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11552379 No.11552379 [Reply] [Original]

Which countries use comma and which use point as the decimal sign? And why are there two systems?

>> No.11552393

There used to be many more systems for everything. Thank the Arabs for having such a baller numeric system that we don't have to deal with anything not base-10.

>> No.11552435

Fuck you nigger, base 60 is the best

>> No.11552442

I haven't said shit about base-10, idiot

>> No.11552449

Fuck the arabs.
Having base10 for everything is the prime reason retards view stupid shit like 1/3 = 0,333... as canon law.
Base 12 all the way.

>> No.11552453

it's not about which one is better, it's that one standard is better than two competing systems.

>> No.11552456

How fucking retarded are you?
Half is in some countries written
and in some countries written
Do you understand the fucking question now?

>> No.11552460
File: 1.24 MB, 398x256, 1_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dozenal system

>> No.11552470
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>thinks a base other than base 1 is the best

>> No.11552474

For the 100th fucking time, the op isn't about base, it's about the fact some countries use point while others use comma. Fuck off retards.

>> No.11552477

france uses commas, "vergule"

>> No.11552478

It's good for wide use, mainly trade, it's bad for scientific purposes.

>> No.11552481

do you mean 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000th

>> No.11552482

the only reason it seems weird is because the arabic numeral system was so successful. Different countries integrated it in different ways.

>> No.11552491

What is weird? Only thing weird is the sheer amount of idiots replying.

>> No.11552514
File: 125 KB, 637x476, akko thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being base zero chad

>> No.11552545

>why are there two systems?
Sheer faggotry, that's why. Yup, simple ass fucking faggotry, which is what western European nations excel at. Their men are too busy having anal sex with each other, so their women take over. Women, being retarded, decided that using a FULL STOP to space out their big numbers would be a good idea. That meant they were left with only a comma to express a decimal. Dumb fucking bints.

>> No.11552549

my country uses , but in practice I only use . because of muh programming.

>> No.11552559

comma sucks. just use a dot. 4.5, 5.5, 6.5,...

>> No.11552565

Wtf I love women now
t. krautfag

>> No.11552570
File: 42 KB, 454x453, 1574517393887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking about anything other than base Undefined

>> No.11553915

germany+holland, nordic

>> No.11553919


>> No.11553923

no he means 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100th