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11535377 No.11535377[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


If the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11 was not caused by fires, then by WHAT was it caused, /sci/?

>> No.11535392

It was caused by fires and damage from falling debris. Faulty premise.


>> No.11535441

>imagine believing this in 2020

>> No.11535445

Anyone who was alive at the time knows that it was the only building in New York effected and sadly destroyed by the Millenium Bug. You're showing your age Zoomer.

>> No.11535447

>imagine believing this in 2020

Prove it was not caused by fires and damage from falling debris. Occam’s Razor favors no silly conspiracy.

>> No.11535449

I know, who would believe a paper with fake graphics and that claims to disprove something while only discussing one example of that thing?

>> No.11535456

I chuckled.

>> No.11535470

Having a serious discussion of WTC 7 is no longer possible on the internet. Accept it and move on. No one even died in the building!

>> No.11535472
File: 243 KB, 800x599, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small, delimited office fires and basically no damage due to falling debrees brought it down. Banker's trust building has a huge gaping hole on its front yet it was still standing.

>> No.11535501

>Small, delimited office fires and basically no damage due to falling debrees

>Banker's trust building has a huge gaping hole on its front yet it was still standing.

>> No.11535524


>> No.11535534

every single video available of the wtc 7
so the theory of the debris has to be discarded, since the two adjacent buildings don't even have damage from debris

>> No.11535560

Maybe WTC 7 was hit by debris and the two adjacent buildings (Verizon, US Post Office) just weren't. It seems unintuitive, but it might've happened.

>> No.11535562

>every single video available of the wtc 7
How does a video tell you the extent of the fires and damage inside?

>so the theory of the debris has to be discarded, since the two adjacent buildings don't even have damage from debris
What does that have to do with the Bankers Trust building and how does that imply the theory of debris has to be discarded? Are you now saying the building wasn't hit by debris because the one's next to it were not?

You're not arguing logically.

>> No.11535564

So magic debris can hit only one bulding and leave the other two unharmed. Sounds logic to me
>how does a video tell you the extent of the fire
did you seriously ask this?
>seems unintuitive
see above

>> No.11535566

>How does a video tell you the extent of the fires and damage inside?
If fires are visible on one floor, why shouldn't they be visible on the other floors, too?

>> No.11535579

When I was young a friend of mine fell out of a tree and died. So by your logic every time anyone ever falls out of a tree they must logically die every time. In fact we can conclude that because some people fall out of trees and survive my friend must not have died.

That's your logic, correct?

>> No.11535581

If fires brought down WTC 7, why don't they use fires to take down other buildings? It'd be much easier and cheaper than explosives.

>> No.11535583

How do you know, WTC 7 was damaged by debris, at all? What's your evidence for this claim?

>> No.11535601

I did not want to resort to this, but those fucking kike tactics are really stupid. That has nothing to do with the topic we were discussing.

>> No.11535613

Okay. Just look at the logic.

Some buildings survive being struck by debris, therefore debris cannot cause a building to fall.

Some people survive falling out of trees, therefore falling out of trees cannot kill you. So what killed my friend?

The logic is identical.

>> No.11535632

I understand now but see, if two adjacent building have no damage from debris, and the only one struck from them survived no problem, how come wtc7 collapsed? it's not like debris had a preferential path to follow and decided to strike the building

>> No.11535656

>>imagine believing this in 2001

funny you people are americans

>> No.11535662

>Prove it was not caused by fires and damage from falling debris
If so, then in America they build from shit and rotten sticks.
This is true? No? Well, that’s the answer ...

>> No.11535665

flight 93 hit WTC 7 and made it fall due to jew fuel fires.

>> No.11535667

and by the way look at wtc5 and 6, which were directly under the rubble and have huge gaping holes but did not collapse

>> No.11535683

>So magic debris can hit only one bulding and leave the other two unharmed.
It was the closest of the the three to the North tower. Also debris did hit the other towers but were not large enough to cause much damage. Also we have video showing debris hitting WTC 7 and the resulting damage. So I'm not sure what you're even trying to argue about.

>did you seriously ask this?
Did you seriously try to avoid answering this?

>> No.11535688
File: 128 KB, 721x633, wtc7-hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11535697

>If fires are visible on one floor, why shouldn't they be visible on the other floors, too?
Who said they weren't visible on other floors? I asked how a video tells you the extent of the fires and damage inside. I didn't ask how you can see fires from the outside.

>> No.11535715
File: 43 KB, 350x466, 54c8709aa8a3e_-_wtc7-damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11535719

>it was the closest
same asthe verizon buiding and merrill lynch
>Did you seriously try to avoid answering this?
you can't answer such a fucking stupid question

>> No.11535720

>If fires brought down WTC 7, why don't they use fires to take down other buildings?
Maybe because you don't want smoke and toxic chemicals everywhere? Maybe because it's easier to control explosives? Maybe you're retarded?

>> No.11535722

>I understand now but see, if two adjacent building have no damage from debris, and the only one struck from them survived no problem, how come wtc7 collapsed?
Doesn't that question answer itself? If the other buildings were not hit by debris then there is no damage and no fire to cause a collapse.

>it's not like debris had a preferential path to follow and decided to strike the building
Yeah it's almost like debris falls randomly and is most likely to hit the closest buildings to its source.

Have you ever taken an IQ test?

>> No.11535726

>same asthe verizon buiding and merrill lynch
Prove debris did not hit those buildings.

>you can't answer such a fucking stupid question
You can, you just won't because it destroys your argument.

>> No.11535833

>Implying it was the closest
Look at that fucking picture I posted >>11535472 and tell me it's the closest, and not just as close as lynch and Verizon. Also take a look at building 5 and 6 and tell me how they did not collapse.
Of course they were hit but the damage is negligible, no building suffered fatal damage, not even building 5 and 6 which were directly underneath.
How can debris be ejected with such a force in a single direction to make a single building collapse?

>> No.11535852

Occam's razor is a rule of thumb, not a law. It disfavours pizzagate, the internal conspiracy to fuck bernie sanders in the DNC and MK-ULTRA, but we all know those were very real.

>> No.11536116
File: 20 KB, 250x167, 250px-Six_WTC_SW_Corner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying it was the closest
Are you incapable of reading?

>Also take a look at building 5 and 6 and tell me how they did not collapse.
They were destroyed by debris. They didn't completely collapse because they weren't as large as WTC 7. Again, what is your argument? That WTC7 was not hit by debris? We already know it was from pictures. That debris has to fall on and affect every building equally? No, it doesn't. Make an argument, retard.

>Of course they were hit but the damage is negligible, no building suffered fatal damage, not even building 5 and 6 which were directly underneath.
Yeah totally not fatal damage in pic related. They're still using this building today. Fucking retard.

>How can debris be ejected with such a force in a single direction to make a single building collapse?
Why do you think debris is ejected in all directions uniformly?

>> No.11536373

Arguing with kikes is pointless.
Look at the photo I posted above and tell me why building 7 is the only one to have collapsed on that side of the road while suffering the same damage as every other building when even buildings standing right under the towers were still standing

>> No.11536436

>Look at the photo I posted above and tell me why building 7 is the only one to have collapsed on that side of the road while suffering the same damage as every other building when even buildings standing right under the towers were still standing
Because it didn't suffer the same damage as every other building, retard.