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11564197 No.11564197[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is going to college a waste of time?

>> No.11564213


>> No.11564228

Fuck off back to >>>/pol/ with your racebaiting garbage threads.
No, not all blacks are low-IQ retards. Get over it.

>> No.11564236

Yikes, where did this come from? Op was asking a simple question.

>> No.11564240


>> No.11564247

He got you

>> No.11564249

If you're thinking about going to college consider what type of job you want once you have a degree.

I hear about many people who go to college, get a degree, and think they can just nab any job they want, when the reality is that degrees don't mean shit since you practically need one for any entry level job now.

Just make sure your degree has practical applications regardless of the current value of a college education

>> No.11564256




>> No.11564267


Psychologist majors take longer than Arts Majors to break even on their college investmens (11 vs 8.8 years). Let that sink,.

>> No.11564304

How to do college right:
You start when you are 17 and a half, and graduate when you are 21, by the time you are 25 you already have 4 years of real work experience and have been promoted at least once, by 26 you are looking for wife and a house.
The exceptions are very driven people that got into a truely top school or people with a true passion for math or viable science field, and if you have a true passion you don’t need to be told. Those people can benefit from being a grad student

>> No.11564316

If you sincerely enjoy learning, college is worth it. Being a full time student is a great thing and you will get more out of taking classes, talking to like-minded people and interfacing with your professors than you will get out of any alternative. If you grab opportunities when they present themselves, try to turn professors into mentors and gather around yourself a group of intelligent people, you will find that college is an incredibly stimulating and worthwhile experience.
You have no idea how stupid and difficult the average non-college educated person is. Anyone who complains about stupid people in their programs has never had a job where they had to interface with the average person. You don't want to go into that world without experiencing one where the bar is much higher.

>> No.11564398

>t. thinks OP is from /pol/, because i know they're right deep down

>> No.11565736

Is that pic real?

>> No.11565770

No. As long as you go to a non-meme university, for a valid reason other than wanting a job, and make sure you're having the best university experience possible in all spheres (learning, socialising, networking, athletics, research, clubs, and personal growth)

>> No.11565797

>you have no idea how stupid and difficult the average non-college educated person is. Anyone who complains about stupid people in their programs has never had a job where they had to interface with the average person.
This. Dealing with uneducated people takes all of my interpersonal skills, even for simple work-related things. If you have to tell one of these people to do a particular thing at work, you must:
>make sure the instructions are crystal clear
>make sure they can finish the task just by following the instructions, and they won't need to do any thinking of their own
>they'll need help anyway, so you'll have to teach them how to do trivial things
>you have to be careful to not hurt them and make them feel like you're talking down to them
>you'll have to go out of your way to make things even simpler so they'll understand it
>you'll have to be patient, because they're really fucking stubborn
It's exhausting.

>> No.11565845

it depends on your mindset, mainly because time wasted = money wasted. if you're fucking around and not getting shit done, then it's not worth it. get a regular job until you get your mind straight (i wish i did this when i was 18 instead of going to college)

>> No.11565861

why don't burgers just go to europe to study for free?

>> No.11566727

They're too stupid to make it at real universities. Americans can't handle ETH Zurich, TU Munich or ENS, much less Polytechnique.

>> No.11566734
File: 260 KB, 570x558, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only source on pic is legit.ng
Sounds legit.

>> No.11566784


>> No.11566844

>being this much butthurt
99% of top 100 universities are American.

>> No.11566922

Stop false-flagging.

>> No.11566924
File: 3.20 MB, 480x447, 1582603082907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11566980
File: 165 KB, 800x820, women are stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb bitch lol

>> No.11566981

>99th percentile
>no females

>> No.11566985

Mediocre state schools in America are far superior to these lmao

>> No.11566990

But seriously, does anyone know any straight people who like Jojo? All the screenshots and images I've seen of it look extremely gay, and not in a good way.

>> No.11567001

I can see why faggots like it because everyone in the show is like 8 feet tall and jacked, but besides that the show is absolutely ridiculous, and it becomes funny