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11537558 No.11537558 [Reply] [Original]

I'm jealous at y'all Mofos. If we're born into a European country or an English speaking country you've already won at life.

>Be me, Latin-American brah.
>Go to a Shitty school where all the teaching is repetition.
>Had to learn English at 10 or you won't be able to even start the race.
>Have to excel at everything
>Obligatory to go to the best uni in the country.
>Have to excel at that too.
>Have to learn a third language
>Have to do masters to even get a chance at getting out of the country
>Have to pay 20k to "validate your studies" even though it's literally the same shit with different letters at the beginning.
>"research?? Nah, we don't do that here"

On the other end of the spectrum.
>Be "me"
>Born in 1st WC
>Be shit at school
>Be shit at highschool
>Gets a job doing coffee
>Win more than an engineer/doctor in a 3rd WC

>> No.11537625

that's just how capitalist imperialism works

>> No.11537849

It's because my ancestors were smarter, and worked harder than yours. Dont be mad bro.

>> No.11537854
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Man, I'm from a Latin American country too, don't overthink shit and just join a political party and start leeching off the state and you'll live like a king.

>> No.11537862

>>Had to learn English at 10 or you won't be able to even start the race.
Everyone is basically expected to speak it. It's nothing special to your country.
>>Have to excel at everything
I have always been jealous of that attitude. Here, trying to do well makes you an universally hated social outcast. You must be shit at school to not get bullied.

>> No.11538356
File: 273 KB, 1600x1066, 1420947385099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here, trying to do well makes you an universally hated social outcast. You must be shit at school to not get bullied.

>> No.11538379

Nice blog OP.
Nobody cares.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
At least you are not African.

>> No.11538395

Stop doing as if it isn't true.

>> No.11538403

>Here, trying to do well makes you an universally hated social outcast. You must be shit at school to not get bullied.


>> No.11538411 [DELETED] 

Shit up, teacher's pet.

>> No.11538413

Shut up, teacher's pet.

>> No.11538418
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>oh nooo I had to become the big fish in a small pond
Nonwhite inferiority complex laid bare lol

>> No.11538423

>Here, trying to do well makes you a universally hated social outcast. You must be shit at school to not get bullied.
nah bro, that's all you; if you try to help your classmates with hard shit they definitely won't dislike you.
Maybe you were bullied because you are forreal a social outcast, watching Juri on English class or some.

>> No.11538452

>>Win more than an engineer/doctor in a 3rd WC
you mean "make more money than"? btw, where are you from?

>Everyone is basically expected to speak it.
false, you don't need to speak it, at least not if you only need to read books in english

>Here, trying to do well makes you an universally hated social outcast
lol @ US anti-intellectualism

>> No.11538456

Be me

>> No.11538466

>Be grateful that you weren't born in a 3rd WC
Why would I?
It wasn't random that I was born here, my existence is directly caused by my parents and so is my nationality.

>> No.11538468

Most of this can be said about India as well

>> No.11538484


>> No.11538487

Based and leechpilled

>> No.11538504

MVXVCVN BVLL here, fuck this OP

>> No.11538512

Based taco

>> No.11538516

>Be grateful that you weren't born in a 3rd WC
but I was? and I still live here?

>> No.11538518

La tuya, no me digas que aqui se gana de maravilla.
India is a 3rd world country too, so why this shouldn't apply?.

>> No.11538526
File: 69 KB, 964x559, 17d5f1f82868d162b34d8582597b2ba5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexico is much better off than India.
Stop bitching.

>> No.11538529

you would think that anon but at least in your university people arent constantly pushing subversive ideas on its teachers and students, trying to push out your own men for your women, or your foreigners. youre right so long as you just do the degree and get out, but working in a university...


>> No.11538531

Imagine the smell.

>> No.11538532

Are you retarded? It’s still all completely random.

>> No.11538534

Where are you from senpai?

>> No.11538539

If it makes you feel better there are studies showing the obvious, that happiness depends on one’s status relative to one’s peers/surroundings. So living in a first world country is only actually enjoyable and something to be grateful for if you’re one of the privileged parasites that is good looking. Do you think depressed, miserable, unlucky people who live in the first world are well off? Of course not.

>> No.11538554

aight, you win, I'm bitching about first world countries tho.
Now imagine depressed, miserable, unlucky people who live in the third world, but I get your point; still, there are many more chances of getting out of there if you live in a place like Switzerland or some

>> No.11538560

uk anon. im being a bit melodramatic, but department poilitics in the western world is a horrible mess where the department are more focused on things like representation uberalis than getting high quality intake.

>> No.11538563


so youre saying that your own kid doesnt deserve to live at your house, and some mexican child should live there because its unfair?

i dont really know what youre getting at with your proposition. are you saying that women give birth to random children?

so a white woman could give birth to the mexican kid and the mexican could have the white kid? so therefore be lucky that you were birthed by your own mother and not some mexican lady?

of course you see that this is ridiculous

>> No.11538564

there is no sjw bullshit degeneracy in universities of 3rd word

>> No.11538599

/pol/ is this way, OP ---> >>>/pol/

>> No.11538944

Oh look it’s the suicidal goblin who hates people who are better than him!

Stop being depressed. Being depressed is retarded lol

>> No.11538952

Anon this website is 18+