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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.01 MB, 1517x1448, The Six Stats 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11562342 No.11562342 [Reply] [Original]

<--What does /sci/ make of these figures?

>> No.11562351

Dumb nigger, you don’t understand stats. Sage

>> No.11562357
File: 428 KB, 494x954, bat noodle soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa boomer. Slow down. I'm lost in all those specifics.

>> No.11562394
File: 77 KB, 810x813, old lady CV 102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11562399

I notice you cropped the 2018 date out of that top headline this time. Very nice, I like to see attention to detail in my shills. Stop by my office tomorrow and we'll talk about your promotion.

>> No.11562417
File: 142 KB, 843x1024, Death Count Plummets l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it matter? 80k in 2018 would be 82k in 2020 due to US population growth, which actually reinforces the point.

>> No.11562431
File: 1.51 MB, 1622x2723, California Corona Projection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clearly safe to go back to work in California.

>> No.11562461 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 952x500, 1586710074447-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11562490

Wait later until she gets infected again.

>> No.11562497

Flu death count is not a covid stat.

>> No.11562499

Blatant manipulation of statistics. Look at the numbers daily.

Over 2000 people died of coronavirus in the US alone yesterday. This means coronavirus is deadlier than all other causes of death.


>> No.11562505


>> No.11562529
File: 864 KB, 1638x1722, California Corona Projection v Mort copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Now look at these numbers.

>> No.11562552

>using yearly statistics to argue against daily deaths
Yeah, you're an idiot.

>> No.11562563

TOTAL. Sickypoos go bye bye in summer. Cope.

>> No.11562577

These Coronavirus death toll estimations are low because they ACCOUNT FOR LOCKDOWN. If there was no lockdown in so many states the projected death toll would be hundreds of thousands

>> No.11562589

i have never seen a single shred of evidence that says you can be reinfected. Everysingle time, every single article linked, always had to be redacted because it was found out that they were using faulty tests that couldn't tell the difference between covid-19 and water.

>> No.11562597

gg centenarian-kun
t. Coronachan

>> No.11562603

You do realize that the quarantine doesn't just stop infection, it also forces the virus to mutate a specific way right?

>> No.11562625

It is in man's nature to over or under react as a collective. People were way too slow to recognize the threat and take appropriate action and now that it's hit are overreacting and acting like it's a doomsday threat worth tanking an economy over. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

This virus isn't going anywhere and we've achieved the mission of saving hospital space from an initial barrage. It's time to reopen portions of society in pieces and as they're most useful and advise the most vulnerable to continue to self isolate while we let this disease naturally run its course.

>> No.11562674

This is not an overreaction you Kool-Aid drinking moron. Every medical scientist in the world is saying if we don't stay home millions will die. Stop pretending you know anything because the orange clown on TV said the economy is more important than people.

>> No.11562684
File: 325 KB, 704x528, 1544704370914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

153 people die per day of the Flu
2000 people die per day of Covid-19

>it's just the flu!

>> No.11562766
File: 450 KB, 965x681, vaccine 50 50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists are fucking idiots. If they could predict the future, they'd be making real money working for themselves. Fucking wagecucks.

>> No.11562769

If everyone who dies with cancer, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease etc. gets counted as flu-death if positive for influenza, what would the number be?

>> No.11562775

No one died of AIDS numbnuts

AIDS doesn't kill anyones body, just destroys the immune system so other infections come in and kill the poor fucker.

And those people do get counted in influenza, it just has whatever pre-existing condition as a co-morbidity.

>> No.11562784

Not with that hypertension ranking, you're not.

>> No.11562790

That's not how an error bar works in a log chart, you should now that.

>> No.11562794
File: 721 KB, 500x281, womens sports.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one died of AIDS
Your dad did.

>> No.11562797

>If they be so smart why do they have no more moneyzz!?

>> No.11562800

I’m thinking when this is over the actual death toll when you take into account all of the asymptotic and mild cases not needing any hospital supervision will be 1.5 to 2 percentL

>> No.11562804

Yeah, he did. That's why coronavirus gets counted when it kills a different asshole like yourself

>> No.11562810

who said something about aids?

Yeah, but with covid-19, if you die because of cancer but are tested positive for sars-cov-2, you are categorised as covid-19 death at the moment, there is no further examination.

>> No.11562814

Literal nonsense


That woman died 2 days later. Strangely, I can no longer find the article about it. Hmm.

Overall, even if it was /just/ as bad as the flu, we still dont need a second flu going around. This whole debacle has really exposed the values of our public servants, and their ineptitudes.

Literally makes me want to eugenically steer the human race into vulcanhood.

>> No.11562817

1.- Person has leukemia.
2.- Gets COVID
3.- Dies of respiratory complications


>> No.11562825

Called it!

>> No.11562826

Well, that persons immune system would def be fucked from you know the cancer and chemo. Of course if they got SARS 2 they’d be fucked. Come on now, the cancer did kill them, because it has nuked their immune response.

>> No.11562832

Too add
If a person has AIDS and dies from a staph infection. Do you think the AIDS killed them or the staph infection?

>> No.11562834

UNPOPULAR OPINION: I think God killed him for being gay.

>> No.11562922

What are you retarded or something? The economy IS important. Do you know how many people are reliant on the current economy? Do you realize just how bad things could get if you continue this lockdown?

You think millions dead from coronavirus is bad, the economy affects us all. Imagine how many people will suffer from food shortages, job loss, homelessness, lack of medical care/medicine.

Stopping the economy like this is like stopping your heart. You can't do it for long and you should consider yourself damn lucky to come out of it in one piece.

So tired of these retards out here with their stupid countersignaling against something everyone who isn't totally self-reliant relies on to some degree. The economy matters. You shouldn't worship it but it matters.

>> No.11562937
File: 122 KB, 960x720, CDB507519C6040C7B0751ADBBF1BCC6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fucking tired of these fear mongers who spread false information and blow things way out of proportion.

Either you don't care at all or your one of the many insufferable faggots who constantly spatter the same lines over and over like robots out here without any actual discussion. Just copy paste old links and the same fucking jokes and counter signals.

Need more people like you anon. I can't even hold a discussion with these idiots because no matter what I show them they'll still spout the same shit like some NPC

>> No.11562952

The death rate isn't the issue, it's how contagious and immune-novel the virus is. There's a lot of people with chronic illness.

>> No.11562968

Who will overload hospitals causing a huge death rate ... which hasn't happened. NOTHINGBURGER.

>> No.11562973

Read this >>11555170

>> No.11563016
File: 146 KB, 650x488, 1586739812071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: retarded sheep who believe CNN that the sky is falling

>> No.11564561


>> No.11564909

are you saying the virus is going to mutate and become a gamer?

>> No.11565291

>50% efficacy flu shot
That'd be a pretty good year for it.