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11542922 No.11542922 [Reply] [Original]

Until what age does one grow in height?

>> No.11542934


>> No.11542945

>manlet detected

>> No.11542946

I heard it's 25 at the latest. I'm 6'1 right now and hoping to make the 6'2 mark... not looking like it's going to happen

>> No.11542950

Not how greentext works newfag.
18-19 for most, 21ish if you're lucky, 25 if massive exception

>> No.11542965

I stopped growing my junior year of high school. I think it wildly varies for everyone

>> No.11543007

depends on your genes and probably environment/diet as well
some stop at 16, others in their mid 20s
I stopped at 17 but luckily I was already 6'5". I feel bad for anyone who stopped growing while still a manlet.

>> No.11543029

It depends on the person I definitely stopped growing at around 17 if not 16.

Some people keep growing until 20 but I think it's rare. Growth spurts are quite a well known science now and especially at around 14 it's quite easy to maximise a childs height with diet and weightlifting. That's the major growth spurt.

I was playing vidya and eating a mini fillet burger a day at that age sadly.

>> No.11543032

I stopped growing at 14, and I'm 5'9". Never grew even a fraction of an inch after, lord knows I measured.

>> No.11543086

On average, men stop growing around 25. Women stop growing a little earlier.

>> No.11543119

do you exercise? or are you retarded

>> No.11543135

I dont really think your level of activity has much to do with it
Im the guy above you and just like you I also grew up on a majority fast food diet and sitting on my ass all day since the age of 8

>> No.11543210

Yeah, a little, mostly biking.

>> No.11543214

Also I'm a male btw

>> No.11543229


almost 21, still growing very slowly

>> No.11544578


>> No.11544589


>> No.11544595

upward? 16-20
outward? i don't think you'll ever stop

>> No.11544599

lol manlet

>> No.11544758


>> No.11544762

until one does not any longer, it has nothing to do with age

>> No.11544777
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I'm sorry.

>> No.11544781

If you compare age 90 with age 0, usually at age 90 the height will be more than at age 0. hence scientifically, you grow until age 90.

>> No.11544839

Yes it does.

>> No.11544846

I'm doing a lot of stretches and jumping exercises. Eating a lot of very nutritious foods and getting a good amount of sleep. I will make it to 6'2 - 6'3 hopefully

>> No.11545005

Same here, though I got fucked by scoliosis

>> No.11545275

I wish I were shorter. I don't want to wait until I'm 85 for my spine to compress

>> No.11545366

Peaked in highschool. Lost 1-2 inches 10yrs later.

>> No.11546322

I'm 6'0 at 22 I need just like 1 more inch plz