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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 253 KB, 1552x1552, Mars_Valles_Marineris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11525516 No.11525516 [Reply] [Original]

>5 am
>another night of googling images of planets and spending hours in utter fascination
>feel pure amazement that the Solar system has been a constant of civilization for thousands of years
>thinking about how crazy it is that we borrow things from past civilizations, the names of our planets are remnants of an ancient society long gone
There's so much stuff I think about. I hope I'm not alone. I might come off as a dumb Reddit sciencebro saying this stuff and maybe it is kind of a normie take but there is really nothing I can say that describes the pure feeling of wonder every single time I look up to the stars. Every time I look through a telescope I have to wonder if God is real

>> No.11525536

same. I'm thinking about taking physics instead of an engineering course at uni but I haven't studied maths for years now so it'd be very hard for me.

>> No.11525546

Honestly I'm in a very profitable field right now and I have alot of money invested but if I had a choice to do everything over again I would bump up my grades and go into a scientific field. As far as math goes I wouldn't knock self studying as long as you have good self discipline. I'd really like to pick up math again, it was so much fun when I was younger but I grew out of it because I got lazy. You're never too old anon

>> No.11525554

i do the same anon. amazing to think of the galaxy. fucking mindblowing

you dont need to study physics or maths to appreciate the cosmos anon

>> No.11525562

>it was so much fun when I was younger but I grew out of it because I got lazy.

exactly why I stopped. I used to be one of the top in top set maths back when I was 12-16 but im 20 now and haven't touched maths for 4 years. I am starting to read through a precalculus textbook but its hard for me. Im autistic and have ADD I find it really difficult to self teach myself things. Im going to keep trying and I really hope I can study physics but im worried for myself.

like you I feel like I might regret not doing it in the future so that's my motivation.

that's what I've always done but I want to get deeper in it. space has always been my favourite subject to fantasise about.

>> No.11525568

Hey I just wanna say I totally get it, I'm an aspie and I used to be on ADHD meds so it's really hard for me to do stuff like online school and self teaching too. I feel so good though when I realize that even though my "disabilities" are somewhat barriers to education in some ways, the accomplishment I feel when I practice good self discipline gives me the motivation to better myself. It's tough for us but I really think that works to our advantage sometimes. You can do it too anon

>> No.11526397

It's amazing that people go their entire lives never pondering about our place in the universe.

>> No.11526421

tfw my gf doesn't like having conversations about "space stuff" and always transitions conversations into complaining about her coworkers

>> No.11526443

Why are you with her? Ass?

>> No.11526809

i have a similar situation. I'm with her for ass, yes. but I don't usually get female attention so im not sure if I should leave her now, or until I meet someone else.

she can be pretty dumb sometimes

>> No.11527258

It's such a shame we can't go and see all of it firsthand in a reasonable timetable
I look up at the moon half the time and wonder "How does it look being there?"

>> No.11527285
File: 11 KB, 590x353, Jupiter-moons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if youre a zoomer, you may go to mars, definitely the moon again in our lifetimes.
i wonder how the earth would look like through a telescope on a foreign planet. not some hubble-grade thing, but the way we see the planets through amateur telescopes. kinda blurry and small but its definitely there. like pic related.
every single time i look up at the moon im in awe that we have made the universe our plaything. we are all animals yet we have the power to make the solar system our toy. we can literally do anything we want. we have real photographs of titan even. everyone says we're inconsequential nut nobody realizes how much power we truly have. the universe is in our hands. the fact that we can escape the bounds of the planet humanity was birthed in is proof that we are meant to do much more.
sometimes i wonder if the solar system is to humanity what the earth and her continents are to animals. animals can take hundreds of years to colonize and migrate from continents, and we do it in a matter of hours. lesser animals are content with earth as their "playground" because that is the extent of their capacity. is the solar system the extent of our "playground"?

>> No.11527348

I appreciate the reality that we're never getting off of this rock so y'all better fix your issues and stop going to war with someone who lives 5 miles away because the asshole who sits in the big chair doesn't like the way the fucking lines look on the map. Just kill HIM on the spot. Problems solved if you just kill the maniacs.

>> No.11527351

Based fedposter
Glow harder faggot

>> No.11527821


>> No.11527999

This posts reminds me that someday I have to learn how to use spaceengine

>> No.11528024 [DELETED] 

Alright glow nigger lets give your theory the (you) it deserves. Which leader would you execute israel or palestine

>> No.11528034

>another night of googling images of planets and spending hours in utter fascination
You know you can actually look at the sky without a computer?

>> No.11528066


Choke on my dick, you onions animal.

>> No.11528077

Very based, youre just smart bro.
Wonder is the primary force that made each one of us into scientists and engineers

>> No.11529950

Did you know I also do that too
Based schizoposter
Oh hush, you

>> No.11530863
File: 50 KB, 650x421, B73C6A04-9155-44EC-B80AA2B5E9E62508_source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would try to talk to my ex about how cool it would be to go to mars and space travel but she would get oddly angry and just shut me down when I'd try talking about it and she'd say it's not realistic. Its hard to explain the whole dynamic but she wouldn't let me talk about my dreams, inspirations and my pondering of our place in the universe and she just wanted to complain about her coworkers and dumb shit all the time as well. This is just one reason I broke up with her but it was a big one. In my opinion it was just not worth it. Living a normie life where you just do dumb boring shit like that isn't for me. In the end I'm glad I am not with her anymore even though I'm single

>> No.11530887

>In the end I'm glad I am not with her anymore even though I'm single
i feel ya man

>> No.11530913

It's a tough feel. I definitely still love her and miss her but things just didnt work out between us and its better off this way

>> No.11530929

honestly dude i miss her too. i know that it never wouldve worked but it was better than what im in now. she isnt the one for me either. all i want is a girl thats right for me :(

>> No.11530963
File: 28 KB, 131x90, you are here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a photo of the solar system taken by one of the Voyagers. Planet Earth is a blue dot, taking up 1 pixel in the photo.

>> No.11530969

Focus on yourself and what your interested in and realize that true happiness and fulfillment comes from within not an external source especially a female

>> No.11531478


>> No.11531859

fucking same

>> No.11532272
File: 135 KB, 800x800, 800px-TerraformedVenus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space exploration has been like the #1 thing on my mind now for several months. It never occurred to me until fairly recently that it's actually genuinely possible that we might actually get off this rock and start colonizing the Solar System, even in my lifetime. Hell, we might even leave this Solar System and start colonizing others, though that won't be for several hundred years at the very earliest.

Mars is by far and away my favorite planet to talk about for obvious reasons but I wish Venus would get more attention. We should start colonizing that and terraforming it at around the same time as Mars.

>> No.11532304

Did you read Kurzweil?

>> No.11532318

No. Should I be? I've been very, very interested in science and futurism for the past like half a year or so after kind of tangentially appreciating science and technology from the sidelines. Kinda kicking myself for being all depressed and shit in high school and not paying any attention to it. I also always thought I was too dumb for math but I'm taking college algebra right now and acing it, though higher stuff still gets me nervous.

>> No.11532362

I think you'll cum your pants if you do. Read him, he's pretty much perfect for you.

>> No.11532381

I get the feeling of silly Plebbity normie take but sometimes just looking at the stars is very nice, especially if you live away from light pollution and the Milky Way is out

>> No.11532396
File: 11 KB, 454x520, soyak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11533347


>> No.11533722

realistically, could we colonize venus? how could we get past the atmosphere problem

>> No.11533745


>> No.11533775
File: 38 KB, 522x689, visit venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>realistically, could we colonize venus? how could we get past the atmosphere problem
Stage 1 would be to live in domed cloud cities, Star Wars-style.

Then I'd imagine you'd find a way to cool down the planet with one huge solar shade, eventually cooling the planet down to the point where the CO2 gases might freeze. At which point, you find some way to get rid of most of it, the best option being shipping it over to Mars since that planet has the exact opposite problem of not having enough greenhouse gases. Then create an artificial magnetosphere somehow, find some way to put water on the planet, maybe ship from Europa, Enceladus, or Ganymede, and then voila, you now have a terraformed Venus.

Though obviously it's much easier said than done. Step 1 would definitely be the cloud cities though. It doesn't get as much pull as Mars for obvious reasons.

>> No.11534134

There's nothing reachable in the atmosphere worth the huge resource costs of a cloud city
Unless robots build equatorial thrusters and/or a mass driver slams thousands of comets at the right angle to spin it, Venus won't be worth it long term

>> No.11534339

well, what's the alternative?

>> No.11535003

Start with a mirror in Lagrange point 1 to reduce insolation. Next seed the planet with microbes/algae that can withstand the conditions and turn the atmosphere into something more breathable. Finally dump some ice into the planet to get some water.

>> No.11535893

Not much life that can withstand that

>> No.11535915

Extremophiles would survive the sulphurous atmosphere as long as you get the temperature below 400 C.