reminds me a lot to when i played guitar all afternoon and then DotA 1 at night.
i'm less angry in general, emotions are easier to manage. i was jacking off like 3 to 6 times a day.

>> No.11565817

That's besides the point that dopamine is not a magic "happy feel good chemical".

>> No.11565885

Put it to you like this. I was on medication that blocks out dopamine, or, well, most of it. I quit that cold turkey, and what changed? Nothing. For a month I felt all kinds of fucked up, and then I went back to normal. I wasn't enlightened, I didn't have insane motivation, nothing.
I tried the usual broscience crap too, more or less due to circumstances. Nofap, all that shit. It's all bullshit.
So I don't believe in any of this shit the nofap cultists are spouting. Guess that trademark ain't working anymore so they had to come up with some new shit, "dopamine detox".
Of course if all you do is jerk off, play video games and eat fast food, you have a problem. Sort that shit out.
My experience is just that, so take it with a grain of salt, a jug of it, or sugar, I don't care.

>> No.11566065

read the hacking of the american mind by robert lustig

>> No.11567041

"If you can't explain it to a baby you don't understand the matter at all dumbass"

>> No.11567060

just use real call girls faggot
I was that until I used call girls
stupid porn wasting money and time

>> No.11567400

You're either copper or magnesium deficient. Copper essentially prevents dopamine from being used, as the last step after dopamine requires a cuproenzyme. If you have symptoms similar to DBH deficiency, this might be your problem. Magnesium deficiency breaks some of the receptors as well as the metabolism in general. Some reports say that a single large dose woke up some people from depression. ( while a dose of calcium makes it worse, so don't eat too much cheese if you are depressed)

>> No.11567404

Is it safe to eat copper and magnesium in large amounts? Who food contains the most?

>> No.11567429

It's completely a meme disease with rather undefined symptoms beyond basically we know there is something wrong with you, but we don't know and don't care figuring out what it is. Anything from people with paralysis to raving lunatics were diagnosed with schizophrenia at one point. Even a famous case where the person was diagnosed with delusions, despite actually being under FBI surveillance. Psychistry is pseudoscience.

>> No.11567448

Try chocolate or almonds, liver if you are not vegetarian.

>> No.11567450

i eat liver paste every day for breakfast and a lot of chocolate every saturday, have i developed a tolerance? :(

>> No.11567457 [DELETED] 

No. I don't think that possible. You may have cravings because of deficiency I guess. Also the nutrients vary a lot, lamb and beef liver is the best I think, but it matters a lot how the animals were fed as well.

>> No.11567459

No. I don't think that's possible. You may have cravings because of deficiency I guess. Also the nutrients vary a lot, lamb and beef liver is the best I think, but it matters a lot how the animals were fed as well.

>> No.11567486

You're not as smart as a baby.

>> No.11567805

Mental illness is scary. The quarantine is killing me!

>> No.11567822

Nofap is one of the longest running trolling events in the internet. It's all fake. And probably created by a bunch of religious people.

>> No.11569011

>stupid porn wasting money
porn is free anon

>> No.11569043

I didn't read anything you just wrote but I just wanted to pass by and say that if anyone believes anything written in images like this you are a lost cause and your brain has already been damage way prior to any masturbation or whatever the fuck else.

>> No.11569120

Nothing will happen if you don't jack it at all. Your balls will be okay. I haven't jacked in about 4 months, and my balls don't hurt or anything. Btw I feel much better too.

>> No.11569126

It's not that one can't explain it, it's that the matter is so complex that if all you know is "dopamine bad" it will take a hella long time to explain it, and if you actually want to know, go to a college class or something.

>> No.11569338

High dopamine levels does not necessarily mean high amounts of pleasure. The nervous system is more complicated than that. It has a big association with pleasurable activities, but also with learning and other unrelated shit. It has more to do with strengthening of neurological pathways. i.e. dopamine is prevalent in a particular pathway = that pathway is more likely to be used again. Feel free to correct me, as this knowledge is based on a single behavioral neuroscience class I took during undergrad.

Anyways, despite dopamine being a misnomer with respect to this dopamine detox you speak of, I understand the implication. A surplus of highly rewarding activity will 'numb' the brain, so to speak. This is called tolerance. It has to do with sequestering of receptors, for some processes at least, like developing an opiate tolerance. The receptors will return once the stimulation is reduced. The nervous system is highly intricate, as I said, but I think this is analogous to jerking off all day or playing video games or whatever. So yeah, tolerance development is a reversible process. I don't think it would make you "feel like a child again", but it would be at least somewhat successful.

>> No.11569793

not if you are a boomer

>> No.11569816

not if you have niche interests and want quality stuff

>> No.11570257
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I don’t think detox is the ideal life affirming path - least not in excess - since wouldn’t temporary abstinence only enhance the impulse to act like you used to beforethe detox. Perhaps it may help in pinpointing the cravings, though in the long run the recommended way might be to alter your neural pathways by gradually altering behaviour to ensure more deliberate and healthy though-impulse-behaviour loops. Cultivation, individuation, growing up or whichever you will.

>> No.11570266

Television and Video games are made for you to give in to not doing anything so you can support their sponsors numbnuts. How do you think these companies make money?

>> No.11570340

There's no dopamine detox. It's a retarded fad made up by poltards, just like keto fasting and nofap.

>> No.11571298

t. dopamine burnout