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File: 130 KB, 572x456, SmartSelect_20200412-110440_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11556143 No.11556143 [Reply] [Original]

I've been working on a web dev (node/angular) project that lets you ask the world a question and see how they vote on live map and chat about it too.

what do you guys think?



you can click the big plus to suggest the next question.

>> No.11556148

why do you care?

>> No.11556155

> what do you guys think?
Shouldn't you be asking the ai this?
Should post this to /pol/ also

>> No.11556158

lol hell ya

>> No.11556161

maybe this will fare well on >>>/b/ as well

>> No.11556162
File: 80 KB, 775x720, 1583029130502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Fuck off reddit niggers and give me some real answers. Also samefag

>> No.11556171

you fuck off stupid nigger faggot and go post it on >>>/pol/ or >>>/b/ we don't give a fuck about whatever the fuck it is you want from this weaboo faggot

>> No.11556175

its pretty cool m8 is it open source?
where do you want to take this?
seems like it could have a future.

>> No.11556177
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>> No.11556179

to expand on that
I think it would be cool if you could make 'rooms' where a mod (or group of mods) can invite or kick people from the discussion.
It would be cool to keep the anonymity while having some control over shills and shitposters.

>> No.11556181
File: 15 KB, 552x539, 1585633336814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know.. people like this shithead

>> No.11556183

I like the bipoller.com name
I voted on a thing and it asked my location which I denied (firefox) and my vote came up from hidden location, that normal?

>> No.11556187

no idea it started as just a fun project but I leaned a lot and kept applying it.

>> No.11556192
File: 57 KB, 644x522, ...0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're basically describing 4chan you mind numbingly dull simpleton

>> No.11556202

yeah it is.

if you don't hide your location it will put a 50km radius around your location and randomise a spot in that radius.

if you do hide your location for now it will put you at 0,0 (near Africa) and show your vote as hidden.

I'm toying with letting people select their location on a map like say Pol allows to select a flag. or some other work around that isnt invasive.

>> No.11556203

yeah i realized
but there's nothing wrong with riffing on a theme
4chan itself is a ripoff 2chan anyways

>> No.11556216

but this theme is fucking gay and stupid and what the fuck would be the point? somehow catch criminals maybe? i mean, shit'll just turn into another form of trying to get the most tweets or lieks or views jesus it sounds fucking gay

>> No.11556219

you sound like you never build something and only tear down what others build so you don't feel bad about doing nothing.
in other words a piece of shit

>> No.11556222

no i actually liek being nothing and doing nothing as in i dont fucking give a fuck about stupid gay shit liek this that just turns into some gay popularity contest addiction faggotry liek all internet shit fuck you

>> No.11556228

and once-a-fucking-gain i reiterate stupid cunt faggot op, what do you want from this? To make money off it? Fucking go for it stupid cunt. You want an "ATTABOY SON! GOOD JOB!"? id liek to know.

>> No.11556229
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forgot pic

>> No.11556252

im not op, you're not op
but you sure are gay

>> No.11556258
File: 1.99 MB, 267x200, .........1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whiny bitch go away

>> No.11556259

Don't listen to the butthurt faggots on here OP, this is a really cool idea.

>> No.11556264
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>> No.11556859

I find the moving dots effect annoying.

>> No.11556893

Let the answerers able to describe themselves by some demographics, show demographic statistics too.

>> No.11556911

Why does the site want to talk to embed.redditmedia.com?
Also, it's painfully slow on my shitbox. If you want everyone on Earth to be able to use it, consider using less bloaty shit, and don't use a gif as background, or whatever that is.

>> No.11556955

Think about VPN interaction.

>> No.11556980

> making the privacy conscious people niggers
you're glowing OP

>> No.11557248

that is unnecessary. Just use analytics from the computer or browser to identify the individual and determine the demographics objectively.

>> No.11557353

how do you decide who asks?

would this be more engaging that Chatroulette?

>> No.11557444

If you enjoy internet conversations with strangers individually not just "I have nothing to do" sample from population, chat roullete may be good.

But in this aspect it should be like statistics.


I would allow multiple choice and demography of answers. Not just nationality, but some respondednt profile...

Political prefferrences, country, age, income, if is self the maker of it's own income.

Stuff like that...

Then you can do by it is much more ...

You can even sell data on popular questions if you manage to get more demographics.

Make levels of how detailed data about self user provide and with user choosen depth, you can operate in sociology or sell some statistics from a political view for some companies.

It's possible to be more than just a fun with that.

Make logins there, so people will have profile...

Include virtual rewards which they can use to ask something to a specific group of users.

>> No.11557672

It's cool but the geolocation seems weird and unnecessary

>> No.11558915
File: 458 KB, 1365x2048, jh0gfb3ktvkz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep OP should make some kind of real time heatmap, that'll be cool

bumpin underated thread to find the meaning of life

>> No.11558940

It would be nice to pull the location data to a county level given how big some states are (if that's possible).

>> No.11560256

The one 'principle' I wanted to avoid with the website was a login.

It was meant to always be something you can just arrive and shitpost on without needing to sign up or provide an email or something.

They're gone now. Smaller dots. Il'l switch back to a static image for slower machines.

There is a question queue.

One interesitng thing i've been toying with is, should polls be extended to 24 hours each?

The reason being with only 2-3 users per hour or something, theres very little interaction, whereas if the questions lasts 24 hours each question would have a lot of 'back and forth' chat collected over the last 24 hours.