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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 432 KB, 1759x246, mathematicians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11564921 No.11564921 [Reply] [Original]

How come our generation can't produce mathematicians like these?

>> No.11564934

hey that's too white, you can't post that here

>> No.11564935

Feminization of the male brain due to diet and pollutants.

>> No.11564950

There's only a finite amount of useful math and we're running out of it.

>> No.11564954
File: 161 KB, 1000x641, 1586116242858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok this is epic

can you elaborate on your idea?

>> No.11564987


How come you can claim this when our generational time has not finished yet?

>> No.11565017

Different guy but useful math is basically linear algebra, probability and stats, optimization, ODEs, PDEs (sort of) and that's it. Yeah sometimes someone will find some niche application for some field like group theory or whatever but these niche applications never become anything bigger and only use relatively simple results, suggesting that useful math is quite a limited concept. Most of the work to be done is just using the tools that have already been developed.

>> No.11565139

Because we allow stupider people to enter the field and now are required to write formal proofs for the tards that dont get it, thus slowing progress down.

Also you have the old pieces of shit that just like arguing because they're lonely and want to be included, and these are the ones that will claim everything is wrong without reading anything.

>> No.11565147


>> No.11565154
File: 47 KB, 979x347, Screenshot_20200414-145845_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a prime example of trying to show someone is stupid but being too much of a moron to do so. Pic related

>> No.11565191

We can and we are.
They just don't stand out anymore because the result is credited to the research institution instead of the individual

It makes the thinkers anonymous but in exchange, they are paid regularly, provided with supplies and instruments, and receives regular aid from other thinkers. It has become extremely difficult to stand out as an individual but the results cannot be denied.

Also, it was found that as much as 75-90% of research papers are junk and cannot be replicated in a lab.
They are literally just spewing bs because the more papers they got, the more credible they would look, the more students they'll handle and get paid higher. The studies that take effort and time are being pushed out.

>> No.11565193
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>> No.11565269

Mainly applicable to garbage fields like health or psychology. Mathematics is a little more robust to hacks.

>> No.11565273

low hanging fruits

>> No.11565286

I mean those men lived their most fruitful years as mathematicians at different times. Yes there’s some overlap, but no more than 3 of them were on their peak at the same time. And you can see quite many years without one like them.
Right now I would say Perelman is absolutely on their level. Penrose too

>> No.11565322

There's nothing left to discover. As far as ability, Stephen Merchant's brother is a more talented mathematician than anyone who has ever lived

>> No.11565491

I don't know about that.
Higgs himself says that he is going to fail if he started his career today because everyone is being pressured to always produce a paper.or they would be seen as inefficient.
During his time, the studies are actually being valued for accuracy

>> No.11565516
File: 803 KB, 900x900, 1578295898205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>J. v. Neumann & Cantor
>Alfred North Whitehead nowhere to be seen
you fucking WHAT

>> No.11565581
File: 27 KB, 633x229, mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel sorry for the man

>> No.11565599

They do dickhead, they're just not rare anymore like they were back then so you don't hear about them as much.

And besides, where the fuck were you expecting to learn about them constantly? Your math textbook to have live updates on research?

>> No.11565629


>> No.11565771

Because money and the middle class are involved.

>> No.11565971

Many predominant mathmaticians like pic related exist today. Just laymen don't know it, because their researchs are too deep to learn.

>> No.11565984

there are many.
terence tao, james maynard...

>> No.11565997


they do you just don't hear about them in the news because government agencies pick them up to work on military projects before anyone else. you know how basketball kids get recruited in high school? it's even worse for scientists and mathematicians. gifted kids stand out and get noticed early on.

>> No.11566004

There are amazing discoveries all the time, you just don't hear about it or understand it.

>> No.11566048
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>> No.11566057

but now we have hot autist women in math departments, id say worth

>> No.11566192

porn, social media

>> No.11566612
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, TRINITY___WOODSgreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11566647

This. And everything is much faster, ephemeral.
Nobody has time to just stop, lay down and think.

>> No.11566650

At least five examples please?

>> No.11566695

Lower-hanging fruit has gotten scarce.

>> No.11566801

It's because of the ruling culture of mediocrity of modern humanity spearheaded by America. The elitism of the European way i.e caring too much and trying too hard to compete is gone and in its place came the "chill" culture of not trying too hard and being too cool for school. The ordered symphonies for which you had to dedicate your whole life to even be a part of became unsynchronized rap that everyone can do and written philosophy became a youtube video made by a dropout that's actually a business plan of getting patreon donations. This can be traced to a very specific moment in fact, the moment when Hitler lost. Nazi Germany was Elitism: The Nation, up to the racial policies, and it lost. Then the disciplined and elite Japan got glassed and lost. Then came the Space Race and another nation collected into elitism, again, lost. These events are subconsciously burned deep into the people's minds and trying too hard becomes the loser stance whereas being chill and without an authoritarian discipline becomes the winning move - if that wasn't the case then why are all the tryhard cultures gone?

Looking at your list, not a single of these men would survive in the modern culture and they'd either get ostracized for their elitism until they're incels and the only thing on their mind is to shit up /r9k/, or they would be pulled down by this crabs-in-a-bucket culture and would've settled for enough to float just above the average as mathematicians do right now. In no way is this culture conductive for the relative equivalent of them existing right now and it won't ever be as long as LA is the cultural capital of the world and everyone tries to act like Americans. Conversely, as the status quo exhales its last breath you will see elitism rising all over the world in the exact same manner as it did in the Great Depression.

>> No.11566810

Based post, apart from the nazi stuff.

>> No.11566869

Gauss > Leibniz > Euler > Newton

>> No.11566888
File: 62 KB, 744x419, 1569443609971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apart from the nazi stuff

>> No.11566892
File: 371 KB, 706x465, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11566928

yep apart from the nazi stuff, go back to /pol

>> No.11567203

BPA plastic?

>> No.11567224

Isn't this the diagram how the soviet scientist got his head perforated by a proton beam?

>> No.11567235

There are millions of them now, which is why they fade into nothingness as nothing special

>> No.11567247
File: 147 KB, 545x543, orkboyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>useful math is basically linear algebra, probability and stats

>> No.11567593

Distractions is reason number one, and half of the chemist shop at least is banned too.

>> No.11567629

Based, especially the nazi stuff.

>> No.11567635

Because the easy math is done.

>> No.11567661

The best mathematicians work for private enterprises.

>> No.11567715

Are you saying tryharding doesn't exist anymore? Just look at any top college.

>> No.11567781

>nooooo you can't just not write the prooferino, how else will everyone be sure that it's true nooo

>> No.11567843

Welfare and birth control and Globalist controlled culture. IQ is or will soon be plummeting. The evolutionary pressures which gave rise to high IQ are gone. In its place is a cultural/globalist preference for an extroverted slave consumer mindset. Current pressures select for mindless consumers. The West has become a diseugenic welfare state.

To demonstrate my theory I will use one example and punch it through the back of your hedonistic, cucked slave morality, mindless leftist feminized, consumptive, comfort and safety addicted, weak disgusting cowardly, man-boy faggot face.

Look at women. The best and brightest are encouraged to compete with men on any level. The are encouraged to get advanced degrees during their fertile years. Females from all over the world want to come to the West and get an “education”. In the West this is considered the best and “right” thing to do. So all these best and brightest women are being systematically eliminated from the gene pool. In their place, because growth economics is the only goal of globalism, low IQ people have to be imported. If you question any of this you are “a racist, hateful, xenophobic woman hater”.

Globalism is the most destructive force man has ever created. Leftism is used by the Globalists as slave morality religion to force their psychopathic, anti human, anti earth, destruction on you.

>> No.11567861

based, but only the nazi stuff

>> No.11567876

fake plot

>> No.11567908

We've realized building a machine mathematician can one day be the equivalent of all those great mathematicians.
Just ask Juergen Schmidhuber.

>> No.11567949

worst take I've seen all week, turn 18 and lurk more before posting again.

>> No.11567950

>the greatest heads of our generation are teaching stupid people
Do you have academic degree?

>> No.11567954

this is the real answer and it's obvious.

>> No.11567961

When the whole herd is ill the exceptional Buffalo isn't that strong or large.

>> No.11567962

The questions we have to answer are actually hard unlike
>lol what is the relation between mass, velocity, and force
>lol what is a surface integral
>lol what is a limit

Those questions are fucking EZ mode

>> No.11567970

Based and truthpilled

>> No.11567979

Saturated fats

tell that too mongols

>> No.11567983

>Leftism is used by the Globalists
>mindless leftist feminized
Cognitive dissonance and emotional babble.

>> No.11567987

>lol what is a limit
>easy mode
Its been what, over 10 years, and /sci/ still cant answer this.

>> No.11568568

Don't you think it's unreasonable to say that most people were tryharding in the past vs today? I'm pretty sure you'd find a divide between top and average performers just as wide as would today.

>> No.11568927

Asking /sci/ is the equivalent of asking a country village back in the 1800s

>> No.11569614
