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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11525030 No.11525030 [Reply] [Original]

>yeah I'm an undergrad CS major who's failing calc 2 and never taken an actual proof based math class (let alone grad level abstract algebra), but OH MY GOD!!! CATEGORY THEORY!!! Frickin' categories bro! I learned about CATEGORY THEORY from numberphile and reddit, it's like replacing all of math with arrows lol xD but stoopid math tardz won't realize it makes all of math trivial because they are doing math THE WRONG WAY!! u just draw arrows and it, like, solves all of math!

Ok, how the fuck did this happen? How did Reddit fags and freshman CS morons become obsessed with category theory?

>> No.11525041

I’ve never met a CS major who was into category theory who wasn’t already a beast at algebra. That is to say, the CS majors who are into category theory are fairly rare, but the ones that are there are generally cream of the crop math students as well (fitting as they’ve almost all been CS/math double majors or CS majors who were former honors math in highschool and pick and choose whatever math courses are interesting in uni)

>> No.11525060

bruh you like category theory? wait till you hear about set theory...

>> No.11525088

funny story im a C student in all three calc tiers but somehow set+graph theory came easy and i found it leagues more interesting. even continued onto complexity theory. got As in both. can't do any sort of quick math to save my life though.

>> No.11525419

its because of haskell most likely, which caters heavy to category theorists

and as you stated in your opening, i doubt there are many or any CS people who actually can code in Haskell let alone understand category theory

if you go to a decent uni to study CS you learn graph theory , so i'd imagine they would fawn over this rather than category theory , which is completely out of reach for the regular CS student

>> No.11525511

>failing calc 2
Do people actually do this?

>> No.11525537

about 10 years ago, people were trying to meme functional programming into relevance, and it gave the opportunity to aspies to show off their power level with monads and gonads.

>> No.11525944

>Like complexity theory
>can't do calculus
You might be able to do the classic results that use basic combinatorics and graph theory, but anything about randomness, approximation, etc., for both complexity and algorithms you'll be cut off. Not to mention anything requiring analysis.

>> No.11525947


>> No.11526082
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Isn't category theory just algebraic topology for brainlets?

>> No.11526219

it's true that category theory was developed alongside topology and geometry, but the category theory in algebraic topology seems to have a much stronger flavor of 'need to know basis' rather than consuming category theory as a topic entirely

>> No.11527383

How do you take a class on category theory? What does the exam look like?

>> No.11527631
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>> No.11527687
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there's enough online, anyway

I love category as much as the discord tranny undergraduate category theorist jokes, tbqh. So I won't root for any part in this battle.