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11531105 No.11531105 [Reply] [Original]

Italy, Spain, Germany and the USA all now have more coronavirus cases than China. How did China stop the virus in it's tracks while we in the west cannot?

>> No.11531114
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>> No.11531119

No, China lies about its numbers and that's well known. Check other countries and see how they are doing to see if it's cured

>> No.11531123
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stupid gullible cunt

>> No.11531127
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>How did China stop the virus in it's tracks

>> No.11531128

>Italy, Spain, Germany and the USA all now have more coronavirus cases than China

Italy, Spain, Germany and the USA all now have more coronavirus cases than China *claims to have*.

>> No.11531244

I don't see why you trust that the governments of Italy, Spain, Germany and the USA are being honest just because the Chinese are lying.
When have you ever seen a government tell the honest truth when self serving lies were an option?

>> No.11531251

the fucking and the pissing and the shitting and the cunting

>> No.11531264

Stop reading the Global Times

>> No.11531281

It'd be worth reading if they'd tell us all how the Chinese managed to cure coronavirus

>> No.11531291


China's government is totalitarian and will do anything necessary to project power and control. There is no media freedom and so the true death toll can be covered up. That is not the case in the US and Europe.

>> No.11531297

They knew it was potentially serious, so they waited until Chinese new year to let their people travel to foreign countries and infect them and then immediately locked down everything to stamp it out in their own country. They took advantage of their mass migration to cripple other countries intentionally.
They also don't count asymptomatic patients in their records.

>> No.11531304

Deflecting isn't a successful argument that China is telling the truth

>> No.11531317

Chinese Government >

>Enforces concentration camps on certain minorities; labels them "reeducation camps"
>Allows the theft, sale and distribution of intellectual property; dismisses claim/lawsuit that isn't Chinese-based
>Puts it's own citizens under a "social score" similar to credit scores.

And a plethora of other things.

The Chinese Government is on the same level of shit as North Korea, Turkmenistan, etc.

You can't even trust the US, much less the Chinese.

>> No.11531319

Not at all, just mentioning that Chinese lying doesn't necessarily guarantee or even suggest that everyone else is telling the truth.

>> No.11531328

>all now have more coronavirus cases than China
>it is estimated that more than 700.000 cases of COVID-19 actually occurred instead of the confirmed 80,932 cases as of 3/13/2020.

>> No.11531330


IF you wanted to actually foster an interesting discussion, you would replace CHINA with SOUTH KOREA

>> No.11531338

Better yet, Taiwan

>> No.11531342

Because China literally welded people inside their homes and put people on a "We will come and put your entire family in a concentration camp if you go outside while infected" policy.
Its crude, but Locking everyone indoors for 3 weeks WILL kill the virus by making everyone immune.

They also built a hospital for all the minor cases (I.E. everyone not about to die) and basically imprisoned all the lightly infected people in basically a giant building with beds, meaning the infected were less likely to infect their families while sheltering at home.
And while lies about the death toll are one thing, China's repopening Wuhan's shops and businesses: Which they wouldn't be doing if the virus was still present their, they can't lie the virus into not infecting more people.

So they clearly have it under control there, even if they fucked their people over to do it.

>> No.11531351

mostly the noise about china is not about the facts, it's about diverting attention from the fact that Trump/gop saw it unfolding on the news for 3 months but did nothing

>> No.11531352

never heard of it.
t. teddy

>> No.11531357
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yeah there all sorts of estimates out there up to 21 million, none of them are realistic or believable.
they say about 40 million died in the great chinese communist famine in the late 50s, but the chinese published fake economic number and lied and nobody outside china even knew the famine had happened until this chart was published by the chinse communist government in 1982, more than 20 years after the fact.

>> No.11531359

oh boy this whataboutism again. but since we're doing this. why didn't the who call an emergency until the day after cheeto in chief set up the task force? and where were the dems this entire time?

>> No.11531360

>where were the dems
not in the WH

>> No.11531361

just in congress and the senate screeching about racism.

>> No.11531363

>why didn't the who call an emergency
because they're globalists
Wasn't trump going to win them all and make 'Murica #1?

>> No.11531366


>> No.11531367

congress = house + senate
read a book

>> No.11531370

it was impeachment they were screaming about

>> No.11531389

The Chinese cured coronavirus thanks to the will and cooperation of the Chinese people together with a strong leadership by Chairman Xi

>> No.11531395

Damn it's so sad how tens of thousands of Chinese people that were forcefully boarded in their homes died spontaneously.

>> No.11531399

It's not exactly cooperation when the alternative is getting flogged by riot police.

>> No.11531401


It doesn't, but we know for a fact that:

1. China's government has a far greater ability to lie due to their lack of political freedom
2. China's government has already been caught arresting doctors for privately warning each other about the virus back in January
3. China's government is unable to criticize itself or allow dissent

America and Europe are not in such a position. Trump has plenty of critics, top of which is NY Governor Andrew Cuomo, whereas in China everyone just repeats the party line from the top without question. Cuomo even went on TV yesterday to say that Trump was a liar, that the Federal government cannot help, and that the Federal government lacks sufficient supplies to help NY state. This is the exact opposite of what's happening in China where all politicians and official media portray an image of competence. The only deviation is when Chinese technocrats promote conspiracy theories and lies about the virus by suggesting it's an American bioweapon, something so stupid Trump refuses to entertain the equivalent (/pol/'s idea that the virus is a Chinese bioweapon).

>> No.11531407


>Its crude, but Locking everyone indoors for 3 weeks WILL kill the virus by making everyone immune.

It won't when the virus is still around at hospitals and markets, arguably in the water system too. It spreads through people who don't have to abide by such restrictions - police and military officials - who spread it too. And even then, by the time such measures were taken it was far too late - Wuhan had it's chinese new year celebrations despite knowing the virius was happening. It's too late to stop transmission.

>> No.11531411

>built hospital
The one that collapsed, killing everyone inside?
>reopening shops in wuhan
more likely this is due to pressure from party members who were losing profit

>> No.11531414

I was saying what the Global Times would say, gotta love the Chinese propaganda trying to pull a reverse uno card here.

>> No.11531441
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This is true, but it's also true that people have been screaming about "eminent Chinese collapse" for the past 30 years while the collapse never seems to materialize.

>> No.11531452

it's like alabama, shocking

>> No.11531461

China couldn't test everyone turning up to medical facilities. So the rate of increase reflected testing saturation. And the leveling off data is an artefact of the original data set.

China has no idea how many people are infected within their country. The isolation phase would have helped slow the spread. But it's likely that after the isolation, the infection will return. As the virus is still in the environment, it just doesn't magically disappear. Just like influenza...it returns seasonally.

So don't expect this rollercoaster to end anytime soon. Until a reliable vaccine is distributed, it's likely to just be a typical infection cycle.

The funny thing is, that now we could have two seasonal viruses which would continue to undermine this dystopian global economy.

>> No.11531463

Seriously though, the conservative states are all going to be FINE. Its just the blue ones which will have people dying in the streets from lack of supplies.

See florida for proof: every single ventilator they asked for? Delivered, and promptly without any fuss or delay. New york? Fuck them, they're run poorly!
Trump is playing Political dice with the lives of the US citizens: If he sees your state as either loyal or valuable he'll take care of you. If he views your state as "lost" to him in the coming election (Like new york which he cannot win no matter what), he'll write you off and leave the people in it to literally suffocate on puss and die, fuck you for living in a blue state.

>> No.11531466

Influenza returns seasonally because it has a high Mutation rate. Despite what people like to say, Corona-chan has a relatively LOW mutation rate so its unlikely that it will become unrecognizable in a single year to your immune system.

>> No.11531469
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this thread is about if and how china cure the virus, why are you so eager to try to bring american partisan politics into it and how is that supposed to shed light on the thread topic?

>> No.11531474
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explain this retard

>> No.11531480

the island with incredibly controlled entry into it due to being a giant Resort state has only recently been infected and as such has a low Coronavirus count?

>> No.11531483
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But wait there's more!

>> No.11531492

once again, the time that a state gets infected kind of is important: Every state is going to get infected en masse, and a couple of weeks means literal exponential differences in numbers.
The issue is how many of their people SURVIVE. Trump's favoritism towards where medical supplies go is what's going to define which states make it through okay and which ones flounder and die. (Hint: The swing states and red states will be fine. The blue states will be told "Its not my job" to literally do his job and help out states during a disaster.

>> No.11531499


>> No.11531508

That's a very interesting theory you have there.
1. You are overestimating the influence of the federal government and underestimating the influence of the state governments
2. Pulling this stunt would be literally impossible to hide. If Trump did try to do this, he would be impeached and jailed.
3. If red and swing states were given the option to experience favoritism, they would refuse. States are not willing to sell each other out in the same manner as EU countries did.

>> No.11531526

Total isolation. Thanks to their surveillance state they took all infected cases, quarantined them and their direct contacts in hotels for two weeks while desinfecting their houses.
Can't do that in the west because muh freedom.

>> No.11531543
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>Seriously though, the conservative states are all going to be FINE.
This is right up there with white people are immune the covid because they lack the ACE-2 receptors that Asians have.

>> No.11531550

The modern world needs to go to war against China before the end of the year.
We have casus belli and our goal should be to remove and execute their entire government.

We should install a vassal government that reports to our coalition and remove and replace their legal system to match the modern western world.

It will also be a war against culture, we will force a change in culture to prevent this kind of incident from occuring.

I don't think there is anyone other than chinese operatives actually debating the "republican vs. democrat" thing here, but if you're not a chinese agent you need to drop that shit and get ready for war.

>> No.11531551

Akabased and red pilled

>> No.11531554

Ancient Chinese Secret: Lying.

>> No.11531563

>We should install a vassal government that reports to our coalition and remove and replace their legal system to match the modern western world.

So, Taiwan?

>> No.11531571

all nonwhites should be eliminated from the earth

>> No.11531717
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Impeachment was over weeks before virus cases started increasing. Meanwhile oranganus kept playing down while his horde of incompetent morons kept entanglingnand stone walling any real mitigation steps. Let's not forget ornaganus also dissolved the committee in charge of global pandemics. If anything, the current WH was the best group of people to ensure U.S. status as a failing nation.

>> No.11531727

/pol/ morons are so utterly consumed by their kool-aid they rather burn alive and do nothing about it, than to admit they are wrong and try to help out. Expect b.s. like this poster's to continue till the bitter end.

>> No.11531746

The impeachment trial ran from Jan 15 to Feb 5, the first case in the USA was diagnosed on Jan 20, Trump shut down flights from China on Jan 31, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer & Xi all called Trump a racist for shutting down flights from China on Feb 1.

>> No.11532025
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And now China actually is collapsing, because they no longer have a consumer to buy their product from. This is a problem with all export-driven economies like Russia and China, and is why they should have done something about it 12 years ago when it mattered. Instead they printed more debt and have no usable tools to contain the economic fallout, whereas Trump can still raise taxes (especially taxes on Chinese imports).

This is the day people have been warning about for a while now, the day the CCP would have to allow political liberalization or be forced out of the western financial system.

>> No.11532033


>> No.11532038

>criticize Xi Jinping
>get murdered in the street by chinese gestapo

>criticize Trump
>people just shrug


>> No.11532093

It's quite apparent China lies in everything. From their deaths to how much money a coffee company makes. I feel like an idiot buying shares in Alibaba now knowing full well their accounting books are full of lies.
Moral of the story, never trust China.

>> No.11532098

Companies are also rethinking having all their supply chain in China. They will diversify it now and move into other nations so if another plague happens they won't be fucked.

>> No.11532248
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>Trump shut down flights from China on Jan 31, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer & Xi all called Trump a racist for shutting down flights from China on Feb 1.
Liberals warned that travel restrictions would be ineffective, but Trump did them anyway and that’s why the United States is currently free of infection.

Score one for populist instincts over the so-called "experts."

>> No.11532252

>plague happens and the whole world is shut down again
>diversify into Vietnam and Mexico
>they get infected and shut down too
Those companies must be as smart as you

>> No.11532461

Stop being stupid enough to believe China. They are liars whose lies got us into this mess in the first place.

>> No.11532734


Taiwan had the best response. Basically but the Taiwanese flag on all medical supplies so they couldn't be hoarded by Chinese. They had plenty of supplies and testing kits to do trace contacting and stopped it early.

>> No.11533645
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Because Taiwan is too based.

>> No.11533657

If any world leader had the balls to do it, they should break off relationships with China and acknowledge Taiwanese sovereignty after all is set and done.

>> No.11533757

No chance of that since China was allowed into the WTO.
There are a few countries that recognized Taiwanese sovereignty (or were when I lived there), but for the most part they are countries that don't play a huge role on the international stage.

>> No.11533902
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I wonder what the Chinese did different than everyone else to stop the virus and why they're not sharing their secrets with the rest of the world

>> No.11533906
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>Liberals warned that travel restrictions would be ineffective
No they didn't all they did was complain about racism again "muh precious chinks"

>> No.11533930


They lied about having an additional 45k coronavirus cases. Why the fuck should we believe they curbed it? Because they're sending other countries extra masks and ventilators?

We don't even know the current status of all the other provinces surrounding Wuhan.

>> No.11534266

They wouldn't be opening their shops if they hadn't curbed it.

>> No.11534298
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they haven't curbed it, the problem is that the chinese economy is heavily dependent on showing how great their GDP is, they need to keep building shit to prove to the world that their economy is strong, a 6 month halt would crash the economy harder than the American one has. Don't be surprised if next year the Chinese GDP will be the only GDP that actually increased this year even if it means silencing any new cases.

>> No.11534419

If the pandemic starts up again, there can be no growth.

>> No.11534433

>they haven't curbed it,
don't know really, since it's hard to tell how far along herd immunity is working
So they slowly open up, now with a fully prepared army to deal with it
Might have to clamp down every now and then, but getting the economy going again quickly is worth it - at least from the CCP's point of view

>> No.11534439

that's why they forced the people to go back even if they haven't contained it, the CCP cares more about its international image than its people, they care more about manufacturing and flexing their manufacturing of terrible medical equipment to other nations as a sign of strength, the CCP will never tolerate having China seen as weak.

It's their gamble and now that they have a vaccine in developing, they can say that they have developed a herd immunity and the cases are getting weaker, but no sane man should trust the CCP words at face value.

>> No.11534450

Eh, vaccines won't be out till next year.

>> No.11534460

This would work if China didn't already prove to be lying several times already