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File: 1.34 MB, 1492x1967, Boris Johnson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11539109 No.11539109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the chances he survives covid-19?

>> No.11539113

100%, he is rich

>> No.11539116

They're reporting he's on a ventilator and UK government are trying to cover it up. Lots of vague answers from the government. Sounding like he's on death's door but they don't want to announce it out of fear of causing global panic.

>> No.11539128
File: 74 KB, 528x398, 5079670_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't want to announce it out of fear of causing global panic

I hate this mentality. Maybe the public should worried and be extra careful too.
Downplaying the dangers of reality is the line of thinking that created the Chernobyl disaster.
Lying about this to prevent a panic will literally cost people their lives as the virus spreads. You'd think we'd have learned this lesson but time and time again, when a crisis happens we make the same mistake over and over again.

>> No.11539136

1/3 if he is on ventilation.

>> No.11539138

Blame the majority of the public, because they're the sort of people who will start stockpiling the entire nation's worth of pasta and start killing their neighbors for toilet roll if shit gets out of hand. The majority of people are incapable of behaving in a calm or moral manner in a time of extreme crisis.

>> No.11539152

>Lying about this to prevent a panic will literally cost people their lives as the virus spreads
>If you tell the public the truth, they'll run out of toilet paper

Seriously brah? Get your priorities straight

>> No.11539167

No, I'm more worried that telling the truth and not mincing your words with the public will cause them to do genuinely insane shit. Like going round with guns robbing and killing people, raiding supermarkets, rioting. Shit that will actually cause society to break down.

What's best is to stress the seriousness of the virus and that it is life threatening, but not to give precise details of just how fucked things may or may not be. You need to keep some level of calm or else human civilization is not going to get through this.

>> No.11539184

maybe you can handle the truth and stay calm, mijority is not like that. look at the toilet paper idiots or people in USA bying guns. its not as easy as it seems, pal.

>> No.11539189

The really sad thing is that bidets would have prevented it, and we would all have lovely smelling assholes.

>> No.11539194

About as slim as he is

>> No.11539195

I highly doubt it would cause global panic. The human race is so psychologically resilient in the face of hardship. We are evolved to figure shit like this out.

>> No.11539253

So you're saying he has a very good chance of surviving?

>> No.11539277

>They're reporting

>> No.11539309

That anon, lol.

>> No.11539317

Russian news reported last night he was on a ventilator. UK government appears to be covering it up to prevent mass panic.

A world leader dying of covid-19 would certainly be unprecedented. Could have massive implications both domestic and global. I guess we will find out just how bad this situation will get, soon enough.

>> No.11539336

I wouldn't put much faith in Russian news. That said, if Boris Johnson really is in "good spirits," you'd think he or a member of his team would post a short video to prove it.

>> No.11539343

50%, either he does or he doesn't.

>> No.11539351


>> No.11539471

he's in the ICU, they just came out with it

>> No.11539476
File: 41 KB, 1065x579, SAVAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the chances he survives covid-19?

pic related is the exact answer

>> No.11539517

>want to announce it out of fear of causing global panic

fucking lmao why would people panic because some rich politician is dying

>> No.11539532

I remember somewhere that ICU patients survival rate is about 30%. However I imagine for him the bar to get into ICU is much lower so I give at least 50%.

>> No.11539540

A global leader dying in office from a viral pandemic would be totally unprecedented. Correct me if I'm wrong, but no world leaders died during spanish flu did they? Would indicate this virus is much, MUCH worse than the media are telling us.

>> No.11539548

Mob mentality?

The virus would pale in comparison to the shit show that would ensue if information was not tactfully communicated

>> No.11539551

FDR had polio

>> No.11539554

I had a bidet growing up. Never used it once. Actually never realised what the fuck it was

>> No.11539555

Not really comparable.

>> No.11539556 [DELETED] 

There is no evidence of that ever happening. What actually happens is that people get stuck in their homes because they ignored the warnjngs and sometimes a random person gets shot by the police to prevent 'loiting' because they took the wrong bag of rice or something equally ridiculous.
In any case the attempts to prevent 'panic' basically always kills more people than any ensuing disorder. (There usually isn't any).

>> No.11539560

There is no evidence of that ever happening. What actually happens is that people get stuck in their homes because they ignored the warnings and sometimes a random person gets shot by the police to prevent 'looting' because they took the wrong bag of rice or something equally ridiculous.
In any case the attempts to prevent 'panic' basically always kills more people than any ensuing disorder. (There usually isn't any).

>> No.11539562

>Would indicate this virus is much, MUCH worse than the media are telling us.
In what way? Because an idiot that shook hands of those with COVID-19 managed to get and said idiot has plenty of underlying health issues which make him a prime target for severe infection. Seems to fall pretty in line with what the media is saying or do you think being a politician allows you to magically have a stronger immune system?

>> No.11539568

>In what way?
Because if an immensely rich world leader cannot overcome a routine case of covid-19, even despite being prioritised by the NHS and all the stops being pulled out to save his life, then the common man does not stand a chance. Plenty of people will eventually get such a serious case and we will likely see hundreds of millions dead.

>said idiot has plenty of underlying health issues
He doesn't have any underlying health issues as far as I'm aware.

>> No.11539579

This is the real world, not a retarded hollywood movie.

>> No.11539586

They said that in January too.
"A deadly global pandemic won't happen, this isn't some Netflix horror series."
Wake up. Things like this DO happen and they are the norm for 99% of human history. Everything that we are seeing right now, the deaths, the bodies piling up, the political consequences, is something you - an idiot - would have dismissed as "something out of a movie" just a few months ago. Wake up. Horrible shit does happen in this world. The apocalypse is possible.

>> No.11539590

This is the real world, not a retarded hollywood movie. What people actually fear is silence. It's people like you what makes people panic. Giving people 8 years sentences for saying there will be lockdowns is far worse for public morale than any facts about the virus there could be.

>> No.11539595

I mean people rioting and killing each other for no reason whatsoever. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.11539600

Why exactly do you think that's impossible you dumb shit? Riots have happened in history. Indiscriminate mob killings have happened in history. You are so sheltered by peaceful first world modernity that you think these things are "impossible" despite the fact that they happened throughout 99% of human history. The current era of peace and comfort since WW2 ended is the exception, not the rule.

>> No.11539601

>the common man does not stand a chance

he's a fat weak unhealthy man in his 50's, should have tried to stay in shape more eh

>hundreds of millions dead.


>> No.11539602

>He doesn't have any underlying health issues as far as I'm aware.
Childhood pneumonia, heavy drinker and smoker growing up. Now obese. Most stressful job in the country.
Seems like a recipe for disaster to me.

>> No.11539609

>Russian news
Ah yes, the very paragon of truthiness.

>he's in the ICU, they just came out with it
Would it kill you to provide a reliable source?
Nothing there about ventilators. other than
>We do not know the full details of Mr Johnson's condition, but he is conscious and not being ventilated.

>> No.11539623 [DELETED] 

Point me to one exanple where people started killing each other because of a natural disaster.
Natural disorders don't make people riot, shooting random people to prevent riots makes people riot.

>> No.11539628

Point me to one example where people started killing each other because of a natural disaster.
Natural disasters don't make people riot, shooting random people to prevent riots makes people riot.

>> No.11539668 [DELETED] 

What do you think makes people feel better?
'This is what the virus does, this is how much to kill, this is what we have to do to fight it'


'It's just the flu bro, but you are not allowed to go anywhere or you will ruin your life. Don't even dare to say it's worse than the flu or we will ruin your life.'

You are severely mentally disabled or a psychopath if you think the latter is bettet. ESPECIALLY in countries where people are not used to live under tyranny.

>> No.11539674

What do you think makes people feel better?
'This is what the virus does, this is how much it kills, this is what we have to do to fight it'
'It's just the flu bro, but you are not allowed to go anywhere or we will ruin your life. Don't even dare to say it's worse than the flu or we will ruin your life.'

You are severely mentally disabled or a psychopath if you think the latter is bettet. ESPECIALLY in countries where people are not used to live under tyranny.

>> No.11539678

it would be pretty fucking funny if he died

>> No.11539682

He's already dead

>> No.11539687

>Because if an immensely rich world leader cannot overcome a routine case of covid-19

It's a disease - it doesn't give a shit about the wealth of the person who has it. If he dies it changes nothing about the lethality of the disease and if anything more people would start taking it seriously i..e minimising going out completely. The populace worldwide would be like whipped beaten dogs - any defiance gone. The overall lethality of the disease would not change however.

>> No.11539721

>It's a disease - it doesn't give a shit about the wealth of the person who has it.
Quality of care matters. Boris is presumably getting the best. If he dies, it's much different from some old person in Italy who was pushed to the side so a younger person could be treated.

>> No.11539722

Poor. He has the body of someone who has never even thought about going to the gym. 100% flab. He's cooked.

>> No.11539749

>Quality of care matters. Boris is presumably getting the best

Every individual who ends up in ICU will get the treatment needed that should supposedly bring them through in the UK. Even being Prime Minister and wealthy only changes the fact they will monitor him more - the treatment is still the same irrespective. There are no known anti-virals or medicines that can reverse this or suppress it. He's moved to ICU, they give him the same standard of care but just keep an extra close eye - there is literally nothing more they can do more. How well he manages it is more down to his current co-morbidites and health - which aren't exactly fantastic for his age to begin with.

>> No.11539753


>> No.11539772

How is Soros and other old fossils doing?

>> No.11539793

ICU means ventilator why else would they send him there fucking spergs. inb4 b-but he’s just getting extra help cause he’s rich.

t. Med student

>> No.11539799

>BBC reliable source
I’m dead

>> No.11539801

You prefer the Sun??

>> No.11539803

>one of the world's most stressful jobs

RIP in peace.

>> No.11539806

Not even royalty is safe.

>> No.11539808

Will it be the end of politicians shaking hands and kissing babies?

>> No.11539820

I hope they start dry humping the adults and punting the babies.

>> No.11539829
File: 298 KB, 600x480, qsgknqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't know, but regardless if he lives or dies it's one more nail in the coffin of those who disregard the Covid-19 situation. I don't know how it's gotten to such a point where people still downplay a serious matter like this but the entire affair makes me unnerved and ill.

Worrying about the health of your older family members, flinching at any sign that implicates sickness. It's really not a good state of affairs.

I imagine that if any possible vaccine that's in the works is ready for testing trials they'll probably use it on him.

>> No.11539831

Being severely inbred counts as an underlying condition.

>> No.11539835

>Don't know, but regardless if he lives or dies it's one more nail in the coffin of those who disregard the Covid-19 situation.
Barely anyone is still disregarding the situation, we're just fatigued. There's only so much bad news you can take before you just shut down, and the news with covid is REALLY bad and constant. At this point I don't want to hear anymore about it, I just want to lock myself in my house for 6 months and play video games and forget that the outside even exists.

>> No.11539849

Hopefully nil.

>> No.11539853


Is being prime minister of any country all that stressful? They have no backlog of work. They have no deparment of their own. Everything about the papers about how hard Prime Ministers have to work seems a bit of a myth put out by the Press Office. If you think about it: what do they have to do really?

Chair the cabinet: 2:30 hours per week.
Chair a couple of cabinet committees: 4 hours per week.
Answer questions on the House: 30 minutes per week.
Audience with the Queen on: 1 hour.
8 hours a week really.

Of course they have to read all the briefs, to rush from place to place, shaking hands with people. But other than that there's a lot of things people want you to do, lots of things you should do, a number of things you can do, but very few things you have to do. After that is all up to the you, you are the Boss.

>> No.11539863

>Downplaying the dangers of reality is the line of thinking that created the Chernobyl disaster
Why wont you idiots just stay in /pol/

>> No.11539866


>Is being prime minister of any country all that stressful?

Just like being the head of any organization the most stress comes from climbing to the top. Unless you're born into wealth or starting an organization from scratch.

>> No.11539879

Dont be crying to us when you catch people raping your mom

>> No.11539900

My m8 in the british ceremonial regiment just got called up.
He does holiday ceremonies, royal weddings, and funerals of heads of state...

>> No.11539908

he kinda looked unhealthy already tho

>> No.11539909

Which royal is getting married this time?

>> No.11539926

Hopefully 0 for that dried up wankstain

>> No.11539967

If the Chinese party could lie about western deaths, it would do it in a heartbeat.
Sorry if it's not the thread, but I had to get it out of my chest.

>> No.11539968


It's a precaution, but still...sad.

>> No.11540218

holy shit imagine thinking the world revolves around the usa and muh guns

>> No.11540289
File: 36 KB, 806x471, 2FD4C250-FF34-47AB-B4CB-E00FE9E3C387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karma for that herd mentality bs. Real question is if pic related is next

>> No.11540290

Bloody hell I meant immunity

>> No.11540313

Plenty of kings and even popes died of plagues in the past. Some royal families were even decimated by shit like smallpox.

>> No.11540335

i'm sure this fucker has been taking it seriously since day one because he isn't a fucking idiot. he has probably also leaned hard on his US propaganda machines to spread disinformation to further destabilize our nation by taking advantage of all the conservative tards in this country. our shit response is going to knee-cap our economy and kill 100k+ people, when it absolutely never had to be this way. I was taking this seriously back in January, and so should our federal government.

>> No.11540348

Is he Anglo or German stock?

>> No.11540367

Likely, but not certain by any means. That he got bad enough to need to be intubated (because that's what being moved to an ICU means) should be a cause for some serious concern, but it'll depend on how healthy he was before.

>> No.11540403
File: 149 KB, 1024x1022, Header_3045129_1.1-1024x1022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems like he takes it seriously enough. Pic related.

>> No.11540409
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>> No.11540412
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>> No.11540778


>> No.11540795

>i'm sure this fucker has been taking it seriously since day one because he isn't a fucking idiot.
Exactly, say what you want about Russia but Putin has always played his cards right.

>> No.11540800

In some areas they might have social distancing block parties to celebrate

>> No.11540840

>fucking lmao why would people panic because some rich politician is dying
Exactly. If a rich 1st world politician dies, normies will realize they stand no chance and panic.

>> No.11540864

he's in ICU.
50/50 he lives.

>> No.11540893
File: 909 KB, 1242x1626, 54B9FF92-EFB9-4701-93FB-246F00DE629A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not careful enough comrades. He’s in self quarantine now

>> No.11540935

>psychologically resilient in the face of hardship
you have never met a millennial or zoomer, right?

>> No.11540982

He will survive, but never be interviewed or shown publicly again, since the obvious signs of his fucked lungs will upset people and cause panic.

>> No.11541022
File: 450 KB, 1242x1972, 1576731354559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly, his health situation was leaked. Lots of anons contacted moms/dads who are in medical profession and asked them for a prognosis.
Almost all of them concluded that, if the info was correct, he's fucked.

>> No.11541104

hes ded

>> No.11541151

>anti-nuclear propaganda
The Chernobyl operators did nothing wrong.

>> No.11541157

wasn't he the biggest it's just a flu bro leader around?

>> No.11541169

Never misses out an occasion to display himself

>> No.11541171
File: 25 KB, 654x469, images.jpeg-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Boris.

Poor little Boris.

>> No.11541204

Actually it wouldn't be. He's quite a decent guy from what I hear. Let's hope he pulls through.

>> No.11541209

The British predominantly are Germans, genetically speaking due to repeated invasions by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Normans, etc.

>> No.11541210

I strongly disagree with his politic, but he doesn't seem like an evil guy, so no that wouldn't really be funny.
At most it would be ironic, considering his first reaction to the plague. And even then it wouldn't be that ironic when you think about it.

>> No.11541299
File: 7 KB, 296x170, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the Brazilian one.

>> No.11541308


He's not a global leader, he's a prime minister of UK. So only UK cares about it, remotely tho.


Normies hate politicians and regularly wish them to be shot on sight.

>> No.11541314

People in the UK are starting to break lockdowns and go out, I would bet money he was sent to ICU when there was no need on purpose to make people stop doing that.

>> No.11541317

anglos are from britain already you monglo

>> No.11541323

the boomer shall fear the microscopic non-living capsule

>> No.11541326

anyone who justifies strong fracturing changes in a country under the hood of "51% lmao that's democracy" is NOT a decent guy, simply another puppet with a diferent mask

>> No.11541364

No, he's just british.
That is how they normally look.

>> No.11541371

hopefully zero percent, unless "zero" is not a METRIC approved stat

basically nothing, nonexistence, lack of matter

>> No.11541382

Too high.

>> No.11541397

Anglo-Saxons are infact a cultural group consisting of Germanic tribes that migrated to Britain in the post-Roman period. The group derives its name from two such peoples: the Angles and the Saxons.

The Angles originally settled in the north tip of Germany.

>> No.11541425

Turkish stock

>> No.11541437

>A global leader dying in office from a viral pandemic would be totally unprecedented.
Why is /sci/ so uneducated in history?

>> No.11541442

absolute wishful thinking

>> No.11541468

Yeah can confirm. I work at the hospital he's in as a junior doctor (though i'm not on his ward), his death is pretty much certain from what I hear, I reckon he'll pass either tonight or tomorrow morning. Expect an official announcement by Thursday though.

>> No.11541490

>works in hospital as a junior doctor
>has time to shitpost on /sci/ in the middle of the day

>> No.11541537

no, those are indians

>> No.11541552

Yeah? Tell me the initials of your head technician in both ICUs then...

>> No.11541567

Mhanz Johnson
Arnald Sedermosci
Orace Grinzoses

>> No.11541582

>Global panic
Made me chuckle.

>> No.11541606

Definitely not. I'll give you an easier one. What colour scrubs are worn by doctors in ICU 1 and 2?

>> No.11541626

>Point me to one example where people started killing each other because of a natural disaster
Katrina, 2005.
How much of a fucking zoomer are you?

>> No.11541627
File: 118 KB, 919x901, norm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norm Macdonald thinks the chances are pretty slim.

>> No.11541629

Arinza Runza

>> No.11541632

"Coronavirus: Boris Johnson stable and 'in good spirits' and in hospital"


Just in time to GET BREXIT DONE!

>> No.11541633

If you would like to be known as the doctor who saved the prime ministers life, give him a blood transfusion

>> No.11541637


>> No.11541643

You say that but major left wing media networks originally played it off as "not a big deal" only to back track later.

>> No.11541652
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>> No.11541678

That seemed sarcastic to me based on the last sentence, like he's making fun of dooms dayers saying Johnson will die when no doctor has said anything of the sort.

>> No.11541685

[citation needed] conservatard. the only outlets I know to have downplayed this shit are Fox et al. and this wasn't long ago in the past, but in some ways continues to this day (of course they have been trying to spin as of late the federal government's response and the projected numbers of 100k-250k deaths as some sort of miraculous achievement). I haven't heard of any major news agencies other than Fox preparing to be sued due to misinformation

>> No.11541691

>the only outlets I know to have downplayed this shit are Fox et al.
Fox and Republicans in fact were shitting all over the Democrats for making too much out of SARS-CoV-2, they felt it was being politicized.

>> No.11541705


It's amazing how quickly people can "forget" things, like the Dem media claiming coronavirus was being touted as a distraction to the impeachment proceedings in January.

>> No.11541741

here, I've google "coronavirus distration from impeachment inquiry" between the dates of Dec 1 and Feb 29:


or you can do a search yourself. find an article that makes the claims that you say, because I can't, nor do I remember any agency saying that. good news reports facts, and downplaying a virus isn't a fact, it's an opinion.

searching "coronavirus meant to hurt trump" with a similar timespan


look at the results. there's a _lot_ more evidence of my claim that conservative media was trying to downplay the virus as an attempt to hurt Trump, politicizing a public health issue.

get your head out of your ass

>> No.11541752

Pretty fair I think, he's personally wealthy and also leading one of the world's more well developed nations, he didn't appear to be in ill health prior to becoming infected except that like most politicians he's overweight but not morbidly so. I mean it's still possible he could die, a very small portion of infected people with no apparent comorbidities have died but on the whole they don't, he could have comorbidities the public doesn't know about, he'd be in much more danger if he's had previous heart or kidney disease.

>> No.11541755

fuck you now I'll have to play it again

>> No.11541889

lots of people become "stable" for a day before the worst comes, so wait before celebrating

>> No.11541915

He's right though, maybe not with that specific claim re impeachment but the ideological lines about the virus changed dramatically sometime around February/early March.

In January I remember the only places even talking about coronavirus were fringe right-wing networks, 4chan, and doomer subreddits like r/collapse. Back when it was known as the "China flu". The left were discouraging talk of it as being a disinformation campaign that was racist against Chinese people.

Sometime around mid February, the dialogue started to shift. The right hatched the idea that it was a plot to hurt Trump, or the more libertarian angle that it is being overplayed to suppress personal freedoms.

Now its almost entirely lefties I see that are being most doomer about the virus. The "leftist blackpill" (same crowd as climate change doomers) caught on to the seriousness of the virus and now they are the main people who are dismissing any good news as "Trump/Boris disinformation". Ironically they'll be the same ones cheering if Boris or Trump dies from this thing.

>> No.11541954

>In January I remember the only places even talking about coronavirus were fringe right-wing networks, 4chan, and doomer subreddits like r/collapse.
No. CNN, Washington Post, NY Times, MSNBC, BBC, WSJ, Bloomberg...it was being covered.


>> No.11541961

>In January I remember the only places even talking about coronavirus were fringe right-wing networks, 4chan, and doomer subreddits like r/collapse.
This is hilariously bullshit. Fucking everybody was covering the virus in January, it just wasn't consuming every microsecond of airtime because it wasn't even a western issue yet.
>Now its almost entirely lefties I see that are being most doomer about the virus
Trump's a lefty?

>> No.11542001

/sci/ is too "educated" not enough learning

>> No.11542008

>wasn't he the biggest it's just a flu bro leader around?

He told his citizens they'll all be fine if they just drink more Vodka and sauna more often.

>> No.11542025

reminder that Trump/gop saw it unfolding on the news for 3 months but did nothing

>> No.11542217


>> No.11542226

Yup, that's not refutable.

>> No.11542256


My recollection of February, was me panicking and telling everyone the virus is a big problem, and everyone I know saying "its nothing" and "its just the flu". Then Trump acted like its nothing on TV, and now everyone thinks its a problem (which it is).

I went to the doctors office like 7 times and brought up Coronavirus each time with the medical staff I was visiting. Each time it was "Its just the flu". They didnt fucking know, but they acted like they did.

Fuck this "Orange Man Bad" attitude. _You_ should have known. How is it Trumps fault? Everyone, including Trump, way underestimated the virus. So now we have a problem and its Trumps fault everyone fucked up so bad? Its Trumps fault you failed to anticipate this problem, and prepare for it?

You fucked up, and Trump fucked up, but you can at least improve yourself. You can at least take some responsibility.

>> No.11542264

>tiger gets positive for covid 19 in bronx zoo
>wifi tower were recently installed near the zoo before they got sick
>tigers are showing the SAME symptoms reported by people living near wifi towers

>At the Bronx Zoo, Nadia, her sister Azul, two Amur tigers and three African lions developed dry coughs, and some of the cats exhibited some wheezing and loss of appetite, said Dr. Paul Calle, the zoo’s chief veterinarian.


>> No.11542267

Trump was being briefed about this during his impeachment.

My greatest fear is he made a deal with republican senators of basically: "we're gunna let this outbreak happen, and if you vote NO to impeach me I'm gunna make sure you get the medical supplies you need" Basically using the pandemic to secure his impeachment trial. I mean why not, It's not like they can arrest or impeach him for doing this. He was already on trial.

>> No.11542270

What are some examples?

>> No.11542277

It's just the flu you pathetic retard. It's no more dangerous than a bad case of seasonal flu. Grow a pair and stop being a snivelling metrosexual freak

>> No.11542285
File: 21 KB, 480x360, 1558222654505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>j-just a flu bro
Time to admit you and all you flu retards here on /sci/ were wrong.

>> No.11542286
File: 85 KB, 737x672, DANK MEME 2020-03-26 at 14.41.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, its not normal normal. 75% of all deaths on any given day are from the flu.

>> No.11542292

I totally fucked up the wording in >>11542286

75% of deaths on any given day are NOT from the flu. But that is what is happening in italy, for example.

>> No.11542304

>>It's just the flu

>R0 value that's 2 times greater than flu
>causes permanent lung damage
>causes (possibly permanent) brain damage
>causes (possibly permanent) decreased sperm count
>causes (possibly permanent) heart damage
>still not certain if it ever leaves your body
>can kill you even if you're young, healthy, with no preexisting medical conditions
>even if you develop immunity, too much exposure will kill you via cytokine storm

>> No.11542308

>What are the chances he survives covid-19?
his lungs are already destroyed so he will never be back to normal if he survives.

>> No.11542344

let's pray for a housecat hecatomb

>> No.11542357

>kills all the cats
>rodents start spreading a new version of the bubonic plague

>> No.11542362

If it gets into the livestock population, we are 100% fucked.

>> No.11542487

what makes idiots like you think any cellular tech is safe, huh?

>> No.11542572


he is getting remdesivir. hell be fine

>> No.11542812

/x is that way. You'll find a very welcoming community of like minded compost brains.

>> No.11542824
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>probably heart issues too
>dealing with other infections
I'm done for, fellas.

>> No.11542836

but why did you let yourself become fat

>> No.11542845

americans and identity politics are the real pandemic in the world right now

>> No.11542855

>My recollection of February, was me panicking and telling everyone the virus is a big problem, and everyone I know saying "its nothing" and "its just the flu".
What the fuck did you expect people to think dumbass?

I've spent the past decade arguing with retards on this site who treated every single new disease like it was an extinction event, and every single political conflict like it would trigger WW3. Forgive me for thinking that you happeningfags had got it wrong for the billionth time when coronavirus started making the media rounds.

Maybe if you want people to take shit seriously next time, you shouldn't cry wolf at every single virus and event like it's the next "HAPPENING".

>> No.11542860

it's still a pretty lame virus, if our countries demographic pyramids weren't upside down it wouldn't even be that big a deal

>> No.11542871

You're right
You are don't for

You better start saying your prayers because once you get infected it won't take long. In all seriousness though just practice healthy habits and you'll probably be fine.

>> No.11542892

>recently installed
>grant date: 09/03/2014
I'd call this apophenia but in this case it's really more like straw-grasping.

>> No.11542899

just don't get the rona then

>> No.11542904

no trips, no body

>> No.11542916


>> No.11543009

>The human race is so psychologically resilient in the face of hardship
But is the average person resilient in the age of social media?

>> No.11543024

Daily reminder that only 54 people died directly as a result of chernobyl. It was a nothingburger

>> No.11543030

Poetic perhaps. Funny, no. If he did die though, I wouldn't shed a tear for the fat fuck.
>He's quite a decent guy from what I hear.
>but he doesn't seem like an evil guy
And this ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of why politicians don't need to lie to people in this day and age: people lie to themselves.

>> No.11543041

Stop blaming the people who correctly warned you. Literally NPC tier.

>> No.11543042
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>only 54 people died

If you believe that, I got some lovely waterfront property to sell you that'll cost almost nothing!

>> No.11543048

Tell me why I should have instantly believed the exact same people who told me h1n1, ebola, sars, mers, would wipe out the world you dumbnigger. You can't cry apocalypse at every virus and then expect people to believe you when a bad one actually comes along

>> No.11543066

SARS, Ebola and MERS were absolutely worse than Corona-chan, they just were contained earlier on thanks to those people "crying apocalypse". So you literally owe your life to the people concerned about these diseases and working to contain them. SARS has a 30% death rate compared to COVID-19's 1%.

H1N1 wasn't worse than COVID-19 or even the regular flu, which became known around the third month of the epidemic, hence there were very few restrictions and no lockdowns during the 2009 pandemic.

>> No.11543070

Wasn't H1N1 way more of a threat to young people compared to COVID?

>> No.11543079

Yeah but the overall deathrate from H1N1 was only 0.09% which is roughly on par with the flu or less. This became known halfway through the 2009 pandemic. There was an early panic generated by H1N1 during the early months but it is a million light years away from the situation of COVID-19 today, there were no lockdowns, no worldwide travel bans, just a few countries that barred travel from Mexico and a few schools closed, befitting its status as a much milder disease.

>> No.11543098


Low IQ


Being fat and consuming animal products causes metabolic syndrome


Holy fuck you are dumb lol

>> No.11543103


Finally someone with a brain. Most retards out there don't realize that he's already getting breathing support. His odds aren't looking good.

>> No.11543107


Gotta admit it's pretty damn comfy running a poultry farm (90k birds) during nation lock down. Got that rent free and Bill free farm house with a giant power generator.

>> No.11543142

Dumb or autist?

>> No.11543173


I am not a happening fag. Never have been.

>> No.11543181

I drop by /sci/ once in a blue moon and it takes me approximately 5 minutes of browsing before I run into this particular schizo's all-caps nonsense

get a fucking job you loonie

>> No.11543195

>global panic

haha as if somebody cared about the britbongs

>> No.11543262
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>> No.11543295

because I lost control of my life
i keep trying and failing

>> No.11543367

It's more about the fact that a world leader, even an irrelevant one, dying of covid would indicate globally that this virus is Really Fucking Bad. It would be the event to shut up the last of the just-a-flu faggots

>> No.11543390

Sounds like he's going to die.

>> No.11543410



>> No.11543646

golden calf holy!

>> No.11543647


>> No.11543678

I'm very pro-nuclear but this is misinformation made in bad faith. ~50 people died from acute radiation poisoning, but the chronic effects are probably going to kill thousands of people.

That's not an argument against expanding nuclear power though. Coal fired power plants kill more than that every year.

>> No.11543853

Okay, so dumb. Hint: he was being sarcastic.

>> No.11543925

maybe the death rate was so low because it affected young people who don't drop like flies at the snap of a finger unlike decrepit terminally ill boomers

>> No.11543934

0.09% is very close to covid 0.1% in young people and it could actually be even lower if we knew the true extent of asymptomatic carriers which tells me covid is only a thing because old farts are meant to die

>> No.11544280

everybody reported that, retard. stop acting like russia matters

>> No.11544290

>All these anons believing other anons' conspiracies that he's defo going to die
We simply don't know, and soon we'll find out. He'll probably be fine, if he isn't, sad!

>> No.11544328
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>> No.11544425
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>curve of Nicholas Cage movies coming out
>matches curve of number of broken windows in cities
It doesn't make any sense, but WHAT ARE THE CHANCES?

>> No.11544426


>> No.11544454

Guessing an increase in gang related smashing of windows seems reasonable.

>> No.11544632

>The prime minister was being kept in St Thomas' Hospital in London "for close monitoring" and remained clinically stable, his official spokesman said.
>Downing Street said Mr Johnson was in "good spirits" as he continued to receive standard oxygen treatment. He was breathing without any assistance, such as mechanical ventilation or non-invasive respiratory support.

>> No.11544681

>A world leader dying of covid-19 would certainly be unprecedented.
Not really since most of them are old and out of shape they're the prime demographic for risk.
Granted thats a very generalised statement but true enough across the board.

>> No.11544695

To be fair, that's their solution for literally everything.

>> No.11544826


>> No.11544925

>It's just the flu
AKA the Wu Flu.

>> No.11544942

I wondered why the EU had been so quiet. Normally they are full of advice nobody ever asked for. And here comes the explanation:
>Coronavirus: EU top scientist resigns citing politics and red tape
>Mauro Ferrari said he had lost faith in the system after he failed to set up a special programme to fight coronavirus.
Why would that be?
>One MEP was quoted accusing Prof Ferrari of taking a "window-dressing public relations stand".
Ah yes. Industrial grade blame shifting.

>> No.11544958
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>> No.11545018

disgusting germans

>> No.11545095


>> No.11545109

>gets rid of protective equipment around half a dozen people not wearing protective equipment

>> No.11545115

There is no coronavirus. Its 5G.

>> No.11545125

Frankly I am unable to find any sources outside of all mainstream media controlled sources that all follow the same narrative to suggest that this is being caused by a pathogen; but rather an untested new form of EMF radiation.

>> No.11545215

>implying he isnt having his hands washed after going to a hospital ffs.

>> No.11545235

The entire EU leadership is like that. This is a prime example of the septic principle: it is the big lumps that float to the top, and this is one huge tank.

>> No.11545263

>brits still mad about the EU and trying to paint it in a bad light
who woulda guessed...
meanwhile in reality:
>Barely a month before Europe embarked on a scramble for masks, ventilators and testing kits to fight coronavirus, governments told Brussels their healthcare systems were ready and there was no need to order more stocks, EU documents show.

>> No.11545342

Depends on what data you are basing your probabilities on. And if the data is even reliable which none is atm

>> No.11545367

>How is it Trumps fault
Explain why South Korea and the US had the first case of Covid-19 on the same day and now the US has THE MOST CASES ON THE PLANET while Korea has less than 5% the number of cases as the US and less than 300 deaths.

It is clearly Trump's fault who went on TV multiple times and assured the sheep of the right wing that this was nothing and would go away soon. People went to fucking 'coronavirus parties' because of Trump's words you uninformed moron. People decided to 'beat the libs' by pretending everything was normal because he told them this was an overblown hoax by the media.

But clearly South Korea didn't happen right? They didn't beat the curve did they? Because NOBODY COULD HAVE KNOWN.

The Kool-Aid is that way fucker

>> No.11545526

I think he was more afraid of his approval ratings than he was the safety of Americans desu. If he took decisive action early on not only would it shock the economy but it would kill his approval rating because if since he took decisive action, there wouldn't be any threat to the US.

dumb Americans would think he was a fear-mongering schizo and Biden would have the upper hand. Americans are stupid tunnel vision idiots for the most part.

>> No.11545635

50% he lives or he doesnt

>> No.11545705


>> No.11545707


>> No.11545767

US is much larger. You need to compare deaths per million.

>> No.11545855

>>brits still mad about the EU and trying to paint it in a bad light
>who woulda guessed...
Why do you bring up this? I am not British.
>meanwhile in reality:
>>Barely a month before Europe embarked on a scramble for masks, ventilators and testing kits to fight coronavirus, governments told Brussels their healthcare systems were ready and there was no need to order more stocks, EU documents show.
Trusting an EU leak. Right. BTW I have a bridge I would like to sell you.

>> No.11546165

He's a goner

>> No.11546197

why did he said No. 10

>> No.11546202

no he's literally sitting right now look it up

>> No.11546243
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Nigguh, dey brit PM is gone din de amberlamps to de hopital yo. der he cannot say shieeet. so de whytee in de no. 10, dey say wen de shieet gon du be be gud so de PM he can say shieet.

>> No.11546271

what is din?

>> No.11546284

Sine din, ding dong

>> No.11546615

They're still kicking our shit in per capita as well, but it's not like the USA is the only western country struggling with this. China's neighbors were the only countries truly prepared, they had experience with SARS, knew that China and the WHO were probably being dishonest, and had operating procedures in place.

>> No.11546717

identity politics killed 90% of the western critical thinking
people now will only agree if it owns the libs or owns the cuckservatives
it is impossible to talk about anything without someone going "NUH UH THAT IS A LEFT/RIGHT OPINION AND IT IS WRONG BECAUSE IT CONFLICTS WITH MY IDEOLOGY"
the more time passes the more I think the west should get BTFO culturally so hard just to get its shit together and stop acting like a fucking baby. sanety got thrown out the window and I can't see it coming back any time soon thanks to retards falling for the most basic and stupid ways of fringe politics and politicians being elevated to Jesus status

>> No.11547085

Yeah, that's true. And still the west doesn't look too what these countries did. It's insane.

>> No.11547097

Leftists are the problem tho

>> No.11547106

Based retarded reactionary

>> No.11547110

not him but if you unironically think it's just the left then you're delusional and I suggest you go back to /pol/

>> No.11547118

>go back to your echo chamber
that's exactly the opposite of what he needs tho

>> No.11547162

I hope he doesn't, but obviously he will.
He really ruined things for me with that brexit thing. This is just how i feel truly. I wouldn't say it out loud in public. He doesn't deserve to die obviously but i would be slightly happier for a moment if he did. The more weak you are the more schahenfroude.

Am I a bad person ?

>> No.11547175

>human race

>> No.11547201

You can't spell schadenfreude so yes. You're right about the boris stuff.

>> No.11547282

>I can’t see it so I don’t believe it
You people are fucking retarded. I’m so glad this disaster is more likely to kill those who don’t believe in it.

>> No.11547285

What’s wrong with Brexit?

>> No.11547293

it;s more likely to kill fat fuck such as yourself and you parents

>> No.11547298

Bruh. That MAGA kid with the punchable face got $200,000,000 from CNN. Or something like that.

>> No.11547299

Are you Chinese by any chance?

I mean if my assumption is correct I suppose you wouldn’t tell me. I’m just starting to think this 5G thing is a conspiracy theory pushed by a foreign power.

>> No.11547313

>brain damage
Please tell me you got this from the rumor I participated in starting and not from somewhere with actual data.

>> No.11547334

You need to spend decades first to make the masses intelligent enough for intelligent response. But current elites stand no chance for being elected by people like that, so here you go.

>> No.11547408

>the more time passes the more I think the west should get BTFO culturally so hard just to get its shit together
Congratulations, you have been promoted to the rank of "Useful Idiot" in the eyes of the CCP. You mistook what was fake and easily faked for what was real and now your only imagined "solution" is music to the CCP's ears. Cui bono?

Fortunately people with better critical thinking skills will make sure the CCP's dystopia will never become reality, and you should pause for a moment and consider that no matter how much mindfuckery goes on in our open societies they are still a fucking paradise compared to the hellhole that the CCP wants to create worldwide.

>> No.11547410

There are none.

>> No.11547448

lack of oxygen causes brain damage
the core of that report seems to be that the lack of oxygen is not as lung-centered as thought before, but that the failure of delivering oxygen to tissues is more about what happens to the blood cells that transport oxygen.

>> No.11547481
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>chink author

>> No.11547627

its for containment, so we can have an intellectual discussion.

>> No.11547702

It's not exactly Boris world leader status but tons of high ranking people in the government of Iran have been killed by the virus.

>> No.11547715

but it is though. its just the left. rightwingers will complain about your opinion but they will allow you to hold it. leftists try to ruin your life if they dont like your opinion.

>> No.11547732

What do you think girls?
I don't think boris is dying. Nothing good ever happens

>> No.11547733

salami died too? and? boris is currently sitting don't worry

>> No.11547780

oh fuck off, retard. the mental stability of the west went to shit and can only come back after people learning the hard way of the stupidity hee have committed by embracing post modernism and other relativistic stupidity. you can't hold a civilization together when the base of society is more worried about waiting to kill each other tan to kill their leaders that sold them out to the chinese.
you cuckservatives and the faglibs will get both of your shit kicked in for pushing for anti-freedom laws while politicians laughs at your ass for defending them while they sell you out to the next country with cheaper labor

>> No.11548618

>projecting everything you dislike onto some random anon's post because China
muh postmodernism, cultural memeism, democratic politics bad, whatever, screech more on a little section called

>> No.11548792

What are the chances you survive nothing?

>> No.11548838

True, you should just kill yourself.