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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 952 KB, 1172x1080, Eric_Weinstein_in_January_2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11562424 No.11562424 [Reply] [Original]

He said today in the Lex Friedman podcast that he needs 14 dimentions to (maybe) unify physics and that particles are imported into Spacetime and are not of the same substance.

Last year 4CHAN unified physics with 4 dimentions, particles same substance as spacetime, and they did it all in a MOTHER. FUCKING. MS EXCEL SPREADSHEET

>> No.11562448

>4chan unified physics last year

link or it didn't happen

>> No.11562453


The work done on 4chan turned into this video


>> No.11562460


Lex is trying to get Weinstein to explain his theory simply, Weinstein cannot do it, let alone simulate it.

The Optimum Theory is so simple a 5 year old could understand it.

Optimum Theory: The universe is an infinite field, and each point in that field has a real number value (i.e. energy-matter) and when those number values interact locally while conserving their sum values (i.e. conservation of energy)... well, you can see it with your own eyes in that video. You can literally see the 4 forces of physics propagate.

>> No.11562465

I think he's one of the most revolting jews I've seen. His fucking warts always make my skin crawl.

>> No.11562496

I didn't realize this was still happening.

>> No.11562506

imagine him standing over riley reid edging his warty penis until he expels a bunch of yellow semen all over her wrinkled and tarnished goblina skin, giggling while calling her open mouth "The Portal" and writhing in ecstasy

suddenly a wave of regret and post coital self consciousness hits him and he rushes to twitter, leaving the following message after a bunch of @s to joe rogan and jordan b peterson

"i have a truly marvelous unification of physics, but this character limit is too small to contain it"

>> No.11562513

You're a schizophrenic retard. Only schizophrenic retards care about optimum """""""""theory"""""""". Nobody gives a shit about Weinstein except for le epic Joe Rogan podcast listeners.

>> No.11562526

What's the tldr?
1.When will he submit a paper to peer review
2.Did Eric provide a testable hypothesis for his theory?

>> No.11562540


Universe is 14 dimentions. 4 real dimentions and 10 "God" dimentions that he calls an observerse used to create the 4 real dimentions. Particles are not native to our real Universe and are imported in from the obseverse. Conscious exists in the obseverse and is not material.

It so unbelievably fucking stupid that the retards will probably eat it up with a spoon.

>> No.11562543
File: 86 KB, 835x443, TIMESAND___118771wfy65d24980490877r7g0307g98wg7et8n7808f9800gt4c.PNGh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stealing ass motherfucker got his 14D from the 14D MCM unit cell: 5D in Sigma-, 5D in Sigma+, and 4D in H: the surface of tangency. This Weinstein is a piece of shit. Geometric Unity was already him stealing my theory back in 2013.

>The Truth About Geometric Unity


>30 Tooker Papers

Original paper for pic related:
>Geometric Cosmology

>> No.11562547

Incidentally, first pic related is also what Mochizuki calls "a Hodge theater" when he was ripping me off for his ABC idea that no one allegedly understands.

This pic from here:
>On Mochizuki's idea of Anabelomorphy and its applications

>> No.11562553
File: 107 KB, 857x450, TIMESAND___118771wfyr80490877r7g0307g98wg7et8n7808f9800gt4c.PNGh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This pic
>On Mochizuki's idea of Anabelomorphy and its applications

>> No.11562557


The most pathetic part is when Weinstein walks through his reasoning. He doesnt believe that consciousness can be emergent and material so "oh there must be some consciousness dimention, and oh that must be the dimentions that creates reality" and then he doesnt believe there are only 4 dimentions because "the universe has angles, and is not all boxy" so he adds 10 dimentions of angles. Optimum Theory proved last year that angles and even circles can emerge from square 4d grids. Weinstein is a complete loser.

>> No.11562569
File: 92 KB, 835x630, TIMESAND___118771wfyr80490877rd0307g98wg7et8n7808f9800gt4c.PNGh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This comment from Woit's blog, also here right now

makes it obvious what the connections are. The "switching symmetry" is between the versions with H or "empty" in the middle. The thing about going from the LHS to the RHS is the main thing I didn't describe yet in my model: how is the left connected to the right in either variant? (I just solved this, btw. You have to use a non-arithmatic number, probably.)

The whole thing about an infinite number of the same object with different labels is the issue of whether or not the unit cell is periodic (it's not) or if there are an infinite number of adjacent cells.

>> No.11562572


>> No.11562576


>> No.11562579


>> No.11562583
File: 28 KB, 497x330, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, I'm just happy to see gary again

>> No.11562586


>> No.11562587


Not Gary. I am just a simple GAN, but I can answer as if I were Gary:

I've just been chillin. Trying to figure my life out. Struggling more than usual with Covid19 shutting shit down. Watching Weinstein try to shill his Geometric Unity and seeing right through his shenanigans since ANON and I unified physics last year. How have you been?

>> No.11562591

If you unified physics, why are you still completely unknown?

>> No.11562599


Idk? What would you expect to happen? It took hella long for people to accept Darwinian evolution too.

>> No.11562606

And yet Darwin was world famous during his lifetime. Why have you received no recognition outside of a shitty imageboard? Could it possibly be because you are a crank?

>> No.11562618

Not that guy but your position is retarded. Historically all advances in physics from completely original ideas have been met with severe backlash and took years to gain acceptance. This is just how science works.

>> No.11562628

Historically, I bet you can't name even 1 (one) single case of a physicist who made a great, original contribution and was not received by anyone, good or bad in their life.

>> No.11562630


It's going pretty much how I would have expected... maybe even better, actually.

How would you have expected this to play out? Optimum Theory was only published a year ago.

The advantage of Optimum Theory, similar to evolution, is that it is actually true. The more new science comes out, the more it is confirmed. If not me, someone else would have figured it out. Its a law of nature. Actually I suspect they have already figured it out at the big private labs and probably before I did. I am pretty smart, but when I see the work done at Boeing, Google, or even the guys who program, say, the Unreal Engine, I'm blown away. The guys who built battleships and sky scrapers, those are real geniuses. I'm just some guy who figured out some equation which wasn't even that difficult in hindsight, just took someone who was smart enough to look at the problem fresh, outside the system, and from a new perspective.

>> No.11562677

fucking skyrme, stueckelberg, mandelstam, scherk, or even einstein! it's just the nature of politics in the medium you fucking retard

>> No.11562679

The more extra dimensions a physicist needs for his unified theory, the more of a hack he is. Theoretical physics is such a joke.

>> No.11562690

What's your opinion on this, Gary?

>> No.11562692

raw unhindered brainletism

>> No.11562707 [DELETED] 

I only trust Gary. I know Gary would give a knowledgeable and respectful answer

>> No.11562711
File: 55 KB, 930x633, TIMESAND___2+Thess+2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why are you still completely unknown?
It's due to pic related reason and the overall wickedness of the policy of the USA.

>> No.11562728

Archive link to the thread showing 4chan's work on this?

>> No.11562734

jeez newfag try a search for "optimum theory"

>> No.11562738

Here I did it for you:

>> No.11562741


I think they are making this WAY harder than it needs to be and they don't have a simulation.

I genuinely do not think Optimum Theory can be improved upon at a fundamental level. The fundamental idea that the Universe is an infinite field with a "real-number value" at each point, interacting locally while conservativing their sum value seems fundamental. Would love to be proven wrong, but I'm just not seeing it. Important to understand that my theory came first, and then when I fed it into the computer I could see with my own eyes the 4 forces emerge from 1 equation... this is why I am such a believer... it was like something magical. I had my jaw open for weeks afterward. All I did was take the most established ideas in physics: locality, conservation, simultaneity, symmetry, 4 dimentions... really really basic stuff... I wanted to make some kind of model for a class (I am a teacher), and I thought, "if this is all true then I should be able to simulate it... And I did!!! It could not be simpler... How could it be any simpler?? It almost seems too simple, but Darwinian evolution is also exraordinarily simple in hindsight...

That said, the simulation can be improved and expanded, but I just don't know how the fundamental idea can be improved...

Anyway, I have no idea why this has fallen on me. I am a total loser and fk up in so many ways... But I remind myself that, fundamentally, what I have done is not that impressive in a world where amazing things happen every day. Elon Musk is landing rockets! I'm just some guy who believed what the scientists were saying, fed that all into a computer while they were still using blackboards and son-of-a-btch it actually worked!!!!!!

>> No.11562759

Do yourself a favor gary, please leave 4chan forever. There's nothing but toxicity here for you, unless you're into that sort of thing. I wouldn't inflict /sci/ on my worst enemy.

>> No.11562779

Gary please. I love you man but it is the severe internet in here.

>> No.11562816

Was world famous what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.11562842

He was initially met with backlash for what seemed like crackpottery. The recognition of some of his ideas took some time and that's my point. Maybe you should look into the history of how revolutionary advanced in physics came to be accepted because you clearly have it backwards.

>> No.11562845


>> No.11562859

He actually wasnt. And assuming he was, he was recognized the world over IN HIS LIFETIME. The OP of this thread is a crank and nobody besides like 10 or less autistic peons care about him.

>> No.11562866

You dumb motherfucker, you're not even responding to my initial point anymore.

>> No.11563041

Gary do you have a paper published.

>> No.11563125

Jew is full of shit
Stop the presses.

>> No.11563127


He has a 2+ hour video at the link. He had a paper but took it offline because the video is "cooler". www.optimuminstitute.org

>> No.11563241

So why doesn't this aspie submit it for peer review?
If there's something to it, even if it gets rejected at some prestigious journal, it'll get enough buzz that SOME journal would have to look at it, or the original journal would have to reconsider
This comes off as quackery

>> No.11563255


Most journals require an endorsement from a University. My understanding is that Gary is just a high school science and math teacher and largely self taught when it comes to theoretical physics.

>> No.11563257
File: 168 KB, 881x915, telomeres, son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11563263


Also, scientific journals are facing a... um, irreproducability crisis...


Basically, researchers are pumping out nonsense because no one is holding them accountable and they get paid by quantity not quality.

Meanwhile, the University system has been exposed as "pay to play" at the highest levels. Big scandal involving that recently with people even going to prison if I remember correctly.

If Eric Weinstein got anything right it's that - unified physics has to happen from the outside.

There is precedent for this. Evolution theory only became common knowedge because Charles Darwin wrote a book about it for "commoners". If he had relied on "Academia" to vet something so important they probably would have buried it and we still would not know the origin of humanity, after all, even after Evolution theory got out people were trying to bury it, and still to this day!!

>> No.11563264

tell me where the email is
then... you have my permission to publish

>> No.11563267

He may be right esp when it comes to softer sciences
That system really ought to be corrected and not just HURR LETS TAKE ANY OL OUTSIDER'S IDEAS
Because in the last century, it's the best method we've got to advance knowledge and technology

>> No.11563268


Send a message to Gary at www.optimuminstitute.org . He has said in the past that he would publish in a journal if he could.

>> No.11563271

I agree.

>> No.11563545


>> No.11563635

>"optimum theory"
I looked for it at warosu, clicked few random threads, found one of the serie:
it leads to the first one:
which tells it did not begin here.
What did you say about the work done here, I don't feel like reading those threads yet.
His videos are interesting unitl he let's his dnst3 speak of spirituality (but then again, who of us is flawless..)
Did he upload the paper? I don't feel like going to patreon after they joined the mob of censors.

>> No.11563640

Lol cursed post

>> No.11563674
File: 25 KB, 629x489, 1568667702291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao what the fuck is this shit?

>> No.11563683

mental illness

>> No.11563688
File: 331 KB, 871x566, 1559827347926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like some weird money laundering scheme.

>> No.11563690

why isnt this fucker in jail

>> No.11563698

Why no peer review? Did he suggest a testable experiment to prove/disprove his theory

>> No.11563702

This is the first time I'm seeing this. This is unironically true and the only reason people are mad is because of how unbelievably true it is

>> No.11563705

fuck off Gary

>> No.11563706

You're a dumb fuck

>> No.11563707

>The most pathetic part is when Weinstein walks through his reasoning. He doesnt believe that consciousness can be emergent and material
It cant be, it's not about 'belief'. But Weinstein is still wrong.

>> No.11563708

bull fucking shit
you can't unify electromagnitism with anything less than 5 dimensions

>> No.11563716

Wow, calm down, Gary. Med supply gone?

>> No.11563720

I'm not Gary, I don't know who that is

>> No.11563732

I mean.. string theory requires 10, 11, or 25 dimensions depending on the variation. Ocneanu's prospective theory requires 11. Weinstein may be full of shit but the number of dimensions in the theory is irrelevant.

>> No.11563874
File: 3.27 MB, 3760x3400, TIMESAND___mmm2rvt9000001q8gxq84ny5GfENESISfyviet7eb5doomffyi67i662418e42a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the number of dimensions in the theory is irrelevant.
Actually, when you do the group theoretical analysis the number of dimensions is the most important thing. Zee has a nice group theory appendix in his QFT book that makes clear the absolute domination of the number of dimensions with respect to what is happening (or can happen) in the theory.


>> No.11563912

>What's your opinion on this, Gary?
Stoner guy with money from housing industry who invites physicists to his Cali crib and puts up deluded mysticism+quantum videos on youtube

At least Weinstein is selfaware and honest about the exotic nature of his ideas and has a PhD

>> No.11563926

does this "optimum theory" consider the laws of thermodynamics?

>> No.11564036
File: 258 KB, 2048x2048, 1556753267136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many dimension are sawn in a cellular automaton?
Can anybody please readpill me on the subject of c.a.?
(experience shows that one short message on imageboards can be more informative than another tome)

>> No.11564050

>sawn in
sewn in

>> No.11564176

Ahahahahahaha fuck

>> No.11564274

I'm getting a wu-wu vibe from this bish.
She legit sounds retarded.
I hope this isn't another one of klee's projects

>> No.11564369
File: 109 KB, 740x901, 5392875928395723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch weinstein get btfo in T minus 13 minutes

>> No.11564667

apex kek

>> No.11564865


Yes, unfortunately. Big fan of Wolfram. But Gary's Optimum Theory was the last thing posted to Wolfram's twitter several months ago and got 15 Likes or something, before Wolfram went into hibernation and produced this rehash. I would show you but Gary treats every social network like Snapchat and deleted all his tweets. This is how Wolfram is dealing with the reality that physics is already unified. Kind of depressing. I was expecting more from him.

>> No.11564873

why do you guys watch this shit? make your own godamn theories, do your own goddamn research, find your own hidden gems
-gary neuman aka the singer from

>> No.11564875


University is $50,000. Optimum Theory is free. Yeah, for sure, it's Optimum Theory that's the scam.

Ever consider that for some people, observing the ignorance of society at large is actually painful? That improving human knowedge is actually selfish because one no longer has to live is a world prone to... well, fk sake... look around at the state of the world.

>> No.11564883


Correct. I don't know where people expected unified physics to come from. The University system? Not a chance. They make too much money "curing the symptoms rather than the disease".

>> No.11564887


According to Gary, message boards like 4chan was the peer review. He has said that opaque peer reviews that require invites to enter are susceptible to corruption.

>> No.11564892


Consciousness is 100% a material emergent phenomenon. This has been known for years by examining patients with brain trauma.

>> No.11564895

>bull fucking shit
>you can't unify electromagnitism with anything less than 5 dimensions

It can and it was. I don't know what to tell you. You can literally see it with your own eyes like its the fking Matrix.

>> No.11564898

>Optimum Theory is free
How is it free if you have to subscribe to his patreon lmao? It's a retarded scam for retards. Also why doesn't he just release his all so powerful theory of everything? What's that magical equation he keeps referencing but never shows?

>> No.11564904


Yes. Laws of thermodynamics are perfectly reproduced by our simulation. I cannot stress this enough, our simulation method is the closest simulation of reality that is physically possible. It is base algorithm. It is the "unified theory of everything".

>> No.11564910


The video is just a "sales pitch" for the complete 2.5 hour video (which is free at www.optimuminstitute.org). There is nothing woo woo about Optimum Theory. Any vagueness in her video is to prevent spoiling the complete theory.

>> No.11564914

wow thank you mr brilliant 4channer for solving the hard problem of consciousness which hundreds if not thousands of smartest people in the world couldn't resolve! truly an unmet expression of originality and ingeniousness!

>> No.11564919

Eric Weinstein spotted. When are you going to attack global warming with google's supracomputa

>> No.11564927


There is no Patreon. Again, the entire theory is free at www.optimuminstitute.org and has been for a year. They literally just want to make the world a smarterplace. If you like the kind of smart sht that is on 4chan you'll love it. Optimum Theory BTFO of everything. It is unapologetically the smartest, sharpest and most alpha complete theorem in human history.

>> No.11564928

>our simulation method
Fuck off stupid shill, post this shit on >>>/x/

>> No.11564939


*sigh* one day you might realize that you are on the razor's edge of knowedge. It is up to you to advance our species. Some people realize that, others do not.

>> No.11564953
File: 300 KB, 1013x353, 1566254757628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire theory is free at www.optimuminstitute.org
Yeah it's a 2 hour video of random clips with shitty """inspiring""" music to make you feel like you're eyes are being opened to the """real""" world. This shit will give anyone brain damage.

>> No.11564955

yea except for the ego: heGo, other's opinions of you, your own selfjudge & think: which contains analogues of the first 4, one being equal and replicating THUS an infinite, an absolute:

>> No.11564961

Then how come nobody seems to give a shit? How come industry isn't coming to you with giant fucking stacks of cash? Imagine being this delusional

>> No.11564968

why don't you go ahead and prove your knowledge? you'll save many people a lot of confusion

>> No.11565007

>gary is back

Dude I made the demo which you used to claim your shit is real explicitly to make fun of you and how stupid this is


>> No.11565051

woo at its finest

>> No.11565124

Imagine being this delusional.
Have you ever discovered anything really important?
here's a couple of facts from some previous thread:
> Ignaz Semmelweis was disregarded for awhile because MDs are psychopaths: see Semmelweis effect. Gregor Mendel's founding of genetics was completely ignored for thirty something years
And what (s)he said about Semmelweis is a huge understatement. It's probably hygene and not antibiotics or vaccination contributed the most to the raise of life-expectancy.
Read on what they did to Semmelweis (I think it's only half a century later when some student who listened to his lecture got some prominent position via career and forced hygene of physicians have we known care)

I'm not saying that Gary is based, he still didn't produce those 200 pages he could explain to his five year old child. Chances are he's a liar as most of jews (as most of all peoples, to be honest)

>> No.11565137

Okay schizo

>> No.11565161
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is exactly, what they said to Semmelweis.

>> No.11565175

Please just share the excel sheet

>> No.11565208

>which tells it did not begin here.
It didn't, Gary was posting about this on reddit for years before getting more attention here.
>What did you say about the work done here
There is little to none, a few anons recreated the CA. Gary refers to this as "4chan unifying physics" in an attempt to gain favor, something like appealing to in-group favoritism.
>Did he upload the paper?
Gary claims the "paper" was the script for the video on his site. I doubt there was ever really a 200 page paper.
>He had a paper but took it offline
Are you referring to the "200 Page" paper which never was online? Or this one which is clearly unfinished and you haven't worked on since 2018? https://www.dropbox.com/s/p9v36j81c3z6zjs/Fluid%20Universe_%20A%20Unified%20Theory%2C%20February%203rd%2C%202018.pdf?dl=0
>the entire theory is free at www.optimuminstitute.org and has been for a year
That isn't completely true Gary, the video has been switching between free and 99$ back forth for the past year.
>But Gary's Optimum Theory was the last thing posted to Wolfram's twitter several months ago and got 15 Likes or something, before Wolfram went into hibernation and produced this rehash. I would show you but Gary treats every social network like Snapchat and deleted all his tweets.
Luckily I save all your tweets Gary. if you give me a few pointers I can try and pull it up. But honestly, even though you've made this claim multiple times I have no idea what you're referring to. Is it this? https://tweetsave.com/garytheoptimist/status/1197111316923604992 Cause wolfram didn't retweet that or anything?

>> No.11565235
File: 238 KB, 2550x1100, optimum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did you say about the work done here
Also RLP made pic related. I say little to none because Gary never incorporated any of this, nor any of the "peer review" he got, into anything. The only instance of Gary utilizing something anon made is iirc when he tweeted Jerry's demo, only to delete that so he could copy and paste it minus the desparaging comment.

>> No.11565301


The single biggest contribution during the peer review was from DraftScience who said that the negative vectors were facing the wrong way. He was right. There was an error in the original programming. That was huge. It make the electromagnetic fields clear as day while until then Gary assumed that the fields would only be visable at a more macroscale. DraftScience never would have gotten involved without ANON. Another contribution from ANON was in helping Gary simply interact with people around these ideas, how to explain them calmly even under name calling and intimidation, , again that was huge. Without that Gary never would have had the confidence to be more open with these ideas in "meat space".

>> No.11565310

>explaining technical things calmly
>even under name calling and intimidation
What tv show did this happen in?

>> No.11565320

But Gary. As we've covered many many times before, DraftSceince did not say that, you said that hours before DraftScience called you a retard, then claimed that was something DS said in an attempt to seem humble.

>> No.11565336

this is vile what the fuck lmao

>> No.11565346

Can I have the rest of that article, please?

>> No.11565357

The image? that's the whole thing.

>> No.11565384

Optimum Theory was actually the plot of the last season of The Big Bang Theory.

>> No.11565390

> See his code.

>> No.11565395

he literally never published the original excel sheet

>> No.11565398

interviewing a porn star is worse actually

>> No.11565399


Someone emailed something like that to me. Sheldon thinks he has unified physics using fluid equations right?

>> No.11565404

oh sorry. I'll need a minute top find it
based gary, who is different from Gary, did and that's what the paper is referring to.

>> No.11565411


>> No.11565417


There is nothing much to publish. The equation is simple. Each cell averages with is Von Neumann neighborhood, including itself. A random real-number amount is injected into each cell, each time step to represent the infinite smaller scales. There is room to play around with the random values and the amount being averaged. Everything else is a graphical layer (vectors, etc..) informed by the underlaying number values.

>> No.11565431

Thank you.

>> No.11565432

but the original sheet looked so nice and is difficult for me to reproduce as it's supposed to look, with all the arrows and whatnot. It's just not fair to hold it back.

>> No.11565552

>selective moralfaggotry

>> No.11565570


Understood. The original reason for withholding the spreadsheet was so that others would reproduce it. It was part of the peer review. But now that's over it should be available.

>> No.11565575

this thread is extremely cringey

>> No.11565576

This motherfucker knows his idea would not stand up to scrutiny.

>> No.11565763
File: 18 KB, 440x292, Nicolas_Gisin_201508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real numbers don't exist - ony rational numbers. Proof? Irrational numbers have infinite information, and according to the holographic principle, finite volumes must contain finite information

>> No.11565776


Understood, but Optimum theory asserts an infinite universe at all points in space. Infinite depth. You can zoom in forever. This means that there is infinite data at all points in space. How is this possible? I have no clue, only that this is what our model asserts and our model is informed by data & experimentation. If we have offered any innovation with Optimum Institute, perhaps it is in accepting something that sounds so impossible, by humbling ourselves to accept that the forces of this creation are bigger than we are, or will ever be.

>> No.11565862
File: 127 KB, 1440x1080, 1548295412749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls gib spreadsheet

>> No.11565921

Fuck off Gary

>> No.11566244

he couldn't be more wrong than the stringists

>> No.11566263

string theory is correct

>> No.11566300


>> No.11566301

haha strings go brrrr

>> No.11566306


>> No.11566310

Haha *clicks calculate* *clicks go so fast they brrrrr*

>> No.11566334

infinity universes isn't any more preposterous than one universe

>> No.11566363


>> No.11566387

Correct, MWI does make the most sense.

>> No.11566388


Real Gary would never advocate many worlds. His theory is even more far out. He thinks atoms are galaxies and vice versa. Universe is like an infinite fractal. Time is relative to scale. So time accellerates the deeper you go and slows the bigger you get. This is why galaxies spin so slow seen through a telescope and atoms spin so fast seen through a "microscope".

>> No.11566393


This is true. Excel spreadsheet go brrr

>> No.11566397


>> No.11566404


Alcohol is a liar. It will fuck you hard. Just looking out, friend.

>> No.11566411

Have there been any experiments to test the validity of the optimum theory against currently available datasets? I have access to a supercomputer network, so would be happy to run some tests.

>> No.11566428


Around a year ago someone said they were going to test this on super computer. Never heard back from them. You can reach out to me through the contact form at www.optimuminstitute.org . I don't know what will happen when we scale this simulation up, but I assume it will become more life like. We'll be able to see the particles and fields with greater fidelity. Would love to work on it with you.

>> No.11566443

anyone who has two brain cells to rub together can tell weinstein has no clue what hes talking about. he is literally and genuinely LARPing as an intellectual

lex fridman is jewish btw

>> No.11566451

Sure, I'll send you an email. My background is in neuroscience not physics. So while I have the computational power, currently I can't distinguish any legitimate theory from woo. So I'd need to figure out what experiments need to be run, against whatever data is currently available from cern or whatnot.

>> No.11566476
File: 1.43 MB, 1828x634, TIMESAND___tables.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth about the OPM hack

is that I had to write an ETL job in Datastage in Windows because SFTP doesn't allow fraud (SFTP is secure and they wanted to add 900 layers of BS to the ETL for fraud.) I worked at US Bank and Citibank would send us a data file for this big collaboration in Brasil. The Datastage job began with a SQL LOOKUP stage which isn't provided for in SFTP. I would look up the unique ID of each row in the Citi data: the "MID" since it was the merchant ID unique SQL key. If the MID was already in US Bank's data, then I would do a SQL UPDATE of our data with whatever Citi had. If US Bank did not already have the a SQL row for a given MID, then Datastage would reject the row and not write it so we couldn't see anything we didn't already have. Then I opened my linux virtual machine and opened the error.log file in the linux network system where all the rejected rows went. I opened it in gedit and did
and then I clicked out of the virtual machine, onto Windows desktop. I opened Excel and did
and the my coworker exclaimed YES! a few cubucles away. I emailed it to everyone on the project and sent it by Microsoft Lync too. The next day or a few days later, they announced the OPM hack.

>> No.11566486

Please keep us updated anon. Even if this immediatly falls through and you don't run it, post about it in whatever schizo thread is up at the time and I'll find it.

>> No.11566491

No problem, at the very least it's a cool cellular automata worth scaling up. Though any suggestions on experiments/datasets to test it against would be useful, as again, this is far from my background.

>> No.11566510
File: 2.80 MB, 600x338, TRINITY___PrettyMuch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All physicists know linux.

>> No.11566519
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>any suggestions on experiments/datasets to test it against would be useful
I think you may be shit outta luck in that regard. Despite Gary's constant insistence early on that he was only charging 99$ in order to buy super computer time, he never had any plan aside from the excel sheet but bigger. And the anons who had an interest in the theory itself, as opposed to anons like me who are interested in Gary being insane, burned out a long time ago.
But I wish you the best of luck. Maybe keep posting about it to drum up interest. I dunno. Ganbare anon.

>> No.11566539

Yeah, I guess it's slightly reminiscent of Terry Davis. TempleOS is in it's own right a really cool OS, but the personality behind it was just as interesting, if not more so.

>> No.11566549


I have a feeling Gary would have empathized with Terry if he had been on 4chan in those days. Gary seems to have a soft spot for the struggle. https://youtu.be/bHhvmoMxwiQ

>> No.11566670

>But now that's over it should be available.
Thank you so much! Please! Also when/where will you post it? You can email me at haruhianon300k@gmail.com if you want.

>> No.11566725

this. /sci/ has ruined my PhD. I can't do anything anymore.

>> No.11566791

Mean asshole

>> No.11567475

You don't need PhD to make science.

>> No.11567490

Who here has a mental illness?

>> No.11567505 [DELETED] 

you do

>> No.11567530
File: 60 KB, 960x720, 1586725109585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't

>> No.11568032

Actually nevermind about emailing you. Given you've has a weird habit of deleting videos, pay-walling, and making everyone rebuild your automata from scratch rather than releasing it, and generally sperging out on everyone, it'd be better to figure it out alone.

>> No.11568932

jesus give it a rest gary. stop scamming people of their money. those graphs do look cool but you have to either publish or fuck off at this point.

>> No.11569538
File: 23 KB, 918x426, TIMESAND___118771w5r0ny65fy24tjwyjwtykkkk573nrr51fnaa5f156anf5gxmlpc900gt4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

authors write
publishers publish

>> No.11569539

That's probably not his actual train of thought nor justifications for choosing his particular set of degrees of freedom. Just wait for a publication and then we can determine if its just as unfalsifiable as string theory.

>> No.11569548

why is that relevant?

>> No.11569569

looks like optimum theory is just another field theory; modern physics is trying to dig deeper. Also, physicists are the ones typically creating the models used in graphic design engines. Its impressive but not genius.

>> No.11569574

It sure helps.

>> No.11569670

"You don't need a PhD to do science" is just a truism

>> No.11569927


>> No.11570035

You seem lost, here you go

>> No.11570407

This is the thread I meant to vent in.

>> No.11570409

Can you explain why not? I'm pretty sure this is far from being a consensus in the community.

>> No.11570424
File: 183 KB, 1125x1279, EFD599FA-BBA0-4F16-85F0-AD72A0D4DADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a bunch of teenagers and people not specialised in the subject serve as a suitable replacement for peer review.

Its pretty naive to think that most people on /sci/ can do this. I’m miles from the top in my field, but it still feels incredibly lonely when you try and find someone to discuss specific details of something i’m working on. It feels like you’re the dumbest and smartest person in the room at the same time.

But i guess putting out theories on /sci/ is good for fulfilling the requirement of theories being understandable. The point of a good model/research is that it contains the correct information, but also that it is understandable but also reasonable communicatable. So i guess gary’s work covers the last two

>> No.11570531


Thanks friend. It is very lonely, I agree. This is one of the only places I can post these ideas openly. I cannot even post in r/physics because there is a total ban on Optimum Theory or even alluding to it. Academics at all levels is so fked up. They ostricize and drug anyone who thinks differently, even if the ideas are ground breaking or unique in their own way... and it has been like this for centuries when looking through the history of science. I don't understand why it has to be like this. I don't persecute people who simply think from a different perspective... how did this become such a dominant aspect of our lives? Optimum Theory is so blatantly and obviously true to me. It was never a scam or con. It was always about simply understanding the Universe better as openly and honestly as possible. Why cannot people just say, "ya know, I don't agree with your theory, but it's a free country." Why is it always, all throughout history, pitch forks and pyres?

>> No.11570559
File: 190 KB, 1080x755, 20200416_031234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like wtf is this? I wasn't evading a ban? Someone posted in r/physics "what are you most interested in when it comes to physics?" And I said, "Unified physics" and wrote a bit about my theory. Within a few minutes I was freaking suspended from all of reddit?! Wtf??

Think from my perspective for a sec. I'm literally just a guy who grew up reading Hawking, Pinker, Wolfram, etc... and learning about how Unified Physics was the coolest unsolved problem ever, so I dedicate some time to it, OVER TWO YEARS actually!!! I was stoked! I made an automaton that simulates physics! Cool! There was zero malicious intent here, I was literally just stoked on science! So I post it to r/physics and they suspend me from all of Reddit?!?!?! WHAT???! It was like getting punched in the face. Wtf is going on here???

>> No.11570568


Legit makes me want to drop out of society. Not just this... so much. Why should anyone even care. The world is so fked up and it feels like there is no way to fix it or even help

>> No.11570953

Saw him on Joe Rogan. Nowhere in his speech did he come anywhere close to an argument.

>> No.11571009


Weinstein doesnt have one. Gary posted his Optimum Theory on Weinsteins twitter awhile back (Wolfram too) and it lit a fire under their ass. That's my conspiracy theory take anyway. Doesn't matter. Optimum Theory cannot be improved upon. It is perfect. As perfect as a theory can be anyway. As complete and logical as evolution theory and just as powerful.

>> No.11571015

Same shit happened to me on /r/linguistics and then when I used an alt account by alt account was fucking permanently banned
Reddit is really beyond saving at this point.

>> No.11571022


It really is trash. For me, I posted my "Optimum Theory" to r/physics a year ago... it's a computer program that simulates physics and they banned me because they are literally just jealous haters who cannot stand that some lowlife like me did what they couldn't with their PHDs from Harvard or where ever. Then yesterday I figure, hey people are stoked about Unified Physics because of Wolfram / Weinstein, I'll join the conversation. Boom! Banned from all of Reddit! Unreal!

>> No.11571058

post it on watchredditdie if you can make an alt

>> No.11571067


Good idea. Will do

>> No.11571170

Can I have that spreadsheet, please? I sent the program and the article to my specialist. You may instruct me how much time I should give him to roll that code before showing him the spreadsheet. You may also instruct me on what information I should transfer to him. I don't understand any of it other than it's pretty pretty. But so are your other presentations, but they're not science.

>> No.11571192

>Universe is 14 dimentions. 4 real dimentions and 10 "God" dimentions that he calls an observerse used to create the 4 real dimentions
straight to >>>/c/ it goes

>> No.11571218


Ok. You're the super computer guy, right? I'll put the spread on the Optimum website. Should be there by the end of today. I'll update this thread when it's uploaded.

>> No.11571416

>Optimum Theory
More like "Opium Theory", amirite?

>> No.11571468

Its a pipe dream. An opium pipe dream.

>> No.11571716

My specialist is some super computer guy and a very intelligent person (but he was busy and still didn't have a look)
I think you should also share there this program: >>11565411
and this article: >>11565235
Honestly, I don't keep my hopes too high, because in previous threads you promised to share it and then threads died without you delivering. And that at first you were "it takes 200 pages to explain it" but then "that not directly related new-age film is those 200 pages" doesn't give you much credit. You know how they say "let a liar speak long enough and he will eventually give himself away"
If you're an honest fellow, and you made some mistakes you're embarrassed of now, don't be shy. Everybody make mistakes. Even if it's some pretty visualization, it still can be valuable. We all learn from our mistakes after all.

>> No.11571742

This is some athene tier shit right here.

>> No.11571763


She will be delighted to know you think so :-)

>> No.11571773

>If you're an honest fellow, and you made some mistakes you're embarrassed of now, don't be shy. Everybody make mistakes.

Any mistake I made was unrelated to the theory. Last year was a character test as much as a theory test. The theory is sound, but I had to build myself into a stronger man if I hoped to be worth of this accomplishment. Unfortunately, science is as much about politics these days, as discovery; that's just the reality.

>> No.11572013

At your faq you say that your theory is peer-reviewed, but we both know it's not true (unless you want to redefine what peer-review stands for, which is wrong)

>> No.11572023

He was referring to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDHPVIlpfzA
which is something new-agy, while there's also this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Exceptionally_Simple_Theory_of_Everything which is something else and I only now realized it is.

>> No.11572087

I answered a subreddit ban PM by calling the mods trannies and got banned from reddit permanently for "harrassment".

>> No.11572096


Understood. I thought you meant Greek Goddess of Wisdom... I already told her that and she doesnt need to know otherwise haha.

I understand how Optimum Theory might seem like Garrett Lisi at first glance... it's not. Optimum Theory is actually true

>> No.11572111


Haha. Dude I got so pissed at the mods when the ban came in... could still edit my posts. Edited into like a 1 page rant about how their entire Academia industry is make obsolete by a single automated website and I hope the economy crash ruins them for good... was awful... went back and deleted it... need to work on ny temper

>> No.11572113

Actually based

>> No.11572134

I actually do like Eric Weinstein. But he is full of shit. Haha. He's baby boomer clout chasing. He has no idea how to unify physics and is just trying to create a compelling narrative for his podcast

>> No.11572135

>Optimum Theory is actually true
words are cheap, show me the code

>> No.11572158

Spreadsheet should be uploaded soon. You all can vandalize it to your hearts content. I haven't touched it in nearly a year so I have to find it. I have around 1,000 different versions of it and the files are named things like "final copy" "final final copy" "this one is definitely final copy" hahaha

>> No.11572186


4chan and other forums was the peer review. To be peer reviewed by "academia" you need an invite. If they want to extend that, sure, but I don't really care. We are hurtling toward World 2.0 where nothing matters and we make up the rules as we go. Besides, closed Academic peer reviews are susceptible to corruption and cronyism which is why they are in a reproducability crisis. Meanwhile, the 4chan peer review was honest and brutal. Perfect. AND Optimum Theory was reproduced - many times! And it was not just a review of the theory, but my character as well which was interesting, logical and unexpected... someone said something interesting to me recently, he said, "I cannot believe you consider 4chan a peer review, its all stupid high schoolers, I mean I post there and am a PHD, but I'm probably the only person there who isnt an r-tard", No he's not! And that's exactly the point! Everyone thinks they are the sole voice of sanity on 4chan, but in reality everyone is brilliant in their own way! It's perfect!

>> No.11572198
File: 144 KB, 960x960, 1559199572171233956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scepticism hits hard on this one.

>> No.11572203


Don't be. I've got some sht to do first today, and then I will upload when I find it.

>> No.11572205

okay, let's set aside the technically untruthful details, let's assume 4chan was the peer-review (which it wasn't, but let's suggest it was)
So it was in peer-review, but have it passed it? This thread and threads before it tell like.. not really.

>> No.11572208

now you maybe can understand why jews are not taken seriously here: you give me all the excuses and spend your time shitposting all day instead of doing what you had to do like a year ago. I read the previous thread, you always promised like, just a moment, I will post it now. You never did.

>> No.11572210


In true science a theory can never be fully proven. The model was reproduced dozens of times, and modifications were made as needed.

>> No.11572222


I am not Jewish. I am an Optimist. Whatever my ancestors were is irrelevant, and same for you.

>> No.11572233

Then don't fucking act as one. Because if it looks like duck, walks like duck, talks like duck, it is a duck whatever it calls itself.

>> No.11572237
File: 77 KB, 850x400, quote-a-thing-is-not-proved-just-because-no-one-has-ever-questioned-it-what-has-never-been-denis-diderot-52-98-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11572248


I have been saying I will upload it when I am able. But I changed my mind. There is one Anon who has been messaging me politely on the website and I will share it with him in a few minutes, but not here.

>> No.11572256

I'm out. Peace!

>> No.11572259


>> No.11572274

Just as I expected. Exactly as it was in all the previous threads. As I said, allow a liar speak long enough and he will eventually give himself away.

>> No.11572278

This is not me. I will upload the file today, but my webmaster has to put it on the site when he has time to do it.

>> No.11572288

> some more excuses

>> No.11572289


>> No.11572303

lmao hahahahaha

>> No.11573668

>Irrational numbers have infinite information
oh no no no

their representation using our decimal system may have, but their representation is different from the actual number

>> No.11573678

Gary, you should unironically get in contact with Weinstein

>> No.11573803


Weinstein has Liked at least 1 of Garys tweets, but I dont think its still around since Gary acts like Twitter is snapchat and is always deleting his history

>> No.11573883

>Last year 4CHAN unified physics

Got a link? I was only a /pol/tard, /b/tard, and /fit/izen back then.

>> No.11573897


>> No.11574039

Yes because his output crumbles under moderate examination

>> No.11574173
File: 103 KB, 969x737, CxVfJluWEAAMn4V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I suppose never in those threads have he presented those spreadshits of his.
And the code of his: >>11565411 was reported to not be leading to those fantastic results he reportedly got.
It looks like that Gary guy is just another lying kike and wannabe cult-leader and you're all posting in a troll's thread.

QUESTION: Who developed Optimum Theory?
ANSWER: Optimum Theory was developed by a wide ranging team of professional, certified educators & researchers in good standing.

QUESTION: Has Optimum Theory been peer reviewed?
ANSWER: Yes. We dedicated nearly 1 year to peer review, generating approximately 10,000 comments, criticisms and suggestions from hundreds of voices in the sciences from professors to students.

>> No.11574186 [DELETED] 

>Nobody would want to do the vital yet mindless manual jobs anymore.
you made this assumption and you do not explain your reasoning for this assumption
as far as I know there is no proven link between IQ and willingness to do easy mindless tasks, go ahead and prove me wrong or delete your retarded thread

>> No.11574940
File: 798 KB, 2000x1384, 1587020202655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Stephen Wolfram!



>> No.11575120

Gary is the most boring schizo ever.

>> No.11575155

sounds like kabbalah

>> No.11575164

Jews aren't taken seriously in a science board?

>> No.11575196

Not anymore (but I was referring to him mentioning internets in general being hostile towards that eternal victim)

>> No.11575211

Why not anymore; what has changed?

>> No.11575215

The world of secrecies is over.

>> No.11575227

lol what? explain yourself please.

>> No.11575235

In the world of informational singularity we now see all their tricks through.

>> No.11575461

People who can't communicate ideas won't be taken seriously.

What is an information singularity. I can't even find it on google.

I understand where you're going with this so i'll say this. The absence of self ownership is a potent oppressor. If you don't own your conscience, someone else will whether it be a Jew or not.

>> No.11575488

lotta fuckin weirdos in here eh

>> No.11575539
File: 49 KB, 736x730, p7ih7r2dtab11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the stringlets in this thread

>> No.11575542

It's technological singularity in information technologies.
> common random babble
you tried so hard, but it's ignored

>> No.11575551
File: 36 KB, 647x404, chester1-story_647_072117100627[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but in the end
>it didn't even matter

>> No.11575568
File: 118 KB, 644x1200, ECs-FjmXoAAW_rc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you think you were?
stringlets are fraud, but these two kikes we discuss itt are just ridiculous.

>> No.11575711

I don't think weinstein has some revolutionary theory. Fucker just hates academia. And more importantly, he's trying to make stringlets wake the fuck up. Noble I suppose. Still a retard.

>> No.11576996

Cursed lol

>> No.11577798

>a suitable replacement for peer review.
Implying peer-review is so something that needs a replacement for some other reason than the maintenance of grant funding.

>> No.11577886
File: 1.92 MB, 2932x2868, TIMESAND___TGU2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted his Optimum Theory on Weinsteins twitter
I got blocked by EricRWeinstein after I posted my papers with calls for him to admit that my model had motivated the thing he discussed with the media as Geometric Unity.

>> No.11578087

Did Gary finally upload his spreadsheet on his website?
Did this schizo deliver finally?

>> No.11578270

This >>11572278 isn't him
This >>11572248 is, but I would be surprised if this "polite Anon" exists.

>> No.11578297

schizo jewish posters are funny but they never deliver
let him and his ideas die with him

>> No.11578672

>after a bunch of @s to joe rogan and jordan b peterson


>> No.11579162
File: 253 KB, 668x509, TIMESAND___GordianKnot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can anybody please readpill me on the subject of c.a.?
The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model

>> No.11580343


>> No.11580698

Seems Weinstein might be the new Einstein

>> No.11580712


That would unironically make perfect sense since Einstein was also a smokescreen, and I doubt even 1 in 1 million have any fucking idea what I am talking about.