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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11529803 No.11529803 [Reply] [Original]

e^x is not equal to 1 + x + x^2/2!...
no matter how many terms you add, it will never actually be equal to e^x, meaning that it isn't equal to e^x.

>> No.11529810

>e^x is not equal to 1 + x + x^2/2!...
>no matter how many terms you add
yeah we know infinity isnt a number

>> No.11529828

It's bizarre how much of /sci/ is just brainlet projection. They'll cry that mathematics is a sham because "infinity" is illogical and not a number, which ironically makes the brainlets the ones who believe in the existence of infinity, since mathematicians literally came to that conclusion two centuries ago.

>> No.11529836

What's your take on

[math] \lim_{ n\to 0} \frac {1} {n} = 0 [/math]

>> No.11529846

a false statement

>> No.11529849

Proof it.

>> No.11529851

the left and right limits don't equal each other, so the limit doesn't exist

>> No.11529852

Why do you bother to argue with retards? They don't even know what a limit is.

>> No.11529853

You are so fucking smart bro. I can tell because you call everyone a brainlet.

>> No.11529856

no good thread on /sci/ right now

>> No.11529859
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>> No.11529862

nice fucking unironic wojak post faggot didn't read

>> No.11529866

>didnt read
Shame. You could have learned something.

>> No.11529888

Take [math]n>0[/math]
Now take a sequence of denominators [math](a_n) = (n, \frac{n}{2}, \frac{n}{2^2}, \frac{n}{2^3}\ldot)[/math] etc.
The upper limit of that sequence is zero
Now for n=1, [math]\frac{1}{a_n} = \frac{1}{1}=1[/math]
For any n, [math]\frac{1}{a_n} = \frac{1}{\frac{a_{n-1}}{2}} = 2 * \frac{1}{a_{n-1}}[/math]
Therefore, for any n, the result will be larger than the one before.
The least result is 1, and since 0 is less than 1, it will never be the result.

>> No.11530435

I don't call everyone brainlets, just brainlets. That you take offense to that is not exactly evidence that you are not a brainlet.

>> No.11530509


>> No.11530512

whats your take on the riemann hypothesis?

>> No.11530534

Imagine if infinite limits existed.

>> No.11531340

Autist. Should consider suicide.
Chad. Knows what he's talking about and is based.