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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11513451 No.11513451[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no intensive studies on race and intelligence? It’s a pretty major issue with a lot of serious societal implications is it not? Do they think the problem will just go away if they ignore it?

>> No.11513458
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Not open to the public but you can find regular information, for example, average IQ of a country's population.

>> No.11513476

I’m not talking about just IQ alone though, as that’s still open to debates about nature v nurture. I’m talking about actual studies on neurological differences between races and their implications.

>> No.11513477

Elites don't want anyone questioning multiculti/diversity

>> No.11513507


Because anytime studies it, it results in a bunch of asshats sperging out and commiting genocide by justifying their jingoism on racial grounds.

>> No.11513512

When has that ever happened?

>> No.11513514

There's plenty of studies between race and intelligence, race and crime and so on but they're all flawed in that they don't confirm my worldview.

>> No.11513517

Don’t you think that’s underestimating peoples capability for rational thought?

>> No.11513528
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If anything I'm overestimating it.

>> No.11513529


WW2 + any colonial war ever fought

>> No.11513530

Scared of the truth, eh?

>> No.11513531

racists are not really human. they are beneath.

>> No.11513532

You do realize that Hitler banned IQ tests because Germans were consistently scoring lower than Jews, right?

>> No.11513543

>doesn’t believe in IQ tests
>loves puppers

Hitler sounds like an average redditor.

>> No.11513548

Hey guys, OP here. I've just crunched the numbers and it turns out I'm gay y'all.

>> No.11513560

It would be a lot more effective to study the relationship between religiosity and intelligence.

>> No.11513570

Define "racist"

>> No.11513573

Because it is pretty much completely impossible to control for various confounding factors.

>> No.11513576

Anyone who judges people for their race/ethnicity instead of the individual content of their character.

>> No.11513577

Surely the most that would happen would be they find a slight variation in the average intelligence and then what would you propose to do with that information? it's meaningless info

>> No.11513579
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Anglichads confirmed big brain.

>> No.11513580

OP is a /pol/ poster. They are all clinically retarded and evil psychopaths. Do the math.

>> No.11513584

This chart makes no sense right off the bat, since half of Jews (all the super intelligent ones) are atheistic. There is definitely no religious group smarter than atheists, or even close to as smart.

>> No.11513585

I guess that goes into a different discussion about the morality of statistical discrimination.

>> No.11513588
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That's why there's 2 separate categories, retard.
>There is definitely no religious group smarter than atheists, or even close to as smart.
LOL sorry kiddo.

>> No.11513591


>Why are there no intensive studies on race and intelligence?

Because you're a retard who needs to be spoonfed shit. Learn to use google and piss off.

>> No.11513594

You are a moron.

>> No.11513596
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>> No.11513600

>unsourced chart with flawed methodology
surely I will take this to mean that the religious, who are universally retarded, are actually smart

>> No.11513602

they're measuring religion not ethnicity, you stupendous dingbat

>> No.11513606


There were.


But the powers that be successfully transformed acknowledging this data a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thoughtcrime

I about a decade ago I had seen some news stating that researchers were abandoning this topic due to pressure.

A nobel winner, james watson, became an https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/unperson apparently mainly to his statements regarding this (apparently he was an al around prick, but anyways).

I honestly don't know what to think about this. I believe that this data has very serious economical (and even political) implications. But, at the same time, I've seen people I highly respect strongly opposing to raising this kind of issue.
I do recognize that this might give rise to serious racial tension..and I'm not from humanities to know the full implication of this. Imagine, for example, kids dealing with this info. It would be a disaster. Also, imagine the psychological weight of having this stigma upon you. You see.. I'm trying to say here that I'm not blind to this issues.. but still.

I mostly avoid this subject today. People have suggested I was insensitive and intellectually dishonest for believing this. And that's the official answer to this topic today. Considering this might be true means you intelectualy dishonest and insensitive (or just 'selfish/evil') because no intelligent and well meaning person would believe in such things. But this is a lie. People like William Shockley and Bertrand Russell have considered it. And at least Russell's intelligence and goodness are very hard to question.

I had promised to myself to avoid this subject.. I hope I don't regret writing this.

>> No.11513607

There is no question whatever that atheists are the smartest group with respect to religious belief

>> No.11513608
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>> No.11513611

Nice bait, but I'll take it:
There are lots of studies on lack of food/education/etc. and lack of intelligence. How do you even do studies on "race vs intelligence" without knowing their socioeconomic background first?

>> No.11513614
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So Bacon, Galileo, Boyle, Newton, Kepler, Leibniz, Pascal, Euler, Dalton, Cauchy, Riemann, Faraday, Volta, Babbage, Maxwell, Mendel, Pasteur, Stokes, Kelvin, Thomson, Carver, Röntgen, Marconi, Eddington, Fisher, Millikan, Compton, Lemaitre, Heisenberg, von Braun, Church, Collins, Barrow, Ellis, Isham, Malcadena, Polkinghorne, Bolzano, Misner, Kronecker, Nelson, Cantor, and Gödel were retarded?

Nah, you're probably just a SEETHING atheist lmao

>> No.11513616
File: 94 KB, 601x508, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope >>11513579

>> No.11513620

If they lived now, not a single one of them would be religious. Religious intellectuals literally don’t exist anymore.

How fat are you btw? Did you go to McDonald’s after church today?

>> No.11513621

>with flawed methodology

>> No.11513623

what is the source for that chart lmao it definitely isn’t true

>> No.11513629

Neither of those were due to racial intelligence differences

>> No.11513630
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>if they lived now
>Collins, Barrow, Ellis, Isham, Malcadena, Polkinghorne, Misner are not alive
Damn, you just keep making a fool of yourself.

>> No.11513631

it's not scientific since race isn't a proper taxonomic rank with a well defined criterion and neither is any "universal" intelligence measurement method.
however social "science", psychology and anthropology fags can do their studies on this since they only rely on superficial observations and their beliefs/biases.

>> No.11513633

Even positively? Is that to say that even identifying race is racist?

>> No.11513635

I have no idea who any of these nobodies are lmao. I just assumed you were listing long dead intellectuals since there are no smart living religious people.

How fat are you though? Church and then double bacon slathered in mayo?

>> No.11513636
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>How fat are you btw? Did you go to McDonald’s after church today?

>> No.11513637

Why would you mention someone’s race as a positive thing about them unless you were a retard? All races have horrible people. You need much more information than race to say anything meaningful about a person.

>> No.11513638
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>How fat are you though?

>> No.11513639
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>Why are there no intensive studies on race and intelligence?
There are.

>> No.11513642

So extra mayo then lol. I bet your Christian family has an average weight of over 300 lbs

>> No.11513643
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 35hp79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no idea who any of these nobodies are lmao.
That's because you're a retard who knows nothing about physics.

>> No.11513647

>Religious intellectuals literally don’t exist anymore.
what does it feel like to get btfo again and again in every post you make? you must be getting tired by now.

>> No.11513648

Because race doesn't exist and if you think does, you can't define it

>> No.11513649

I have a hobbyist’s understanding of physics. I have no interest in specializing because I’m not a sperg who doesn’t get bored of doing the same thing repeatedly.

>> No.11513652

For the same reason we stereotype different nationalities and say "these people are known for being hardworking," "these people are known for being clever," "these people are known for being tough," etc. While it doesn't mean every example fits the bill, it's still data worth considering. Some dogs are quiet, some cats are loud, but if someone asked you what animal tends to be noisier, you'd probably say dogs because you remember many more examples of barking dogs than loud meowing cats.

>> No.11513653

Why would you think you could change my mind by posting a list brain dead religious people? They aren’t smart. If they were smart they would not be religious. You’re fat btw lol, like all religious folk.

>> No.11513655

What would you do with this information? With nutrition vs intelligence we can see that making more nutritious food will result in a smarter populace, do you have a similar solution in mind for any findings related to race?

>> No.11513657
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>I don't like it so it definitely isn't true

>> No.11513660

Stereotypes are boring and used by idiots to simplify the world to a palatable level

>> No.11513662
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>> No.11513664

Do you really think an adult that believes in Harry Potter can be smart dude?

>> No.11513665

when u say implications then ur not even doing science anymore

>> No.11513666
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>You’re fat btw lol, like all religious folk.

>> No.11513670
File: 598 KB, 461x514, r6aIlhO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you think you could change my mind by posting a list brain dead religious people? They aren’t smart. If they were smart they would not be religious.
Man you must be breaking down in TEARS by now

>> No.11513673

Pattern recognition is a sign of intelligence. It doesn't make sense not to make use of data that's consistent enough to become a stereotype.

>> No.11513675

Those first two sentences are poignant and true. Religion makes society function by convincing a population of useful idiot wage slaves who don’t benefit from their own work or lives to push on for the hidden benefit of the parasites society actually supports. It’s true to this day. Only bad jobs are important, and only people with useless jobs are happy. Religion maintains this evil state of affairs by blackmailing the important people with bad jobs into staying alive and staying obedient.

>> No.11513679

You are very stupid

>> No.11513680
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>there are no smart living religious people
How stupid do you have to be to believe this? There's smart people of every kind. You have to be seriously deluded to think otherwise. Redditors need to leave the house more.

>> No.11513685
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those first two sentences are poignant and true. Religion makes society function by convincing a population of useful idiot wage slaves who don’t benefit from their own work or lives to push on for the hidden benefit of the parasites society actually supports. It’s true to this day. Only bad jobs are important, and only people with useless jobs are happy. Religion maintains this evil state of affairs by blackmailing the important people with bad jobs into staying alive and staying obedient.

>> No.11513688
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>> No.11513710
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>> No.11513731

Holy canopies you are MAD!!’

>> No.11513739

Simple my guy. Believing in god and being smart are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVe.

>> No.11513763
File: 463 KB, 576x792, ddb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believing in god and being smart are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVe.

>> No.11513798

come on, people. don't feed the trolls

also, this thread shold have been deleted a while ago

>> No.11513802

>Using the fedora meme as an argument
Newfag, get out

>> No.11513824

>Imagine, for example, kids dealing with this info

if you asked grade schoolers to rank the races they'd probably be nearly as accurate as the best psychometric studies

>> No.11513825


>> No.11513832

Well, even babies/toddlers prefer lighter-skin dolls

>> No.11513835
File: 31 KB, 243x234, 31CE002F-31DE-4DF5-972F-7E3AE42A7FCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread shold have been deleted a while ago

>> No.11513920

>Why are there no intensive studies on race and intelligence?
There are. They fail to find causal evidence.
>It’s a pretty major issue with a lot of serious societal implications is it not?
It's not. Why would it be? Why discriminate based on race when you could do it based on IQ?
>Do they think the problem will just go away if they ignore it?
What do you propose we do about low IQ people? (including the white ones).

Why obsess over race?

>> No.11513927

you don't actually believe this

>> No.11513999

What was the point of framing WW2 as some weird jew genocide?
Was it just a few anecdotal stories of jews in their work camps who witnessed a couple others die? Maybe 1 camp got overridden with disease and the survivors had to watch them burn all the bodies?

Like 200,000 jews died during the entire timeframe which made them a protected group. Tens of millions of soldiers died and yet only 200k jews died.

I remember some newspaper snippets posted on /pol/ that started from the late 1930's claiming 6 million jews were being accosted, and more articles continuing to use that 6 million number until finally it just evolved into "6 million died"

just seems retarded and I don't understand the misinformation or the continued proliferation of the jew genocide when german documents only account for 200k dead and it makes no sense to just genocide your free slave labor.

>> No.11514047

jesus christ you are ignorant

>> No.11514210

It has been seriously studied for decades. The idea that it is some ignored fringe topic is a myth, promoted basically by two groups: retarded leftist journalists, and /pol/fags.

>> No.11514242

That newspaper shit is something only pol tards are dumb enough to fall for btw. You are a massive retard

>> No.11514249
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They don't just ignore it, they actively shut it down. First Shockley, then Watson. How many good people do you want to go down this path?

>> No.11514303

> It’s a pretty major issue with a lot of serious societal implications is it not?
No it's not