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11505338 No.11505338 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that the same people saying that it's highly unethical to genetically modify a living human being or pre-developed fetus also support the idea of aborting developed fetuses and selling their organs? Why is this sort of "ethical" bullshit accepted as valid by most biologists?

>> No.11505346

It doesn't work

>> No.11505356

>Why isn't it ethical to show up to op's house and beat the living shit out of op and his family?

Its ethics ethics vary from person to person, time to time, and country to country.
>Why is this sort of "ethical" bullshit accepted as valid by most biologists?
Da Vinci dug up dead bodies to study them you could be the Da Vinci of human gene editing.

>> No.11505366

It isn't, as long as the parent consents and the edits aren't known to decrease quality of life.

>> No.11505382

You have to realize most institutions are still ran by Christians.

Christians have this very "thou not ought to play god" approach to technology.

Just give it some time.

>> No.11505384

No the problem is human DNA manipulation is impossible. We dont know how to do it so doctors arent going to risk doing it

>> No.11505388

If you edit a baby you're risking destroying its entire life prove how much of a big brain you are. how would you like to have two limp coming out your forehead and autism so strong you can't distinguish a stripper from a goldfish?

>> No.11505390

>human DNA manipulation is impossible

So is flight, exiting the atmosphere, wireless data transmission, and curing chronic diseases. Literally anything is "impossible" until someone decides to put their hand toward researching how to make it attainable. The fact that ethics committees regard it as a serious issue would seem to prove the opposite. Why would you be so strongly opposed to the study of something that is "impossible" unless it were actually somewhat possible?

>> No.11505392

*limp dick

>> No.11505395

“Ethics” is a boring attempt to dress up morality. Morality is nothing but your personal opinion, and as such any discussion about it is unproductive BS.

>> No.11505399

>No the problem is human DNA manipulation is impossible

.........Wrong. Editing human DNA has been done many times. We even create hybrids with other animals, but are legally required to kill them before birth

>> No.11505401

Then you would just abort it

>> No.11505404

Birds arent humans. Sure its possible but we have no idea what the outcomes will be that's why its dangerous

>> No.11505405

So you're saying their are underground labs right now with real human animal hybrids?

Fucking cool

>> No.11505406
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>all phenotypes are clear in utero

>> No.11505408

>what are viruses

>> No.11505409

They weren't created by humans

>> No.11505412

Then you would just euthanize it

>> No.11505414

maybe we should euthanize you, you hand-clapping autist

>> No.11505415

Neither was food nor animals we still use them though

>> No.11505416

I am a citizen
It is wrong to kill citizens

>> No.11505424

babies are citizens, retard.

>> No.11505425


>> No.11505434

they were though, it's called breeding.

>> No.11505435

humans are only citizens if the government knows they exist and gave them a birth certificate and documented their citizenship

>> No.11505437

>babies born underground are citizens
Thats not how it works anon :^)

>> No.11505438

autists such as yourself cannot be diagnosed until after they've been alive for years. you don't want to be executed, do you buddy?

>> No.11505454

Feel free to volunteer to have your brain operated on

>> No.11505455

Then were using viruses as well since were breeding them in labs

>mice for research
>horses for labor
>plants for medicinal uses
>plants for food

>> No.11505458

>hurr why is it unethical to risk fucking up the genetic code of a human

>> No.11505461

Viruses aren't alive. Plants aren't conscious and feel no pain. You're not making sense, retard.

>> No.11505465
File: 58 KB, 600x847, catboy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst case scenario: Dead babies
Best case scenario: Catboys

If you Christians fuck up my catboys there will be hell to pay....

>> No.11505470

Anon, we live in a world that considers the organized execution of developed babies to be ethical. I think we're somewhat beyond the point of a risk making something completely "unethical"

>> No.11505475

Alot of that is cross breeding not genetic engineering. We can do it with some foods but that's alot easier then modifying a human

>> No.11505476

Honestly this.
If abortion is legal then there is no ground to ban gene editing research

They both have the same outcome and gene editing might actually have a positive affect other than dead babies

>> No.11505489

I just said viruses I wasn't the guy that talked about religion and morals.

Which is why I said viruses. We've already been using viruses to modify DNA. That's literally how viruses replicate by taking over their host cells.

>> No.11505499

Worst case scenario: destroying the entire human genome*

>> No.11505502

Couldn’t happen

>> No.11505612

Because now we have computers and they can predict the outcome.
Just calm the fuck down, you are just like science coomsoomers who want everything done in their lifetime, sorry but that won't happen

>> No.11505758

>So you're saying their are underground labs right now with real human animal hybrids?

They’re not even “underground”.

>> No.11505761

>Birds arent humans

Birds and humans are vertebrate animals. If it works for birds, it works for humans. The differences genetically and morphologically are comparatively slim.

>Sure its possible but we have no idea what the outcomes will be that's why its dangerous

Oh well. Life is dangerous. If the fetus is fucked up, kill it. Simple.

>> No.11505764

It isn’t unethical. Sacrifices must be made for progress. If the fetus is defective, abort it. They are mindless anyway.

>> No.11505766

Because the person being born is having their genes tampered with against their will. It's a bit of a fallacy people adopt as, obviously, if you don't have the genes you do you wouldn't exist and it wouldn't matter, but you could draw some parallels to real life circumcision as unnecessary genital mutilation as to why gene editing might be bad.

Truthfully; everyone knows that eugenics is going to become standard in the future one method or another; it's inevitable. There is still a moral discussion even if it's going to happen one way or another.

>> No.11505769

>fuck up gene editing
>resulting person suffers a lifetime of pain

>abort a foetus
>nobody suffers

get a brain, moran

>> No.11505775

So is it the Christians stoping China from doing it?
What about Israel?
>Only America exists and it's all the Christians fault.

>> No.11505776

>resulting person suffers a lifetime of pain

See >>11505761. If no one suffers in an abortion why not just apply the same logic to a failed specimen?

>> No.11505779

>If no one suffers in an abortion why not just apply the same logic to a failed specimen?

Because the specimen may look fine initially and only fail much later when it is already a developed child or even an adult.

>> No.11505781

One is already lucrative

>> No.11505845

It's ethical as long as you put down the crippled creaturas that emerge while figuring out how it works

>> No.11505848

My exact same thoughts, the fact there's people living off it is absolutely pathetic, almost as pathetic as people taking them seriously

>> No.11505857

When do we push the boundaries then and allow them to develop and fully live their lives? Knowing how and how long they live would seem to be pretty valuable knowledge to have before deciding to mass produce a slave race used for organ harvesting.

>> No.11505869

>Because the specimen may look fine initially and only fail much later when it is already a developed child or even an adult.

Try again.

>> No.11506771
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>The differences genetically and morphologically are comparatively slim.
Aren't you supposed to be long dead?

>> No.11507043

Because everyone would give their kids Eurocentric features, and the Jews don't want that

>> No.11507111

It's also pretty new and uncharted territory, and doing dry runs with humans is generally frowned upon

>> No.11507116

fetuses would be the dry run
Fetuses are not citizens

>> No.11507249

For the same reason torture is highly unethical.

>> No.11507251

the fetuses will become humans and suffer your mistakes.

>> No.11507272

Its worth the cost

>> No.11507720

but listen, if you willingly have a kid with someone at 20 IQ, you are also fucking up their life. If you use old sperm/egg and have a tard, you fucked up their life.

Genes are already a lottery.

>> No.11507732

don't break a few eggs without making an omelet

>> No.11509043
File: 456 KB, 790x960, SPOUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have the means to prevent someone from suffering, is it not in your duty to prevent that suffering? Hug the lepers, feed the poor, etc. If you can prevent someone from that miserable life, is it not in your duty to do so?

The biggest ethical issue with gene-editing is that the science and methods are still in their early infancy. If and when methods improve, then the debate will shift to consider the ethics of intentionally dooming children to mental retardation- or worse.

>> No.11509047

Because it will starve out big pharma in the long term. Genetic engineering offers permanent solutions to chronic diseases.

>> No.11509057

It's the societal impact that's terrifying. Gene editing would set another divide between those with and those without. Watch Gattaca.

>> No.11509729

t. Jew that knows Jews runs everything

>> No.11510129

Absolutely could.

>> No.11510144
File: 580 KB, 1024x1055, remember_to_hone_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its ethics ethics vary from person to person, time to time, and country to country.
No. Just because we don't have the tools to derive what is ethical/moral does not mean that they are subjective. Just because people disagree that the Earth revolves around the Sun doesn't it subjective. Things can be complicated without being subjective.

>> No.11510152
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>> No.11510816
File: 74 KB, 209x288, 209px-KF_Kevin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give the authority to insecure brainiacs to play god and strip their morals and see where the opportunists take you.