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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11524290 No.11524290 [Reply] [Original]

> Oedupus complex: fuck ur mom kill ur dad
> "bro dreams 100% describe all of humanity consciousness. no sources btw haha ;) " - sigmund frued
>literally smoked 20 cigars a day and didn't know breathing in smoke into ur lungs was bad for the human body despite having a PH.D and should be able to have common sense.

>> No.11524296

yet he still achieved more than most psychologists

>> No.11524305

omg bro sounds really spooooOOoooky

>> No.11524306


>> No.11524335

And Galileo didn't know about black holes, and Pythagoras didn't know basic calculus. What's your fucking point?

>> No.11524349
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>> No.11524352

this, absolutely this. at least he started something where there was almost nothing. sure, his theories are non-scientific and mostly bullshit, but what could he have done? and what have other people done compared to him?

>> No.11524359

At least it's immediately obvious his ideas are bullshit. Modern psychiatry has just made their pseudoscience seem less like bullshit and more like science, despite being anything but.

>> No.11524372


>> No.11524386

Even Freud tossed out his whole interpretations of dreams saga. He was a genius though, and he did a lot. Plus look how swagger this motherfucker is.

>> No.11524432

>sigmund frued
moar like sigmund fraud ammirite

>> No.11524550

1. Chad face yes.jpg
2. Read the chapter on dreams from his lectures at NYU. This isn't at all what he believes you dullard.
3. Doctors were resistant to the idea that smoking was bad for you precisely because they were highly educated and taught to be skeptical. Also, he was trained as a neuropathologist and then switched to psychiatry later on, why the fuck should he have had an opinion on that?

>> No.11524555

Modern psychology is just:
>Let's make up a taxonomy, send out some surveys, then do an ANOVA to prove that the taxonomy is """real"""
They may as well just go back to phrenology

>> No.11524564
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> About Sigmund Freud & Education

>> No.11524593
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Go choke to death on some baby foreskin, Goldblatt.

>> No.11524596

He was a sick-minded, perverted and degenerate drug addict. His proper name is Sickmind Fraud.

>> No.11524622

Based. Freud projected his own weird complexes from seeing his father being a complete sub. Google that shit. Also his cousin Edward Bernays is the father of 'public relations'

>> No.11524725

Freud was a really smart guy. He had a lot of batshit crazy ideas but nonetheless a smart guy.

>> No.11525749

if you look at the history of psychology these people themselves need to be treated badly
why is this kind of field still around? considering all their colossal failures?

>> No.11525759

He lived the life

>> No.11526748

cringe 100% uneducated

based. on the side of good and truth

>> No.11526782

Wasn't he the dude that basically invented the modern concept of the subconscious? I think that makes him pretty important and influential.

>> No.11526793

Freud didn't know about ANYTHING. It's the equivalent of the ramblings of a weed junkie, only in the guise of academic works.

>> No.11527105

To be honest people who think like you are pretty much brainlets. Is it so difficult to put his theories about the unconscious into context? Look at the time period. Freud was revolutionary. People like you have probably not even read one book by him (Civilization and its Discontents is absolutely fantastic). Also Freud had an MD. He was a psychiatrist primarily. Seriously OP fuck people like you.

>> No.11527220

Nietzsche created psychology and was more revolutionary. Freud was a fraud

>> No.11527228

t. brainlet

>> No.11527231

t. brainlet

>> No.11527242

Nope. If you are going to critique a person's entire life work, especially when that person is often regarded as one of the most influential in a field, you should at least be familiar with their work and contributions to the field. Cherry picking one fringe theory and then dismissing everything else is brainlettier. Also Nietzsche was a philosopher, Freud wasn't (although if you study continental philosophy his name is often brought up since he had some impact on the Frankfurt school). At least make a case that Nietzsche "created" psychology. Point out some of his essays or books. But I'd be willing to bet that everything you get is from your baby'sfirstphil course or Wikipedia. Seriously fuck you and people like you. No intellectual curiosity, no drive, no ability to be objective or take the context of a situation or historical period into consideration. People like you are parasites.

>> No.11527244

It's really a bizarre thing that it took humanity so long to realize sucking down a bunch of smoke is bad for you. One of those things where in hindsight it's impossible to understand why it wasn't obvious back then.

>> No.11528099

>implying us smokers care

Live young die fast! Teeeheee teeeheee

>> No.11528113

Not /sci/ related

>> No.11528130

Don't forget that these people (Jung, Freud) were in a world where the idea of an unconscious was not widely accepted or even considered.

>> No.11528141

>was sigmund frued the biggest pseudo-intellectual in the last century?
This is the mainstream retard opinion. In reality if you took 9/10 of his ideas, they would seem obvious to you in spite of being totally novel in his time period. But the 10th idea is that you want to fuck your mom, which makes you uncomfortable, so you call him a pseud.

The funny thing is that Freud might be the single most influential person on ALL of human thought, period. The very idea that not everything is conscious was fucking insane.

>> No.11528145

>Seriously OP fuck people like you.
Yep. You're right, but we're never going to stop getting dumbfuck posters like this. I've had to defend Freud so many times that I'm just lazy with it now. I could list off 500 ideas that Freud had that we take for granted in 2020 and that influenced the way we think, and how certain fields evolved, but I can't expect to make these dumbfucks understand if they're incapable of just reading a Wiki page.

>> No.11528171


Oedipus complex is not "fuck ur mum kill ur dad". Thats a very bad misinterpretation of what he actually meant.

>> No.11528183

watch the netflix series if you really want a quick and accurate rundown of his life and way of thinking

>> No.11528874
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Nobody gives a shit about your pseudoscience here, go cope in your containment board

>> No.11529306


>> No.11529610

Yes, but his impact was massive. Jung was right about everything.

>> No.11529613

>It's the equivalent of the ramblings of a weed junkie
but isn't that pretty much all of psychology?

>> No.11529644

Yeah I usually consult the nearest netflix series when I want concise information.

>> No.11529651

fukken lol

>> No.11529974

>weed junkie
You mean coke junkie

>> No.11529979

He's a pseud when compared to real scientists, but his nonsense is actual typical for a psychiatrist

>> No.11529982

Yeah pretty much all his shit has been disproven by modern science. We have brain scans and stuff now.

His theories were not honest, they were an attempt by him at social engineering the society.

>> No.11530427

He created the idea of an unconscious, retard.

>> No.11530535

He was right about literally everything.