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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 155 KB, 1000x650, Conway_1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11555746 No.11555746 [Reply] [Original]

John Conway has died due to complications of the Coronavirus

>> No.11555748


>> No.11555752

We need a sticky

>> No.11555760

> Something went wrong. Try again.
Why is that? Is the twitter AI freaking out?

>> No.11555786
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>> No.11555790


>> No.11555846

is it confirmed?

>> No.11555865

Who? Is it obligatory jewish whorship time again?

>> No.11555888

He's anglo.

>> No.11555891

The inventor of the Conway's Game of Life. Something that taught me some deep mathematics

>> No.11555920
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the fabled hoax-within-a-hoax

>> No.11555939

Conway did so much more than introduce the game of life. The guy is an inspiration.

>> No.11555989

rest in peace, Dr. Conway

>> No.11555993

surreal numbers are cool RIP

>> No.11556052

Game of Life was pretty much something he did on his free time, which ended up being not only fun to play with but also something interesting to study for the CS guys. The guy was an incessant source of creativity.

>> No.11556058
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I can see it just fine.

>> No.11556080


>> No.11556129


>> No.11556169

hours later, yes. Now I can also see it

>> No.11556184

That's even worse.

>> No.11556200


>> No.11556315

I'm going to need something more credible than a twitter tweet from 6 hours ago with no other mainstream confirmation.

>> No.11556340

the guy is old as fuck, why would his friend lie about that? mans dead deal with it

>> No.11556416

>His wife confirmed his dead.
Well lads

>> No.11556425

Theres nothing left

Theres no point

None of this matters

>> No.11556471



>> No.11556497

Fuuuck. Love me some CAs, dude was an inspiration dude was an inspiration to me.

>> No.11556505 [DELETED] 

they all get what they deserve. rootless cosmopolitans and filthy third-world vermin have effected this disease, and they shall bear the brunt of it. good riddance.

>> No.11556887


>> No.11556890

man fuck this
I'm actually sad to hear it

>> No.11556891

>Game of Life was pretty much something he did on his free time
It was related to the question of Mars Exploration actually.
Which lead to Von Neumann wanting to construct a self replicating automaton, which ended up really complex, Conway and his friends tried to come up with something simpler.
It's somewhere in here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cQUAwhhC8cU&t=4690s

>> No.11556900

Holy shit. RIP. One of the greats.

>> No.11556907

can't we just put the right number of dead and alive people around him to switch him back to alive again?

>> No.11556934


>> No.11556954

Incorrect and sodomypilled

>> No.11556960

so jewish

>> No.11557000

This is bullshit. China NEEDS to be punished for this. If it was a few chinks getting the virus and kicking the bucket, it'd be fine but now we're losing scientists and mathematicians. People who matter.

>> No.11557007

>muh revenge

>> No.11557020

"h-hey ling ping xing xao pong, i know your diverse and beautiful culture may or may not have led to a global pandemic, but w-we'll power through it together!"

open your eyes you cuck

>> No.11557026
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let's not cry over a grumpy neckbeard too much

>> No.11557031

Fuck off, brainlet. If you think revenge is good in any way, you're the biggest simpleton on this board.

>> No.11557045

Old people dying is a good thing.

>> No.11557049

Rest in peace
Mods, please sticky this

>> No.11557050

old politicians dying is a good thing. old scientists and researchers dying is not.

>> No.11557052


>> No.11557062

ever heard of science progressing "one funeral at a time?"

>> No.11557066
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>old scientists and researchers dying is not.
came here to say this

I feel the meme that post 50yo authorities block scientific revolutions is well true

>> No.11557073

No it isn't. Old people are the pillar of civilization.

>> No.11557093

>China NEEDS to be punished for this.
And the WHO too.

But Conway didn't. When a famous theorem was proven with the help of computers one of the people who had (without a computer) "proven" it previously (the proof was apparently riddled with obvious errors when Conway got to see the preprint, which upset him) he tried to defending the author and even got so far as writing to the publisher, trying to explain to them how the computer based proof was highly rigorous.
Him recounting that story can be found in the YouTube video in >>11556891.

You really can not accuse him of trying to "gatekeep" new methods or hindering mathematics.

>> No.11557105

Was addressing the blanket statement made by>>11557062. Old farts dying is generally good. Ofc in Conway's case it's sad.

>> No.11557127


imagine coming up with complex mathematical theories only to die because some chink ate a bat LMAOOOO

>> No.11557129

"When you play the Game of Life, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
- John H. Conway

>> No.11557131


somebody should implement a version of game of life where the cells decide to start eating bats and then all the cells start dying suddenly

>> No.11557138

One of the most overrated mathematicians of the 21th century.

>> No.11557211

He for sure never been to edges of reality...

They are like edges of matter, they have layers.

>> No.11557246

Agree, every dead person is an extra point in the dow jones

>> No.11557575
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lol. Most people are not even familiar with his math and just think he's the life man. Initiates know he published the greatest coffee table book ever.

>> No.11557641

F. i hope it's not real though.

>> No.11557653 [DELETED] 

i did not mean to say "good riddance" earlier. it was only in frustration toward the chinese and their plague.

the wiki article is talking about him in the past tense but it doesn't say anything about him dying.

>> No.11557655

which books of his have you read, anons? i'm thinking of trying the Sensual Quadratic Form in his honour, and maybe Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays after

>> No.11557713

This is what John Conway wanted to understand before he died.


>> No.11557764

trump is responsible for every single american

>> No.11557787

Can we just nuke all chinks?

>> No.11558280

I love John Conway :(

>> No.11558360


>> No.11558446

Looks like Conway lost the Game of Life.

>> No.11558778

>unironically writing down this kindergarden level joke

>> No.11559235

some sad shit right there

>> No.11559298

why the FUCK is there no sticky

>> No.11559304

How is revenge not a good thing in this case? Revenge means deterrence which means a better future.

>> No.11559402

Were the complications that he had fewer than 2 live neighbours?

>> No.11559411
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The madman finally found a way to lose the game of life!

>> No.11559794

Oh no!

>> No.11559805

good riddance

>> No.11559921

Wow, rude.

>> No.11560084

HAHAHAHA the epic jokes in here am I right gais

>> No.11560090

lol internet

>> No.11560101

No, the family is the pillar of civilization.

>> No.11560119

F; I wonder how many others will be lost.

>> No.11560529


>> No.11560560

He was conwayed to the other side

>> No.11560616

why would anybody like Conway

>> No.11560632

>old politicians dying is a good thing
Any politicians.

>> No.11561122


>> No.11561159

>I wonder how many others will be lost.
At least Freeman Dyson said fuck you to the virus and made sure to depart before the pandemic.

>> No.11561252


>> No.11561253


>> No.11561257

w8 dyson is dead?

>> No.11561371

Big F. I haven't seen anything about this on the Beeb as well which is pretty depressing

>> No.11561444

Rest in peace.

>> No.11561487

F, deleting all my corona memes

>> No.11562001

How does /v/ have a sticky for a fucking VA, but /sci/ has no sticky for one of the most based mathematicians of our time?


>> No.11562208

remember when you faggots were telling me it was just a flu and that i was a schizo for freaking out? fuck you guys

>> No.11562220

A grew up in Princeton and used to see him walking around. Last time I saw him was a few years ago after he gad a stroke. It's not that surprising I guess. I used to orbit around Fine Hall also, his office was pretty cool.

>> No.11562228

yeah, an 82 year old far past his physical and mental prime died, shit is serious now

>> No.11562231

why is /sci/ somehow one of the dumbest boards on here?

>> No.11562237

>Died on Feb 28th from a fall
Truly sad.

>> No.11562243

The modern plague of scientism infects a great deal of people here.

>> No.11562249
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>> No.11562274
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>For so long as I have not yet achieved that level, I must acknowledge the possibility that I can never achieve it, that my native talent is not sufficient. When Marcello Herreshoff had known me for long enough, I asked him if he knew of anyone who struck him as substantially more natively intelligent than myself. Marcello thought for a moment and said "John Conway-I met him at a summer math camp." Darn, I thought, he thought of someone, and worse, it's some ultra-famous old guy I can't grab. I inquired how Marcello had arrived at the judgment. Marcello said, "He just struck me as having a tremendous amount of mental horsepower," and started to explain a math problem he'd had a chance to work on with Conway.

>Not what I wanted to hear.

>Perhaps, relative to Marcello's experience of Conway and his experience of me, I haven't had a chance to show off on any subject that I've mastered as thoroughly as Conway had mastered his many fields of mathematics.

>Or it might be that Conway's brain is specialized off in a different direction from mine, and that I could never approach Conway's level on math, yet Conway wouldn't do so well on AI research.


>...or I'm strictly dumber than Conway, dominated by him along all dimensions. Maybe, if I could find a young proto-Conway and tell them the basics, they would blaze right past me, solve the problems that have weighed on me for years, and zip off to places I can't follow.

Is Le Metabolic Privilege Man right about John Conway?

>> No.11563059


>> No.11563104


>> No.11563126

BASED coronavirus. SSSSS

Eat shit boomer

>> No.11563145

Every board is the opposite.

/tv/ is full of people who don't watch tv or film
/v/ is for people who hate video games
/pol/ is full of sjws
/biz/ is full of people who don't have any money
/sci/ is the brainlet board

>> No.11563440

>/b/ is refuge for high IQ people
I knew it!

>> No.11563445


>> No.11563581

More liek John Coronaway rite gais

>> No.11563755

RiP Wolverine.

>> No.11563801

Looks more like Hannibal Lecter to me.

>> No.11565388


>> No.11565418

Because of COVID-19

>> No.11566235

it's just a game of life

>> No.11566264
File: 995 KB, 218x228, 5B22FF14-0264-4105-9FB8-B613C3108F8B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ is the brainlet board
>tfw you’ve been in the retard containment board this whole time

>> No.11566281

>/tv/ is full of people who don't watch tv or film
Can personally confirm this is true.

>> No.11566866

Might be a Mandela effect here but anyone remember him dying like three months ago and Numberphile releasing some video they did with him a long time back?

>> No.11567176

Rip in piss

>> No.11567812

Now it's Game of Death.

>> No.11568766

Kek this is so accurate

>> No.11568775

Based anon makes astute observations.