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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 127 KB, 640x650, redheads-portraits-brian-dowling-thumb640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11509541 No.11509541 [Reply] [Original]

>dark hair (with one or two red hairs at temples and in beard)

>light blonde

our daughter:
>full-on redhead

what are the odds of our next child being another redhead?

>> No.11509550

Why are you trying to calculate the odds of your next daughter also getting more black cock than usual? Is this some next level cuck shit?

>> No.11509557

>dat projection

Tell me about your father, anon.

>> No.11509569

i've got some bad news for you op, are you sure you want to hear it?

>> No.11509572


>> No.11509646

I have brown hair and brown eyes with blue recessive (my mother and sister have blue eyes). My wife is Chinese from a mountain village. What will my child look like?

>> No.11509691

A hobgoblin

>> No.11509719

I forgot to mention we are both very attractive

>> No.11509726

Anon, I...

>> No.11509956


>> No.11509962

lmao, you guys here talk exactly like /fit/. I thought this was /fit/ for a second

>> No.11510924

If she keeps fucking redheads then I’d say pretty high

>> No.11511016

>wife (male)

>> No.11511284

Molest your daughter and make it 100%.

>> No.11511290

how does the rest of her family look?

>> No.11511308

stop cheating on your wife with redheads

>> No.11511829

>our daughter:
>>full-on redhead
does that also include pubic area? mayeb she will grow out of it...

>> No.11511855


I'm 24 year old kissless handholdless virgin 190cm PhD computer science 80kg good job blonde blue eyes

>> No.11511869

what OS you run on your desktop?

>> No.11511915

Windows :) it just werks

>> No.11511918

your next child will be half black because your wife secretly loves the BBC

>> No.11511954

not gonna make it

>> No.11511993


>> No.11512005

how did your wife's daughter end up being half black AND having red hair?

>> No.11512461
File: 474 KB, 1667x2432, twins3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything can happen

>> No.11512522

Where did that come from? Holy cow, are you hyper insecure or on (((someone's))) payroll?

>> No.11512604

1 in 4 considering you have a recessive red. Unless your wife also secretly has a recessive red? Cause then it's half

>> No.11512606

>I thought getting a vasectomy would stop my sperm but apparently it just turns your child black

>> No.11512615

I hope you respond to your professors with similar questions. That would just be icing on the cake of the image everyone has of you right now

>> No.11512713

It's 4chan everybody talks this way

>> No.11513277

>Mutt's law

>> No.11514828

do you understand what twin means?