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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11509576 No.11509576 [Reply] [Original]

Can homo/bisexuality be cured? Or is just pseudoscience.
I tried many things. Pls help

>> No.11509590

1) why would you
2) no it can't

>> No.11509600

It's not a disease.

>> No.11509601

My catholic parents would probably hate me for being anything other than straight.
Plus I dont want to be a weirdo. I don't really want to stand out.

>> No.11509610

Then just don't fuck anyone and you're good, you will just look like a virgin.

>> No.11509615

>Plus I dont want to be a weirdo. I don't really want to stand out.
If you don't want to be a weirdo all you have to do is keep it secret
Eventually people will suspect that you're gay/asexual but you definitely won't stand out if you don't want to, nobody gives a shit

>> No.11509616

It is just semantics. And it's too late to change the title of the thread.

>> No.11509631
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>just don't fuck anyone
Can do
But I don't really like having the feelings that I have if you know what I mean by that.

>> No.11509632

Mental conditions can not be said to be diseases because there is no objective criterion to meet. See https://male-to-female.org/en/psychopharmacology#on_psychiatry Note that psychiatry went from considered homosexuality a disease to considering it a not-disease because of societal changes. This makes the point that psychiatry is not science. Scientific facts are objective, not dictated by social norms.

To answer your question: Yes, it is possible to change sexual orientation. This study[1] used direct brain stimulation to condition a cis male subject to change from homosexual to heterosexual (at least in behavior). I believe the same thing can be accomplished with some rewarding pharmaceutical like amphetamine. Find some psychiatrist willing to make a prescription.

Are you sure you have homosexuality and not homosexuality-related OCD?

[1] C. E. Moan, R. G. Heath (1972) “Septal stimulation for the initiation of heterosexual behavior in a homosexual male” <https://sci-hub
.tw/10.1016/0005-7916(72)90029-8>. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.

>> No.11509638

not a disease or a problem. its just less frequent because homosexuals can't reproduce and thus are filtered by natural selection. as the future heads towards a more hedonistic society it will become more and more accepted however as more and more sex addicted bisexuals appear.

>> No.11509645

Thanks. I'll check this study out.

>> No.11509650

>To answer your question: Yes, it is possible to change sexual orientation. This study[1] used direct brain stimulation to condition a cis male subject to change from homosexual to heterosexual (at least in behavior). I believe the same thing can be accomplished with some rewarding pharmaceutical like amphetamine. Find some psychiatrist willing to make a prescription.
There are also certain drugs that turn straight men into ravenous, casino gambling, Craigslist come-fuck-me-in-the-ass posters.
People literally went to court with pharmaceutical companies over these side effects.

>> No.11509656

pence get back to work the economy isn't going to reopen itself

>> No.11509671

>There are also certain drugs that turn straight men into ravenous, casino gambling, Craigslist come-fuck-me-in-the-ass posters.
I believe you mean dopamine receptor agonists like pramipexole, cabergoline. They can induce hypersexuality. However they do not eliminate the person’s ability of telling apart desirable outcomes from undesirable outcomes nor their capacity to exercise self-discipline. Whatever a person does on a dopamine receptor agonist, it is 100% their responsibility for good or bad.

I believe that dopamine receptor agonists do not specifically cause homosexuality. They cause increased sexual desire and with increased sexual desire comes less selectivity. When people are very horny they desire sex with anything that moves. A thirsty person will want to drink even dirty water.

>People literally went to court with pharmaceutical companies over these side effects.
People sue fast food chains because they are fat. It does not mean anything.

>> No.11509672

>1) why would you

Even if you had a perfectly tolerant society, being gay would still be a pain in the ass.
- Your number of potential mates is much lower, so it is harder to find a life partner.
- Having kids and raising a family gets more complex.
- Increased risk of growing old with no relatives to take care of you.
- Social norms are designed for the more common group, and don't fit your needs well.

I find it very unlikely that anyone is "choosing to be gay".

>> No.11509692
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What about people like dr Joseph Nicolosi. Are they legit? Could reparative therapy do anything?

>> No.11509701

It less risky than deep brain stimulation at least.

>> No.11509703

Any sort of therapy or technique with a ® in the name is bullshit.

>> No.11509717

Why they're banning reparative therapy in California if it does nothing?

>> No.11509724

Because California is a liberal state that takes offense to the notion that homosexuality is a disease.
There's no proof that it's actually effective.

>> No.11509754

Virtue signaling. Right of self-determination be damned. This is every “developed” country.

>> No.11509783

>I find it very unlikely that anyone is "choosing to be gay".
Who even implied that
Nobody in their right mind would choose to be gay if they had the option
saying "choosing your sexuality" is kind of like saying "choosing your birthplace" or "choosing your parents"

>> No.11509837 [DELETED] 
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yes, by a bullet to the head, preferably from a shotgun

>> No.11509848


>> No.11509975

Trust me. Your parents already know.

>> No.11510180 [DELETED] 
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It's extremely important that you understand this.

>> No.11510194

Homosexuality is a naturally occurring phenomenon in numerous animals:

Essentially, a fully "gay" or "straight" person is very rare. Everyone at varying points on a spectrum. Some people stay to on one side, some oscillate between the two. But the vast majority of people could, in the right situation, have intercourse with the same or opposite sex.

>> No.11510198

So ancient Greece was a Jewish society, hmm?

>> No.11510207

There's no such thing as "homosexuality" but we should treat people who engage in acts of faggotry exactly like we used to before Christianization.

We, the Native European people, we used to punish people who engaged in faggotry with death, but not with bulllets of course. Those who were caught engaging in faggotry were stripped of all their belongings and drowned in swamps.

And why specifically drowned in swamps, why not buried in the ground? Because that's how dishonerable and disgusting it was seen as. People didn't want to contaminate the soil with the flesh of someone who had engaged in such dishonorable and unnatural acts. And they thought such an individual deserved ONLY a dishonerable death and a dishonorable burial - since he had lived a dishonorable life.

And there was also an important religious reason; all Native Europeans believed in reincarnation, and the purpose and function of burial mounds were that the individual who reincarnated would in his new life find his grave and open it and see his remains and to touch the items (the weapon, the clothes, etc) which he used in a previous life, and from that experience awaken the memories of his past life. That's also why faggots were drowned in swamps. To ensure such an individual would never find his grave and remember anything. Because what good would it do, for someone to remember such a dishonorable and worthless life?

>> No.11510209

i empathize with your struggles in life, with the contradictory nature of your inner and exterior biology, the good news is while your figuring out what exactly happened, sex is just another stimulant than can be overcome, neglected and for many even forgotten, im sorry for your troubles, i dont know the answer as to why for all this but it is a fallen world , only thing im certain of, God bless

>> No.11510215

Alexander the Great was Bisexual.
This is agreed upon by all historians.
Norse, Greek and Roman myths all had Gay heroes.
This is a fact.

>> No.11510218

i think attraction is completely something we have been conditioned to and can with work change, but i also believe in moral and functional absolutes, the penis designed for the vagina, the purpose to create life further

>> No.11510223

>unnatural acts.
This is /sci/, not /pol/. You have to at least acknowledge that your opinion is unscientific, as there are tons of animals in nature that have gay sex.

>> No.11510226
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Hello Jew. That claim which your kind loves to repeat was already debunked in the pic above. You were too late! Sorry.

>> No.11510230

Factually wrong. You have to listen to scientists, not political talking heads.
An example of a species that is known for same-sex preference far more than opposite-sex preference is giraffes.

>> No.11510236 [DELETED] 

#1: That's "agreed upon" by (((scholars.

#2: 100% False.

You are a Jew, spewing poisonous jewish lies.

For the lurkers who wish to learn why and how that anon is intentionally lying:




>> No.11510240

Homosexuality does not exist. No animal has a preference for its own sex. You are a Jew.

>> No.11510242

/sci/, go back to /pol/
Burden is on you to provide proof that isn't an opinion piece.

>> No.11510243

#1: That's "agreed upon" by (((historians))).

#2: 100% False.

You are a Jew, spewing poisonous jewish lies.

For the lurkers who wish to learn why and how that anon is intentionally lying:

https://files.catbox.moe/x4c2mv.webm (embed)

https://files.catbox.moe/5ygy6g.webm (embed)

https://files.catbox.moe/9p50pm.webm (embed)

>> No.11510255

You cant cure a choice. You can only correct it.

>> No.11510262

He's correct. The "Jew" comment is irrelevant though.

>> No.11510310
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Burden of proof is on you, Goldlbatt. Falling back on the pathetic "muh animals are gay" tactic (which immediately alerts everyone that you're pushing an agenda, and likely are a member of the foreskinless tribe) and parroting that, and linking to Wikipedia, doesn't help you in your mission to normalize the idea of faggotry. It only makes you look bad.

No animal has a preference for its own sex. No individual animal desires the destruction of his own genetic lineage.

> Many people parrot today that "homosexuality" is found in animals. I can safely say that this is a Jewish lie. Faggotry is made up by the Jews. In my work on the farms and cattle stations, I've seen cattle and sheep exhibit behavior that at first the Jewish "scientist" would scream "it's gay!" at.

> I can tell you that I've seen a Whether and a Ram with an unhealthy bond that spent an unhealthy amount of time together, and countless times seen Cows mount each other. In the case of the Cows, it's simply due to being on heat, a part of presenting their readiness to mate. It's a display for the male, similar to pretend lesbians enticing men to be stronger and to mate with tem. In the case of the Whether and the Ram, they stopped their behavior just as soon as the Ewes were introduced.

> they stopped their behavior just as soon as the Ewes were introduced.

> No species has a preference for its own sex to root its own at the expense of the other, and animals will go back to copulating with the opposite sex just as soon as the segregation ends.

> animals will go back to copulating with the opposite sex just as soon as the segregation ends.

> The animals aren't "gay", they are simply stupid, and we should know better. The only reason acts of faggotry occur in the animal world is its primitivism.

>> No.11510311

Dude I've been watching porn since I was like 10 or 12. I've started out with pretty vanilla stuff, and then I found out about 4chan.

When I go on porn binges it usually ends with gay porn because regular shit just doesn't cut it anymore. I've always thought that I was gay and in denial but then I realized that I've been with women, which turned me on and that I've been hit on by guys (that I didn't catch on) and even kissed a guy (which was disgusting).

So what gives? Just good old fashioned conditioning. People will probably argue that I'm getting off to gay porn because I'm gay but in fact, once I get to that point, the gratification I feel isn't purely sexual. It's more perverted. As if, I'm getting off to something which unnatural,perverted and wrong.

TL;DR nofap, noporn

>> No.11510313

I'm not gonna enable that guy anymore, his monkey brain can't separate identity politics from science.

>> No.11510331

In the same boat, when I was a fucked up teen I started to think I was gay, now I realize it's all to do with fetishes. Probably not having a girlfriend also contributed.

>> No.11510336

the gas of peace

>> No.11510345
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>Norse, Greek and Roman myths all had Gay heroes.
Mmmhm, like Odin am I right, Rabbi?

>> No.11510348
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>But I don't really like having the feelings that I have
im a straight whiteboy and neither do i. sex is fucking disgusting. feelings are fucking disgusting.

>> No.11510349

That's what jerking it is for.

>> No.11510353

Just fap to it, man. I'm into all sorts of kinky shit that I'd never act out in real life. It sucks, but it's whatever.

>> No.11510372

Because it's literally useless Christian bullshit

>> No.11510388

No because it's not a mental or behavioral disorder. APA doesn't consider it a disorder since 1975.

Read the Kinsey Report (1948). About 46% of USA males interviewed claimed to feel sexual reactions to other males at least once or twice in their lives.

>> No.11510400

Just accept it and be happy.

>> No.11510429

Not all treatments to change sexuality are based on religion. See >>11509632

>No because it's not a mental or behavioral disorder.
That is just as wrong as saying that it *is* a mental disorder. What is a mental disorder? Some condition that a committee agreed to chastise by abusing the terminology of science.

>> No.11510434


>> No.11510446
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>why would they ban nonsense that doesn't work if it doesn't work

>> No.11510450
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>> No.11510455

They have not banned religion nor non-evidence-based medical treatments. That tells a lot about the political affiliations of their (((masters))).

>> No.11510462
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>> No.11510463


According to DSM and CIE, a mental or behavioural disorder is a psychological pattern expressed as a clinical significant distress or impairment of normal functioning of an individual, including but not limited to cognitive disfunctions, emotional perturbations, or behavioral and/or interpersonal conflicts, which spawn during a considerable period of time.

Most paraphilias are considered a disorder, and homosexuality was one of them until 1975.

>> No.11510465

somebody post a better quality version of this without the faggy caption google fucking sucks dick

>> No.11510475

It does nothing to change your sexuality but it puts people into hostile environments and are subject to abusive conditions. People who have been through those have told it many times.

>> No.11510477
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nvm found 1

>> No.11510478

Why not? Maybe we could if it wasn't so fucking politicized for the 50 years or so. The entire purpose of a life to create more life and homosexuality is either a genetic disorder or a mental conditioning.

>> No.11510480

>According to DSM and CIE, a mental or behavioural disorder is a psychological pattern expressed as a clinical significant distress or impairment of normal functioning of an individual, including but not limited to cognitive disfunctions, emotional perturbations, or behavioral and/or interpersonal conflicts, which spawn during a considerable period of time.
That is their definition, yet this matters nothing in practice. They will classify some people as having “personality disorders” even when the personality trait in question is egosyntonic and does not cause distress.

Also, the term “impairment” is a way to get crap past the radar. Impairment with respect to *what standard*? There is no objective standard for what is a “normal” personality. The standard of the DSM and ICD is irrational. They consider beliefs in supernatural entities (e.g: religions) fine, but loners who chose to distance themselves from society as the rational choice because they dislike people are perfectly fine have schizoid personality “““disorder”””.

Psychiatry is a joke. If you believe this definition has any scientific value, you are a lost case. We can not give you critical thinking skills if you lack them.

>> No.11510481

What prevents homosexuals from having children?

>> No.11510483
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>They have not banned religion nor non-evidence-based medical treatments. That tells a lot about the political affiliations of their (((masters))).
Try being less schizophrenic in your argument and next time just say what you mean. Dumb tripnigger.

>> No.11510491

They are not disease becuase diseases are reserved for the medical field.

In the psychology / psychiatry field its called disorder, and although some disorders are more culturally conditionated than others, objective symptoms can be detected in a considerable groups of disorders, i.e psychosis symptoms or amnesia symptoms.

>> No.11510492

Sometimes letting people reach the last steps of towards the result on their own is more useful.

>> No.11510496

Well, it's kinda hard if your penis goes limp when you having your time with a female

>> No.11510497

shut the fuck up

>> No.11510498

Just jerk off and put it in when you cum. People have been doing that for centuries
Now a days we have IVF and surrogacy

>> No.11510503

The stress that gays are subject to is imposed by society. There is no reason to "change" sexuality besides having a belief system that says it is wrong. Nothing about homosexuality itself impairs the person.

>> No.11510505

Personality disorder is a different field from most clinical disorders because of that, in that particularly case it's the rest of the social group which feels the distress of the one who has a particularly personality disorder, not the individual.

As I agree that there is not standard in the field of personality, there are widely accepted clinical categories on other fields built from years and years of research. For example autism, psychosis, paranoia, clinical depression, memory loss due to trauma, and so on.

>> No.11510514
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Just think about boys. Entire civilizations managed this.

>> No.11510521

>objective symptoms can be detected in a considerable groups of disorders, i.e psychosis symptoms
Why is psychosis with high insight (people who realize they have hallucinations) a disorder, yet the visual artifacts anybody gets with low blood pressure are put under the rug as normal? Both are artifacts of perception just as much. Both are recognized by the person as such and compensated for.

> or amnesia symptoms.
Forgetting is an unavoidable part of life. Deciding some type of forgetting is a pathology is arbitrary.

Exactly, then there is no point in using the word “disorder”.

>Personality disorder is a different field from most clinical disorders because of that, in that particularly case it's the rest of the social group which feels the distress of the one who has a particularly personality disorder, not the individual.
Why does the distress of the rest of society cause some behavior to be pathological? People are supposed to act in their self-interest. To tell them otherwise is to ask them to be irrational. There is a circularity here: When a type of personality clashes with the rest of society, one has to pick up one side and say it is “normal” and the other is the “disease”. Why one and not the other? It does not follow from any measurement. It follows from the psychiatrist’s prejudices.

>there are widely accepted clinical categories
Fallacy of appeal to popularity. Just because a pseudoscientific discipline is based on these categories it does not mean that they have any scientific validity.

>> No.11510523

The only rational argument for 'impairment' is the ability/drive to reproduce. The societal importance of which is purely subjective.

>> No.11510529

There is no impairment on reproduction though.

>> No.11510823


>Why is psychosis with high insight (people who realize they have hallucinations) a disorder, yet the visual artifacts anybody gets with low blood pressure are put under the rug as normal? Both are artifacts of perception just as much. Both are recognized by the person as such and compensated for.

Because having hallucinations is abnormal, a phenomenon produced by some sort of organical o psychological damage (mostly the first), most people don't have it and the ones who do are mostly affected by it or are accompanied by other symptoms from that spectrum. If you are questioning if hallucinations are harmful at all thats beyond any serious debate.

Organic related symptoms should fall under organic related diseases, thus psychological effect is a sub-product of the main disease. i.e. alzheimer's which is a biological deterioration process of the brain which manifests psychological symptoms (amnesia, perception disorder, memory disorder).

>Forgetting is an unavoidable part of life. Deciding some type of forgetting is a pathology is arbitrary.

Forgetting is unavoidable that is. But amnesia is not forgetting, its an alteration of the normal process of memory, with commonly organic underlaying causes. See famous case H.M., a guy who despite living in 1975 he always woke up thinking he was living in 1945 and acted like it. He was unable to record any new events, which is an anterograd-type memory loss which is obviously not normal nor functional for everyone. So no, it isn't arbitrary.

>Why does the distress of the rest of society cause some behavior to be pathological?

I don't know. Why being a mass murderer distress society? Maybe because it doesn't adapt to the norm and yea it kills people. Antisocial personality disorder is one clear example of that.

>Fallacy of appeal to popularity.
No, you just want to question everything which is cute. But if we were to apply that to everything the science wouldn't exist at all except from the field of physics

>> No.11510845

Triggered as fuck.

>> No.11510869

>having hallucinations is abnormal
Begging the question.

>the ones who do are mostly affected by it or are accompanied by other symptoms from that spectrum.
I said high insight. Those people are not damaged by it. They can tell hallucinations apart from reality.

>He was unable to record any new events, which is an anterograd-type memory loss which is obviously not normal nor functional for everyone. So no, it isn't arbitrary.
You cherry picked an example that behaved in an irrational way and used it to strawman.

>But if we were to apply that to everything the science wouldn't exist at all except from the field of physics
That does not mean psychiatry is any more of a sound concept. If you have to make an argument of utility of ignoring scientific soundness, you are no longer talking science. This is /sci/, not /bant/

>> No.11510885

>Why being a mass murderer distress society?
Straw man. Not all people arbitrarily deemed to have a “personality disorder” do anything illegal.

>> No.11510894

>Begging the question.
If you were born with 1 eye and 99.999% people ir born with 2 eyes, do I have to explain you why is that abnormal? Same applies to hallucinations.

>They can tell hallucinations apart from reality.
They could well be organized psychothics. In fact psychosis is a very wide spectrum varying from those suffering with mild symptoms to those who are completely wrecked. It's similar to high funciontning alcoholics, that doesn't mean they aren't alcoholics.

>You cherry picked an example that behaved in an irrational way

The 7-second memory pianist from London. Phineas gage who had a severe personality disorder because of self-accidental-lobotomy, affecting his executive functions and his memory as well. Korsakoff's syndrome. The list goes on...

>...you are no longer talking science.

As far as I know psychiatry is a science as part of a bigger science call medicine. Now if you say medicine ain't a science either, good4ubr0.

>> No.11510896

>Not all people arbitrarily deemed to have a “personality disorder” do anything illegal.

That's not what I said. Distressing society doesnt mean neccesarilly do illegal stuff. But doing illegal stuff sistematically could be well attributed on an ASPD.

>> No.11510917

>As far as I know psychiatry is a science as part of a bigger science call medicine.
In other words, you believe in truth by decree. Whatever the establishment says, is holy word for you. You are not worth arguing with.

>> No.11510936

why not 'cure' everyone to be bisexual? seems like it'd be most convenient for everybody.

>> No.11510945

You can do this to yourself, it's practically impossible to remove existing or innate sexual desires but it's relatively easily to add new ones.

>> No.11510949

Can mathematical ability be cured? Why cure something that is not a disease?

>> No.11510967


I'm all in for critic-theory and questioning status quo in science. But one thing is questioning whats established in order to debate it's validation and/or possibly reaching a higher state of truth or falsifiability, and another completely different thing is questioning for the sake of questioning everything, falling under a radical scepticism and relativism point of view, troll-like.

As modern science is established, psychiatric and psychology are a part of it and very well deserve to be.

>> No.11510988

i don't see how that could be done.
for starters psychotherapy is pseudoscientific bullshit. second of all there isn't any medicine that has proven to such thing, not anti-psychotics, not TRT, not benzodiazepines, not other experimental out-there drugs (that work without turning the person into a veggie).
as for this post >>11509632 , giving someone meth then depriving him of it will make him do anything. addicts will suck shit from the drain for a sniff

>> No.11511125

Can you cure heterosexuality too?

>> No.11511128
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Let me fuck that bussy and we'll find out

>> No.11511129

can't cure it if you're not sick


>> No.11511137

Former Welsh rugby player Chis Birch claims to have woken up gay after a severe head injury on the field, so that I'm pl lies that it is possible to turn a straight man gay and vice versa.
Why don't you try smashing your head against a wall really hard and see if that does anything

>> No.11511179


>> No.11511194
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>> No.11511203


>> No.11511210

>giving someone meth then depriving him of it will make him do anything. addicts will suck shit from the drain for a sniff
I said amphetamine. Meth is methamphetamine.

>> No.11511213

zomg so EDGY!!1
i bet all the girls at your junior high are showing you their pussay

>> No.11511321

You’re no longer homosexual. Now shut up.

>> No.11511330

based king

>> No.11511427

just stop being gay

>> No.11511436

It lost its listing in the DSM when gaiety became socially acceptable, but like all mental disorders, there's no cure, but it's treatable.

>> No.11511472

possibly. you should first identify the root causes of your negativity toward your sexual orientation and then look into therapy to see if you can or even should, attempt to become heterosexual.

>> No.11511475

You sound like a retarded, immature teenager.

>> No.11511481
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amphetamine is the doctor's meth. it's less harmful than meth but it still does pretty much the same thing with less harm but it will still turn you from a fruit to a veggie. administering questionable amount of questionable psychoactive substances is really retarded and damaging, yeah psychiatrists abused people's ignorance to do unethical things back then, but that doesn't make it right, especially considering the end goals with some of these researches

>> No.11511500

Fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.11511556

>just stop being hetero

>> No.11511571


This entire post desu. It's just flat out inconvenient.

t. gay

>> No.11511585


>it's meth

It's don't.

This comparison is like saying that crashing into a wall and driving close to it is effectively the same thing because both conditions involve driving and proximity to walls...

Sure, you can crash into the wall if you fuck up and be irresponsible. But you can just as equally NEVER hit it if you play by the rules.

And in this metaphor, it's not as easy as just bumping the wheel for a sec either. Abuse is differentiated from therapeutic use by dosage, intended use, route of administration and presence/absence of medical supervision.

People who follow the rules can take amphetamine for literal decades and be demonstrably fine - for people with ADHD, it even LOWERS their lifetime risk of addiction

>> No.11511602

There are two kinds of gay people:
>Gays through societal pressure/acceptance
>Gays through biological miswiring
First ones are either some weird form of bisexual and thus can be put back to hetero ways of living by finding a more acceptable partner than current, gay one
Latter can only fake and pretend to be happy with a hetero partner but in reality they will forever crave cock. Maybe femdoms who use strap ons could "cure" this deviation. But I doubt anybody ever did research on that.
t. oldfag who saw /b/ and lots of the internet turn gay and has hopes it could be cured

>> No.11511732

>Whatever a person does on a dopamine receptor agonist, it is 100% their responsibility for good or bad.
>People sue fast food chains because they are fat. It does not mean anything.
When a tripfag practices the art of false equivalence, and other dark triad tricks-- something already tiresomely endemic on both /sci/ and /lit/--the disinformation drama has truly reached word-salad critical.
Paranoid schizophrenia is also a thing, even when it's sub-clinical, though this is a close call since obviously not larping: No one can be as stupid as this seems.

>> No.11511779

you sound liek a faggot

>> No.11511795

meth has a a very similar effect on the brain, stimulates same areas, gives similar feels. only difference is that it's safer so it can be used to treat certain problems given that it's CONTROLLED and given in SMALL DOSES (compared to what addicts take).
giving every homo 200mg of adderall one day then going cold turkey until they stop acting gay is.... something else...

>> No.11511857

Stop being such a fucking faggot. If you cant then blow your brains out

>> No.11511858

>its not a problem
Look up the most overrepresented group among child molesters

>> No.11511897


Very similar but crucially different. Meth is directly neurotoxic and addictive at any dose. Amphetamine will fuck you up in the same way if you abuse it though for sure. The difference in practice comes down to how you use it.

>> No.11511927



>> No.11511929

Based and redpilled, those Jews are still being scared. Their secrets will soon be found.

>> No.11511939

because these people are hacks and comitting abuse on people who should be cared for, instead of psychologically brutalized to satisfy their pop-pop's and mee-maw's delusions

>> No.11512013

You mean men?

>> No.11512020

heterosexual men overall have the highest group with child molesters not gay men.

>> No.11512068

>it still does pretty much the same thing with less harm but it will still turn you from a fruit to a veggie.
This is incorrect. It does the opposite. It prevent sleeping, gives energy (as in the subjective capacity to do physically demanding tasks, not as in the physical quantity), etc.

You may be thinking of antipsychotics. They cause the person to be slower in thoughts and can cause Parkinsonism.

>> No.11512433

What point are you making here? Birth defects are likewise a naturally occurring phenomenon in numerous animals. Something being natural is completely irrelevant to what OP is asking. You wouldn't tell someone asking for a way to cure his blindness that it's a naturally occurring phenomenon in animals, that's just fucking retarded and not helpful at all.

>> No.11512444

Homosexuality is adaptive and benefits the survival of the group
there are literal epigenetic markers that predict homosexuality when you come out of the womb

>> No.11512459

How is a high risk lifestyle and fundamentally unhealthy way of sexual intercourse beneficial for the group? Homosexuals today represent more than half of all HIV transmissions despite being a small % of the population. Its the same with many other STD's.

>> No.11512466

dishonest numbers cooked by counting molesters who are attracted to adults of opposite sex and children of same sex as gay

>> No.11512468

>Homosexuality is adaptive and benefits the survival of the group
Gay uncle hypothesis. For it to make any sense, it would mean that a typical gay person would have to save the life of half as many of his familiars as childen ordinary heterosexual in the same group has. That is unrealistic.

>> No.11512612

How many threads will it take for you self-hating faggots to realise that you can’t cure homosexuality?

>> No.11512619

>Nobody in their right mind would choose to be gay if they had the option
Exactly. Don't you think finding a cure for homosexuality is a worthy goal because of this?

>> No.11512625

Better question is, can you induce bisexuality? Bisexuals have the most fun.

>> No.11512627

it's variable, because there are many causes of homosexuality, not all of them beneficial, some are a consequence of other traits, and many are harmful but equally some of the greatest scholars were not exactly straight and their work raised group fitness, if it was entirely non-adaptive it would have long ago been purged

>> No.11512628

Not even true in absolute numbers, let alone per capita

>> No.11512631

>if it was entirely non-adaptive it would have long ago been purged
Not necessarily. Down syndrome is non-adaptive but still happens

>> No.11512636

stop browsing 4chan and start praying to God even if you don't belive in him

>> No.11512641

This is /sci not /x. Although this thread is basically pseudoscience.

>> No.11512651

You don't think human sexuality is worthy of scientific study?

>> No.11512661

Since it has a track record of leading to the psychological and physical torture of gay people, no thanks.

>> No.11512667

Much of medical science has a track record of leading to psychological and physical torture, but I still generally support medicine.

>> No.11512676

Yes but typically that pain led to understanding that led to a cure where as in conversion therapy, pain and torture is literally the ‘cure’.

>> No.11512686

That's why I think it's important to find a cure for homosexuality that doesn't rely on barbaric conversion therapy techniques. Why do you think conversion therapy is the only way forward?

>> No.11512691

I don’t think you can cure homosexuality so I don’t want gays experimented.

>> No.11512697

Why not? We've made great progress on altering people's gender, why couldn't we do the same for orientation?

>> No.11512711

No we haven’t, no ones body has ever been converted to the opposite sex.

>> No.11512725

Well yeah that's never gonna happen, but trans medicine has blossomed into a huge industry, I know people taking the pills and getting the surgery. Nobody is putting this much research or money into sexual orientation alteration. Still curious to know why you (or earlier anon) think you can't cure homosexuality

>> No.11512785

I think it’s unlikely it can be cured because it’s an attraction. How could you possibly prevent someone from getting turned on by something? How could you possibly tell the difference between ‘curing’ and repression in that context?

>> No.11512830

The origins of it may be interesting but changing orientation by barbaric or religious bullshit techniques is not ethical.
Even is being gay was always by choice that doesn't make it wrong.

>> No.11512843

Trans people feel internal turmoil by their situation, so there's a drive to try and alleviate that. Gays do not unless they're subject to bullying or abuse by a homophobic family/society.

>> No.11512858
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>dude let's zap your brain or pump you full of addictive drugs to maybe make you like pussy
For what purpose?

>> No.11512928

Same reason people pump themselves full of hormones or get breast/genital surgery, they're unhappy with who they currently are and want to use medical technology to change it. It's a form of transhumanism.
You don't think there are gay people who would just rather be straight? I'm sure there are.

>> No.11512935

How could you possibly prevent someone from having any kind of mental disorder? Why is "attraction" more incurable than depression or obsessive thoughts?

>> No.11512948

As I've already said there is a lot of difference between sexual orientation and trans people and the sources of those internal conflict as well as how those are treated.
There are people who have certainly tried and it has never worked. There would be no pressure to be straight if it were not imposed by society.

>> No.11512964

"cure" implies risk, fault, or flaw. If you want to change sexuality, then so be it, but don't go around insisting it's innately bad.

>> No.11513034

There is a lot of difference between the two sides of any analogy. I don't agree that the only reason to not be gay is social pressure, anon >>11509672 outlines several reasons being gay is a worse experience. Can you name any reasons being gay is better?
And even if a gay person who wants to be straight is motivated only by social pressure, why does that matter? 95% of your personality is social pressure. The desire to wear long hair and a dress because one identifies as female is a result of social pressure. In fact tolerance of homosexuality itself is probably more a result of social pressure than homophobia is, given that homosexuality has historically been taboo more often than not. But just because your tolerance is the result of social pressure doesn't make it inherently wrong, any more than social pressure inherently makes homophobia wrong

>> No.11513067

The reasons mentioned here >>11509672 are mostly the results of society besides a small dating pool though.
Trans people transitioning are the result of internal dysphoria, not social pressure which actually is working against them doing that.
>In fact tolerance of homosexuality itself is probably more a result of social pressure than homophobia is, given that homosexuality has historically been taboo more often than not
The same can be said about racism. Both are inherently wrong because discriminating based on an fundamental part of a person which they have no choice over yet you seem to think homophobia is more valid since it's older.

>> No.11513094

No, I don't think homophobia is more "valid". I'm saying that homophobia is no more or less the result of social pressure than homo-acceptance.
The idea that
>discriminating based on an fundamental part of a person
is "inherently wrong" is also the result of social pressure -- which, again, doesn't make it wrong.
IF there was an effective chemical/theraputical treatment that removed the desire for gay sex, how would you feel about it?

>> No.11513113

The reason to oppose racism is not based on social pressure it's basic ethics and human dignity. I don't think I need to point this out to you. If a social pressure infringes on basic human dignity it is wrong
>IF there was an effective chemical/theraputical treatment that removed the desire for gay sex, how would you feel about it?
If it existed by its own then I wouldn't think anything about it, but since it doesn't and the development of such a method would stem from a belief that homosexuality was a wrong to be cured then yes I'd be opposed to that pursuit.

>> No.11513152

>The reason to oppose racism is not based on social pressure it's basic ethics and human dignity.
"Basic ethics and human dignity" are relative to the intellectual and cultural framework you live in. An Aboriginal or an Islamic person would surely disagree with you. Your viewpoint is the result of social pressure, the point is that this doesn't make you incorrect.
> the development of such a method would stem from a belief that homosexuality was a wrong to be cured
Why? Are you also opposed to cosmetic surgery? Why would you stop the progress of science and deny a gay person the right to become who they want to be?

>> No.11513188

>Why? Are you also opposed to cosmetic surgery?
I've already said why. If there was such a pill I wouldn't oppose someone using it although if someone is gay why would they feel the need to be straight? Same goes to a pill that turned you gay.
That pill wouldn't exist without some belief that homosexuality was something that needed to be "cured" which is what I have a problem with.

>> No.11513193

>Why would you stop the progress of science and deny a gay person the right to become who they want to be?
Are you consistent and want to also find a method to turn straight people gay?

>> No.11513195

To add to that, if a gay person wants to be straight then they would be bisexual and they can already just have sex with women.

>> No.11513197

I would certainly be opposed to mandating that everybody take the anti-gay pill, but not at all opposed to letting people take it if they want. You're saying to those gay people out there who just to be straight that their desires are invalid, which is a grossly homonormative attitude.

>> No.11513199

>math and science board? Wonder what goes on here
What even did I expect

>> No.11513201

Hell yeah. Air Force already tried, I believe. But can you think of any reason being gay would be preferable?

>> No.11513203

Like I said it's called being bisexual. I don't understand why you're jumping through all these hypothetical hoops.

>> No.11513216
File: 34 KB, 615x462, soyouresaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you're saying gay people can force themselves to be attracted to women? I would certainly be okay with research into finding ways to induce attraction to women, but I don't believe they've been found yet

>> No.11513223

If they're gay then they're simply not attracted or want to be attracted to women. In this scenario that you're building you're describing a bisexual.
What is the desire to find this thing to make you like women if not for a a belief that being a homosexual is wrong?

>> No.11513224

>The reason to oppose racism is not based on social pressure it's basic ethics and human dignity. I don't think I need to point this out to you. If a social pressure infringes on basic human dignity it is wrong
This is cope to pass YOUR morals or a subset thereof as if they were something absolute. Morals are in the eye of the beholder. Get over it.

>> No.11513225

Can you think why being straight would be preferable?

>> No.11513226

Why does it matter why the person wishes to stop being homosexual? You shouldn't police their identity, they have nothing to prove to you.

>> No.11513228

Here are four >>11509672
Can you think of any for being gay?

>> No.11513235

Again it doesn't matter, like I've said in my other posts. You're making up these ridiculous scenarios to justify your discrimination or your weird obsession with turning gay guys straight. Maybe there are a grand total of 10 people in the country who would fit that scenario.

>> No.11513240

What ridiculous scenario was made up?

>> No.11513248

Magic anti gay pills and gay guys who want to stop being gay. This is described much better by the much mundane thing called being bisexual where you can choose between gay and straight relationships.

>> No.11513257

>Magic anti gay pills
Who said anything about magic?
>gay guys who want to stop being gay
How is that a ridiculous scenario? You really don't think those people exist?

>> No.11513270

>Who said anything about magic?
It's magic since it doesn't exist and all other attempts at conversion are abusive and ineffectual.
>How is that a ridiculous scenario? You really don't think those people exist?
What you are saying describes a bisexual much more accurately. Even then if there somehow was a purely gay man who wants to stop being gay then yes they are welcome to try.

>> No.11513276


Nobody? really?

>>being gay

>>pain in the ass

>> No.11513280

>It's magic since it doesn't exist and all other attempts at conversion are abusive and ineffectual.
Effective conversion treatment does exist. See >>11509632

>> No.11513284

>It's magic since it doesn't exist
That's a weird attitude to have on a science board. I suppose coronavirus can also only be cured by magic?
>all other attempts at conversion are abusive and ineffectual
We have much stronger ethical regulations in place for human experimentation. The argument that research into curing homosexuality is bad because that it requires abuse or electroshock is flawed, it's like arguing against medicine because it requires leaches.
>What you are saying describes a bisexual much more accurately.
Bisexual = gay person who doesn't want to be gay? I don't know too much about that LGTB stuff but that doesn't seem correct.
>Even then if there somehow was a purely gay man who wants to stop being gay then yes they are welcome to try.
Yet apparently homonormative fundamentalists like yourself won't let scientists perform the necessary research to help this poor gay man.

>> No.11513329
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>stabbing electrodes into a mental patient and inducing epilepsy is totally cool guys there is no reason to tolerate gays just zap their open brains lol
Good to know you're just a homophobe. Could have save us all the bullshit. You want to "cure" homosexuality because you think it's wrong even if it means butcher like treatment. Would you like to be turned gay by implanting electrodes in your brain?
>homonormative fundamentalists
Completely meaningless buzzword. You'd rather drill into skulls rather than the simple act of accepting gays. I't mind-boggling that a /sci/ poster cant accept such a simple concept as gays.

>> No.11513336

That study is a complete mockery of science and decency. Fucking disturbing

>> No.11513345

>I'm not an antivaxxer, I just don't like leeches

>> No.11513350

They did not induce epilepsy. Learn to read.

Science is not “whatever agrees with my political views”.

>> No.11513352

>a leech is equivalent to drilling skulls and torture

>> No.11513363

I don't know what taking a junkie from the street, opening head and zapping it while he fucks a prostitute has to do with political views. It's basic human decency.
Funny that you'd make conclusive claims from such a bizarre and horrible study with a single person.

>> No.11513430
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, soyouresaying2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying it would have been better if they'd opened up and zapped more people's heads?

>> No.11513453

Should have been done in the first place but maybe you should volunteer for a lobotomy to fix your retardation

>> No.11513481

Are you against electro-cranial stimulation in general?

>> No.11514867


>> No.11514884

homos mad

realistically thinking sexuality is 100% concrete is fucking stupid

hit me up with an orgasm button and gay porn and youll turn me gey pretty quickly

>> No.11514903

>a man raping a little boy doesnt make him gay
Youre the one trying to cook the books faggot. I will laugh when you die painfully from aids

>> No.11514923

>"cure" implies risk, fault, or flaw. If you want to change sexuality, then so be it, but don't go around insisting it's innately bad.
The std rates of the homosexual community speak for themselves. Being a homosexual is innately bad not to mention degenerate

>> No.11514957

>Not even true in absolute numbers
It is actually.

>> No.11514962

Can one of you homo apologists explain why there is so much overlap between homosexuality and pedophilia?

>> No.11514972

Nearly one third of all children victimized by child molesters are little boys and pretty much all child molesters are men so do the math faggot. At most gays make up three percent of the population so in other words you fags are ten times overrepresented among child molesters.

>> No.11514979

Projecting this much really?

>> No.11514982

>At most gays make up three percent of the population so in other words you fags are ten times overrepresented among child molesters.
So in other words heterosexual men commit more pedo crimes than gay men right is that what you're saying?

>> No.11515338

Mmm. I was mistaken, there are more hetero pedos in absolute numbers. But the relative numbers are a different story. Why is a gay 10x more likely to be a kiddyfucker than a straight?

>> No.11515386

This is so fucking retarded. This is why /pol/tards should be banned from browsing /sci/. They suck at math so much yet act proud in their fucking posts. It's so pathetic that the only thing you could do is troll them.
1. Not every child molester is driven by sexual desire. Most can be driven by power & control. So we're having a great start.
2. You can't make an assumption that 'almost' all men are child molesters. There are a lot of women that sexuality abuse boys too.
3. What makes a gay person gay is by having fantasies of adults, not children. That's like saying that straight pedos could be considered straight, yes but they're not counted as straight, they're counted as pedos. Pedos =/= Gay. Got it?
Now call me a Jew you pussy troll, call me a Jew and you are a gay mothrfuckin troll.

>> No.11515393


>> No.11515465

>Can homosexuality be cured?

stop letting the jews feed your people phytoestrogens, you fucking idolater.

>> No.11516106

>I was mistaken, there are more hetero pedos in absolute numbers
Last I checked it was an even split between heterosexuals, bisexuals and homosexuals - each comprise of a third of all child molesters.

>> No.11516163

>This makes the point that psychiatry is not science. Scientific facts are objective, not dictated by social norms.

sir i don't think the word diseases itself has an objective scientific definition, but perhaps that itself is the point?

>> No.11516249

U mad bro?

>> No.11516463

Not gay but you can channel urges to something like hitting your tongue at the roof of your mouth. I think homosexuality fetishes other stuff aren't born but picked up and can go.

>> No.11516485

Yes, through severe beatings and pain for any homosexual thoughts
Use this for at least 6 months, Fag-be-gone guarantee

>> No.11517102

>You can't make an assumption that 'almost' all men are child molesters. There are a lot of women that sexuality abuse boys too
I'm not assuming anything. The statistics point to over 95 percent of child molesters being men
>What makes a gay person gay is by having fantasies of adults, not children
How convenient. The aids cant take you soon enough

>> No.11517179

the cure is copper jacketed lead administered directly to the brain stem.

100% cure rate

>> No.11517482

lol so edy, i love to rape you into the gay side, admit it you little slut, youd love to have my big strong body bending you over while my big cock sloowly opens your lubricated manpussy and you feel my beard on your neck as i slowly lick and nibble your neck and ears and tell you how im enjoying fucking you and probably you like it too, id run a couple of fingers trough your lips and into your mouth to make you suck them and get them real wet and then use those fingers to masturbate you.

if no one finds out youd be begin me for a second round little slut

>> No.11517662

The actual question to be answered would be why it would need to be cured.

>> No.11517673

fuck, now I'm hard

>> No.11518322

No wonder you bug chasers like to diddle children so often. Filthy disgusting mind. You think this system will protect your filth forever?

>> No.11518330

Intervention only works as puberty emerges. You're gonna have to learn to live with it.

>> No.11518343

>You think this system will protect your filth forever?
Of course, Yes.

>> No.11518358

I have a question, how can we cure heterosexuality?

>> No.11518437

Yes it can you just have to have the willpower to do the things you determine you want and what kind of man you want to be

>> No.11519200

You don’t know that, but you can cope that, as you are.
Disorder is more accurate

>> No.11520065


sexual orientation is determined in the womb. tough luck pal.