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11536702 No.11536702 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for scientific studies on depression, what are some good books touching on this subject from a sci point of view?

>> No.11536708


>> No.11536710
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Daily reminder that Cirno deserves zero headpats, and all of the bulli!

>> No.11536712

>scientific studies on depression
There aren't any.

>> No.11536722

depression is like being really depressed about everything but on the hard way. thats the basic.

>> No.11536748


>> No.11538110

I can't provide sources other than my own "schizoposter" mind, from my personal point of view it's just a "state of mind" a person finds themselves locked in due to a happening that caused them "sadness, pain, mourning" and other "states of mind" that relate to "depression". It varies from being to being, it should never be compared, because a) everyone's mind is the same, the difference is varying levels of perception and understanding which create sages and NPC's alike b) everything depends on everything, it's impossible to compare two beings unless they are identical, which never happens
It would be relatively entertaining - from my point of view - to try and answer the question yourself, then research it - also by yourself. And also, share your views here.

>> No.11538322

Depression researchers do not use the scientific method.

>> No.11538327

That is interesting, I guess... For all my life there were periods where I felt deep sadness, but it was never so extreme and it never really lasted for so long. That is until october last year, when my GF broke up with me, it was the first time I experienced that kind of sadness and pain and I realized what true depression really was like, all day I didn't feel like doing anything, not even eating, all I did during those days was cry in my dark room all day. This event lasted for a week more or less, then I started feeling a little better, but now I understand why people kill themselves, I imagine some people feel that exact same way with much more frequency, and if it was hell to me feeling like that for a week, I can't imagine how It must be like feeling like that for your entire life, that's why I wanted to learn more about depressive disorder, I'm sure it's a real condition and not just some 'states of sadness' that happens from time to time, the sadness you feel when you're truly depressed is just too big for it to be something ordinary.

>> No.11538436

There isn't much to say.
Some people start to notice so many patterns, ideas of other "beings" that don't make any logical sense, they waste their time on trying to explain an idea to a being that demands answers, understands none of them and still demands more; if ignored, that being persists on asking and such.
There are people on this planet truly different from the rest.
It's like, some of us stuck in a box called our mind where we meet the same ideas, the same expectations and the same process of thinking.
Some of them have windows, and they wish they knew more while still being stuck in that box.
Some escaped, and the sheer void of possibilities overwhelms us.
All emotions disappear, and you're left in a state of observation.
People kill themselves because their minds are occupied in that box, they keep doing things that are perceived as bad and keep being hit by that, until at one point the wall crumble and they are hit with the realization of what was happening, that they're trapped, and well, seconds later they're gone...

>> No.11538445

I think it's something extraordinary to be able to see past all the restrictions of other beings, to understand the logic of their behavior, and yet still be unable to change anything about other beings' mind.
It's like trying to climb a wall, too.
You go up, grabbing curiosity, until you reach too far and fall on the other side with no way to climb back.
It might be called a disorder, but the issue isn't really with what we see, but with how some people are too low on the wall to grasp the ideas that we see on the other side.
I feel like that's all I can explain without repeating myself.
The entire aspect of how you understand and perceive us is up to you, since your mind is different from mine.
The issue isn't with what we see, but with how some perceive our delusions. What's crazy for some is daily life for us, too.

>> No.11538464

There is nothing as such. Stop being a faggot. That's it.

>> No.11538696 [DELETED] 
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Oh fuck, life is so shit, I just can't take it anymore, every day is more and more suffering and stress, I can't have peace. Why did God fucked me over so much? Despite being born with a weak health and several mental problems I also grew up to be a failure in everything and depised by my own family, what the fuck is this? Why the fuck me? Why couldn't I be a little happy? I'm 23 but I feel like I've already wasted every chance that I once had, now all that's left for me is either meaningless hope that someday something will change or simply accepting death, and right now I'm getting closer and closer to the latter.