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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11535729 No.11535729 [Reply] [Original]

Why are young people with no underlying conditions now regularly dying of covid-19? Im shitting myself. I’m only 23, I don’t want to die...

>> No.11535736

Maybe it's mutated, but chances are no more are dying than before in terms of case fatality ratio but the higher number of overall cases gives more deaths which are then reported on by the media.
I would be more worried when young people dying stops making the news

>> No.11535739

you're posting on 4chan at the age of 23. you don't have much to lose. embrace the spike proteins of the coronachan.

>> No.11535749

This is a good time to getting to know God, you dont want to die of corona only to know you're also going to Hell.

>> No.11535759

>dude boomer remover lmao
>noooo you can't just kill young people with no underlying conditions

>> No.11535779

Those young ones were hosts to boomer minds.
Yes, boomers can transfer themselves into new bodies. Covid-19 is a bioweapon developed by the Resistance to stop the invasion.

>> No.11535792

>now regularly dying
This isn't new. It just wasn't reported widely in the beginning. The Chinese have warned us of this. Media here tried their best not to make people panic.

>> No.11535820

So what should I do? I don’t want to fucking die at 23

>> No.11535864

>Media here tried their best not to make people panic.

you mean Trump did his best not to make people panic, while at the same time building a national stockpile that's for his personal use

>> No.11535919

I really don't know. I'm not much older than you. I'm afraid isolating as much as possible and staying healthy (calisthenics at home, good food, supplements etc) are the only options. I have many friends who work in hospitals (4 nurses, 2 doctors) and they're not telling any good stories. Wish you the best, Anon.

I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised, as almost all politicians did that. Here, media downplayed this even more than the WHO.

>> No.11535922

ok maybe

>> No.11535949

What stories have they told you?

>> No.11535950

>Why are young people with no underlying conditions now regularly dying of covid-19?

>> No.11535952

Do some research you fucktard

>> No.11535956
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Sure doesn't look like it.

>> No.11535958

>a national stockpile that's for his personal use

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.11535967

>trusting Chinese numbers from February

>> No.11535973

Those are from NYC, updated on 04/04/2020
Surely you must have something proving the massive amount of deaths for those below 50 that isn't some shitty video of a nurse crying on Twitter right? Or are all your arguments just saying all numbers are untrustworthy because they don't fit your doomer narrative?

>> No.11535975
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That's only for now though. The science so far suggests that the virus can't actually be killed by your immune system. It's like HIV, it stays with you for life.


So what ends up happening is that everyone who has it stays in a perpetual state of low grade illness. As long as you do everything perfectly, the virus lays weak, as your immune system is perpetually fighting against it. If you go a night without sleep, or run a bit too fast, or any other sort of stress/exertion, your immune system weakens, the virus comes back, and you go through the ordeal all over again.

So it'll end up killing far more than now, as it's basically a war of attrition with your immune system. Also keep in mind that people right now are literally staying at home doing nothing, it'll get much worse when they're forced to go back to work, do physical labor, drive, stay up all night, etc.

>> No.11535980

>So what ends up happening is that everyone who has it stays in a perpetual state of low grade illness. As long as you do everything perfectly, the virus lays weak, as your immune system is perpetually fighting against it. If you go a night without sleep, or run a bit too fast, or any other sort of stress/exertion, your immune system weakens, the virus comes back, and you go through the ordeal all over again.
If what you're saying is true then we should just give up right? There's no beating that. Such a level of constant illness would cause the collapse of human civilization before long.

>> No.11535981

>The science so far suggests that the virus can't actually be killed by your immune system. It's like HIV, it stays with you for life.
Oh, you're a retarded /pol/cuck. I'll stop replying then.

>> No.11535986

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.11535989
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>> No.11535993

Do we have evidence that the body fully gets rid of it?

>> No.11535995

Two of them work in radiology, if which one tests new patients. He prepares them for a CT scan of their thorax. He says radiology is the most reliable test for covid, since you definitely see scars. There were a lot of people with scarred lungs, although the hospital itself is far from being overwhelmed.
One of the doctors said chances for people on ventilators are really low, without saying a number. It's also a very traumatic event for those needing intubation. They are sedated during the process, but that really doesn't help much as sometimes people wake up for a bit and instinctively start fighting the ventilator.
One of the nurses works in icu. They don't have many cases but those they do have are really fucking shite. There aren't enough masks for them to protect themselves and not even gowns. And yes, there are young people without prior medical record.

>> No.11536003

Whats the ratio of young healthy people to old people?

>> No.11536006

The article says the exact opposite of what you say, faggot.

>> No.11536008

use scarfs, homemade masks, wash your hands with normal soap and rinse well, don't touch your mouth/nose/eyes, avoid direct contact with other people, keep a distance of 5' or more from them, use credit cards if possible, and so on.
make sure to eat and sleep well, drink orange juice, exercise if possible.

someone correct me if I'm wrong, but AFAIU, most viruses aren't killed by your immune system... in the 1st stages of any
also, the people that are dying do so because their respiratory fails, or because this happens: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cytokine_release_syndrome

>> No.11536012

It kinda makes sense that the more you expose yourself to it, the more you contract it, the more it attacks you and your immune system can't handle the barrage. Young adults are the ones known for going out and partying anyway.

>Don't want to die
You're past college and haven't even lived, what are you even scared of. You think the orgy cults recruit you after your past your prime?

>> No.11536016
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explain the reinfections that primarily happen among young people then

>However, 18/24 of RNA-negative samples detected by the commercial kit were tested to be positive for virus RNA using a hyper-sensitive method, suggesting the carrier status of virus possibly existed in patients recovered from COVID-19.

>38/262 of RP patients (14.5%) were present. The RP patients were characterized by being less than 14-years old and having mild and moderate conditions as compared to NRP patients, while no severe patients became RP.

>Although most patients who retest positive do not display clinical symptoms, some have developed fevers and other signs of the virus. One such patient, a 36-year-old man, died in Wuhan on March 2, five days after being declared recovered.

The bottom line is that nobody actually knows if it's even physically possible to clear the virus.

>> No.11536027

Nurse in icu says they have 9 cases, of which two are "young", 27 and 30. Radiology guy doesn't know and I didn't get a reply from doctor yet. Other doctor works in cardiology, only thing I heard from her is that they had to reserve many beds for upcoming corona cases and that they're preparing for triage, since there will be people with heart attacks they cannot care for.
One other nurse works at a quite well-known clinic with predominantly cancer patients, mostly of the liver. Apparently some patients already died their and she's sure these could have been saved if it weren't for the preparations for covid. Not sure what to think of that though, she seems a bit too focused on her work and deems it super important.

>> No.11536118

>orgy cults
Do these really exist?

>> No.11536124


Is this what a brainlet looks like?

>> No.11536131


Viruses can be neutralized by your immune system

Also yes, respiratory failure or cytokine storm are the two main fatal complication of covid

>> No.11536133


It kinda makes sense if you are a 3rd country idiot with no idea on how antigens works or how our bodies handle immune memory.

>> No.11536137

>Viruses can be neutralized by your immune system

And herpes and HIV are the only two viruses on earth that can't?

>unless the authorities say otherwise, this virus WILL be removed from the immune system like all other viruses except for the two mentioned above

>> No.11536138

>what are HIV and herpes

>> No.11536157

>However, 18/24 of RNA-negative samples detected by the commercial kit were tested to be positive for virus RNA using a hyper-sensitive method, suggesting the carrier status of virus possibly existed in patients recovered from COVID-19.
>However, 6/24 of RNA-negative samples detected by the commercial kit were tested to be negative for virus RNA using a hyper-sensitive method, suggesting the carrier status of virus no longer existed in patients recovered from COVID-19.
>if it's even physically possible to clear the virus.

>> No.11536161

virus RNA != virus.

>> No.11536168

You sir are a bad scientist. You know nothing of what you speak.

>> No.11536173

>implying he's a scientist
He's another doomer from /pol/ or r/coronavirus. No science education to speak of. Likely a pea brained history graduate in fact, or never attended higher education.

>> No.11536174
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He's not entirely crazy actually, the vast majority of the rich and powerful are still +50yrs old. Having spare ventilators just for them gives him leverage at a time where hospitals are taking them all for normies.

I'd imagine he's already got at least a good 30 or so specifically reserved for family and close friends.

>> No.11536179

Brainlet doesn’t realize that the PCR test looks for viral RNA only. A human could test positive for the viral RNA but contain no active virus. This happens with all viruses, you are a retard. And the people that tested negative then positive later either had their immune system fight the viral load below the threshold and it rebounded, or Chang fucked up the test.

>> No.11536181

>replied anyway
Based retard

>> No.11536182

The only similarities between this coronavirus and hiv is that they are both rna viruses. Coronavirus attacks ACE2 receptors in the lungs. HIV causes an autoimmune disease because it attacks your white blood cells and T cells.

>> No.11536192


holy fuck kys discord tranny autist

>> No.11536205

HIV only kills T3 cells which are generated as necessary and aren't always in your blood. That's why you can live with AIDS for a long time but if you get a bad cold then you're done for.

>> No.11536210

it has for 4 spike proteins from HIV for a reason
>fight the viral load below the threshold and it rebounded
Almost as if it can reemerge from dormancy?

>> No.11536211


dumb asses ITT thread discount the fact shit loads of teenagers and kids die of influenza every year for seemingly no reason.

>> No.11536215

Teenagers and kids don't have fully developed immune system.

The flu doesn't cause 20-35 year olds with no health conditions to need to go on a ventilator or drop dead from SARS

This does

>> No.11536218

All viruses can rebound

>> No.11536224

Reminder that you're wrong, you will not die, and will remain a miserable wage slave for the rest of your life and no magical solution from the sky will save you with an easy death.
My advice? Just get the balls to kill yourself if you want to die so much.

>> No.11536225

This one seems to rebound at a much higher rate than most viruses

>> No.11536226

Jesus Christ anon, you have no idea what you are saying

>> No.11536230

I have asthma and I always get pneumonia from the flu so I will in fact die when I get this virus

Also reinfection is possible and rebound from dormancy is possible so anyone who gets this virus will eventually die from it

>> No.11536231

No it doesn’t. It also doesn’t help that all the people being tested are 85 year old cancer patients with weakened immune systems where

>> No.11536234

Oh, it's this fucking autistic retard again.
I already told you to kill yourself.

>> No.11536236

Italy is denying ventilators to people over the age of 60 since young people are given a higher priority for ventilators

>> No.11536242

Not really because it’s still detectable and attacked by the immune system at this point below the threshold presumably

>> No.11536247

Oopsie guess it wasn't a nothingburger! :)

>> No.11536251

>making a post like this on /sci/
This board fucking sucks

>> No.11536252

Where are all these young people that are dying? And 95 percent of people that are put on ventilators have died anyway. So where are all the young dead people anon?

>> No.11536257

Oh shoot nvm then

>> No.11536260

Go talk to some nurses and doctors and ask them if only old people are being put on ventilators

>> No.11536263

They would die anyway

>> No.11536273

So they are presumably be given to sick young people, so I ask again, if 95 percent of people put on ventilators have died; where are all the dead youngsters?

>> No.11536274


>> No.11536276

You didn't answer the question. Where are the hordes of young dead people? Every country has reported deaths overwhelmingly in the older age ranges. Young deaths are so notable that each one that happens gets reported as its own individual news article. Where are the swathes of young dead that you are suggesting are out there? Point me to statistics that show what you are claiming.

>> No.11536285

This. it was huge news in my country when someone who was 30 died of the disease.

So far I've only seen a handful of headlines of people in their early twenties dying from this disease.

>> No.11536288

Everything said in those articles can be applied to any virus.

>> No.11536289

The young deaths will come in the coming years as each reinfection and each rebound causes degradation to your lungs and immune system

>> No.11536293

But not at the same rate

>> No.11536294

We have exhausted the autist troll. He has no more mana

>> No.11536297

Every time I see a headline that says no underlying conditions, when they post a picture of the deceased, they are always fat. Clearly they were not in the best of health. Even the 5 year old that has just died in the UK had health problems.

>> No.11536300

He’s still trying

>> No.11536313

He’s giving out unnecessary tests to oil excecutives as bargaining or bribery tools. And he’s bragging on national TV about it while doing it. God knows what he isn’t bragging about

Corrupt as fuck cause they failed to impeach he’s literally unstoppable now

>> No.11536329


My gf is a nurse on a Covid floor. They recently had a 32 year old admitted to hospital for Covid that they were looking after. It was a man, no pre-existing health conditions and nothing wrong with him before he came in.

Two days after he was admitted to hospital, he was moved to ICU.

She just told me it's not looking well for him. Since being admitted to ICU, he's been intubated and his blood work is similar to those who end up with complete organ failure.

One of the things I've been told is that some of these people in hospital barely have symptoms -- or rather, just have enough to be admitted. However, when you look at their blood work it's indicative of someone that's on their way out. You can't tell that they're nearly dead just by looking at them, but their internals tell a different story. So by the time you have severe symptoms exhibiting, your internals have been ravaged for weeks without you or anyone else knowing.

>> No.11536330

You realize that when you are so fucked you are being put on a ventilator you are most likely going to die anyway. And the small percentage that somehow survive have severe lung damage from the extremely severe pneumonia. This be ventilator shit isn’t to save people, it’s to make their death not so unpleasant as drowning in your own lungs would kind of suck.

>> No.11536333

So, from what I can gather here, you think you're guaranteed to die and are now just spewing nonsense about everyone else dying because "if i have to die everyone else should too"?
That seems to be the mentality I'm picking up on. Only someone either desperate or obsessed with fun LARPing would believe the retardation being peddled by /pol/.

>> No.11536338

Sounds like the doctors your gf is working with went to med school online.

>> No.11536340

If all this is true then we might as well just mass suicide. No point trying in vain to survive in this world when such a deadly virus is ravaging and making the future so bleak.

>> No.11536345

China needs to be nuked

>> No.11536352

How would you know?

>> No.11536356

Not a lot of scientific method going on itt

>> No.11536360

This isn't r*ddit you faggot. Enjoy hell

>> No.11536361

Seems likely

>> No.11536366

just a flu bro nothing to worry about unless you are old and sick lmao

>> No.11536367


Pretty much, at this point the only thing restricting his movements is the unpredictability of the virus itself.


Ventilators buy time though, so even if you're knocking on deaths door that gives you a chance to try experimental treatments. Treatments that normies wouldn't have the opportunity to get. It also buys time to get your finances in order instead of throwing your estate in chaos from sudden death.

>> No.11536369

Were 3 months into it
We won't have a knowledge of it on a complete "scientific" level for many years
But we're all fucked

>> No.11536382

Coming up with insane theories based purely on outliers found in news articles is the peak of the scientific method, friend. You're just a cuck.

>> No.11536384

Explain why people are dropping dead after they are deemed "recovered"

>> No.11536386

So initially it was all 'not looking good' and now you're telling us something we already know from the newspaper cause the medical people you know didn't actually respond to you?
Is this also what happens when you ask them for dates?
Anyway, I DO have direct family members working in healthcare and yes, it is bad, but until now it's not "Pearl Harbor please ask 13 yo maids to help stop bleeding wounds" bad.
My mom's a nurse that takes care of people who need care at home. She doesn't have to help in the hospital. My aunt's a nurse as well at the home doctors office. Still stable, but busy.
My cousin is doing nursing school. She's at home now since there is no class. She ain't asked for helping in the hospital either
It's sometimes young people, but mostly old people and apparently (newspaper) 90% on ICU is obese

>> No.11536392

Your organs are not going to all start failing without outward physical symptoms

>> No.11536401


>> No.11536411

Are you a doctor?
if not fuck off
Also you can have liver and kidney failure and still walk around for 3-4 days

>> No.11536412

Why don’t you explain why you are retarded?

>> No.11536419

Spanish flu did you idiot.

>> No.11536424

This seems to be the norm on this board. Kind of sad really.

>> No.11536428

>the mega flu is not an exception

>> No.11536439

That's consistent with a video I saw in YouTube of a couple from the diamond princess. They were treated in a Japanese hospital, where the doctor apologized for not being able to help them and that they're pretty much dead, while they were like wtf, before symptoms suddenly started spiraling downwards. They did survive though.

>> No.11536443


>> No.11536447

>Why are young people with no underlying conditions now regularly dying of covid-19?
They aren't, retard

>> No.11536456

They are
Do some research
Italy is denying ventilators to people over the age of 60

>> No.11536458

>initially it was all 'not looking good' and now you're telling us something we already know from the newspaper cause the medical people you know didn't actually respond to you?
Can you not read? Also, lots of people having fibrosis is fucking awful. Have you ever had breathing problems in your life?
I don't know what the point of the rest of your post is.

>> No.11536469
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BTW, Boris Johnson just went to hospital for treatment.

>> No.11536473
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Fuck yeah

>> No.11536478

I know it's cruel but I'm not gunna lie. If he and Trump die from this virus, it'll be the best thing to come from it.

>> No.11536484


>> No.11536489

It's quite long though.

>> No.11536490

>still crying this hard

>> No.11536496

wheres this pic from
how do I find information on them
do they really recruit teenagers
what happens to the teens that grow into adults

>> No.11536509
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I don't know, seems like it broke into some kind of new strain. A mutation? Either way, we have people in their mid-twenties dropping like rocks here lately.

>> No.11536516

Where are you?

>> No.11536517

Nailed it buddy

>> No.11536518

Times up, boomer

>> No.11536521
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Top bait

>> No.11536522

I read that a 101 year old men that survived the Spanish flu, survived corona. Based.

>> No.11536530

The spanish flu was 102 years ago you mongoloid

>> No.11536555

You do realize you're literally facing your own mortality because of these fuckwads, right?
At minimum 200,000 will die in the US, but it'll likely be closer to 2 million or more.

When Russia helped these two get into office this is what they were hoping for. A major crisis that they could advice these 2 on how to make it even worse. We're in the endgame plan that Russia's been cooking up for the last half decade. We had carefully calculated contingency plans for an outbreak and Trump tore them to shreds, and nobody can say why, but I bet Putin is calling Trump up each week giving him "advice" on how to make the pandemic even worse.

US citizens dying from this virus has always been the long game. Maybe Russia didn't know the virus was coming, but the could assume that every president faces 1 crisis or another. They hit the jackpot this time. If this isn't acknowledged, America may literally never recover, and nobody even seems to notice at this time.

>> No.11536561

It lasted till December 1920, he must have got it toward the end.

>> No.11536565

Looks like my grandpa and speaks like Michael Caine

*listens like a child*

>> No.11536577

Fear eats the soul

>> No.11536581

Like the warrior poet 2pac once said “I’d rather die like a man than live like a coward”

>> No.11536614

>WWII and Vietnam vets at risk
>Retarded basement dwelling NEET at risk

>> No.11536623

>We fought two wars for the jews, so we deserve to live 6 months more, even if the country gets fucked

>> No.11536690

if you're regularly posting on 4chin then I doubt you'll be around others enuf to catch the COVID
no worries anon

>> No.11536749
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Pic is old and honestly can't remember where I got it from. I don't know why I posted it of all of them. I am on my old phone while my other one is charging.
>inb4 phone poster
Yeah yeah. I got pc replacement parts in the mail. Fuckin worst quarantine ever..

But it is increasingly difficult to join any legit ones like NXIVM. Folks like Raniere, Bronfman and Epstein are getting taken down due to recent laws, and new leaders are really tightening the strings if they're continuing. It's a shit show finding new operations, but I'm certain it's happening. No longer my thing tho.
But remember when Craigslist and backpage stopped listing personals? Yup. All related. They really did recruit teens, and Craigslist etc were hotbeds. Some of the recruits would go on to become Hollywood actors and future recruiters/mistresses.

You don't really find much on them other than following leads, asking witnesses, connecting names and following people. You observe who isn't enjoying it as much as the others and maybe one day she's out alone and you can ask her something.

But before all that, it really helped if you either had lots of cash or a nice set of tits.

Anything else pobably isnt really a cult so much as a party. For that you just need to socialize more and go to the after parties, and eventually you'll talk with the right person. Or if your college truly sucks, than start your own. Best bet again is recruiting the same people who go to after parties. Those weird but fun fucks who always need more.

>> No.11536765

so they pretty much just recruited kids that went online looking for sex?

>> No.11537159

>Da joos
Opinion discarded

>> No.11537172

>woooo science
>there's nothing beyond the material world guise
>spiritual reality isn't real because no matter lol are you retarded

>> No.11537221

Order hydrochloroquine and azithromycin or z-pak from the deepweb. Someone is guaranteed to be selling it. Be careful because as with everything, the wrong dose will kill you.

>> No.11537229

>hurr durr which god? checkmate
Pascal says pick one, hypothetical retard.

>> No.11537317
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No underlying condition /= robust immune system and constitution. I've got a feeling (I hypothesize) that the ones dying without underlying conditions may have been underexposed to diseases in the past, are generally weak/frail/poor physique, are nutritionally lacking, consumption of substances may be involved etc... They may not have underlying conditions but they aren't the epitome of health either.

>> No.11537340

die black nigger

>> No.11537357

Racism isn't allowed outside of /b/.

>> No.11537378
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>it's another /pol/tard can't into statistics, biology, or medicine thread

>> No.11537380

It's safe to say that this thing is ridiculously contagious and is outperforming the flu in terms of cases in a fraction of the time and with desperation suppression measures. Therefore it's safe to say you're going to hear a greater volume of stories of people dying young than with the flu.

>> No.11537481

ok kike

>> No.11537506

Trumps a complete germaphobe, no way in hell he'll get infected, he probably has unnofficially "joked" that if he gets infected he'll track down anyone with it in the white house and have their entire family asssassinated.

probably tests his staff on a near daily basis for it.

>> No.11537516

People were laughing at the old people dying because the elderly tend to be conservative and a large portion of trump's support is from them.
Hence people viewed it as karmic due to Trump trying to pretend it didn't exist and getting us into the direness of our current situation.

Now that its killing the young, who tend to oppose trump and be far to the left politically, people are pissed because they view it as "The assholes I've been fighting against have gotten ME killed with their retardation too"

>> No.11537524

alot of us have jobs you know. Its a shit job, just 17.50 an hour as a shift manager at a grocery store, but its still a job.

Which sadly means I'll probably get it in a month or so.

>> No.11537633

Holy shit I though Trump Derangement Syndrome was just some right wing meme, but your post proves to me that it’s real. I can’t believe that something so asinine would be posted on this board of all places. For shame, anon.

>> No.11537650

this board is actually unreadable because of this one autist who keeps repeating the same retarded line over and over

>> No.11537665

Lmao that's not how viruses work, wtf is wrong with people

>> No.11537674

I hate being under house arrest and I might as well be sick. I'm not doing anything but waiting to die, the people on TV tell me... I love my job and I'll work for free. I'll even work with a mask on if you insist, and shove your curve up your ass. If there's a Round 2 of this I will top myself so fast I won't know what happened.

>> No.11537778

Holy shit, that completely escaped me. What a shit show. Raniere seems an interesting and enormously talented character, but going the cult leader route is an ultimate brainlet move.
Do you have more hints at reading material about these kinds of things?
When were you a part of such a cult?

>> No.11537898

>apologized for not being able to help them and that they're pretty much dead
Based Japanese Doctor
Tfw saw a western doctor on tv to one of his corona patients
>were going to give you anesthesia, hook you up to a Ventilator and your going to wake up cured.

>> No.11537926

From the article you linked:
>Experts say the body’s antibody response, triggered by the onset of a virus, means it is unlikely that patients who have recovered from COVID-19 can get re-infected so soon after contracting the virus.
>experts TIME spoke with say that it’s likely the reports of patients who seemed to have recovered but then tested positive again were not examples of re-infection, but were cases where lingering infection was not detected by tests for a period of time

>> No.11537952

You know when something is sketchy when even now, after thousands of years of discussion, people still argue about whether the spiritual world exists, when almost NO ONE argues about whether the real world exists.

>> No.11537967

Yandex says it's art from Arsen Savadov

>> No.11538223

> poster on 4chan. you don't have much to lose. embrace the spike proteins of the coronachan.
just kys now

>> No.11538608

>I’m only 23, I don’t want to die...
>Not welcoming the cold embrace of death
What are you gay??

>> No.11538638

He's not afraid of death, he's afraid of dieing.
Like people are afraid of getting it in the butt, but not afraid of having a relationship with a man.