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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11536499 No.11536499 [Reply] [Original]

How to fucking understand this? Why i am so dumb?

>> No.11536526

That picture isn't calculus, it's quantum mechanics

>> No.11536532

Calculus is simple at first, i recommend thomas calculus early transcendentals

>> No.11536533

open your calculus book and start reading it. if you get to something you don't understand, read it over and over (and the parts before it too) until it makes sense.
also definitely don't try learning it from a rigorous analysis book. just use a high school/college freshman book that has colored pictures instead of proofs.
this sounds condescending but im just trying to help

>> No.11536626

I don't understand how you can't spend a couple days reading a book. Just find a topic, and read it over and over again. Why is that so fucking hard? Why can't you just fucking teach yourself?

>> No.11536636


>> No.11536649

If you're having trouble with calculus, chances are you don't know the algebra well enough. Maybe your middle school / high school sucked, maybe you were just lazy.

Whatever the case, make sure you know some basic trig / algebra / functions beforehand. See the introduction of any generic calculus textbook (like Stewart)-- they usually have 'diagnostic tests' before the first chapter. If you don't know this stuff well enough, you're going to get questions wrong and know know why.

>> No.11536660


>> No.11536697

this. I struggled with calculus for a while, eventually I realized it was because my algebra foundation was weak. wasn't until I got to diff eq that I filled in the missing pieces with pre-calc problem sets. never had problems with the conceptually applying calculus, just the algebraic details

>> No.11536915

Oh, fuck off. You're not dumb. You got it. Start all over if you need to.

>> No.11537406


There is your answer OP. If you watch all these, you'll absolutely understand calculus.

>> No.11537412

lim(h->0) (f(x+h)-f(x))/h
rise over run
what is so difficult?

>> No.11537432

there is multiple calculus in th picture dumbdumb

>> No.11538245

You're not dumb, there's a complete correlation between aptitude at math and how long one is willing to work at something. That's why Asians are better at math, because they work longer.

>> No.11538368

Thats because their squinty eyes limit their field of vision and block out distractions. Ive developed glasses that do the same thing. When i wear them i can say im smart as an asiatic.

>> No.11539839

based good anons

>> No.11539855

The absolute easiest way to understand calculus is to, no joke, make a khan academy account and do the AP Calculus AB stuff. Its the simplest, most focused way Im aware of to learn calculus. Im sure you will miss some autistic component but you will gain at the very very least an awareness of what calculus is. Autists in this thread would shit on it but it would blow Newtons fucking mind so wtf do they know.

>> No.11540370

calculus is easier than what you usually learn before it

>> No.11541026 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 379x500, FoxCorp___81qCqbXkvZL._SY500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Baby Take-A-Bow to Curlytop and Heidi America's favorite little darling Shirley Temple has been entertaining us for generations. And now through this exclusive TV offer, you can experience the most comprehensive DVD collection of one of the brightest stars in film history but you havent seen Shirley until youve seen her brilliantly restored in b&w,and in color! Presenting the Shirley Temple Little Darling DVD Collection!Eighteen timeless films packed with hours of her unforgettable singing spectacular dancing, and pure wholesome fun the entire family will enjoy together! These classic Shirley Temple films have stood the test of time, and you'll cherish sharing these heartwarming adventures again and again with your family and friends! Bring home the magic of Shirley Temple, with the new Shirley Temple Little Darling DVD Collection! 18 classic family films, beautifully restored in b&w and in color for just2 payments of $24.99 Call now and recieve this collectible photo of Shirley Temple, absolutely free with your paid order! This collection is not sold in stores and only available through this exclusive TV offer! If these priceless movies could lift a nation during the worst of times, Imagine what they could do for you and your family today! Tales of innocense, friendship, courage, hope, and love! and now you can enjoy the original b&w movies, and the beautifully restored color versions, all in one amazing DVD collection, at the most incredible price! These films have been digitally restored and remastered to preserve their integrity and quality! This is a limited time offer, so don't miss your opportunity to own the most complete Shirley Temple DVD collection ever! Call now to order your special edition Shirley Temple Little Darling DVD Collection! 18 classic films in b&w and in color, plus this Shirley Temple collectible photo, all for just two payments of $24.99+5.99 shipping and handling! This offer is not sold in stores so call now! Rush delivery available.

>> No.11541076

Gotta say most teaching just makes it harder. Calculus is actually in some ways similar to how if you didn't know an answer you could figure it out by brute force. It may be formalized now but it's like if someone said I figured out how to find the number of bricks in a house and then just stood there and counted each one. Idc if that doesn't help fuck you ahahaha

>> No.11541174
File: 35 KB, 564x705, e0930133e2a4360e9b15a46b11babb0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redpill me on calculus
The behavior of general functions is complicated, but the one of linear functions is simple. So if you want to investigate the behavior of a function f at a point x, you make the problem easier by looking for the best linear approximation of f at x. The best linear approximation is exactly the derivative. It gives you a lot of information about how the function behaves around the point, even though the information is local.
The connection between local and global is then given by the fundamental theorem of calculus - it says that you can stitch together the local information of the derivatives to reconstruct the actual function and exactly how to do that.

>> No.11541176
File: 373 KB, 522x735, 80592042_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the case of real functions the viewpoint of the derivative as the best linear approximation can be overlooked just because the definition is so simple, but you can't avoid this viewpoint when you try to define derivatives in functions f: R^n -> R for n higher than 1. Technically speaking, in the case R->R the value of the derivative is the slope of the best linear approximation, not the linear map itself, but it could have just as well been defined as a linear map L:R->R such that
lim of (f(x+h)-f(x) - L(h))/h = 0
I'll leave it as an exercise to see that these two definitions are actually equivalent :)
The fundamental theorem of calculus is also remarkable in the following sense. When I was a child, I tried to think about what exactly the speed means. Sure you can take the ratio of distance with time between two distinct times, but that would be the average speed. What is the speed right now? Turns out the intuitive notion as taking the limit of the average speed as the future time point tends to the present time works out well. And then you might wonder, if you know the average time in the time interval, you know how far you traveled (by multiplying by the time), could you do a similar thing with instantaneous speeds? There are infinitely many speeds, because there are infinitely many time points at which you could have measured the speed, so what do you add and multiply? And what the FTC says is exactly that the intuitive thing to do: to consider instantaneous speeds as average speeds for small time intervals and calculating the distance in that way, while making the intervals smaller and smaller, the limit is remarkably the actual distance that you traveled! That seals the deal: derivatives are the right thing to look at and calculus is based!

>> No.11541202

>this sounds condescending
How the actual fuck does that sound condescending?

>> No.11541227

The plural of calculus is calculi.

>> No.11541229
File: 46 KB, 564x577, 695bb278bd3b08b53c6850db0d734fef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be patient. Many people on this board have difficulty understanding emotions and social interaction.

>> No.11541248

I am sorry kind anon please FORGIVE ME, I am will correct myself other post: there are multiple CALCULI in this picture, so first anon reply is WRONG to say "that picture is NOT calculus"!

>> No.11541249

one time I was walking on the sidewalk and a girl told me that she likes my hair, I said thank you and kept walking, do I have the 'tism?

>> No.11541250

What works for me is lstening to melodic death metal while I study. Check out Mechina. You won't disappoint