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11554280 No.11554280 [Reply] [Original]

>one (1) bat flu pandemic with 1-3% death rate causes every healthcare system in the world to go to verge of collapse

Why does this happen? Why are they not prepared for this kind of thing? Why are hospitals not built to sustain viral pandemics, considering they have been common for most of human history?

>> No.11554302

being prepared would have cost $1 bn / year
how cheap that now sounds like

>> No.11554349

The same reason your car doesn’t have 50 seats, or the bus have 200 seats, or the supermarket doesn’t hold 10 times what they sell, or the school doesn’t have an extra 500 empty seats, or the movie theater doesn’t have 600 seats incase one popular movie sells out, and why mcdonalds doesn’t have 10 drive thru lanes

>> No.11554424


>> No.11554453

>Why are they not prepared for this kind of thing?
They didn't listen when in 2013 literally every expert on the topic warned politicians that wrre not prepared. They continued not listening when Bill Gates warned us 2014.
It's always more important to maintain exponential economical growth over anything else.

>> No.11554456

Trump disbanded the CDC's pandemic response unit and bragged about it.


>> No.11554461

>Why are they not prepared for this kind of thing?
In most western cunts, they have been systematically scaled back preparedness since the fall of the Soviet Union.

>> No.11554585

Yes, retard.

>> No.11554591

No he fucking did not, Snopes is lying to you and you are a gullible faggot for believing them.

>> No.11554611

feel free to disprove a single detail of it

>> No.11554614

Privatized healthcare (reduction of costs vs. actual quality infrastructure and attention) and the fact that the Western liberal state can't do jack shit since it's an apparatus of the rich to impose their policy over workers. Ask yourself why Wuhan/China could contain the virus successfully while Europe is still struggling. (inb4 fake numbers — I doubt it would be that easy to fake when even the Chinese are connected to the rest of the world through a few clicks, and even if they were faked they wouldn't be too far away from the actual rates.)

>> No.11554863

Surely if the system is built in such a way that a pandemic (a very common occurence throughout history) can collapse it within a matter of months, then the system is not a good one?

>> No.11554866

Looks like you have just discovered what is actually meant by ideology.

>> No.11555072

Healthcare hasn't collapsed though

>> No.11555110


imagine if chinks just could not put everything that moves into their mouth

>> No.11555154

They ARE fake, moron. They lied about the virus at literally every stage of the outbreak. Why wouldn't they lie now?

>> No.11555158

>Why does this happen?
Ever heard of hospitalization, retard?

>> No.11555193

I live in the rural united states and haven't seen a doctor in over a decade, it's only for the rich.

>> No.11555278

3rd world u.s.

>> No.11556122


>> No.11556128

get out of here with your rational thinking

>> No.11556145

>Why does this happen?
socio-political decisions. you have a whole economic system that decided to avoid spending much on what people need, and to send factories that build vital stuff to some far away country

>> No.11556152


>> No.11556226

oh well that settles it then

>> No.11556234

hard to be prepared for something we don't understand. Seems liek the biggest fuckup is not enough m95 masks. enough of them and making it mandatory to wear 24/7 when not eating or showering etc shoudlve done the trick for containment, and given us enough tiem to understand and come up with a long term approach

>> No.11556237

Consider how many congressmen are epidemiologists or medical doctors or scientists. They are all scientifically and technologically illiterate and no one realizes that pandemics/epidemics are far more of a threat than any conventional war today.

>> No.11556245
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complacency and the misery of litigation nigger, china kinda has it right but then again their fucking country is nothing but deceit lies and retardation not to mention a severe lack of empathy in terms of their culture USA USA USA USA USA USA