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11504908 No.11504908 [Reply] [Original]

I waste all day cooming, browsing boards and listening to music, I just want to study but I don't have the discipline, how do I do it, can I trick my brain somehow? Lock myself in a room with nothing but books for 48 hours? I need help

>> No.11504914

do the exact opposite idiot

>> No.11504916

Just keep pressing F5, imbecile.

>> No.11504918

But I can't stop consooming

>> No.11504920

I rebind reloading to the r key because I'm too lazy to reach f5

>> No.11504922

Life isn't linear. Life is oscillation between stress and recovery.

>> No.11504932

>Lock myself in a room with nothing but books for 48 hours
Sounds like a good start. Better yet, through your shit out. You may want to do things rationally but your brain is content and enjoys what you do. Changing your lifestyle will invoke stress. I suggest reading about kaizen.

>> No.11504935


>> No.11504939

Designate a fixed time of day to study. Start with 1 hour, then increase with moderation. The goal should be low enough to met with moderate effort. Consistence is far more important than burning yourself out studying all day a single day.

Use stimulants. Get amphetamine or methylphenidate from a psychiatrist. Failing that, get a dopamine receptor agonist if they are OTC in your country. Failing that, get guanfacine, clonidine or propranolol (any of these use with care and do your own research; they have cardiovascular effects).

Do not open 4chan or any similar time sink prior to or during your study time. Do it only after your study time.

>Lock myself in a room with nothing but books for 48 hours? I need help
No; this will just lead to burnout. You will learn very little in 48 hours. You need hundreds of hours (obviously spread through many) days to learn anything of significance.

>> No.11504960

Study for 10 minutes. Then increase. If that is stressful, sit for down for a minute. The point is that if you feel any degree of stress or anxiety you already failed. You will eventually drop out. By starting with 1-10 minutes you are actually building a habit and avoiding any stress response. But really your best bet is to do this, and throw away your distracting toys. Find something else that's more productive but fun. Go for a walk or something. Detox.

>> No.11504964

>The point is that if you feel any degree of stress or anxiety you already failed.
I disagree with this. Any non-trivial subject will have at least some parts that are really hard. It is impossible to not to feel some distress.

>> No.11504979

That's not the point. If you dread sitting down at a desk to study, doing it for an hour makes it even worse. So do it for 10 minutes or maybe even less. You're not going to make a habit of doing something you hate. Just look at new year's resolutions. Start small, just sit down at a desk if need be.

>> No.11505025

>That's not the point. If you dread sitting down at a desk to study, doing it for an hour makes it even worse.
That is how this works. Studying anything rigorous is hard, sometimes very hard. It is unavoidable to dread study. We study for knowledge. We enjoy knowledge. Only with sacrifice comes results. No pain, no gain. I mentioned pharmaceuticals that help to push oneself.

>So do it for 10 minutes or maybe even less.
Too little; it is of no significance.

>Just look at new year's resolutions.
I do not make new year resolutions. It would be irrational because there is nothing special with rollover of year.

>> No.11505128

>no pain no gain
>studying is painful
>do what you hate, it will work bro
>take meds
Still clueless, spouting hopeless mantra. The point of taking a small action, such as sitting down to study for even 3 minutes, is to build a habit, avoid the stress response, and put down new neurological patterns. Come back when you get what I'm saying.

>> No.11505266

Studying is torture more often than not. It is delusional to think one can study without distress other than by avoiding everything that is hard, which also excludes knowledge in depth in any rigorous discipline, especially mathematics.

>> No.11505290

You can still enjoy an extremely difficult task even in higher-level math

>> No.11505337

somethings take a lot longer than 10 minutes to get anything done.

>> No.11505343

even though I don't practice it myself, i'd say identify your time sinks, and when you want to go to them instead stare at the wall with your own thoughts till you want to get back to work.

>> No.11505353

The point is that you take a small step when starting out. You’re not going to be studying for 10 minutes forever. Taking a small step is better because your brain gets adjusted to it and builds a habit. I use this technique myself

>> No.11505361

Your comprehension skills need work. Anon is just starting out. If he can’t even get himself started then what are you even talking about? Start out simple, easy, and eventually you will enjoy it as you get to the difficult stuff. But if you force yourself through it you will just hate the whole thing. Great scientists don’t hate what they’re doing, for grades or material gain

>> No.11505423

You must be an absolute moron if you can't understand why he prescribes what he does, no wonder you advertise learning by rote.

>> No.11505444
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Locking yourself will do nothing, you will just daydream constantly.
You consume media because you need to escape the stress studying induce on you.
If you lock yourself, seeing how little you improved will just increase the pressure on you, at the end of the day it will mean more escapism.

If you're like what prevent you to act is the fear of failure. I don't know the solution but if you can't reverse the trend the problem will just keep getting worse.

>> No.11505451

Looks like my profile picture lol

>> No.11505472

i get ur point anon, but I respectfully disagree. You see, its like working out. You might not like it at first, but eventually you'll develop a deep love for the activity by knowing it will bear fruits of passion and perspiration.

>> No.11505553

>develop a deep love
Not really. You will likely drop out. Most people set these goals, do all these reps, sets, an hour per day, meal prep. It’s stressful. If you do one push-up and sit-up per day it’s impossible to fail, and you’re building a new habit and avoiding a stress response. With time you will go beyond that and do more, and really enjoy it by that point. The same applies to math or anything else really. You can’t force yourself to do something, and if you suffer through something you will likely give up unless there is some sort of external pressure to do it. There will be exceptions but generally that is what happens.

>> No.11505566

>pic rel
Do you know why le doomer meme and shit like it work ?
Because it appeals to the normies who identify with an image of a lifestyle they saw somewhere and though it was cool, this meme doesn't work nearly aswell as even the virgin meme because it doesn't cast a net over the majority of people on this site and doesn't serve the same ironic purpose ; effectively just another Reddit rage comics
>inb4 autism
>inb4 Reddit
>inb4 phone poster

>> No.11505593

You have to understand that it's not because you have 4chan easily available that you don't study, you actively look after distraction. The problem here is not a short attention span or someone/something exterior that keep distract you.

First think you have to do before starting a study session is calming yourself. For me it's a long walk. I know that when I will return to home I will have to act. If you're calm, or rather, you could take the the time to fully realize that you will have to do something, you should be able to act.
You have to understand that what you feel when you want to act it's the same thing you would feel if you would go parachuting or picking up girl on the street.
Your brain actively try to prevent you to act, he search anything to keep you to do something he see as dangerous. Now, how would you go if you wanted to skydiving or picking up a girl? You would have to be extremely calm or act without thinking about it, without letting your brain to realize what happened.
But even if you managed to get started the brain will still constantly look after something to keep you out. Cutting all distraction will permit you to keep going a little longer, but you could still day dream or just suddenly feeling tired, you will need an external pressure to be able to continue. What work for me is doing an all-nighter.

Accepting to studying a little and increasing over time like some anon says it's your only way afaik.

>> No.11505711

Good advice. OP’s lifestyle is fundamentally a safe, pleasurable habit that lesser regions of the brain enjoy.

Now, you may rationally want to enact changes but there are forces within your brain working against you. So take it slow, make your change so small that it’s impossible for you to not do it. If you’re dreading the activity, or making excuses, you’re likely to fail in the long run. I also suggest going on a detox from technology altogether and using this time to discover what else you might enjoy.

>> No.11505782

if you know that your reward system in your brain is fucked why don't you exploit this?

start by doing it small, let's say you set yourself a rule:
- I will only allow myself to coom if I have exercised at least 30 minutes a day for 4 consecutive days
- After I've eaten healthy for 4 days and no sugar I will allow myself to have a chocolate

You get the basic idea, this is how people train animals too. Only reward yourself when you succeed. This way, your brain won't get directly addicted to the reward itself but to the action leading to earning those rewards.

>> No.11507328

do you work out? if not, go do rich pianas 8 hour arm workout, right now. did i say create a routine with solid progression, starting at a level you are comfortable with? no, clearly the best way to work out is by starting at the highest level.

>> No.11507343

You basically have to just turn it into a habit that replaces your unhealthy ones

To form discipline requires you to force yourself to do these things at certain times of the day at a regular basis.

In my experience, once I get over the initial hurdle I find it quite easy to focus and study what I need to, but you really do have to force yourself to be productive to some degree. But it gets easier with time.

>> No.11507358

study something you like, not something youre forced to to become a PRODOOCER

>> No.11507396

Use your degree in your daydreams

>> No.11507476

How did your wright this comment then? Or do you also remap F5 to R?

>> No.11507655

you need accountability and structure
and you need to realize that youre going to die

>> No.11507678
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>> No.11507681

>I don't have the discipline
Eat healthy.
Go to school every day.
Exercise your brain (study what you like), and body(go to the gym instead of doing synthetic drugs- legal or otherwise illegal).
Dress nicely, be groomed well and smell nice too .
If you like to drink alcohol dont get drunk and appreciate and research the tastes and aromas of what you drink, doesn't matter if you drink whiskey, vodka, red wine, cognac or beer.
You should drink an espresso, latte or cappuccino in the morning.
And if you smoke u should quit it, otherwise smoke cigars or pipe (i mean high quality and tobacco and not cheap shit full of nicotine to turn you into a junkie) once in a while.
Also you should network only with nice high class people.

>> No.11508023


>> No.11508791

you sound even more insufferable than he does. how about adding something to the conversation?

>> No.11508849
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>lets exploit this
I will only allow myself to coom if I have exercised at least 30 minutes a day for 4 consecutive days
>aiet sweet time to excise
>why arn't I excersing
>why can't I get myself to go excersise
>why am I fapping
>aw shit I coomed again and i still haven't exercised.
>try again to get yourself to exercise
>fap instead
>tfw too depressed to exercise so start browsing 4chan instead.
>watch porn, coom again, and then again. maybe a third time.
>jesus why can't I maker myself excersise or get out of bed
>coom again.
After I've eaten healthy for 4 days and no sugar I will allow myself to have a chocolate
>decide to go downstairs and eat fruit
>oh noe i'm now watching porn instead
>want to go down stairs and eat fruit
>coom again.
>tfw too depressed to coom
>lie in bed for 15 min regretting choices.
>finally go down stairs to eat fruit.
>eat chocolate.
>being punching self in head out of frustration
>eat fruit as well after 4 bars of chocolate.

Anon my friend this is literally what it's like being a coom brain, you do not grasp the extent of utter debilitation brain damage to the frontal cortex brings you. I had to go to a Buddhist meditation camp for weeks to cure myself of it. And now I am back to cooming but not nearly as bad.

>> No.11509366

What you are saying works only if you have at least some form of willpower to keep through it, which isn't the case for everyone, of course you eventually develop a love for it, but that's only if you didn't give up before that.
The "useless" 10 minutes each day at first are for no other reason than that : providing a way to keep going even with little willpower.

>> No.11509399

>What you are saying works only if you have at least some form of willpower to keep through it, which isn't the case for everyone, of course you eventually develop a love for it, but that's only if you didn't give up before that.
I am the anon that described the method you are talking about. I use it myself. I do not believe in just using willpower. Willpower only gets one so far. I use methylphenidate during my study time.

>> No.11509404

you need a dopamine detox

>> No.11509411

Please keep oversimplifications of neurotransmitters out of /sci/. Lies-to-children belong to popular “science”, which is not science.

>> No.11509423

I have had issues with this for quite a while. I think the best solution is the Final Solution. You rent a cabin in the woods for a week, should be $300 or so. Go there with food and a journal. Leave your phone in your car. And just force yourself to wait it out through whatever means necessary. Meditate, write shit, walk through the woods and you will come out a new man.

>> No.11509510

Habits. Do a 30 day challenge. Start small, boost up.
Keep records, how would you rate your excitement about mindless browsing? Rate your achievement at the end of each day. Are you actually okay with being not only shit at entertaining yourself, but giving up all achievement for that faint buzz?

It should scare the absolute shit out of you that at your current rate, in a year, or three years, or ten years you will be NO CLOSER whatsoever to any dream you've ever had, even small ones. You will have read maybe one or two books. You will be no closer to a degree. That should scare the fuck out of you.

>> No.11509970

Sounds like hell and I feel like I'm on the way there.
You well did you feel after being back to normal ? Do you think you could do the aforementioned "exploit" method now that your situation is better ?


>> No.11509974

What exactly would prevent me from cooming from boredom ? I have hundreds of doujins memorised ready to be thought about if need be.

>> No.11509976

Well where I am now is infinitely better than where I was, but still pretty shit because I still coom multiple times per day and i've had a relapse. But again, I have some measure of free will, am able to play video games for an hour while listening to podcasts to pass the time ect. Not too bad compared to where I was.

>> No.11510015

Cooming from imagination is fine imo, it's when you have endless images and videos that it becomes an issue.

>> No.11510120

this is good advice

>> No.11510146

>scientific method
No such thing. Read a book, retard.

>> No.11510190

The instant gratification you get is much less than with an endless supply of new content, but it still floods your brain with pleasure. It's definitely far less harmful, but I can't see that not being an issue if cooming frequency is kept the same as before.

I'm sure I could try switching off porn with little motivation, I'd just have to coom whenever the urge to go watch porn is rising. No ?

>> No.11511548

I'm sure there are methods that are better than others