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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11553498 No.11553498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1 month ago /sci/ was "it's just the flu bro" and called everyone who said it was more than that /x/ and /pol/. Now when people say the death rates are not as high as we were originally told /sci/ calls them /x/ and /pol/.

This board literally just parrots whatever they think they are supposed to say based on what Rachel Maddow would read off a teleprompter and insults anyone who actually thinks, asks questions and investigates, you know this shit called "science", oh, no, actually you don't know because you are fucking retarded.

Pleebit is unironically a better science forum than here. You are drooling idiots and Bill Nye is a better "scientist" than you will ever be. Of course none of you will ever be however thank god, we have enough moronic techs in the field already fetching coffee.

>> No.11553504

blow it out your ass

>> No.11553505

>Pleebit is unironically a better science forum than here.
You're welcome to go back there. No one will miss you.

>> No.11553508

You will never be shit because guess what? People like me will be interviewing your stupid asses and spot how stupid you are immediately

>> No.11553510


>> No.11553592

enjoy working at a car rental

>> No.11553595

>/sci/ was
no, the diarrhea shitheads from /pol did that

>> No.11553612

I remember there was a fair share of people on /sci/ taking this seriously from the start. I can recall coronaposting from at least mid january with threads asking if this could be serious. Majority scoffed at this, but the portion that took it seriously increased and became majority maybe in mid february.

>> No.11553617

>referring to a board as single entity will benefit me? Better believe I will
>treating the board as one entity will make me look like a retard? LMAO imagine thinking <board> is one person
Just fucking kill yourself. You and every other faggot that thinks like this.

>> No.11553618

>Majority scoffed at this, but the portion that took it seriously increased and became majority
Yes because the idiots here are just consensus monkeys that can't think for themselves and will just parrot what the majority of other idiots say

>> No.11553621

Just kill yourself faggot you are exactly who I am talking about and you know it which is why you are so triggered

>> No.11553623

Truth hurts, huh brainlet?
Put a bullet in your head.

>> No.11553627

Truth hurts, huh brainlet? Just drink bleach. Hoe's mad motherfucker

>> No.11553630

>n-no u
I said kill yourself. Take the advice.

>> No.11553643

you still here? I told you to drink bleach and die autistic motherfucker stop copying me

>> No.11553647

Your post just exhibits how much disinfo and glowfag shilling there is in this site. OP do yourself a favor and don't trust anything on this site, it's just for fun.

>> No.11553659

I can tell from this post that you're one of those middle management cucks who everyone laughs at behind his back. You enter the conference room and the corporate guys just smirk at you and continue talking amongst themselves.
>B-but my mommy said if I work hard I'll be boss of the kids who bullied me in highschool
Get used to being on the bottom of the totem pole forever kid.

>> No.11553705

>everyone laughs at behind his back
ROFL at your projection. I am the guy getting paid the big bucks for the big brains hoe's mad bitch